MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 048 Inserts Everyone has a hodgepodge 7

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Xiaoyou Ning and Xiaoxi Orange moved their eyes from Zuseel's face to Chang Jing's face, and then fell on the face of the girl who came over. [Look at the latest chapter of the book, please go to the Marshmallow novel network]

Although the other three are calmer than the two, the five little faces are wonderful.

"It’s awkward to learn," Zhou Feiyi said with a smile. He saw Chang Jingyu and saw five small dumplings. "You... really lively!"

"My nephew niece, take them to dinner." Zhai Zeer said politely.

Even the five small squads have noticed that 阮zer’s attitude towards the aunt is very different from that of Chang Jing.

Obviously, although the aunt is polite, she is very unfamiliar, and the invisible seems to be always separated by a barrier. Can be with Chang Jing and their small scum, although from the fun, occasionally fangs are often quiet and suffocating enough, but this can more clearly show that the relationship between several people is closer.

Chang Jingzhen recognized Zhou Feiyi. She was a little less than Zhai Zel. She stayed at the school after graduating from the postgraduate school. The original graduate student did not have a high degree of education for staying in school. Like 阮泽尔硕博连读, plus his own ability to be there, a big initiative invited him to stay in school, was rejected by Zhaizel, only became a guest teacher.

However, Zhou Feiyi was originally a university student union, not the kind of department, but also the organization minister, often showing face in front of the school leaders. In addition, Zhou Feiyi's family is also somewhat basic, and the family donated a lot of money to the school.

Generally, I want to stay in school. The conditions are normal, but my own conditions are good. If you want a stable job, you can stay in school and say good things.

In this way, in the case of strength is not as good as financial resources, the number of students staying in school must be squeezed by Zhou Feiyi. Besides, Zhou Feiyi's communication skills are also good, and his ability is also there. In addition, his own background can help the school to attract a lot of sponsorship. The comprehensive strength is indeed stronger than others.

Zhou Feiyi stayed in school as a counselor, but because he still wants to work hard, he is now pondering the master's degree and giving the professor an assistant.

After attending classes, I still recognize Zhou Feiyi.

Zhou Feiyi also heard the rumored relationship in the school about the relationship between Zhai Zeer and Chang Jingzhen. She is not clear about the background of Chang Jing. [The book of cotton candy novels wants to see almost all of them. It is much more stable than the general novel website. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

In addition to attending the banquets of the eight major families, Chang Jingyi generally goes out to do business and attend banquets.

It is not snobbery, but because of the relationship between Yu Danchen and the eight major families, she is familiar with her own party, and there is no pressure. And Chang Zhiyuan’s banquets in the business field, she really is not interested, standing there, not talking about people, not as good as playing games at home.

Therefore, Zhou Feiyi really did not know Chang Jingwei, but she only listened to the rumors of Zhai Zeer and Chang Jingwei. She was curious about her, secretly paid attention to her, knew what she looked like, and also met in class. She, but she does not know the background of her home and her family.

If you know, Zhou Feiyi girl must not dare to look down on Chang Jing.

But at this time, she didn't know, but she was a little scornful in her heart, but she looked like she was interested. "Is this a quiet girl? Are you a prostitute who is also a senior?"

Chang Jingwei: "..."

Five small dumplings: "..."

Zhou Feiyi obviously does not know what happened in the classroom today, otherwise the mood must not be so easy.

"Sister is good, she is us." Xiaoyou Ning said softly, the small hand of the meat grabbed the hand of Chang Jingwei.

Xiaoyou Ning called her sister, Zhou Feiyi was very happy, thinking that the little girl was so cute, her mouth was sweet, she knew her sister.

But I don’t know what Xiaoyou Ning thinks. My name is Zhai Zer, and you are called Auntie. Isn’t that your face? Calling my sister, you are not a generation of people!

"Hello." Zhou Feiyi took out her sweetest smile and said with a scorpion.

Xiaoxi Orange turned his head and turned to Wei Mu's eyes, Wei Muche snickered and touched Xiao Xi's head.

She doesn't understand why some adults must talk to them with their voices. Can't they understand the normal tone?

"Oh, I am hungry." Xiaoyou Ning took the hand of Zhai Zeer. "When can we go to eat!"

"Sorry, the children are hungry, I will take them to dinner first." Zhai Zeer said faintly, he must turn around.

"Wait a minute!" Zhou Feiyi stopped him. "I am also coming to eat. Do you mind if I am with you?"

"Sister, we are family gatherings today. When there are outsiders in the future, call you again!" Xiaoyou Ning laughed at Mimi.

"Yeah, my grandfather will come again in a while, sister, do you want to take the opportunity to see your parents?" Xiaoxi orange smiled sweetly, and the two dimples inherited from Qi Chengyue looked particularly harmless, innocent and lovely.

She didn't lie. On the way she just came, Zhai Zeer called Mt. Keshan. I heard that they came. Mt. Keshan said that he must come over to eat with his grandchildren at noon.

Zhou Feiyi’s smile was a little stiff, and he said something like “溺人:大”!

In the hotel, there is a song of auspicious Sambo, Xiaoyou always sings with the music, "Hey, hey, it’s fortunate~~ Fu~'s family~"

Chang Jingwei: "..."

Zhou Feiyi: "..."

Xiao Youli feels that at this time, the second brother is really the son of the uncle, usually watching the silent, critical moment, will be a blow.

Zhai Zeer smiled at Mimi's touch of Xiaoyou's head. "Singing really nice, they are all on."

"..." Chang Jingwei, "Is the focus not on this? (#`o')"

However, Zhai Zeer did not seem to see Chang Jing's face like a sly look. He directly took the hand of Chang Jing's hand and let the five small squads keep up. "Go, eat."

Chang Jing’s hand was burned by his palm, and the shaking was about to be withdrawn, but it was held harder by Zizil, so he could only be caught by him.

From small to large, it is the first time that a man with an unrelated relationship is holding hands...

Chang Jing's ear is very red.

Yuzil Yuguang saw her reaction and couldn't help but laugh. Originally, she was not familiar with her. She only knew that she was the daughter of Qidan’s morning family. She only thought that this girl was very introverted. She didn’t talk much, but she looked at the honesty and did not have the pride of a rich woman, but more than usual. Jingqiu is good, I don’t know how much.

Later, I got in touch and knew that she always secretly sneaked delicious food to Yu Xuan and You Ning. I thought this girl was very interesting. I knew that she would not forget to buy meat for two little guys when she went there. The little guy is simply too good to want to give all that he can give, and the heart-wrenching look is a bit silly.

Later, the two of them were also familiar, and Zizen discovered more and more different kinds of things. For those who are not familiar, Chang Jing is introverted, but after she is cooked, she will find that her expression is not too rich, it is simply selling stupid anytime, anywhere, and I still don't know.

And sometimes the psychological age is just as big as Xiaoyou Ning, the one that plays with them is a good one, and there is no generation gap.

Zizil said that he likes to watch Chang Jing and sell stupid!

For example, now. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

When the first lucky three treasures in the hotel were repeating the chorus, the five small scorpions sang together and sang together: "Hey, hey, it’s fortunate~~ Fu~'s family~"

Only Zhou Feiyi stood in the same place, especially when he saw that Zhai Zeer and Chang Jing’s hands were holding hands, it was really glaring.

Zhou Feiyi did not want to stay at this restaurant, and left in a hurry.

When I got back to school, I knew the anecdote that happened in the class of Zhezel.

After a while, Mt. Keshan also rushed to the hotel, just to check out the little guys. Although she had eaten a tofu feast full of belly, Xiaoyou Ning said that she was very satisfied. It was just like eating meat. It was slowly meaty and slippery.

I saw five small squads on their own cars, and they were brought back by their own drivers. The five small corps also promised to send text messages to him and Zhai Zeer.

Chang Jingwei returned to school with Zize and Mt.

In fact, Chang Jingyi wants to go by himself, but both Zize and Mt. Keshan are acquaintances. She suggested that she was too far away, even strange, so she could only follow the father and son with a hard scalp.

Zhaizel looked down at Chang Jing, who was walking all the way down, and wanted to hold her hand, but in the case of Mt. Keshan, it was too difficult to do too much.

Although Chang Jingying is staring at the ground, he can't look at the road with his eyes pressed, and his feet are smashed.

"Looking down and walking can still be picked up." Zhai Zeer held her in time, and the other hand wrapped her waist, then she held her, and pulled it in her arms.

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