MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 201

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When this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Obviously, Garp in front of him actually doesn't want to fight the dragon at all, but both sides are forced by their own positions, it seems that the next situation has been completely doomed.

And everyone's eyes were on the dragon, waiting for the dragon to give a corresponding answer.

I saw that the dragon at this time was not affected by Garp in a state of rage, and the expression on his face was still very indifferent.

"The world is about to undergo earth-shaking changes, and it must be the revolutionary army who will eventually occupy the overall situation."

"The world government has long since decayed."

"Father, do you choose to stand on the side of justice, or on the side of the rotten world powerhouse?"

In the dragon's heart, the world government has long been old and must be eliminated by this era.

And the revolutionary army he represents is the existence that can be designed to change the world and open a new era.

The world government has ruled the entire world for hundreds of years, and during these times, they not only breed very stupid Tianlong people, but also a large number of pirates, and a large number of **** slaughterers.

But the revolutionary army is different. In the heart of many revolutionary army soldiers, all have corresponding determination.

Moreover, each revolutionary army is very firm in their beliefs deep in their hearts. Even death, it is impossible for them to change their beliefs.

And these revolutionary army soldiers are the greatest wealth of the revolutionary army leader Long.

The many core members of the revolutionary army and the leadership are not that strong, but when they face the revolutionary goal, their innermost thoughts will never change.

And the places where these guys appear can completely become one of the temporary bases of the revolutionary army anytime, anywhere.

It is precisely because of this that every member of the core leadership of the revolutionary army is very important and precious.

At this time, Karp was furious.

Because Karp has always believed in his heart that the navy is the real justice party.

However, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, never put the navy in his eyes.

Chapter 263: Shane can change the world

Even the entire revolutionary army has been attacking only the world government, not the navy.

Of course, the sea today is in such a chaotic situation, and it is undeniable that He Haijun is also inextricably linked.

But that doesn't mean the Navy is hopeless.

After all, Karp is the real veteran leader in the navy, so he is very clear that there are still many problems within the navy.

But these problems are not insoluble. He does not believe that as long as he is given a certain amount of time, as long as enough time is given to future naval leaders, they will definitely be able to solve all the problems.

After all, the existence of the navy has a huge positive effect on the entire sea.

If there is no navy, I am afraid that the number of pirates in the entire sea would have been raging long ago.

The number of civilians rescued and killed by the Navy each year, and the number of pirates apprehended are all astronomical.

Therefore, Karp does not think that the navy has already become a representative of the corrupt forces as long as the revolutionary army leader Long said.

And Karp doesn't think they are members of the so-called rotten world power.

I saw Karp said angrily: "It is precisely because of the existence of many pirates and your revolutionary army that you are constantly doing things around, so the world will become what it is today."

"Don't you know that the emergence of the revolutionary army has completely broken the harmonious and stable life of many people in the past?"

If the revolutionary army wants to develop, it must recruit a large number of civilians to become soldiers of the revolutionary army.

Once these civilians join the revolutionary army, they will become the targets of the world government and the navy to jointly arrest.

In this way, after many civilians join the revolutionary army, their respective families will naturally become a mess.

Although it is said that the members absorbed by the revolutionary army are more broken, and they have a **** feud with the navy and the world government.

But it is not possible that every revolutionary army is in a state of ruin.

It is precisely because of this that many civilians, under the influence of various factors, joined the revolutionary army, but caused catastrophic disasters in their respective homes or their hometowns.

After all, the revolutionary army that these guys joined exists to overthrow the world government, so the world government and the navy will naturally not be open to their relatives.

As a result, the navy also began to carry out corresponding atrocities and revenge activities.

It is precisely because of this that the behavior of the Navy has strengthened the determination of many members of the Revolutionary Army to overthrow the World Government and the Navy.

It is precisely in this interlocking and **** role that the strength of the revolutionary army has become stronger and stronger.

When the world government and the navy officially began to pay attention to the revolutionary army, they found that the flame of the revolution had already reached the spark and could not be extinguished at all.

"Anyway, with the existence of you guys, there is no way for the entire sea to be completely stabilized."

"Because of your existence, a large number of civilians are dying every moment."

In the eyes of the revolutionary army leader Long, a gleam of brilliance bloomed, and he said directly: "The constant decay needs to be changed with real iron blood."

"And the process of revolution is destined to be a process full of blood and sacrifice, but the future after the success of the revolution must be extremely beautiful."

"We just need to believe that the future is good, so even if there will be corresponding sacrifices now, so what?"

Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, believes that the revolutionary army he created will bring new situations and changes to the whole world.

In fact, within the time since the establishment of the revolutionary army, they have helped many civilians out of their predicament, helped many civilians become stronger, and have the corresponding resistance in the face of persecution.

Moreover, the idea that the overthrow of the world government is the leader of the revolutionary army Long must win, how could it be easily shaken by Garp's words.

And in a sense, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, and many soldiers of the revolutionary army are interdependent existences, and everyone makes continuous contributions with their love for ideals.

This kind of spirit is not the so-called physical pain at all, it can always be changed.

This is exactly what makes the revolutionary army so terrifying.

Because on the real battlefield, the members of the revolutionary army are willing to die, and they will not be afraid of how powerful the enemy they face is.


Just like on the surface of the sea today, many members of the navy are actually very uneasy in their hearts, and they are afraid of these members of the revolutionary army who are not afraid of death.

And these members of the revolutionary army, from time to time, looked in the direction of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

They couldn't wait to break through the Holy Land directly, and Mary Joa killed all the dragon people inside, completely overthrowing the entire decadent world government.

Even now they are facing the famous naval hero Karp and several large naval warships.

But all this could not make them feel the slightest fear.


When he heard this, Karp's face showed a look of disdain, and then he said, "Your thoughts are as naive as before."

"Do you really think that even if you change to a new regime, everything will change completely?"

"Impossible. The revolutionary army of the year was completely unified. After the whole world, they also had corresponding ideals. They also wanted to bring a better life to the whole world."

"But all of this has changed completely in the passage of time."

"In many years to come, in the world today, the government will be what your revolutionary army will look like in the future,"

Karp said, the sneer on his face became very rich.

Because in any case, those members of the world government are all privileged enjoyers, and it is impossible for them to empathize with the civilians they are targeting.

With a cigar in his mouth, Garp took a deep breath, his eyes were like electricity, and he locked onto Long, the leader of the revolutionary army in front of him.

"Also, do you really think that someone like Shane can change the whole world?"

Garp is naturally very clear that the revolutionary army chose to shoot directly at this time, and it is definitely inextricably linked with the Pirates of God.

Hearing that the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, didn't even hesitate, and said directly: "I believe that the appearance of Xia En will definitely change the world completely." B.

Chapter 264: The highest naval power is here

"Because he has a strong will that has never appeared at all, it is incomprehension and contempt for the corrupt ruler, and it is also a trampling on the so-called aristocratic nobles."

"Shaen has always resisted the so-called creator in his heart. The path we are taking now is absolutely the same."

"Our two sides will meet thoroughly at an unknown end."

Speaking of this, the revolutionary army leader Long's face was full of determination.

Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, never doubted the sense of resistance in Shane, and he always recognized Shane's ultimate goal.

The Pirates of the Gods, where Shane belongs, has long set the corresponding goal of overthrowing the world government, which is why the will of the Pirates of the Gods and the Revolutionary Army are interdependent.

At this time, when the card "Three Five Three" Pu heard this, his face was full of anger, but even from his point of view, he had to admit that this guy Xia En was absolutely unique and unprecedented. The presence.

At this time, Garp raised his right fist, and a large amount of jet-black armed color domineering was attached to the fist.

I saw Karp staring closely at the revolutionary army leader Long, and he said word by word: "If you want to go to the Red Continent today, then you must defeat me."

"And you must understand, kid, don't think I can't teach you this guy when I'm old."

Garp's eyes were full of determination, and now he just wanted to completely suppress the revolutionary army through hearty battles.

At this time, even if the dragon laughed loudly, he waved his big hand to the rear suddenly, and then shouted: "Old man, just look at it, the rotten world protected by your navy, the government will completely disappear in this era. ."

"And our revolutionary army will open a new era under the watchful eyes of your navy."

With the order of the revolutionary army leader Long.

A large number of warships rushed towards the sea frantically, targeting the naval warships not far ahead.

hum! !

Above the sea, huge waves appeared immediately, and in conjunction with the cloudy scene in the upper half of the sky, the entire sea became completely dark.

However, all of this could not cover up the darkness, and there were many brightly shining revolutionary army soldiers.

Many revolutionary army soldiers were not afraid of death, and Orange looked forwardly to the naval warships that were about to meet them.

At the same time, the powerful voice of Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, reverberated across the entire battlefield.

"This new era is up to us to start!"

"The rotten Tianlong people will eventually be swept into the dust by history, and today is the last step for us to do our best."

At the same time, a gust of wind suddenly appeared in the stone sky.

A large number of gusts raged wildly in the factory, and thunder and lightning were also mixed in the rush, sweeping the entire battlefield.

And these thunderbolts seemed to be conscious, avoiding many soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, and just regarded the attack target as many naval warships.

The situation on the entire battlefield became very anxious from the beginning.


On the other side of the Beehive Island, I felt that the final mobilization of everyone was completely over.

At this time, everyone also discovered that a large number of warships suddenly began to appear on the sea in the distance.

Numerous warships with top-notch tonnage and shape all galloped directly from four directions.

And everyone can clearly see that on the deck of the warship in each direction, there is a dignified Admiral of the Navy guarding it.

And the figure of the Warring States on one of the warships is also impressively listed.

Obviously, the navy at this time has been completely out of the nest.

When he saw this, Ace's face showed a touch of consternation, and he said directly: "What's going on? Why did all the guys from the Navy suddenly come here?"

"I thought they might avoid fighting with us this time."

Ai Nilu on the side pouted and said straightforwardly: "It's good that these guys are here, just let me give them a group electrotherapy."

Anilu's right hand swayed gently, and thunder and lightning flowed continuously in it. From a distance, it was like a purple lightning ball that swayed continuously in Anilu's hand.

At this time, the face of Earl Red in the crowd became extremely serious: "Have all the combat power of the senior navy arrived at the scene?"

"It seems that these guys really want to completely end this battle..."

The World Destroyer in the crowd said with the same look of anticipation: "It seems that this time we can finally fight head-on with the Navy's top combat power."

"And on today's chaotic battlefield, it is impossible for the naval tactics to have the corresponding effect."