MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 183

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If the sixth-level prison in the advance city is empty and no big pirate is detained in the activation, then this so-called recommendation is a joke.

And in order to ensure that the recommendation can exist well, the navy and the world government do not know how much resources are spent.

And he, the warden of the advancing city, has no idea how many people are watching.

Without further ado, it can be said that the current second-in-command of the prison, Hanbani, wants him to be in the position anytime, anywhere.

And now, at this juncture when the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates are about to start a head-to-head battle, such a major event happened directly in the recommended results.

Magellan can basically judge that in the future, he will be completely excluded from the system of advancing the city.

For Magellan, this is tantamount to disaster.

People like him who have served in the advance city for many years, once they leave the big system of the navy, your inexhaustible enemies will attack him frantically until they are completely wiped out.

Therefore, the navy and the world government are his only way out.

Thinking of Magellan here, the fierce color in his eyes became more intense.

Now, the only way to save all this situation is to completely leave Xia En and others in front of him.

"Warden Magellan? I've been wanting to test how strong your fellow is?"

Crocodile had already seen Magellan, who often flaunted his power in front of her, very upset.

"Desert Sword!"

Crocodile's arm directly turned into a huge sand blade.

The sharp breath came directly from this treasured saber.

Then, Crocodile's right hand suddenly waved.

A large amount of sand turned into an extremely sharp thorn, which cut straight ahead.

Seeing this scene, Magellan's face suddenly changed, and his body could only lean to the right.

However, just the sand curtain formed by this knife directly and easily blocked all the poisonous gas that tried to cover the location of Shane and others.

At this time, Crocodile couldn't help but pouted and said, "Is this the warden of the advancing city? It looks like that."

At this time, Barrett, who had just completely dealt with all the prisoners who tried to attack Shane, also walked over with his wide-open mouth.

"I've already seen this guy unhappy, I'm going to tear his body into pieces."

And at this time, Crocodile has already started to do it, so naturally it is impossible to give up halfway.

So, Crocodile and Barrett united together and attacked Magellan directly from left to right.


Barrett's right fist suddenly swung forward. Under the attachment of a lot of black and red aura, the surface of Barrett's right fist at this moment seems to be carrying an impact cannonball......

The whole person's body was in mid-air, and even a huge sonic boom sounded directly when moving forward.

At this time, Crocodile had a lot of sand around his body.

hum! !

I saw that Crocodile's entire right arm was completely changed, and a lot of sand turned into an arc like a crescent moon.

"Arc Moon Walk Dune!"

Seeing that Barrett on the other side had also launched an attack, Crocodile was also not to be outdone.

Although maybe his strength is really not as good as Barrett, but this is his first battle after joining the Pirates of God, so he directly took out twelve points of spirit to deal with the battle in front of him.

What's more, because he was detained in the advancing city for a long time, Crocodile at this time really wanted to completely tear up the Magellan in front of him.

Staying in the advancing city all the year round, both physically and mentally, all suffered by Magellan in various ways.

In the entire prison, no prisoner can still show a calm look when facing Magellan.

At this time, except for some of the prisoners who tried to attack Shane directly for Barrett's suppression, the remaining many big pirates were also starting to fight frantically.

These big pirates have already recognized their current situation for the first time, and their strength is impossible to be Shane's opponent.

After all, the aura that Xia En burst out in Fang 1.1 was already powerful enough.

And in this case, their only chance to escape from the advancing city is to live to the end and obliterate all the competitors in front of them.

So the atmosphere at the scene became more fiery, blood and severed limbs scattered on the ground.

In this way, more and more big pirates began to vent the corresponding anger accumulated in their hearts after being imprisoned all the time.

There are even some big pirates who have completely forgotten them, and the reason why they fight is to finally leave the advance city.

Now they just want to kill all the actionable creatures in front of them.

And all this on the scene became more and more bloody.

Seeing this scene, Xia En just shook his head slightly and said, "I don't have that kind of patience, I will continue to wait for you to fight.".

Chapter 230: The villain of Shane, captured the advance city

"I can only give you ten minutes to fight. After ten minutes, I just want to see the strongest group of people standing in this area."

As soon as the voice fell, the entire infinite **** immediately fell into a state of rampage.

A large number of shouts of killing began to emerge, and the eyes of the powerful pirates were full of red light.

They are all fighting each other, because all of them are their competitors.

They have been in this advancing city for too long. If they want to leave here alive, they can only seize this opportunity given by Xia En.

At this time, the blood in the entire field became more viscous, and the ground was already covered with blood.

The sound of wailing sounded everywhere, and the infinite **** truly became a veritable hell.


On the other side, I saw a huge fleet passing through the gate of justice in the advancing city and heading towards the deepest point.

The people standing on the front deck were the naval hero Garp and the admiral Aokiji.

Karp's face was full of anticipation, and he said, "It seems that this guy is going to meet again this time, and now he doesn't know how strong he has become."

27 in Reliable's mind, he couldn't help thinking of the scenes when he collided with Xia En.

At this time, the blue pheasant's eyes were full of dignified colors.

Because Aokiji is very aware of Magellan's strength, however, according to the corresponding information when Magellan asked for help, Magellan could not support even a few seconds in front of Shane.

This is enough to prove that the strength between the two sides is not on the same level at all.

And Magellan himself has the combat power of the general level, so even the green pheasant at this moment has no absolute certainty, and can directly block Xia En.

Fortunately, there are also Garp and a large number of elite naval soldiers with him.

And at this moment, the propulsion into the defense system has been opened by impulse, and a large number of soldiers have already formed a circle of encirclement.

Next, they just have to move inward.

However, just when the two of them came directly to the first floor of the advance city, they heard the sound of roars coming from inside.

Moreover, the breath of a lot of blood also spread from it.

The sound of roaring, howling, and the huge movement from the fight all entered their ears.

At this time, Garp and Aokiji's faces became very ugly.

When they came back, they were still thinking that the accident was only on the sixth floor, and the entire advance city should still be in a normal state.

According to the current situation, it seems that the entire Propulsion City may be involved in a collapse at any time.

The prisoners mentioned seem to have completely fallen into a state of rioting.

However, what they don't know is that all this movement is only made by the prisoners on the sixth floor.

In the face of the hope of survival, these prisoners have gone completely crazy.

The prisoners who have not left the cage for many years have completely turned into beasts.

The reason why these prisoners are directly detained in the sixth-floor prison is because they have always had the desire to kill in their hearts, and they have been guided by the desire to kill.

And the slaughtering desire accumulated over the decades, the movement generated in an instant, even affected Karp and Aokiji.


Just as the two of Karp were about to move forward, an explosion sounded.

Suddenly, the door placed in front of them shattered, and a large number of fragments sputtered directly around.

The surrounding waves also began to emerge wave after wave towards the surroundings.

At this time, several figures also clearly appeared in front of Garp.

I saw Xia En holding the golden lion's corpse at this time, and Nami, who followed behind, walked out of it in a hurry.

Behind Shane, a large number of elite naval soldiers followed, but they did not dare to take action easily.

And they have kept a very long distance from Xia En, otherwise, under Xia En's unconscious domineering attack, I am afraid that these people would have already fallen to the ground and fell into a coma.

The first time they saw Shane, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in Karp and Aokiji's heart.

Because in the end, the information from Magellan indicated that he would stop Shane at the cost of his own life.

However, now that Shane has come here easily, it is obvious that Magellan's current situation is probably very tragic.

However, when they saw the people who followed behind Shane, Karp and others also completely understood that Magellan's interception was impossible.

The famous devil descendant Barrett in the previous era, plus Crocodile, one of the former Shichibukai, and the holy angel Nami herself, and finally, Marco, one of the core cadres from the Whitebeard Pirates. .

When he saw this, Karp couldn't help taking a deep breath.

You know, the reason why their navy is going to fight the Whitebeard Pirates is to completely deploy the corresponding battle deployment from Marco.

However, I didn't expect that Shane at this time would directly take Marco in his hands again.

I originally thought that the person who carried out the prison robbery would definitely be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the movement of the encounter must not be small.

At that time, their navy can also conduct combat deployments according to the corresponding situation. 337

At this moment, however, everything seems to have changed.

"Why is Marco being taken away by this guy?"

"How did he accurately grasp the positions of Marco and the Golden Lion?"

"And what happened to the golden lion? Is he dead?"

A major thought flashed through Garp's mind in an instant.

Karp, like the Golden Lion, are all fundamentally indispensable characters of the previous era.

Therefore, seeing that the once mighty golden lion had died in the advancing city, Garp's eyes were full of complicated expressions.

When an opponent has been entangled with you for decades, perhaps you both know each other to a very deep level.

Although Karp and the Golden Lion did not have a special friendship, it did not stop the two from admiring each other.

The Golden Lion was one of the few strong men in the last era who could still resist everything today.

Too many people have fallen into the last era.

The Golden Lion itself is also definitely a living legend.

It's a pity that this legend has completely ended at this moment.

Although the golden lion has completely died at the moment, according to the current situation, I am afraid that the advance city is about to enter the stage of complete occupation.

Chapter 231: I'm Going For A Time

Even if Garp and Aokiji suddenly came to the scene, I am afraid it is impossible to completely calm down the turmoil here in a short period of time.

After all, every prisoner in the advancing city was piled up entirely by time.

In the process of capturing these prisoners, many navy even died.