MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 275

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Therefore, Komamura Zuojin will not turn his back on Jinglingei no matter what.

"It seems that you have high expectations for me, but I never thought that I would be the captain and take responsibility." Xia En told the truth.

After entering the world of death, the only thing he did was to become stronger.

"Actually, the captain doesn't have many responsibilities. Generally speaking, we prohibit the liberation of Zanpakutō. For example, I drink every day. You can leave the subordinates responsible for anything, and you have great rights as the captain. "Jingle Chunshui showed the kind of smile you know.

It seems that the rumored female death party of the fifth division is not groundless.

In addition, Nanao Ise is also the vice-chairman of the Female Death Association, and he can also invite other female Death Gods to come.

Shane was hesitant when he heard this.

If you want to stay in Jingling Court, becoming the captain is the best choice.

The opportunity is in front of him, and it is estimated that it is only this time.

As Jingle Chunshui said, the captain is actually very leisurely.

Those chores can be handed over to the vice-captain, which is basically what every captain is doing.

"If that's the case, then I agree." Shane nodded. "Very good! The old man will be very happy to know this news." Jingle Chunshui laughed.

However, this smile did not last for a few seconds, and Jingle Chunshui became serious. "Since you have taken over as captain, can you reveal the details of your previous battle with Aizen?"

"What are the details? This is related to my Zanpakutō's ability. I won't explain it in too much detail, but some things can be said." Xia En understood that this was the price of becoming the captain.

Some information must be leaked.

He explained the matter from beginning to end to Jingle Chunshui.

It's just that what Shane said was very different from the truth.

First of all, Xia En didn't say anything about his entry into the Great Spirit Book Corridor, which violated the taboo of the Soul Society.

As for the battle with Aizen, Shane also said that Aizen was only interested in his own power.

He even described the battle as Aizen had the upper hand, and he just barely escaped.

"Really? I always feel that this is not all." Jingle Chunshui muttered to himself.

After all, what Xia En said was too general, and Jingle Chunshui didn't get much information from it.

But Jingle Chunshui had no way to ask, Xia En had already told the secret about Zanpakutō.

And Jingle Chunsui's own Zanpakutō also has a secret, so he won't force Xia En to say it......

"Of course not all, because we know very little about Aizen." Xia En spread his hands and said.

Now Jinglingting doesn't even know what Aizen did.

When Aizen was looking up Urahara Kisuke's materials in the Great Spirit Book Corridor, he destroyed all his own materials by the way.

However, there is no record of Aizen's conspiracy in the corridor of the Great Spirit Book.

Although the video hall can collect a lot of information, there are always people who can escape.

Including Xia En's entry into the Great Spirit Book Corridor was not recorded, because Aizen had destroyed the surveillance system in the Great Spirit Book Corridor.

"That's right. You are welcome to be one of us. Next is the official meeting at noon." Jingle Chunshui smiled slightly.

After the official meeting is over, Shane will be publicly announced as captain.

It will also create a unique record in the soul world, that is, a person who has never become a **** of death directly becomes the captain.

"Okay." Shane nodded.

Soon the captain-level meeting was held, and Shane appeared in the meeting.

Without Aizen and others, the captain-level meeting seemed a little calmer, but the atmosphere became more serious.

"Welcome to Shane, the four captains recommended two captains to agree, and now you have the qualification to become the captain-level **** of death." Captain Yamamoto said first. "It's my honor." Shane nodded. ? "Wait! I have objections to 1.1." At this moment, a person stepped out.

It's Nirvana. "What opinion." Captain Yamamoto asked.

"Although it is a special period now, I don't agree with the reduction of the recommended quota of two captains. This will reduce the requirement to become captains. It is better to wait until the number of captains is enough before making recommendations. I think Shane should be further reviewed. ." Nie Yuli said.

"Now is a special period, and we can't use conventional methods." Yamamoto shook his head slightly.

If there was no Yamamoto's nod, then Jingle Chunshui would not recommend Xia En as the captain.

"If you have an opinion, I don't mind choosing the third method, defeating and replacing you in front of two hundred gods of death. After all, your strength is here, a person who was defeated by a young quencher." Shane said lightly.

Chapter 388: Causing Public Outrage

"You bastard!" Nie Yuli gritted her teeth.

It was his shame to be defeated by Yuryu Ishida.

Although this allowed Nie Mayuri to obtain a lot of precious data about Ishida Yulong, but after all, this was defeated.

It has spread all over the Soul Realm, making Nie Yuli very embarrassing.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, and I don't have any good fruit to eat." Xia En snorted coldly.

"Cut!" Nie Yuli looked disappointed and stepped back.

The people around were very puzzled and didn't know what Shane's words meant.

And Shane knew very well why Nie Yuli stood up against it.

It is nothing more than wanting to use myself as a test product and conduct thorough research.

The so-called further review also means this, that is, to test Shane.

"Does anyone else have an opinion?" Yamamoto looked around.

Whether it is Uzuru Hanari, or Broken Bee, they don't care about it.

In their opinion, this is just a special promotion to the 27th team leader.

It has nothing to do with myself.

"Since there is no opinion, then I will announce here that Xia En will be officially appointed as the captain of the fifth division!" Yamamoto's voice was loud and clear.

Soon the news spread throughout Jingling Court.

The travel disaster before Zhiqi has become the captain! ? Let everyone feel the surprise, but it seems to be reasonable.

Now in the Soul Society, such combat power is needed.

Someone specially brought a captain-level death tyrant outfit for Shane.

Different from the general death tyrant outfit, the captain-level death tyrant outfit is specially modified and has stronger functions.

If there are other requirements, you can even ask the people from the zero team to make it specially.

The death tyrant was developed by Shutara Qianshoumaru of Team Zero.

Before going to the fifth division, Shane first came to the place where Kurosaki Ichigo lived.

In addition to Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Saori and others have also come here now.

Just as the captain-level meeting was being held, Rukia woke up.

That means today is the day when Kurosaki Ichigo and the others leave the Soul Society.

"You became the captain of the fifth division!"

After seeing Xia En wearing a death tyrant costume, several people opened their mouths in surprise.

After all, the capitalized five characters behind the death tyrant outfit are particularly eye-catching. "Well, it's considered an order in danger, to solve the mess left by Aizen." Xia En nodded.

"Why do I feel that the Death God's proxy card in my hand is not fragrant." Kurosaki Ichigo smiled bitterly when he saw the Death God's proxy card.

On his side, he just got an acting Death God, but Xia En became the captain.

"You don't want to be your captain." Xia En smiled.

"That's true." Kurosaki Ichigo smiled.

Although living in the soul world can get a longer life.

While living as a human being, after death, it will enter the reincarnation path and become a spiritual child to be reincarnated.

A few lucky people will enter the Soul Realm without dying at this time.

Souls in the Soul Soul World are more naturally bred.

But because Kurosaki Ichigo has a family in this world, it is impossible for him to abandon his family.

"From now on, we will be colleagues, although it is not a department." Xia En also greeted Rukia again. "Yes, Captain Shane, please give me more advice in the future!" Rukia bowed directly to Shane.

The relationship between superiors and subordinates is here, and Rukia must also show her courtesy.

"Don't be so polite, we are all people who have experienced life and death, so we are alienated." Shane stepped forward and patted Rukia on the shoulder.

"Yes!" Rukia lifted her head in relief.

Staring at Xia En, I feel that Xia En is no different from before.

It's just that there is a sense of oppression after wearing the death tyrant outfit.

"But we now have a backer in the Soul Society. You will help us in the future." Saori Inoue looked expectant. "Of course, we will always be companions, companions who have experienced life and death." Shane nodded, this will not change.

When Shane chose to come to rescue Rukia with Kurosaki Ichigo and others, he also wanted to join them.

This opportunity is once in a lifetime.

Otherwise, even if I met Rukia and the others later, I wouldn't have such an experience.

The **** of death has a special passage to the real world, and Shane, Rukia, and Renji Asanjing specially sent them to the door.

As for Ye Yi, he also came to give it away, but he just said that he hadn't come back for a long time, and he had to take a look around.

"I'll go back and beat that bastard, you won't mind." Kurosaki Ichigo said to Yoichi.

That **** was referring to Kisuke Urahara.

Now Ichigo Kurosaki has also understood that the collapsed jade was placed in Rukia's body by Urahara Kisuke.

That's what brought such a big disaster to Rukia.

Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't cross this hurdle without beating Urahara Kisuke hard.

"I don't mind, but I guess you won't be able to hit him. That guy has a lot of ways to do it." Ye Yi smiled.

"Humph! Anyway, I won't spare him easily!" Ichigo Kurosaki made up his mind.

However, Ichigo Kurosaki would not have thought that when he saw Kisuke Urahara again, he would kneel down and apologize.

Leave him speechless.

As the portal closed, Kurosaki Ichigo and the others also disappeared in front of them. ? "Yo, the captain of the fifth division, he's very handsome." Ye Yi didn't forget to tease Xia En.

"Aren't you going to resume the duties of the **** of death?" Shane asked.

"Without this plan, isn't 440 very happy to live here now?" Ye Yi looked into the distance.

Xia En did not ask any further questions, he knew that Ye Yi's intention was no longer Jing Lingting.

During the time Yeichi lived in the present world with Urahara Kisuke, he had completely fallen in love with this feeling.

It is even more determined that the real world also needs its own help, which is more useful than in the realm of corpses.

"That's not bad." Shane nodded.

After saying goodbye to a few people, Shane finally walked to the fifth division's station.

"Meet the captain!"

And here all the members of the fifth division are already standing at the gate of the station waiting for Shane.

Because Aizen's mutiny was replaced this time, the members of the fifth division all looked solemn.

However, when most of the captains took over, few of them showed a happy expression.

Either the former captain died, or he committed a mistake and was imprisoned or executed.

Only very few death gods will be promoted to the zero team.

Shane glanced at the gods of death one by one, feeling a particularly negative aura.

"Everyone, I'm the new captain who took office today. Most of you have never seen me, but it doesn't matter, you just need to know that I let the blue dye who pretended to be dead reveal his stuff!" Shane's face showed A proud look.