MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 047 Police comrade, do you suspect that I killed her?

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"Wang Jianlei is 48 years old, married, and his wife is a head nurse in another hospital. [The cotton candy novel network is updated fast, the website page is refreshing, there are few advertisements, no pop-up window, most like this website, it must be praised] There is a Son, 19 years old, is studying in France. Wang Jianlei is the hospital's main knife, and his wife is very busy as a head nurse. The couple don't have much time in a week. Although I don't know what Wang Jianlei and Cao Keya are. Hooked together, but in the hospital, Wang Jianlei's style is good. The technology is good, it is said that he is also very happy to bring an intern, and he is very patient when teaching students."

"We asked the doctors and nurses in the hospital about Wang Jianlei's impression that he had a good relationship with his wife. In the hospital, he also maintained proper courtesy distances with female doctors, nurses, and patients, and occasionally opened innocent jokes. Very easy to approach, so the popularity is very good."

"In the event of festivals and anniversaries, I will also prepare gifts for his wife. The hospital does not know what he and Cao Keya are. Just because Cao Keya was killed, we went to the hospital to investigate and asked Wang Jianlei and Cao. The things that can be done, the hospital only knows. At first they could not believe it, because Wang Jianlei’s image in the hospital is really good, and he never saw him who is close to the opposite sex, usually pay attention to get along. Distance, although Cao Keya is a nurse in internal medicine, but in different departments, there is no intensive intersection with Wang Jianlei. Finally, Wang Jianlei himself admitted."

"And the nurse with Cao Keya's department said that Cao Keya has a boyfriend who has been in contact for many years, called Zheng Xiaogong. Both of them are nursing graduates. When they went to school, they were in contact, until graduation, Cao Ke Yajin went to the hospital, and her boyfriend's family had a relationship with the Health Bureau and worked in the disease prevention and control department. Then we checked that Cao Keya had already broken up with her boyfriend for four months."

"Although her boyfriend's family is the health bureau that sent him to the relationship, but it also cost a lot of money, and all the relatives have joined together. [Mallows candy novels want to see almost all books Ah, it is much more stable than the average novel website. There is no advertisement for the whole text.] Her boyfriend’s family is in general condition, and his boyfriend said that after graduation, the two started working and met less. Because the nurse is scheduled to rest. It is not regular. And he belongs to the career establishment. He is 9 to 5, he is not busy at work, he rests as usual on weekends, and rarely works overtime. But the two still squeeze out time to date, but later Cao Keya is more and more about him. impatient."

"When he first entered the unit, the salary was 3,000, and then it rose to 3,500. As a nurse, Cao Keya did not have a test title, and the salary was not high. The two went out to date and it was also very difficult. It is precisely because In this way, Cao Keya is becoming more and more impatient with Zheng Xiaogong."

"Later Zheng Gong called her every time. She said that she was going to prepare for the exam. She was endorsing. The two didn't meet too much. They didn't communicate very much. Until four months ago, Cao Keya's birthday, Zheng Xiaogong wanted to give her a surprise. I went directly to the hospital, etc. But when I saw Cao Keya coming out, I was careful, as if I was looking for someone."

"He just followed her. As a result, she was on a street near the hospital and saw that she was on a BMW. He took a taxi and followed, and found that the car drove into a community, but he knew that it was not Cao. Canya's home. Cao Keya's family conditions are also general, in the city of T, there is only one property that her parents had in the original unit."

Fortunately, the actual management of the community was not very strict, and the taxi was released by the security guard. Therefore, Zheng Xiaogong saw that Cao Keya and Wang Jianlei were very close to get off. Wang Jianlei showed Cao Keya, and the two had not yet entered. The unit door, I can’t help but kiss it.”

Zhao Yiyang shook his head and said: "It really is that people can't look at the surface."

"So Zheng Xiaogong broke up with Cao Keya. According to Cao Keya's death time, Zheng Xiaogong and Wang Jianlei have proof of absence. These are checked until this morning. In the afternoon, we are going to ask Wang Jianlei's wife Lu Zhengmei to ask, After Wang Jianlei and Cao Keya’s relationship was exposed, Lu Zhengmei was divorcing with Wang Jianlei. She moved out that day and is now separating.” Yang Shaoqun said.

Anyway, when the three people came, there was nothing to do, and it was impossible to go out to handle the case alone. Just follow Zhang Shanfei and go to find Lu Zhengmei.

Lu Zhengmei looked at the four people in front of him. I wanted to come to her to understand the situation and dispatched four policemen. Would you like to have such a big audience?

Is she still the criminal suspect in their eyes?

"Ms. Lu, do you know the relationship between your husband and the deceased Cao Keya?" Zhang Shanfei asked.

Lu Zhengmei shook his head. "I also learned from the hospital nurses when they went to the hospital to ask him about Cao Keya. She was originally a colleague with me and later transferred to that hospital."

Lu Zhengmei sneered at himself. "It's ridiculous. I know all the hospitals. From the doctor to the patient, no one is not behind. But Wang Jianlei still doesn't say anything. I know that he dare not tell me.

Lu Zhengmei sneered at the "coward" and did not hide his disdain for Wang Jianlei in front of Qi Youxuan.

"The result is that I have to know from other people." Lu Zhengmei said with anger, his eyes are red, "so I moved out immediately."

"From 10:00 on the 25th to 9:00 on the 26th, where are you?" Zhang Shanfei asked.

When I heard the time, Lu Zhengmei flashed the **** and said: "No. 25 is my birthday. It was built that day... Wang Jianlei specially arranged the class, gave the surgery to others, and went to work to accompany me on birthday. He was in a hall. Booked the location, the hotel's monitoring should be able to find us, as well as invoices, credit card records, can be found."

"It’s ridiculous at that time, I still don’t know that he was already outside with the hospital*. I didn’t know how much I was sorry for it. I was very touched and said that he was very kind to me. Thank you for supporting me for so many years, loving me, supporting me. I also sent a photo of dinner that night, and I took a photo with my selfie in the circle of friends. WeChat friends have a message to bless us and also envy me. ”

Lu Zhengmei sneered. "But now, it is estimated that I have become sympathetic to me. I don't even know my husband*. I have been deceived by him in the illusion. I still think that I am happy and show my love. Now I am sure that I have been jokes and died. ”

"According to this, from 10:00 pm on the 25th to 9:00 am on the 26th, Wang Jianlei has always been with you?" Zhang Shanfei asked.

"Yeah." Lu Zhengmei nodded. "It was my birthday that day. He couldn't have thrown me down on that day. People, so I am not afraid of being suspected by me?"

"Do you hate Wang Jianlei?" Qi Youxuan suddenly asked.

Lu Zhengmei was also surprised. He stayed for a long while and said: "Hate, how can you not hate? I thought that the man who had been stunned for more than 20 years, when he was old, he was almost retired, but he was Looking for a little girl outside, and reviving the second spring. Our son is so big, he doesn't feel scared? I hate him for knowing that he has a family, but he is not responsible for raising the trust of his wife and his son. On the other hand, when you come back, you can show us a sense of integrity and love, and you can see another look in the hospital."

"That* is 20 years younger than him! Is he not disgusting? And he is still in his own hospital, the rabbit still does not eat grass in the nest!" Lu Zhengmei bit his teeth, his voice choked, "I know that a dead person is right or wrong." Kindly, you can make a slap in the palm of your hand, Wang Jianlei is not right, but Cao Keya is a little girl of two decades. The youth is just right. What do you have to do to give a man with a wife and a son a small three children and destroy the family? Wang Jianlei is so old. When her dad can do it, isn't she and him a money? Wang Jianlei is actually betraying our mother and child for such a woman who has no vision and no morality."

"Cao Keya is dead now, things are so big, not just around me, even my son knows around. His father has raised a little three children who are only five years older than my son. My son is now in France. Reading, it’s okay, can you wait for his holiday to come back? My son has to face the neighbors around us, facing his former classmates, is he still letting him avoid it, and he is no longer in contact with people? Wang Jianlei is letting We drowned in the spit! When he was happy outside, did you think about us? Can you have a trace of it?"

Lu Zhengmei paused and suddenly chuckled. "I think he has it, so I have always been very good to me. I feel that he is happy to be happy outside, only to double the performance of a good husband, the role of a good father. You ask me to hate Don't hate? He ruined our lives, how can I not hate."

Qi You nodded and no longer talked, Zhang Shanfei could not help but ask, "What about Cao Keya?"

"Comrade comrade, do you suspect that I killed her?" Lu Zhengmei licked her lips and was treated as a suspect. Normal people would be scared!

Besides, this is still a murder case!

"No, just ask routinely." Zhang Shanfei smiled and tried to let Lu Zhengmei relax.

Lu Zhengmei said with a serious look: "I hate him and hate Cao Keya for ruining our good family. It is not a reason to work with each other. I asked myself to do very well in these years. I don't know if he is What kind of hard work do I do, what am I doing for him?"

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