MTL - Unfathomable Doomsday-Chapter 15 Exorcist

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This secondary infection is excellent.

Lu Qiu looked at her exposed bone thorns faintly wrapped in reddish luster.

After she evolved, she awakened the genes of flame control! It can make your body hot... The temperature at the tip of the bone can almost melt the ordinary steel.


What can Lu Qiu do now? Looking at the little guy who rushed over, she really wants to eat herself.

Camouflage glasses also have troubles...

If you have the same human breath, you will be treated as a food by zombies!

However, Lu Qiu hates the feeling of being bitten by the pets being raised. When Lu Qiu’s hands are wearing glasses, they will wash all the blood contaminated with them in the direction of Lu Qiu. The camouflage will be disguised in place.

Between the long, white fingers, it's hard to imagine how much helpless life has suffocated and died... now there is one.

As long as there is a blood creature, Lu Qiu, as a vampire, can control the blood in his body.

The zombies are the same...

Lu Qiu stepped back and escaped the attack of this secondary infection. The young body broke out with unparalleled power, and the table in front of Lu Qiu was broken into pieces, and even the ground was shot by her fingertips. The hot temperature in the bone spurs melts!

"Oh!" The pupil is no longer pale, but a deep redness!

The hot temperature rises around her body, Lu Qiu is forced to the corner, she rushed to the road again, with a burning breath!

At this time, Lu Qiu's pupil contracted.


The violent secondary infection was suddenly suspended in the air like a puppet that had been cut off, causing a snoring sound.

This is not caused by Lu Qiu...

A spike made of blue ice crystals pierces the chest of this secondary infection.

In Lu Qiu’s eyes, after the spikes disappeared, the body of the secondary infected body fell to the ground...

Unconsciously, the white mist in the whole room lingered, the temperature dropped to near freezing point, and in front of Lu Qiu, stood a silver-haired girl of the same age as Lu Qiu.

"Nothing?" Her voice was as cold as the temperature.

Lu Qiu glanced at the secondary infection that had become a corpse. The virus that overflowed after death was still like lava, melting the floor, but some lava was just around the body of the girl, and it was broken into ice crystals.

It is preliminarily determined that the strength is around the level B superpower...that is, the power between the third and fourth levels of infection.

Lu Qiu took another look at the dress on the girl...


The silver robes and the chest hang the pattern that makes the road fall! cross!

It is the standard dress of the church's Demon Hunter squad!

Lu Qiu’s hand clenched a little, and the force of the weak blood family flowing in the body violently violently.

Church... This group of guys is the organization that burned their sister.

Want to take revenge?

Of course, I want to turn this city into a human **** to gain the power to avenge this organization...

It’s just that the road is still too weak.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Lu Qiu is already the limit to face the secondary infection.

The person in front of him is able to kill the secondary infection.

Still... too weak.

If you now vent your hatred, Lu Qiu will definitely become the same as the infected body, and will be fragmented after freezing.

Lu Qiu wants to live, not for others, just for revenge.

Impulsive does not bring anything, and tolerance is the advantage of a vampire.

"Thank you..." Lu Qiu sat down in the corner of the wall, his face squeezed a very stubborn smile, and the hand holding the black star pistol was a little trembling.

Giving the enemy a smile, in the eyes of Lu Qiu, is equivalent to smashing his knife behind the enemy... This girl does not seem to regard herself as an enemy.

After all... now I have the appearance of human beings.

"..." She glanced at the incomprehensible view of the room, and everything was frozen into ice crystals by her own explosion.

The man in front of the corner seemed to be frightened... Look, his hand with the gun was shaking.

It must be very difficult to face those monsters...

Lu Qiu wears a gentle appearance after disguising the glasses, so that the girl will fill all the things just now.

The woman lying on the ground was the man's girlfriend, and then came a zombie attack... and then arrived.

It must be like this.

The reason why Lu Qiu’s hand trembled was entirely because he met the hateful church, but there was no way to resist and he could not control his emotions.

After Lu Qiuqi took a cold air, he stood up.

"Uly has a wounded person."

At this point she shouted at the door.

Any other people? Lu Qiu looked at the door and ran into a teenager dressed in the same dress, but his body was very short, and some of them were only unassuming, and the appearance should be the New China Federation.

At the age of 16 or 17 years old, the appearance is too much.

Yuli just walked into the room and first trembled, probably because of the cold temperatures in the room.

"Understood... Captain adult." The captain in his mouth should be the silver-haired girl.

Ice crystals that freeze the entire room disappear after the battle.

In addition to the two demon hunters in the room, there is only the left-behind Lu Qiu and the woman lying on the ground dying.

No... If the road is not hooked, there is no such thing as a smile...

That woman is dead.

It wasn't that she was killed by Lu Qiu, but was frozen by the cold hair of the silver-haired girl...

It’s a pity.

"These civilians are really sad. I hope God can bless them."

Another hunter.

Where is Lu Qiu silently observing the three people who walked into the room...

How many people are there in this Demon Hunter team?

It was a young man with short black hair, dressed in a standard church, with a smile on his face leaning against the door, examining everything in the room.

"The captain is an adult." The cross hanging on the chest flashed: "Although the rescue of these civilians is the duty of our exorcist, please don't forget what our mission is, if the mission cannot be completed on a limited date, I will be very upset."

She glimpsed a glimpse of the young man leaning against the door, did not speak, probably did not want to argue more.

"Oh wow!" Suddenly, Yuli, who was preparing to start the treatment from the woman who appeared to be the most injured and lying on the ground, suddenly shouted out.


"Sucking... Vampire..." Yuri's face overflowed with a look of fear, pointing at the woman's neck: "She... is dead... yes... was killed by a vampire!"

Hello, is it okay to make this conclusion? Lu Qiu has not killed this woman, this is the truth.

Although the blood is sucked for the most part, it is not dead.

In ancient times, some female human beings were more eager to pursue the ambiguity, but they took the initiative to invest in the embrace of vampires.

This is a seductive race, although vampires are also good at killing people.

But Lu Qiu can be sure that if the silver-haired girl is not surrounded by the coldness that can freeze the human soul, this woman can still live.

However, she died, and also followed the wishes of Lu Qiu.

After all, this woman, but know the true identity of Lu Qiu!

"Vampire? Do a good Uly!"

For the death of his own kind, the young man became excited... Going to the side of the body and squatting down, check the woman's neck.

It is indeed a wound caused by a vampire.

"This wound...appears...time...not too late..."

When the young man walked to Yuri, Yuri’s words became stuttering.

"That...the vampire...should...just nearby."

"Continue to work hard, come on." The smile on his face is very easy to get close to, and it gives a feeling of kindness, and this kind of dialogue is like the greetings and encouragement of the older generation to the next generation, but...

"Yes... Stan's adult..." Yuli, who was encouraged, not only did not have any thanks, but instead lowered his head lower.

"Is it near here? Captain, before you save these poor civilians, go and find our mission goals." Stein's hand slid into the room after he reached the frozen blood.

Almost everyone gathered their sights on Lu Qiu’s body... including the silver-haired girl.

The entire Demon Hunter squad...

Was it recognized? Road autumn has long wanted to escape! In the entire room, Lu Qiu and the woman, the wounds caused by the vampires, can be judged at a glance as the church's hunter.

Lu Qiu's hands gathered a faint scarlet energy, ready to deal with the attack of these three hunters.

It’s just... their eyes just glanced at Lu Qiu and they continued to look at other places.

How is this going?

"The place where the vampire is hiding above the mission narrative should be nearby."

"Well, find out the monster named Lu Qiu that has tarnished the glory of the gods, kill it and the mission is over. How much can these civilians save?"

Stein looked at the unspeakable woman, reached out and closed her eyes for her, then closed her eyes and painted a cross on her chest.

"It’s an unfair fate. I hope that you can get compensation in heaven. We will help you revenge."

Road autumn?

Haha... I have a worth of 700,000 new Chinese federal currency. Has anyone come to take it?

Lu Qiu silently looked at what Stein did.

After doing all this, Stein stood up and walked to Lu Qiu, who was sitting on the ground.

Smile, still so feels awkward.

"People, rest assured, we will do our utmost to protect your safety. For the weak, our church has always been very caring."

When Stein smiled, his eyes were picked up and he could not see his pupil.


Civilian, your sister!

I am the target you are looking for!

Vampire Road Autumn Uncle!

Lu Qiu really wants to shoot a shot on the face of this smiling guy.

But Lu Qiu knows his current situation, and the disguise glasses are so good that they are so good that the people of these churches will subconsciously make Lu Qiu an ordinary person.

Vampires are proud of their ability to control blood. This is also the way the church discerns them. Strictly speaking, vampires are also a kind of superpowers... camouflage glasses cover the **** smell of Lu Qiu’s body completely. If you reveal your true identity, don't mention the guy named Stein. Just the presence of this captain will freeze the road to ice crystal.

The church's handling of vampires will never be soft.

Sympathy for the weak?

That's just for humans!

"Ah... that's really thankful." Lu Qiu also faced him with the same gentle smile: "If you didn't show up, I really don't know what to do..."

I don't know... how to get revenge!

What if it is weak? What if it is stronger?

No matter how powerful the human being, the heart will be punctured and die, and the brain will die if it is shot through!

There are many ways to kill a person, regardless of their strength.

Since your goal is to kill me.

Then hold the consciousness that I killed.

This ordinary person's disguise is the best choice for Lu Qiu.

But when both sides held their hands, Lu Qiu felt it.

This guy's smile... is the same as Lu Qiu.

All are... camouflage!

Interesting! After Lu Qiu stood up, he was pretending to be behind these exorcists.

The Stein, who took out a handkerchief, wiped the hand that had just been handed over with Lu Qiu and threw it out of the window when no one saw it.