MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 149 You are the most beautiful cloud in the sky.

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The little guy turned his eyes and it was really narrow. <>Read the full text of the latest chapter

Look at the banana mud on the ground, it is really bad.

But the little guy hasn't had time to talk yet. Chang Jianan has already pointed to a box of octopus that also fell to the ground, and he cried when he opened his mouth. "You lose my octopus!"

The little guy frowned and stepped back and decided to stay away from Chang Jianan.

Zhai Zeer also carefully took the little guy's shoulder and protected him. He listened to Qi Youxuan and said, "What do you say, it is obvious that you came to hit me. You make bad want to bully people, and then burn your own octopus." I smashed it and cried. You see my fried bananas are gone, and I haven’t told you anything. So many people here, can you not be a shame?"

Chang Jianan cried and pointed at Qi Youxuan. "You hit me! Qi Youxuan, what hate me with you, you have been targeting me! I have been forced to transfer to you, how are you so bad!"

At this time, Chang Jingqiu rushed to the elders and elders. Chang Jingqiu met Qi Youxuan, his eyes flashed, but he did not know the identity of Zhai Zell.

If you have nothing to do, look at Chang Jianan.

The old lady twisted her eyebrows. "How come you are! This time the adults are not around, they run out again and blame!"

"Old lady, you don't want to be so indiscriminate." Zhai Zeer certainly won't let Qi Youxuan.

Although he is only 18 years old, but he is away from home, he is Qi Youxuan’s embarrassment, he has to protect him.

"How do I marry him! My grandson is crying, and everything is falling on the ground! Isn't he still holding the grilled squid in his hand?" The old lady said sharply, let Qi Youxuan and Zhai Zel straight frown. She was hurt by her voice.

"It’s your grandson who suddenly slammed into it. So many people are watching it. You are a little too limited if you don’t care.” Zhaizel said, “You’re still not doing well, your grandson is crying first, still wicked. First, how good is the tutor!"

"Grandma, don't you have a general knowledge of them. You don't want to think about it. What kind of person is this child's mother? I can't get on the table. I thought that I recognized my relatives and my status is precious. I don't know that some things are in the bones, not It’s OK to change the layer identity.” Chang Jingqiu’s disdainful eyes squinted at Qi Youxuan, as if he was abandoning his blood.

Chang Jingqiu, before he can think of a once-and-for-all solution, can do as much as possible to ruin the impression of Yan Danchen in the hearts of old ladies.

As long as the elders are more and more hated, they will hate to see that this person is disgusting, and to the point where they can't turn, even if the last truth comes out, the elders may not be able to put down the previous care for Yu Danchen, saying that they must not be because of these years. The grace of parenting can't be put down for yourself.

Zhai Zer roared Chang Jingqiu, and really wanted to return the original number to her. It was terrible that she suspected that she would do something bad for Dan Dan, and then she endured the internal injuries and did not say it.

Zhai Zer quietly pinched the shoulders of Qi Youxuan, Qi Youxuan immediately met, his eyes were red, and began to shed tears, but not like Chang Jianan crying.

The more it is so forbearing, the more it is guilty of grievances, and the more pitiful than Chang Jianan.

Besides, there are indeed many people who have seen it. Chang Jianan suddenly bumped into it. It has nothing to do with the beautiful young man and the little fat man.

At this time, Zhai Zell is also a deep and calm, and sneer at the corner of his mouth. "The old lady will not want to rely on the old and sell old here, bullying us two young people. You Xuan is only 7 years old, you have seen him repeatedly. All the insults, pointing his nose to his mother, and talking about tutoring, I want to know where your tutor is, who is not tutor. Today I took it out and the adults did not follow. I am a high school student, I am afraid that I can’t help you, but I also do my best. I can’t let him suffer your grievance here. You bully us when we are young, adults are absent, no one gives us reason, is it? ?"

Zhai Zell is a beautiful young boy who speaks in a faint, quiet tone, but it makes people feel as if they are grievances.

Besides, everyone has a good impression of beautiful teenagers, especially women. It’s too bad for a so-called old woman like the old lady to bully the young boy and the cute scorpion!

The people who come to the snack street are mostly women. They are so beautiful and very rude to Chang Jingqiu, especially not cold. [Look at the latest chapter of the book, please go to marshmallow.] Then say what happened in the end, everyone has eyes, they all see clearly, but also can not see the old lady's sinful behavior.

For a time, the condemnation began.

Zhai Zeer expressed his gratitude to everyone, but the happiness of these people was broken. Looking at him and Qi Youxuan’s eyes, they were even more distressed and more friendly.

Zhai Zeer picked up Qi Youxuan and walked straight away from Chang Jingqiu, no longer paying attention to them.

The little guy is still holding the grilled squid in his hand, and a pair of black and white eyes are clearly watching Chang Jingqiu.

Until they couldn't see them, the little guy said with a sullen voice: "I don't want to be cheaper for her, let her live a good life in the house, why?"

Zhai Zer put Qi You Xuan down, watching the little guy look unsatisfied, even a particularly unwilling, unhappy expression, Zhai Zeer slightly frowns.

"Hey, I don't want her to live a good life." The little guy glared at Zell's hand and said more firmly.

"Are you serious?" Zhai Zeer squatted, his eyes flat with the little guy, and asked slightly.

The little guy nodded hard. "Seriously, let's find a way to let Grandpa doubt her!"

Zezel looked around and pulled the little guy to the corner. I also want to persuade him, and I am afraid that if he does not agree, the little guy will take care of what everyone is doing. This child has many ideas.

"But my sister doesn't want to recognize it," said Zhaizel. "At least for the time being, I don't want to, if you are holding her, it's not good."

The little guy’s mouth screamed high. “Just let the grandfather know that Chang Jingqiu is fake, and he doesn’t have to let him know his mother!”

Zhaizel touched his chin and frowned for a long time. "It is also possible to have this possibility. Moreover, you can take the opportunity to look at your grandfather's attitude."

Qi Youxuan listened, and Zize had a posture that was said to be moving. A pair of big eyes sparkled, and he looked at him silently, full of expectations.

In fact, Zhai Zeer is also considering whether Chang Jingqiu will know it, so he always finds the troubles of Dan Danchen and Qi Youxuan.

Just like it was just now, it was not so uncomfortable. The old elder lady had been blocked by him and couldn’t speak. Everyone could dissipate themselves, but they often jumped out and said what they said. Persuading the elders, but they have to bring in the morning.

Now I think about it again. Zhai Zeer thinks that Chang Jingqiu is deliberately corrupting the image of Yan Danchen. The purpose of those words is that he can’t wait for Mrs. Chang’s wife to dislike God’s morning.

"Well, we are not taking the initiative. If you just let the grandfather doubt it, he will check it himself, but it will not matter what we do." The little guy nodded hard, biting the grilled squid, and the mouth was still stained with the grilled squid. Juice, chewed with gusto, and said with joy, "It’s really chewy."

Zhaizel thought for a moment, but he really couldn’t see the old lady and Chang Jingqiu’s appearance. He nodded and agreed, but he still said: “But no matter what, we must discuss it, any one. You can't make a good idea. As long as one person disagrees, things can't be done."

"Of course." The little guy nodded. "The nephew is the most obedient."

Zhai Zeer’s mouth was pumping, watching the most obedient little nephew, thinking about how to make bad revenge the moment before, and then began to sell Meng.

Even if it is his nephew, he has to say that this has a tendency to be fine!


On the other side of the family, Yan Keshan frowned: "I went to Liu Ronghua a few days ago and wanted to ask her why she was going to lie to us, but she was not there. I asked the security guard and said that Liu Ronghua did not seem to have been there for a long time. Going back, or going back, they didn't notice, but the phone call from her house has not been picked up. I have been there several times, and they have all emptied. She knows that we already know the truth, so Hiding behind us?"

Qi Chenglin indulged for a while and said, "I also let people find her, but I can't find it. It seems that the security guard is right, I am afraid she has not returned for a long time."

Qi Chenglin frowned, never fortunate, this kind of thing, always have to doubt.

"I will let people check it out. In any case, find her. Whether she runs or is forced to disappear, there must be a reason." Qi Chenglin said.

"Wait to find her, can't spare her!" Yan Keshan angered.

At this time, the doorbell of the house rang.

Chen Minxia went to open the door, and Zhai Zeer returned with Qi You.

Just downstairs, Qi Youxuan also let Zhai Zer check it out and make sure that there is no sauce and meat residue on his mouth before he dares to come up.

However, because of the guilty conscience, Xiaopeng’s mouth was closed tightly, and when he came back to call people, it was also a particularly shy attitude, and he laughed. When I spoke, my mouth was small, my voice was soft and soft, and I liked a cute little powder.

This appearance can make the old man like to be broken, and waved his hand to recruit Xiao Zengsun, and took it to his arms to make a living.

"Hey, our family is really cute." As he said, the old man’s eyes were smiling, and while holding his finger to poke the soft guy’s soft scorpion, it felt like he was poked on the glutinous rice dumplings.

Fingers poke in, pop up, powder white is especially fun.

The old man played an addiction and sighed the little guy, and turned to look for the old lady.

Qi Chenglin was sitting next to the old lady, and suddenly asked: "What are you eating outside?"

"No!" The little guy opened his eyes and immediately buried his mouth in the arms of the old lady.

I heard Qi Chenglin’s “snap”, “You’re still licking the grain on your teeth.”

The little guy stunned his mouth, his tongue licking his teeth, and he didn’t feel any granules for a long time. He also looked at the old lady with his teeth. "Too, my teeth are clean?"

"It has always been very clean." The old lady really can't bear to say that the child you were cheated by your father is really too young to be fooled, and it is a scam.

Qi Youxuan loves to eat things like barbecue. If you sneak out outside, you are absolutely the best choice. So even if the teeth are clean, Qi Chenglin can talk about it.

When the little guy trembled, he knew that he was fooled. He looked at Qi Chenglin with sorrow and anger. "Dad, how can you even lie to your son!"

Turning his head, he plunged into the arms of the old lady, and said with a snot of tears: "Too, Xuan Xuan is so hot in the water! You have to give the propaganda to the public! Today I actually eat A bunch of grilled squid, fried bananas were also maliciously knocked out."

As a result, the little guy screamed in tears of the elders, Chang Jingqiu and Chang Jianan's heinous behavior.

The old lady already knows what happened to her family. Now, when she hears the accusation of the little guy, she can’t wait to find the unreasonable old lady.

"I used to listen to you saying that the old lady is unreasonable. I still don't know how she is unreasonable. Today is a good experience! I have the opportunity, I would like to meet her in person. No wonder I can disagree with Keyu that year. If you know that his family is such a virtue, even if it is elopement, I don't agree! I really take my own dishes, and I know all the people all day, I really can't take care of my own bad. I can point to the children. His mother, how vicious!" The old lady was mad and her body was shaking.

Chen Minxia quickly gave her a smooth look. When the little guy saw it, she arched in her arms. "So I like to be too grandmother and too grandma. I don’t like her at all! I don’t want to call her too embarrassed. It’s an insult to you, too!”

The old lady was smashed by the little guy, and the anger immediately disappeared a lot. When I was in a good mood, I held the little guy’s cockroaches and praised the little guys for being sensible.

"Too awkward, Xuan Xuan heart is wronged!" said the little guy.

"Hey, my baby is wronged, it's not bad, it hurts you too!" The old lady was busy holding the little guy tight, feeling that he was heavy, and he couldn't stand his legs. Not willing to let go.

The little guy is a little fat fart. The stock twisted and twisted, pulling the old lady’s hand and hitting her chest. “Too, today’s Xuan Xuan’s grievances, it hurts here. Today... Can you give me this evening? Lovely grandson, make up for it? Otherwise, the heart of your lovely grandson will hurt too much!"

"..." 阮 晨 晨 morning mouth mouth pumped and looked at his son to play silly to sell Meng, simply did not see, don't go too far, a little want to escape the reality.

"Eat and eat, I will give you braised pork trotters tonight!" The old lady's state at this moment is definitely what Qi Youxuan wants.

Qi Youxuan boldly looked up and looked at Qi Chenglin. He found that Dad was sneer at him with a calm face. Xiaopeng immediately buried his face in the arms of the old lady. He felt that no matter what he was waiting for, he must first eat. Only then can I cope with it.


After another week, by the time of Sunday, Qi Chenglin had a social entertainment. He had to go to his home later, and he was brought to Qi Youxuan by Yu Danchen.

When Qi Zeer saw the most difficult thing to do, Qi Chenglin was not there. The dark road really helped them. Sure enough, I was equally grateful for the little guy.

The two exchanged a tacit one, and they ignored it and hid in the bedroom left for Mt.

Zhai Zer closed the door, and the two men’s heads stood against each other, squatting in the corner of the room, and the big and small movements were particularly embarrassing. Even if Zhai Zeer is holding a beautiful boy's face, he can't save it.

Even if he closed the door, he still carefully lowered his voice and said: "I have already inquired about it. Your grandfather has a good time at noon today, we will be at the door."

Qi Youxuan’s eyes lit up, and a pair of big eyes fluttered with the light of worship. Two little fat hands grabbed Zhai Zell’s arm. “Hey, you are too capable!”

Worried by the nephew, the face of the beautiful boy is also very bright. Clearing up the scorpion, the waist will be more straightforward. "Otherwise, how can you do it? You have to be worshipped by a foreigner."

Said, the beautiful boy's chin raised a little, proud is more happy than the first test.

"Hey, hey, how do you know that my grandfather has socializing at noon today?" Qi Youxuan asked with excitement.

Zhai Zeer’s waist is quite straight. “I have a school girl, I like my buddy. Her sister is the secretary of your grandfather. I promised to help her to say good things in front of my buddies. She ran. Ask her sister your grandfather's itinerary."

"Oh ah..." The little guy gave him a thumbs up. "You really sell a good teammate!"

阮泽尔: "..."

"Go away." Zhai Ermu stood up and pulled the little guy up. "Othermore, I have to miss it."

As soon as the little guy heard it, he hurriedly followed Chanel to go out. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a special laugh. The trivial father.

"Hehehehehehe." Hey, the old man did not explain it, just squinted, the old fox-like, unclear, said, "Discussing things in it? The feelings are really good, hehehehehehehe!" ”

The old man told the two children to laugh at the guilty conscience, and Zhezel ran to tell Dan Danchen to bring the little guy out to play, but also felt that the old man had been staring at himself, and all of them were fluffing.

The last two were fire-smelting. The stock escaped from the house, hit the car, and came to the gate of Shengyue.

"Hey, are we waiting at the door? Is it too fake?" The little guy felt at the door and the goal was a bit too big.

"Where can you!" Zhai Zeer took Qi Youxuan in one hand and patted his pocket in one hand. "You have money, please have a big meal at noon!"

Listening to the big meal, the little guy all plunged into the legs of 阮泽尔, a pair of eyes sparkling, and looked up at Xiaozel with a small face: "Hey, you are the light of the gimmick! You In the heart of the nephew, it is the brightest pearl in the deep sea. You are the most beautiful cloud in the sky! The most admired is the you! When you grow up, you must be filial to you when you grow up! What do you want to eat, what are you? Please eat. Even the most difficult restaurant in the world, even if it is a one-year team, the nephew will also book you! When you are old, the nephew will give you a pension!"

阮泽尔: "..."

The beautiful young woman’s eyes are so powerful that the soles of the feet are particularly itchy at this time, especially when I want to lift my legs and give this squat to my side.

Xiaopangzi is also like a koala, with both hands and feet climbing on 阮泽尔's leg, because the small belly is too round, the chest and stomach are attached to his leg, so the back two Petal small fat fart. The stock is high and upturned, and the appearance is really funny.

I don't know where the sneer came from, and Zhai Zeer didn't bother to find the source of the laughter, blushing and looking up at the sky, a pair of people who didn't know Qi Youxuan.

The corner of the mouth was pulled, and it was gently moved. It was like saying abdomen. The lips were not moving, and the voice had already passed. "That, outside, you can let go first, then you can take it in." Great meal."

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