MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 203 The threshold of getting started determines the number of players

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Li Wen thought about the previous version of lol, and even felt a little itchy for a while.

He really wants to play an AP Juggernaut.

The battery life is high, and the ability to clear the line is very terrifying. The opponent's mid laner is often very helpless.

There is also a happy man, who is happy in the mid laner.

He felt that it was necessary to make the second era of lol immediately.

Although the operation is different from the original version, as long as the balance is good, it is feasible to make a next-generation game with a lol flavor.

Because the efficiency of the two-person design is really poor.

In addition, the final finishing touch of Demon's Soul was also successfully completed.

Therefore, the entire production team has devoted itself to the production of games in the lol era.

Although Li Xin was a little disappointed, the two of them worked quietly and became a whole production team.

However, she was quite satisfied.

She also knows that her design speed is really too slow. If the whole production team helps, the efficiency will be improved a lot.

Games are more important than one's own selfish desires.


The vigorous announcement of Demon's Soul not only let many people know about this game.

At the same time, it also made colleagues pay attention to Demon's Soul.

The employees of Happy Paradise are very united, and the confidentiality is very good.

It wasn't until the game was announced that everyone knew the name of the game was Demon's Souls.

The game type can already be seen in the announcement video.

Players will explore a world shrouded in fog.

It is an argp game, but in terms of genre, it belongs to the mainstream genre today.

But core players and colleagues will not regard this game as a normal ARPG.

Take Fengshen as an example.

Advertised as an action game.

However, the difficulty level soared directly into the sky, causing countless players who fell into the pit to cry for their fathers and mothers.

I was almost about to be tortured out of my inner shadow.

Xiaozhao playing Fengshen has become a very popular Internet meme.

Fortunately, although the game is a bit difficult, the action system is good enough, and there are a lot of equipment items that can be matched, which makes the game very playable.

Deep Hell, in particular, is full of enough challenges that even ordinary players can have fun in Deep Hell.

Fengshen belongs to a game that becomes easier the more you play, and the more fun you play, it is a very top game.

Later, the arena mode was updated, and players can compete in the arena.

There are solo and there are teams.

Needless to say, single row, 1v1 duel.

As for the team, it is up to five people against five people.

1v1 duels are more gorgeous and test pure personal skills.

Especially for those masters who are at the top of the solo ladder, every battle is very exciting, because the operation has become much easier.

In order to be able to play flowers, these master players have created many new genres.

The most typical is to change the weapon genre.

When comboing opponents, change the weapon from the equipment bar to pursue.

Because pvp has protective combo measures.

When a certain amount of damage is given by the opponent, the player will get protective measures and will fall directly to the ground.

Make the opponent can no longer continue to move.

After all, in the Fengshen game, although there is an energy bar, the air essence of expert players is very scary.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

You only need to grasp the opponent's flaws, and you can infinitely suppress the opponent and make continuous moves to death.

Therefore, in order to make pvp more dramatic, a protection mechanism has been added.

Under the protection mechanism, after grasping the flaws, the masters can't kill the opponent in a combo, they can only use the combo that maximizes the damage.

In this way, ordinary players can easily operate combos that maximize damage.

It also brings a very good pvp experience to ordinary players.

As the saying goes, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.

Expert players soon discovered that when the damage to the opponent is about to reach the critical point, they only need to replace other types of weapons from the backpack to get the initial critical value.

However, this kind of operation is very difficult to achieve in high-speed combos.

At present, only a few masters near the top of the ranking can do it.

This is not a move that can be learned through contact.

Cutting into a **** is the most difficult operation.

Another pvp mode is team mode.

Team formation is more tactical than single-player pvp, and it is not about swarming up and catching one of the opponents.

It is said that it is necessary to pay attention to tactics, but when most players play team battles, they often swarm up and form a melee.

This kind of confusion is indeed very funny to ordinary players.

The current low-level team pvp is that everyone swarms up, regardless of everything, and catches one of the players with a hammer and it's over.

In the chaos, the players will forget who they are, where they are, and what they want to do.

It's the same as the lol players who just came into contact with it not long ago.

When fighting a team battle, I can't even find myself anywhere, I only know to click the mouse and press the four keys of QWER frantically.

Of course, there are also high-end rounds in the team, but the high-end rounds in the team are much more boring than the high-end rounds in single-player pvp.

Players on both teams are very careful.

In the early stage, they almost used long-range weapons to test, looking for the opponent's flaws.

When the arena was just updated at the beginning, the pvp scene was very simple, there were no obstacles, and the map was not large.

With the update of the new pvp map later, the scene not only became much larger, but also after avoiding various obstacles, the team pvp also began to pay more attention to tactics and strategies.

But the downside is that the battle doesn't seem to be as good as before.

This is also something that cannot be helped. After forming a team and pvp starts to pay attention to strategy, the rhythm will often be slow, and the temptation will occupy the vast majority.

Compared with a group of people working hard at the beginning, it must be much worse.

The Conferred Gods pvp league is also in full swing.

Many teams have already expressed their willingness to participate, and started member training and recruitment.

Although the game Fengshen is an ARPG, it has a very good action system, which is especially suitable for competition.

Of course, the lol sub-era that Li Wen and the Devil's Soul production team are working on is more suitable for e-sports competitions.

Maybe it can create a brilliant e-sports competition in this world.

This is not a small difficulty, after all, it is different from Li Wen's world before his rebirth.

There are so many fun games to choose from.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

However, Li Wen didn't think it was difficult to reach the level of battle royale.

It is also a free game, and it also relies on skins to make money. Games that are easy to learn but difficult to master are easy to become popular.

The same goes for the game itself.

If a game is difficult to get started, it is actually very difficult to really catch fire.

Just like Escape from Tarkov, this game is very difficult to get started. Although the game is really interesting, it discouraged many players from the beginning.

Driven by the anchor, it became popular for a while, but compared to the popularity of pubg and ow that swept the world at the beginning, it is still much worse.

No way, the threshold of this game is too high.

Countless players were dissuaded from the beginning, and the various **** settings made countless players feel uncomfortable.

After the rest of the players finally got started, they can finally start picking up trash. The suspicious life caused by hanging on the wall directly lost their patience with this game.

Wall hanging is a devastating blow to any game.

For **** games like Escape from Tarkov, cheats are more powerful.

Not only will it make ordinary players lose the game experience, but it can even dampen the enthusiasm that players have accumulated for this game.

If you switch to a game that is easy to learn and difficult to master, even if you encounter Brother Gu, apart from ruining the game experience, you can still barely continue playing.

Although it will also gradually lose interest in the game due to the influx of a large number of wall hangings.

But far less intense than **** games.

After finally getting started, happily collecting garbage, and being killed by the sixth child can still figure it out.

But being killed by hanging on the wall will cause great discomfort both psychologically and physically, and the mentality will explode instantly.

Putting aside cheating, in Li Wen's world.

Escape from Tarkov should be much easier to get started on the next-generation platform.

Forget about the old platform, the difficulty of getting started will definitely lose money in this world.

It is simply impossible to make money.

If Fengshen is not a next-generation game, it will be released on the old platform before the second world lands.

Li Wen will definitely go to grandma's house at a loss.

Games such as Demon's Soul, which are easier for players to get started, will have a more marketable market.

There are only a handful of highly skilled players, and most of them are just ordinary players.

When the threshold of the game is high, many players will be stopped.

The reason why the soul game became popular is that Mingming Renwang has a richer action system and more equipment, and the matching entries are also very happy.

Why are the sales of the two parts combined not as high as the third half of the Black Soul trilogy?

Very short answer, because Souls games are very easy to play.

It is a game with a very low barrier to entry and can be played with hands.

There are no flashy moves, nothing too complicated to operate, very simple to operate.

Entering the game, just a few simple messages on the ground can let the player know how to operate the game.

Although the game is difficult and very tormenting to the players, but because it is easy to learn, it is easier for the players to get on top.

Soul 3 is the simplest work in the Black Soul Trilogy, and the easiest work to use is also the highest-selling work in the Black Soul Trilogy.

It became the first soul game for young people.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Later, the simpler old head ring became the first soul game for young people.

In terms of difficulty alone, the ring of the old man has the ashes system, and the eldest brother will deny all relatives, no matter which boss can be hammered.

Compared with soul 3, the difficulty of the game is indeed much lower.

Although Soul 3 is the simplest of the Black Soul trilogy.

But a Gouda goalkeeper can dissuade many new players.

Many new players have been educated by Guda.

Li Wen never thought of making Escape from Tarkov before.

But now I still have some thoughts about making it.

Like Fengshen, under the control of nerves, the difficulty for players to get started will be much easier.

Although the game will still be very hardcore, it might be able to become popular in this world like a god.

Coupled with the shooting game with the widest audience, maybe it can create Happy Paradise's first game with sales exceeding 100 million.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]

As for the upcoming Demon's Souls.

Li Wen couldn't figure out how many copies were sold.

This is a completely different game from the Fengshen type, and it seems to be more disgusting to players than Fengshen.

The map contains not only the various traps in the original game, but also a series of traps added by Li Wen's whim.

This kind of trap learns from a teleportation trap in the Bloodborne Underground Palace.

After the player reaches the trap and triggers the trap mechanism, the player will be teleported to a sealed room with the door closed.

The room is circular.

There are four huge circular black holes in the southeast and northwest.

Just when the player is thinking about what will happen to this black hole.

Boulders will roll out of these black holes.

Players will face four rolling stone attacks.

After the rolling stone is over, the door of the room will not open until the player has survived.

This is a 'safe' corridor.

It's just that there will be raised bricks on the ground.

Not very obvious, need to watch carefully to find out.

Without stepping on the raised bricks, the player can make it all the way to the end of the corridor, which is a hidden door that can be broken with a light cut or touch.

The outside of the hidden door is near the trap where the player is sent.

As for the player who stepped on a raised brick.

Then there will be a boulder attack that fills the entire corridor.

On both sides of the corridor, there are depressions that can avoid the attack of rolling stones.

However, the problem is that the rolling stone doesn't just roll once, it rolls back and forth in the corridor.

At this time, players need to keep entering the depression to avoid the rolling stone attack.

This is the exclusive trap of the map of the ruins, that is to say, it is not safe in these depressions.

The white bones in some depressions will slowly gather together to form a skeleton monster.

These skeleton monsters hold dung forks, and they don't just attack players.

Instead, use a dung fork to push the player out of the depression.

Anyone who is attacked by rolling stones in this narrow corridor. UU reading

Basically, there is only one result left for the player, which is to be hit to death by rolling stones two or three times in a row.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

This is the malice from Li Wen.

Why do you want to add this kind of trap that is directly full of maliciousness?

It's very simple, he just likes to abuse players, that's all.

He is not the same as the old thief, he is not a jitter, and he will not act because of his "coolness" when making games.

Only at some point do I suddenly feel that it must be very interesting to abuse players like this.

So I designed it well and put these ideas into the game.

Demon's Souls itself is a malicious game.

His thoughts that pop up from time to time are very suitable for embedding in the game,

Demon's Souls fits perfectly with his ideas.

Ever since Sledgehammer was made, I have seen players who have played this game suffer.

He will have a strange pleasure.

Very cool.

You don't even need to drink the fat house happy water to feel very happy.

The escape he made later was based on this idea, and the difficulty of the game was made too high.

In the end, there was no way to compromise with the market, and a simple mode was added.

Since the launch of the second world in the second era, he can finally let go of his hands and feet, and integrate his ideas into the game as he pleases.

After all, with nerve control, the difficulty of the game is generally reduced a lot.

He doesn't need to compromise the simple model for the market anymore...