MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 169 bears and sticks, just look at the eyes

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"Now I have to hand over my work to the line. It is a self-knowledge. It is a pity that Liu Xiangwen does not have it. But he can't control his wife and mother. The company is in his hands. It doesn't matter to us. [Marshmallow novel network]"

Mo Yuxin sighed. "I only hope that when the company encounters difficulties, they will not come to us again, but also let Zhiyuan go back to clean up the mess, but also be disgusted."

"I didn't want to say this." Dan Danchen thought, still couldn't hold back, Chang Zhiyuan was good to her, she couldn't help but feel guilty. "Even if I come back to find you, I don't want to go back and help. I Guess that yesterday should have torn the face with the old lady. In this case, there are reasons to reject them. I only look at this heart. It is a family, but what they do not treat you as a family, you do not To do things that harm them, but they will not let them do this."

"Well, what can't be done." Chang Zhiyuan poured a cup of tea. "The old lady can get down to the heart so much to you, I am just leaving the company, the left and right roads are their own choice, and they can't always What results will require me to carry them back. Often there is a place where the basics are, even if the ability to do it is not good, it will not be able to get rid of Changhe. Besides, the assets of Changjia are enough for them to have a good time in their lives. As for the heart. I don't know if I can meet it."

Seeing that the two were really not in the heart, Dan Dan was relieved to mention this matter until he was still carrying his schoolbag, wearing the school uniform of His Majesty’s school, and happily calling his sister and brother-in-law. I called the little guy over, and both hands liked it and smashed it on his chubby face.

The little guy's face was squeezed into a piglet by her. When she was at school, she didn't give herself a good meal. She endured it.

When the dishes are coming up, the adults are chatting and eating, and often quietly, this whispered to the little guy: "I just bought beef jerky on the road, waiting for school tomorrow, I will send it to your class door."

The little guy looked at his cousin with a look of worship. "Hey, you are so good!"

The little guy really feels that this is awesome!

One will secretly ask him to go to the restaurant to eat meat, and one secretly asks him to eat meat at school.

Chang Jing saw that the little guy liked his own appearance, and he was particularly proud. He wanted to open his mouth and hold back. He held his mouth and his eyes bent into two small crescents.

"Hey, you should be good to you!" Chang Jing was happy with a red face. "When I get a pocket money next month, please have a big meal at the school restaurant at noon!"

There are two forms of school cafeterias in the lower school. One is fixed. A few meats and vegetables are placed in a large food dish. For each person, 20 yuan, you can choose one meat and two vegetables from these dishes.

In order to control the little guy's diet, Qi Chenglin strictly controlled that he only allowed him to eat this 20-minute meal every day. Every month, the money he gave him to the meal card was just right, let the little guy think. Secretly opening a small stove for yourself will not work.

When I go to lunch every day at noon, I have to spoil the canteen aunt and sell more cute meat.

Auntie Aunt is still eating his set, but the training guy is now selling his skills to rise.

The other is the restaurant's à la carte, Chinese-style cooking, Western food, as well as Japanese food, and even Southeast Asian cuisine, which is the choice of the students of the lower school. But every dish, even if it is green vegetables, is not a poor 20 yuan to buy, the little guy has a heart to the restaurant, there is no money.

What Chang Jingzhen said is this.

The little guy sucked his mouth and shouted. "Hey, I... I heard that the dishes in the restaurant are especially delicious."

"Yes, pizza, pasta, steak, grilled prawns, ramen noodles, squid rice, pepper fried crabs, a lot of good." Chang Jing nodded, "Don't eat every day!"

The little guy can't stand it. "When do you get pocket money?"

"On the last day of the month, I will be able to ask you to eat on the 1st of the following month!" Chang Jing smirked Mimi's little pat on the little guy's head.

"Hey, wait for the weekend, my name is Captain, let's go out and play together! Go to the delicious restaurant!" The little guy swallowed his mouth, very embarrassed to twist the waist, small The blushing look up is always quiet. “I heard Zhang Mingming say that there is a Spanish seafood risotto in a restaurant that is especially delicious. (Marshmallow novel)”

"Okay." Chang Jing smirked Mimi's response.


The next day, photos of Chang Zhiyuan’s family and Qi Chenglin’s family were exposed. There was a window from the private room, and they came out from the hotel door.

Everyone suddenly found out that Chang Chengyuan had such a good relationship with Qi Chenglin.

Looking at the photos, we can see that the interaction between them is very close, and Chang Jingying is taking the hand of Qi Youxuan. I don't know if Qi Jia had already said hello. When these photos came out, Qi Youxuan's face was mosaiced.

In the morning, he officially announced his resignation as the president of Changhe. In the evening, he and the Qi Chenglin family had a close meal. They had to make people think about it and often left Changhe for what.

Liu Xiangwen put down the ipad and turned to his elders and said, "Mom, do you think that the resignation of the elder brother is intentional? How did you resign and go to Qi Chenglin? What do you think is public and private? How do I feel now? Big Brother is saying good with Qi Chenglin? Maybe Qi Chenglin turned his head and removed the cooperation with Changhe, all of them to the big brother."

Chang Jingqiu, who spoke less on this matter, said with a serious expression: "Grandma, I think this is not the right thing. My aunt is right. Before I was dissatisfied, I never gave up the usual. How come this time is so simple, there is no omen? Is it because of this quarrel, can there be less quarrels before? I think that Daxie is using the opportunity of this quarrel to achieve the goal."

The old lady had a cup of tea and her expression was hard to read. "Jing Qiu, you have a good brain, what do you want to say?"

Chang Jingqiu thought for a while, and suddenly his face changed greatly, so that the elders and the elders were nervous.

"Grandma, you said, just because of the relationship between Daxie and Qi Chenglin, he is afraid to vent his anger." Dan Danchen said clearly, she always only recognizes the big family. Dad must feel that she is particularly wronged this time. It was pushed out by us. He spoke to the reporter well and denied the family disagreement. But his words did not believe that everyone said that he was forced to resign. Once Qi Chenglin was close, he would not Is this speculation more realistic?"

"When Qi Chenglin no longer cooperated with Changhe and turned to support the company of Daxie, then our family would be in danger. Before Qi Chenglin only talked about it, there would be no more contacts with us. Now, when it comes to work, if Qi Chenglin puts it right, the company can be in danger. They know that Qi family is not in line with us, but they only look at the big shackles, and they are not rushing to get close to the big shackles. If you give an order to Daxie, you must have him first, and Changhe can only continue with him."

"Then what do you say?" The old lady was a little panicked and grabbed Chang Jingqiu’s hand.

In the past, there were always things to deal with the size of things. She never had to worry about it at home, but she still loved to feel the sense of existence, and when she had nothing to do, she pointed her finger at it and picked it up.

Even if the pick is wrong, she also feels that she is right, often knows her temper, and will not be more true to her. What should I do if I originally planned to do it.

It’s that I’ve never made a mistake, and the old lady’s change feels that she’s right.

So now, when something happened, Chang Zhiyuan didn’t have the idea in front of him. The old lady immediately panicked, but she didn’t have any idea.

Chang Jingqiu holds the hand of the old lady and gives her peace of mind. "You can rest assured that this is actually very easy to do. It seems that it will bring a lot of trouble to the family, but Daxie and Qi Chenglin are smart, but they are I didn't expect this to be difficult to solve."

Under the eyes of the old lady, Chang Jingqiu said: "As long as we let out the wind, let's say that Dan Danchen is a long-lost lady, your grandson and daughter, then Qi Chenglin's family is eating with the family. There is nothing strange about it. There are so many conspiracy theories between relatives and friends. Besides, as long as they know that Qi and his family are also in-laws, they will not dare to look down on Changhe. Isn't there a big deal coming in?"

The old lady is happy to touch the back of Chang Jingqiu. "Hey, I know that you are promising. If you can get into the regular, you can definitely help the company."

Next to Liu Xiangwen, she listened and changed her face. She finally ran into Chang Zhiyuan, let Changhe fall into the hands of Chang Zhixing, and then Chang Jingqiu, when can the old lady save people? heart.

"You still don't go to the newspaper to go to work now. It's not a big thing to accompany me at home all day long. Just go to Changhe to help, how?" Mrs. Chang took the hand of Chang Jingqiu.

I really like the feeling of being a gimmick.

The old lady suddenly felt that she had reached the peak of her life.

"Grandma, you are abandoning me at home, do you feel annoyed?" Chang Jingqiu, a pitiful look, asked Jiao.

"Stupid child, what do you say, grandma is afraid that you are broken at home, you are not going out, always guarding my old woman, how boring?" The old lady said with kindness, "And, you always I can't stay at home until I see people, and I still have to go out sooner or later."

Chang Jingqiu bowed his head. "I... I have to think about it."


The next day, it was revealed that Yu Danchen was a Miss Chang family.

Some reporters immediately contacted the people of Changjia, including Chang Zhixing and Liu Xiangwen. Even Chang Jingqiu received a phone call from the reporter.

Of course, they will not deny that Chang Zhixing said to the outside world: "We are also looking for an opportunity to announce it."

After Chang Zhiyuan came out of this news, he guessed who was the handwriting.

"Oh, the means of women, have always been so small. The dog bears stick to the rice, just look at the eyes." Chang Zhiyuan said ironically, throwing the ipad freely to the side.

This method of Chang Jingqiu can solve the problem at hand, but it is useless for the latter things.

And Chang Jingqiu thought of this method, he and Qi Chenglin had long been good.

"The family was really shameless. Before that, I still dismissed Dan Chen. As a result, the photos of the dinner with the Danchen family came out. They rushed to recognize Danchen." Mo Yinxin mentioned that the family was disgusting, now she Regardless of Chang Zhiyuan’s mood, it is estimated that they are doing disgusting things, Chang Zhiyuan is worse than her.

"It doesn't matter, I have already expected this with Qi Chenglin. Now because of Dan Chen's relationship, they are now beautiful, but now the more scenery, the more faceless in a few days." Chang Zhiyuan said coldly.


Changhe actually had a lot of scenery, because the relationship with Yan Danchen was exposed. Everyone thought that the punishment for the regular family before the family should be lifted, and the big and small banquets no longer avoided the regular family.

Even some cooperation is very active to find the door, Chang Zhixing is also proud of the spring breeze.

Even if he is capable, it is still okay to let Changhe maintain the status quo. Besides, because of this relationship with Qi, these people are rushing to send business, and it is not so difficult to be a regular president.

Nothing to sit down with the old lady to eat, talk about the recent business, the old lady is also very happy, "You see, you are not worse than your brother, the company's performance is even better than your older brother. You The ability of everyone is in the eyes."

It is also very happy to go to the line.

The old lady also proposed to let Chang Jingqiu enter the company to help, in order to make the elders happy, often agreed to the line, anyway, now he is holding the power, not afraid of how often.

And the old lady is confused, and it is not to let Chang Jingqiu, the outsider, compare his own son.

After a period of time with such a wind and water, Qi Jia ushered in Qi Youxuan’s birthday.

Qi Chenglin specially booked the buffet restaurant in the dynasty, and invited friends from Qi Youxuan to come together to open >

In addition to the children, the parents naturally accompanied them. In addition to these people, the Qi family and the family also have to give the little guy a birthday together. On the other side of the home, Qi Chenglin only invited Chang Zhiyuan. For the little guy's birthday, it is not grand and not a big fan.

However, under the unintentional disclosure of Qi Chenglin, everyone knows about it.

Everyone has a sigh of relief. How can they only invite a family of Changzhiyuan, but everyone has participated in it!

The mind was alive, and I couldn’t help but think that the day before the resignation, it was only their family who had dinner with the Qi Chenglin family.

To talk about things, in addition to the gossip between the ladies, the family’s big brothers go out to chat with other domestic servants, which is also a very important source of information. Even more than the homeowners know.

The source of the gossip of the female lords is really what the big brothers at home say.

So recently, the topic of servants going out to buy food and chatting, is in the relationship between Chang Jia and Yan Danchen.

In the past few days, Chen Hao, Liu Yuer and Zheng Zheng are the focus of attention.

Zheng Yuer is able to go out and go upstairs and people in the community several times.

Qi Chenglin lives in Building No. 5, and anyone in the 25th building can meet her under the 5th floor.

"Oh, my hometown! To be honest, our wife has a good relationship with the big family of the regular family. Mr. Changda’s family is a good person. It really hurts our wife. Unlike other people in Changjia, I don’t know what to do. Then I don’t like our lady. The old lady still went to the old house and told the old lady about the bad things of our wife. Our old lady drove the old lady away. So our husband and wife never went to the home. The door is only with Mr. Chang Da."

In this passage, Zheng Zheng said that he was numb, and he was so backward.

As long as the person hinted a little, Zheng Zheng told them especially happy.

So everyone knows that the relationship between Qi and Changjia is still the same, only the relationship with Chang Zhiyuan is good.

So the people who were quite close to Changhe, have been alienated. Changhe’s business was a lot less. And they are very polite to Chang Zhiyuan.

I don't think this is a loss-making business. Even if Chang Zhiyuan returns to his hometown in the future, they have never offended him. Other people around the home are useless.

Chang Zhixing is still strange, how suddenly it changes so much before and after.

Because those people who came to show up well before are not long ago, many contracts have not yet had time to sign, just a verbal agreement, but they also send representatives to discuss the specific matters of the contract, as well as the specific circumstances of the implementation, etc. Wait, just wait for the Ministry of Justice to draft a contract, you can sign it.

When the contract was signed on the date, the other party repented. Chang Zhixing received an assistant's report in the past few days, saying that the company contract could not be signed. The company seems to be very embarrassed. The project development has been cancelled. Others just look for a secretary to inform, but it is quite welcome. .

Chang Zhixing was unable to do anything, and the brows of these days were all screwed up every day. I have been thinking about what is going on. I also suspected that Chang Zhiyuan was behind the scenes, but after asking, he found that Chang Zhiyuan was honest, and he concentrated on running his company. He did not contact his former business partners and used his business to take business. .

"Everly." The assistant came in.

Chang Zhixing was depressed. "Who is the contract that the contract can't be signed?"

“No.” The assistant shook his head, but his expression was even heavier. “I just heard that Mr. Chang’s company suddenly signed many contracts, many of which were companies that canceled the contract with us before.”

"Sure enough, the big brother is behind the ghosts!" Chang Zhi lined a table, angry.

"No, Mr. Chang did not take the initiative to contact them. But they did not know where to hear it. The relationship between Yan Danchen and Chang Jia is not good. It only has a good relationship with Mr. Chang. They will sign with us before because of Dan Danchen. For the sake of this, I heard about this matter now, and I withdrew the contract and went to find Mr. Chang. Originally, this kind of thing that I heard was not reliable, but they did not know where the source of the news was, especially determined, so So simple," the assistant said.

When Chang Zhiyuan was shocked, he nodded. "I know, let's go out."


On the birthday, the little guy is very excited.

Because after all, it is not a formal banquet, it is prepared for the children, so the children are happy and relaxed, and not so much attention.

And considering that the children have to go to bed early at night, they booked at noon.

The little guy took his father in the left hand, took the mother in his right hand, jumped into the dynasty, and saw that his friends had come, especially in the world.

The little guys are all boys, and Qi Youxuan said that he needs to be a jade for Xiaomun since he was a child, so he can’t play with girls.

But considering that today, only a girl is coming over, I am afraid that Xiaomun will be lonely and no one is playing. Just let the little friends have their sisters and sisters, and they are all called when they are old, so they dress up cute little. The girl is really a lot.

"Brother, You Xuan's father and mother are really good-looking." Zhang Mingming's sister quietly said to Zhang Mingming.

The little guy’s ear moved and he heard it. The little chest was awkward. "That is, I am so beautiful, they, follow me!"

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