MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 168 Congratulations to my grandfather for leaving the sea of ​​bitterness!

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I used to listen to a pile of things, I feel that the old lady is not like words, especially want to marry her, but did not have the opportunity to meet, and can not specifically find them to go up, she is not a shrew. [Super good looking novel]

Later, the old lady turned out to be the grandmother of Yu Danchen. The old lady thought about it. Everyone was a relative. The previous things were revealed. Everyone was kind, even if it was to prevent Yu Danchen from being at home. Difficult, the situation is rampant.

Even if the old lady did not like Yu Danchen, after all, now Dan Danchen is not the same, how can I not like my granddaughter daughter.

Who can expect that the old lady is so unconventional.

Then I love someone who has no blood relationship. Instead, I am so vicious on my grandparents who owe a lot to myself. I am carrying her to slay her in the morning, let her not hate her, and want to use her to harm others. The happiness is in the eye.

"Because you are the grandmother of Danchen, I still want to benefit from you. I can see your attitude today. It is not necessary! I heard that you are also a Buddha. How do you believe in doing such a vicious thing? Good people have good news, you are going to be retributed!"

The old lady really hates tooth itch, and it is not worth it for the morning. "Dan Chen is offending you. You have to ruin her in this way. I can’t wait for her to live a bad life. I have never loved her husband’s son for a lifetime. Even the relatives only want to calculate her. When she doesn't need her, she will send her to a faraway place. If she uses it, she will marry her casually. Is there such a way to treat her grandparents in this world? You The old woman is simply a wolf and a dog, and she is so sad!"

The old lady is really angry, pointing to the nose of the old lady, her eyes are red. "I tell you, Danchen doesn't need you to hurt, don't use your face, you don't think about taking the grandmother's identity. She. Do you think that you are awesome? We never looked at you in the eyes, but you raised yourself and thought you were more powerful. You don’t need to see Danchen in the future, she will not go to your home, less Put your grandmother's spectrum, we won't look at you for the morning!"

The old lady didn't understand, and this old lady was so embarrassed. That is the only bloodline left by her daughter!

She even has to practice it!

You have to say that you haven't seen it for 27 years. There is no feeling. Although Chang Jingqiu has no blood, but he also has feelings. It is not as good as Chang Jingqiu.

She can treat it coldly, but she can't do it like this!

The old lady was stunned by the old lady, and her face was flushed.

"I am also good for your family! You even said that I am really kind to be treated as a liver and lungs." The old lady is still a hard-nosed.

"You kindly, we can't afford it." Mrs. Qi sneered. "I will explain the words here today. Danchen is the wife of our family. What kind of loved ones, we don't believe it! My wife is still tough now! Our old family is also very good. Dan Chen and Cheng Lin have been together for so long, our family is getting better and better, and now Dan Chen is still pregnant, what is a little grams? If you really want to be gram, I really want her to take you."

The old lady was so angry that she was almost smothered by the old lady.

This old lady, how is the mouth so vicious!

"Okay, good! I am wrong today. I am kind to remind you, but it is me, it is not. It makes me a wicked person." The old lady was mad and nodded again and again. "If your family is going to It’s down, but don’t blame me for not reminding you, you don’t listen!”

The old lady said that she was leaving, but she was stopped by the old lady. "Slow!"

"Why, regret it?" The old lady turned and her face looked a little better, and she showed her color.

The old lady who saw it was stunned. It seems that this old lady’s brain is really abnormal. I thought she would regret it if she had a few words.

"I just remind you, don't go out and talk nonsense. If you say these things today, let me hear someone outside, and our family is not a good temper." The old lady said coldly.

"Jokes! The mouth grows on my face, saying that you have to manage the facts?" The old lady grinned, but it was a sneer, as if he had thought of a good way to meet his family.

The old lady shook her head. The man in front of him was really mad and not ruined. The name of her granddaughter and daughter was so happy.

The old lady stopped talking. The old lady thought she was afraid. She even smugly screamed, twisting her head and cocking her head.

When I was out of the living room, I saw Qi Chenglin and Qi Danchen standing together.

She had a calm face in the morning, and it seemed that she was not affected by her words.

However, the old lady feels that the morning is only a hard support.

Qi Chenglin's expression is cold, and the old lady just doesn't understand him. Otherwise, she will know that Qi Chenglin's present expression is definitely a sign of doing big things. She should be afraid.

"Have you heard it?" asked the old lady, the old face looked awkward because of her pride, much like the yellow land was cracked a little because of lack of water.

Qi Chenglin did not have a trace of expression, and the voice of a low-alcoholic voice was plain and waveless. "Thank you for thinking about this for us."

The old lady seems to have not understood his ridicule, only maliciously pouting, making her old face look awkward.

"Since you have heard it, then you should think about it. Don't be mad at yourself." The old lady said yin and yang.

Qi Chenglin did not speak, and the old lady snorted, and this was gone.

Qi Chenglin and Qi Dan went into the living room. When they saw the old lady, they poured two large cups of tea. They snorted and snorted on the sofa, and they calmed down their chests.

Seeing that the two came in, the gas is still difficult. "Have you heard it?"

Qi Chenglin nodded, and the old lady pointed to the door, where the old lady was long gone.

"You said, how come there is her kind of person? Dan Chen is doing something that is sorry for her, can she let me see you so well?"

"You don't want to be angry, for her worthy." Yan Danchen sat down next to the old lady.

The old lady looked at Qi Chenglin. "Isn't you going to tell Dan Chen? This is not a common bad thing. Anyone who listens is not good. Dan Chen is pregnant now. It is not good to let this kind of thing be sad. You said Who is she mad at her?"

"At the time, I happened to be with Cheng Lin. Since it is an old lady, it must be related to me. How can I not know?"

Yan Danchen took the old lady's arm. "And, I am really not upset, not comforting you. Thanks to the fact that I didn't know each other before, I realized her nature. And again and again. I have long been numb. So now, no matter what she is ruining, I will not be surprised, nor will I be sad. Why is my child injured for her? Why?"

The old lady saw that she really wanted to open, not to comfort herself, so I was relieved.

Patting her shoulders, thinking of the embarrassment of the old lady, I feel bad for the morning.

"It’s because I was actually letting Qi’s family get like Mrs. Chang’s, and if there is anything in the future...”

"There will be nothing more." Qi Chenglin said faintly.

When Dan Dan looked at the past, he saw his expression serious, his lips groaning, and she nodded. As for what he planned to do, she did not ask. <>Marshmallow novel network

She couldn’t be sinned because of her, so she didn’t stop. Moreover, she believes that Qi Chenglin has a sense of proportion and will not let Chang Zhiyuan follow the loss.

Qi Danchen gave the old lady a happy time, and then he returned to the company with Qi Chenglin.

However, she did not know that Qi Chenglin sent her back to the design department, turned and left, and called Chang Zhiyuan on the road.

Later, Chang Zhiyuan met Qi Chenglin in his office. The two men talked for more than two hours in the office, and Qi Chenglin left.

Chang Zhiyuan shook his head and sighed heavily. Immediately, the expression was hardened, as if it was determined.


Liu Xiangwen was watching Chang Zhixing at this time and went outside the company. She is so good for him, but he still does not want to fight with Chang Zhi. It was all good for him, but he was taught a lesson today.

Liu Xiangwen calmed his face, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he saw the long and straight figure walking in front.

Liu Xiangwen quickly chased a few steps forward, until the person in front of the company's door, when he turned, he finally saw his side.

Qi Chenglin!

Liu Xiangwen was fixed and he was conspiring.

Qi Chenglin must come to Changzhi to talk about cooperation, and I don’t even know what to talk about. Qi Chenglin is in a position to support Chang Zhiyuan!

Liu Xiangwen’s heart was filled with a sense of crisis, and the look of the panic left.

Not long after Liu Xiangwen left, Chang Zhiyuan also came out of the company, went straight to the old lady, and called Mo Yinxin and let her go.

When Chang Zhiyuan entered the door, he saw that Mo Yuxin had arrived, sitting on the sofa on one side, and Liu Xiangwen was sitting with the old lady, and was quietly appeasing the elder woman.

Chang Jingqiu is in a wheelchair and leans on the other side of the old lady.

The three men did not care about Mo Yinxin, and the old lady used her eye knife to scrape her from time to time.

Chang Zhiyuan frowned, and he walked over with a calm face.

The old lady looked at him impatiently. "You are not at the company this time, what are you doing here?"

"Mom, you ran to the old house today, said Dan Chenke's relatives?" Chang Zhiyuan asked, the sound was calm, but it was like the sea before the storm at night, calm and windless, but very deep.

Mo Yanxin stared at the old man and couldn't believe it.

What the old lady wants to do?

What kind of loved ones, this kind of words actually went to the old house to say!

"You just want to do this, Baba's running back, what is it going to do? Learn from me?" The old lady looked unhappy and looked at Chang Zhiyuan coldly. "You just want to throw this whole company for this trivial thing, is it right?"

Liu Xiangwen understood that it was just that Qi Chenglin personally went to Changhe, and he went to complain.

She sneered, and how much Qi Chenglin has!

Chang Zhi said with a smile. "When you go to the old house to say those words, is it right? What do you want to do? I really can't see you? You want to say these words, want to let them divorce? Let Dan Was it out in the morning?"

"I just want to give Qi Jia a wake up, and then she said that she is really hard, and her character is fierce. She is now a girl from our family, and she can’t always tell the story of a girl’s life. How hard is it? What can we do if Qi Jiazhen has an accident? We can't harm people. People know, and then they are tired and calm."

Chang Zhiyuan was red-eyed. "In any case, Dan Chen is your grandson and daughter. She has never done anything sorry for you. The only bad thing is that I have not been with you for 27 years, but this is not her. The fault is wrong. Why do you want to practice her like this! You see who she is not pleasing to the eye, how much hatred with her, so I can't see her doing well, you said! You talk about it! Let me understand, what?"

"Life is hard, the word is fierce? This feudal superstition, you don't have to do anything, you can say the same as true, you are afraid of being tired of Chang Jingqiu, how do you not want to think about the happiness of your grandparents? No big hatred, only Because you don't like her, you will ruin her," Chang Zhiyuan said that in the end, he bit his teeth and bite his teeth, and he must bite.

"You don't like her, you don't have to come and go, what kind of hatred is what makes you do this!"

Chang Zhiyuan thinks about it now and feels scared.

Fortunately, the Qi family is a reasonable person, not afraid of these strange powers. If this is placed in another family, it is better to be credible than to be credible. Even if it sounds ridiculous, it is only for the sake of prevention, and it must be abandoned first.

The reputation of the hard-eared loved ones in the morning of Dan Dan was passed out. How can he stand in the future? Who wants to be close to her?

In this life, Dan Dan will be ruined!

This is the old lady, this is to push the morning of Dan Dan to the road!

He also said that she would go to the small town in the south and see if the opponent is not pleasing to the eye and marry the morning.

This is not to treat her daughter as a grandson, but she clearly regards her as a weapon that can be used freely!

The words of the old lady sounded absurd, but Chang Zhiyuan knew that she really thought so.

As long as Yu Dan is really driven out by Qi, the old lady will do it immediately!

The old lady was sullen, and she was smashed by the old lady in Qi’s old house. When she came back, she was pointed to by her nose.

The elder lady feels that her majesty has been greatly challenged.

"Big brother, I know that you like Dan Chen, hurt her, but when you come back to lick your face, you blame the mother, it is not very good." Liu Xiangwen secretly looked at the old lady's expression and saw that she was very satisfied with her own words. Then I continued, "I have been to Changhe and I have seen it. I saw Qi Chenglin. It is he who ran to tell you about it? You listened to his one-sided words, and he gave up his work and blamed Mom, you- —"

Liu Xiangwen shook his head. "I know that you want to have a good relationship with Qi Chenglin, but you can't help him like this!"

When the old lady listened, she immediately thought of it. She looked at Chang Zhiyuan with a bad look. "I am also surprised that you have such a good relationship with Qi Chenglin. A little bit of things, he ran to tell you about it. Since the relationship is then Well, when Qi Chenglin gave Changhe more care, you still stopped, what is the heart of Ann? He can go to tell you, let you come back to attack me, can't give more business to Changhe? You are opposed to it that day. I think you are now at the same place!"

"Qi Chenglin came to me today because of private affairs. What is wrong with my relationship with him in private? We are one yard away from the code, just like Qi Chenglin will not ask me to lose money to give it. I am safe. What kind of heart? Public and private, this is my peace of mind." Always squinting and asking, "It is you, is this doubting me?"

"Of course, our family can't lose money. Isn't it all for the sake of their own interests? How can they think about each other? Besides, can you share the same with Qijia? There is nothing wrong with Qijia, anyway, they are so If you have money, you can't lose anything even if you lose two piles. For them, it is just a leak of sand from the fingers. But we are different, we are losing money. Besides, he is our family. Do you still want to help us? You always say that I am not good for Yu Danchen, but she does not want to be like us, she did not treat us as relatives." The old lady grinned, the more he said, the more he was wronged.

"If people have money, it is a matter for others. If you don't lack the business of a single family, you don't want to turn your home into one of the nine families?" It’s often far from powerless, and you can’t laugh. Asked.

This is to ridicule the elder lady. Who knows that the elder lady is very eager to see her. This is actually the old-fashioned wife’s heart, and it’s not good enough.

"That's not impossible." The old lady thought quite excited. "Since we are relatives, let Qijia pull us."

It’s often a sigh of laughter. “The relatives of the eight major families have gone more, not to mention the marriage of other families, that is, the Qi family has always been married with people, from the family of the old lady, to the Xia family, to the family, to the family. Which one is not worse than the family, seeing people let Qijia pull it? If every marriage with the eight major families, the eight families will be drawn, and now it has become dozens of big families. The eight families have today's status. It’s not a one-time process. People are thousands of years of accumulation. If any family can reach that height, the eight big families are not the eight big families, and people will not be so respectful and envious of them.”

"This kind of dream, Mom, you still have to do less, live your life! Nothing is missing you now, even if you have more money, your life is no different from now." Chang Zhiyuan said tiredly. .

Why is it no different? At least others should respect her more.

It’s like an old lady, she’s all night, she doesn’t dare to give it back.

"Why do you push the three resistances and four, why is it? Since the relationship with Qi Chenglin is good, why not help the company? Last time, this is the same, you are still not doing enough to the company?" Mrs. Chang looked up.

"Mom, what do you mean by this?" Chang Zhiyuan frowned.

The old lady licked her lips, only slightly raised her eyebrows, and said coldly: "I know that you have opened a company outside, but the scale is not as good as usual, but after years of operation, it is not too small. ""

Chang Zhiyuan only went to the old lady who wanted to say something. When she showed ridicule, she listened to the old lady. "In the past few years, you have slowly moved the business of Changhe to the company outside you. It is also impossible. Before, I was just blind and closed my eyes. I feel that you are my son. I don't care about what you care about, but you are obviously too big. If you want to let the company outside you swallow the Changhe. Not?"

Chang Zhiyuan’s disappointment in his heart, looking at the old man in front of him, this is his mother. No matter how much he did for his family, she always speculated on him from the most malicious point of view.

Nothing! Nothing!

Chang Zhiyuan’s disappointing sneer, “I started to build the company at the beginning, and it was prepared for quiet. I know that Changhe is going to fall into the hands of South and South. In the heart of the younger brothers, often and once they fall to them. In the hands of the family, there is still a quiet meal to eat in the future. Now, I still have nothing to look for in the day, like a sinister suspicion, squatting at home all day long. When I am older, I want to protect it. There is no such experience in quietness."

"I know that at home, you like Jingqiu and Jianan most. The company is also reserved for your grandchildren. It is nothing to do with Jingxi. I am really tired. I am being shackled by you all the time. Counting, I also want to bring The wife and daughter have a quiet day and don’t want to argue with you anymore. The company outside is the continuation of our husband and wife for these years. All the business is brought back by the scorpion of Yu Xin. The company's money, or business, has nothing to do with Changhe, and it doesn't take a little cheaper at home. Really, it still accounts for the cheapness of Mo's family. Before Xinjin's nephew enters Mojia, he will come to me first. Outside the company's internship, accumulated experience, some business orders, are given by Mo Jia, and looked at the face of Mo Jia."

Chang Zhiyuan sneered with a sneer, "I am afraid that you will say that I am cheaper than you, so everything in the home, I did not move, who knows that you will still think so." Chang Zhiyuan thinks about it I feel sad.

The family has to be so guarded.

"But since you talked about this thing today, I don't trust my company outside. I always feel that I have moved the benefits of regularity and dueness to the company outside. Then I went back to the company this afternoon and resigned. Tomorrow, I will officially hand over to the bank and hand over the company to him. I will concentrate on going back to the company where we operate.” Chang Zhiyuan looked at Liu Xiangwen. “We will not fight with you in the future. I often keep the shares I should have. As for the rest, I will leave it to you. I don’t have to think about who I want to suppress all day long. In order to dominate the company, I will go close to Qi Chenglin."

Liu Xiangwen's face changed, and I didn't expect Chang Zhiyuan to know this.

"Sister and younger brother, I often don't care about it in the future. It doesn't matter if it's my business. I won't be in peace in the future. I used savings to create a company to give my daughter a way out and not to fight with you. In the future, you don't need to target her anymore. In the future, don't make a scorpion for the company." Chang Zhiyuan took a deep breath and thought of talking with Qi Chenglin in the office before coming.

"It's confession. Don't come to me if you have something in the future. No matter what, I don't care. Hello, I don't miss you. If you have something wrong, don't come to me for help. Our family In the future, I will guard the small company in my own home. I will have a good time. If there is any problem in our company, I will not ask you for help. I will not let you post the money." Chang Zhiyuan said coldly.

In this case, Liu Xiangwen’s original export problem was blocked.

The old lady’s eyes flashed. “Do you really give up the usual?”

Chang Zhiyuan sneered at him, saying that he was as arrogant as he used to be.

Chang Zhiyuan is really tired now. He did not expect the efforts of the past. In these people's eyes, he is simply making the means to dominate.

"Nothing is unwilling, just as I am tired." Chang Zhiyuan said calmly, "Mom you believe in the ability to do so, let him try, if he can lead the family to a higher level." I am also happy for you. If nothing else, then we will leave."

Mo Yuxin followed up and walked to Chang Zhiyuan, intending to go with him.

This family is terrible, she has long been unwilling to serve.

"Right, Dan Chen's business, you don't care. I don't care about this thing, I just want to protect my sister's daughter. I have handed it over, I will not unite with Qi Chenglin." The threat, so you should not go to practice her in the future. Her future affairs have nothing to do with this family."

When Chang Zhiyuan was talking, his eyes deliberately stayed on the faces of Chang Jingqiu and Liu Xiangwen.

Sure enough, see Chang Jingqiu and Liu Xiangwen's face changed slightly. Even if you try to hide it, you can't hide the cracks in your expression.

When Chang Zhiyuan was cold-hearted, he said to the elder lady: "For this family, Dan Chen is the only connection with Qi Chenglin. I barely think it is the light of Dan Chen. Now we both ignore this. The things of the family, in the future, you should not go out with the name of your family, and put a gold on your face, which will destroy the reputation of Dan Chen, and don’t take this relationship to go out and say things, while enjoying the morning of Dan Chen. The benefits, while going out to smash her. Otherwise, don't blame me for coming out and telling you all about it."

"There is a family member of mine who stands up and speaks for her, and others will not believe in you. Moreover, your reputation outside is really not good, and the weight of your speech is really useless." Chang Zhiyuan Eyes, I will say these things, and I am worried that these people will not put his words at heart.

Fortunately, their faces showed anger, unwillingness, and taboo expressions. Often they were relieved, and they came out with Mo Yan.

He asked this question: "Quiet me?"

Mo Yuxin shook his head, but his face showed a relaxed expression. "It's very good, don't worry about them anymore. Besides, although the company can't compare with Changhe, it won't let us eat less and eat less. Quality will not change."

Mo Yinxin easily breathed a sigh of relief. "Can I not come over later?"

I often smiled and nodded.


In the afternoon of the same day, I submitted my resignation from time to time, which caused great shock in the industry. The reporters have called to verify the authenticity of the matter, often to the far and Mo Yinxin, including his assistant, often and the personnel department's phone has been blown up.

Yan Danchen did not know, just at night, saw some unofficial news.

It is often said that the resignation was submitted this afternoon, but Changhe employees said that they did not know about it, and Changhe and the top have been unable to get in touch.

These news were not sent by reporters in official blogs, but were issued in the name of individuals.

However, many reporters were unable to stand up. When Dan Dan was worried, he called Chang Zhiyuan and the result could not be reached.

She wanted to go to the far-away home and personally verify it, but she was stopped by Qi Chenglin.

"There must be a lot of reporters at his home, and we are going to add chaos at this time." Qi Chenglin said.

This is only the case, but the faint worry is that I am tired and often far away.

How is it so clever, today, the old lady just found the old house, and resigned in the afternoon?

But undecided, she is not good to ask Qi Chenglin.

Yan Danchen can only sleep with a stomach worry, and can't sleep. In the end, Qi Chenglin was trapped in his arms, listening to his voice with a sleepy voice in his ear. "Don't be tossed, I will have a meeting tomorrow morning, do you want me to sleep at the meeting?"

When Dan Danchen did not move, he tried to fall asleep, and he listened to him again: "If you believe in me, there must be some exact news tomorrow morning.

So the next morning, Qi Danchen was in the company, and he was always on the news.

Suddenly thought that Gao Xiaoyang is responsible for this aspect, and certainly has first-hand information. She can't contact her often, but Gao Xiaoyang can contact her.

Instead of asking for a page here, it is better to ask her directly.

Calling in the past, Gao Xiaoyang really knows, and her voice is noisy. "It’s too late for you to call. I just came out from Changhe. The reporters who came here are crazy. I often resigned yesterday. The kind that comes into effect immediately. This morning, he was in front of the whole company, and he gave his work to the regular line. The president was always in trouble. I was going to write back and write it quickly. But big things."

"Right, how do you inquire about things that are often far away." Gao Xiaoyang asked strangely.

"He is my sister." Yan Danchen said truthfully.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? My instincts often resign and are related to you." Gao Xiaoyang asked sharply.

"I don't know, if I know, I won't ask you. But it's more complicated about him. It's more complicated. I will tell you slowly," said Dan Danchen.

Gao Xiaoyang rushed to write the manuscript first on the road, and went back to release it at the fastest speed. So he did not ask much, then he hung up the phone and first went to his own.

After a long time, the news really came out.

I often accepted an interview and said that I resigned and concentrated on running my own independent company. Due to the relationship between the competition terms, there is no business conflict between his own company and Changhe.

Then there are some official answers, saying that although people are not in the usual situation, they still wish better and better. He also denied that he had withdrawn from Changhe because of his disharmony with his family.

Just saying that because Changhe needs some change, he also needs rest. Now I am going to the company I founded, and I am also trying to teach my juniors. If I teach them, I will retire completely.

At noon, Qi Danchen received a call from Chang Zhiyuan. He listened to his tone. There was nothing wrong with it. It was not like being forced to be sad. They also had dinner together at night.

So at night, Qi Chenglin and Yan Danchen brought a little guy, and Chang Zhiyuan also attended with Mo Xinxin with Chang Jingwei.

Because I had seen the little guy before, so in the school, Chang Jingyi often went to Qi Youxuan and gave him something to sneak a little bit to eat. The two slowly became familiar.

The little guy seems to have no generation gap with anyone, and he can play with him, and he can play with Chang Jingzhen. Chang Jingzhen now just treats him as a brother.

The two families are about to be in Shengyue, because Chang Zhiyuan has nothing to do now, and Mo Xinxin has arrived first. Chang Jingying still has to take classes. The time of school is different from that of Qi Youxuan, a first-grade elementary school student. Qi Youxuan is relatively early in school, so he often comes out of school at night.

Last night, Chang Zhiyuan also said to Chang Jingwei that Chang Jingyi knew the existence of the company, so he was not surprised. He did not feel that it was a pity that Chang Zhiyuan left Changhe. Very calm, I accepted it.

When the three people arrived in the morning, Chang Zhiyuan was chatting with Mo Yuxin. The two of them talked and laughed. They didn’t look like they were in a bad mood. They didn’t look like they were deliberately doing it for the morning. .

"What expression are you, how much grievances I have been run against." Chang Zhiyuan smiled. "Come and sit, I will treat you tonight."

The little guy twisted the little fart. The feces arched to Chang Zhiyuan, and the action was almost like a piglet.

"Congratulations to my grandfather from the bitter sea!" The little guy's chubby hand made me a fist, and Chang Zhiyuan laughed happily.

Then I saw that the little guy couldn't stop playing the treasure, and Chang Zhiyuan touched his little head. "Without the grandfather, the grandfather is really fine, but it is especially easy now."

Mo Yinxin said to Qi Danchen and Qi Chenglin who sat down: "You were seen at the regular home that day. They also saw the attitude toward us. The old lady is also very sensitive. I am only interested in Chang Jingqiu and Chang Zhi. Zhiyuan No matter how good the work is, the old lady is always dissatisfied. We are also tired. Yesterday, the old lady went to the old house to say those words, you know, and went to the old lady, who knows the old lady Say that you are not dedicated to the company, do not look for Lin Lin to help to transfer the benefits of Changhe to our own company. Our own company is not big, just to keep quiet. According to the attitude of the old lady In the future, once Zhiyuan retires, Jingwei must be unable to catch anything. I don’t know how to be bullied by Liu Xiangwen. We will not fight for it."

"We are both tired. Usually they always find faults. We also have impatience. So by this opportunity, we will just let Changhe out, and you will not be pleased with the province. Just take it with us. Your own company, or you are busy and busy, busy, and suspicion, in the future, often have nothing to do with our family, they must fall to the hands of the old lady’s grandson. Why do we have to be so thankful?"

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