MTL - Unforgettable Emperor’s Favor-Chapter 132 Kill the door

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Yu Qingjia was puzzled and thought for a while, but still couldn't figure out when she owed Murong Yan money: "We only made a verbal agreement, where did the principal and interest come from?"

"I made the decision." Murong Yan said with a flat kiss, "The principal is your promise, and the interest is mine."

Yu Qingjia was speechless for a long time, and she felt incredible: "How can you do things like this, I didn't agree, and I didn't even know, you just made the deal yourself."

"It doesn't make a difference anyway." Murong Yan said, he picked up a strand of Yu Qingjia's long hair, and asked, "I have already told you my name on my own initiative, and you, why do you know about Yu Qingya and the system?"

After the two played Changhong Qu together, Yu Qingjia told Murong Yan that there was a system in Yu Qingya's body, and strictly speaking, she was not alone. Murong Yan is not surprised by this, it can be easily seen from Yu Qingya's **** and movement details. However, how did Yu Qingjia know such a secret thing?

Murong Yan was suspicious at the time, but after experiencing many things, Murong Yan's understanding of the system has surpassed that of Yu Qingjia. He even reversed the price system based on the information sent by Bai Lu and Mr. Accountant. Murong Yan can figure out how many points Yu Qingya has left, and then he will use her remaining points to let Bai Rong hint from the side to exchange for what he needs and squeeze Yu Qingya's points to the limit. As for how Yu Qingya earns after the points are spent, that's none of his business.

Including this time he was able to enter Beijing smoothly, and he also took advantage of Yu Qingya. Yu Qingya predicted the future events based on the history books, such as where to send troops, when to attack the city, and what the marching route would be. These are all military secrets, leaking out would be very deadly, many people advised Murong Yan to change his army plan, but Murong Yan did not. He still followed the original plan, first giving Yu Qingya some sweetness, making Yu Qingya mistakenly believe that all her predictions were correct, then he went deeper step by step, and finally encouraged King Guangping to go out of Beijing in person and come to the north to grab the first prize. Murong Zhen was still too anxious. As a coach, believing in intelligence was his biggest mistake. Murong Yan first sold an opening to lure the enemy deep into the canyon, and then wiped out in one fell swoop with the help of heavy rain, killing Murong Zhen.

The emperor and Murong Zhen originally wanted to rely on the prophet to win, but they did not expect to provide Murong Yan with an opportunity instead. When Murong Zhen left the capital, he took away the most elite troops in the capital, because it had been raining for half a month, and the capital had no time to deploy troops, which meant that it was the time when the troops were empty. After Murong Yan eliminated Murong Zhen, he took advantage of the victory and pursued, leading the army to rush through the rain, and approached Yecheng at the fastest speed. The dark nail spies, who have been in business for many years, put all their strength into this battle, opened the city gate for Murong Yan, and attacked Miyagi with lightning speed. The capital is empty of troops, and the Geng family's army is on the periphery. Murong Yan successfully broke into the palace and controlled the emperor and the central court. The emperor fell into the hands of Murong Yan, and it was up to Murong Yan to decide how to issue the government orders that day.

Yu Qingjia paused for a while, and said, "The reason I know about Yu Qingya's problems is actually because I had a dream."

Dream? Murong Yan suddenly became alert. He was just asking casually at first, but now that the overall situation is settled, Murong Yan knows his own brain better than the so-called past life memory. Information is only an auxiliary judgment. If you rely on foresight to do everything, then everything is just a castle in the air, but if something happens, it will collapse and return to its original shape. The real strength is only oneself.

Murong Yan didn't care what happened to Yu Qingya, he cared more about Yu Qingjia's attitude. Yu Qingjia had something to hide from him, and she resolutely refused to say it. Murong Yan was very possessive and had been thinking about this matter for a long time.

But when Murong Yan heard about the dream, he suddenly woke up. When the dream is said to be illusory, it is ridiculous to take the dream seriously, but Murong Yan unexpectedly remembered the dream he had once had. In that dream, Yu Qingjia died early. He won the world, but he never saw her again.

After Yu Qingjia finished speaking, she stopped. Murong Yan waited for a while and asked, "Then, what did you dream about?"

Yu Qingjia bowed her head and said, "I dreamed that the world would fall into the hands of King Langya, but I didn't see his body, description, or appearance."

"No wonder you are so wary of me." Murong Yan understood, and looked at Yu Qingjia with a smile that was not a smile, "Not only? If you only saw unity, why did you avoid me and persuade me to surrender to the Southern Dynasty?"

"No!" Yu Qingjia looked up and glared at him angrily, but she had no confidence when she opened her mouth, "I dreamed that you were willful and tyrannical, killed several emperors, and even murdered like hemp."

"It seems that you really have a big opinion on me, and you didn't stop scolding four words." Murong Yan was not angry when he heard the series of descriptions. Instead, he lifted Yu Qingjia's chin with his fingertips, and slowly felt the jaw Delicate skin, "Did I kill other people?"


"You know what I'm talking about."

Yu Qingjia was silent, Murong Yan was indeed a very smart person, she deliberately ambiguously dealt with it, and only talked about things that were not serious, but he still recognized it. Yu Qingjia sighed, and said, "Yes, you also destroyed the whole family of Yu's family. I saw a huge fire in my dream, and the blood was so high that it turned half of the sky in Gaoping City into red."

Yu Qingjia's eyes were lowered, Murong Yan raised her chin and forced her to look into his eyes: "If I slaughtered Yu's family, where were you at that time?"

Yu Qingjia subconsciously wanted to avoid her eyes, but Murong Yan held her chin and refused. Yu Qingjia was silent for a long time, and said in a low voice, "At that time, I was poisoned to death."

Murong Yan had long been mentally prepared, but when he heard these two words, his fingers twitched violently, and his fingertips instantly became cold. Murong Yan looked at her steadfastly, then stretched out his other hand after a long time, and slowly stroked Yu Qingjia's side face: "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"What does it matter?" Yu Qingjia shook her head and smiled, "It's my own carelessness. If I don't care about it, what if I tell others? You can rely on others once, but you can't rely on it for a lifetime."

"Why not?" Murong Yan said, "I wish you could be like this for the rest of your life. When Old Master Yu died, were you dealing with this matter?"


After Yu Qingjia finished speaking, she was afraid that Murong Yan would think too much, and quickly added: "It's all over, now there is no threat..."

"But at that time, I left." Murong Yan still couldn't forgive himself, he smiled mockingly, "It seems to be my retribution. I left when you were in the most danger, so in the dream I lost you, and I will be in purgatory from now on, never to be reborn."

"Fox." Yu Qingjia raised her voice and looked into his eyes firmly, "This is my own business, my own decision, and has nothing to do with you."

"No wonder you never told me." Murong Yan still couldn't forgive himself, "It turns out that your death was originally because of me."

If it wasn't for him, Yu Qingjia wouldn't be targeted by the system and Yu Qingya, and naturally she wouldn't be poisoned to death. Yu Qingjia was reluctant to bring up this topic at first, because he didn't want to make Murong Yan feel guilty, but he still got into a corner. Yu Qingjia stretched out her hand to cover the back of his hand, and expressed her attitude gently and firmly: "Fox spirit, the crime lies in the poisoner. It is Yu Qingya and the system who are greedy and despicable. How can I blame you for not expecting it? According to you, All the murders in the world are due to the victims' lack of precautions. I was too hesitant, if I knew that you were King Langya, I would definitely not hide it from you."

Yu Qingjia was afraid that Murong Yan would blame herself for this incident, so she quickly changed the subject with a smile, and deliberately said lively: "Fox spirit, since you are the king of Langya, why did you make up a story to lie to me? I almost admitted the wrong person. "

"I didn't lie to you." Murong Yan didn't cling to the topic just now, he didn't say anything, but it was far from it in his heart. Murong Yan casually replied: "I didn't lie to you, my grandfather Mingwu Emperor was a high-ranking official for several times before his death, and then he stopped being an official, and my father didn't hold an official position either."

Yu Qingjia was about to shed sweat, and she looked at him helplessly: "Because your grandfather became emperor later, he no longer served as an official, and your father has always been a prince, so he has no official position, right?"

Murong Yan nodded without any psychological burden, and Yu Qingjia gritted her teeth, not knowing what to say for a while. She sighed, and said, "Forget it, I can't say no to you, you always have one set of fallacies after another. Now, is it okay for you to disclose your identity like this?"

"What's the matter?" Murong Yan disdainfully said, "Governing the world depends on a large number of civil servants, but when it comes to real skills, whoever has the hardest fist has the final say. Don't worry, these old foxes are very slippery, and whoever is the emperor is different. It’s enough to save face. They won’t be so ignorant of the times.”

Yu Qingjia seemed to believe it but not. A coup d'etat is not such a simple matter. The forces of all parties are intricate. Even if Murong Yan has the name of the former prince's son, it will not be easy to come to the front and take power. But since Murong Yan didn't say anything, Yu Qingjia wouldn't expose it, but instead asked: "Yu Qingya has memories of her previous life, and she is still King Guangping's side concubine, will she cause you any trouble?"

"With her?" Murong Yan disdainfully said, "The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the commander has to constantly adjust the marching arrangements according to the weather and terrain. It is ridiculous for her to try to win with just one line. And how can the interests of many parties involved in the political situation be An outsider who can't even handle his own life well can understand it. She and the system are nothing to be afraid of, you don't have to worry about them, just prepare for marriage with peace of mind."

"Hmm." Yu Qingjia responded subconsciously, and then realized something was wrong, her tongue was no longer sharp, "What did you say?"

"What, you want to play tricks again?" Murong Yan raised his eyebrows, stood up and kissed her gently on the forehead, "You made a bet with me back then, you were the spoils of war. Now, it's time for you to redeem your promise."

Yu Qingjia's cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were watery. Murong Yan's eyes were full of her shadow, and when he turned his eyes, he was thoughtful: "I should urge them to hurry up, and I have to make you my princess before the national funeral."

"National mourning?" Yu Qingjia was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized. Only when the emperor dies or the queen mother dies, the whole country will observe the mourning. There is no queen mother in the Northern Qi Dynasty, so it is self-evident who Murong Yan is talking about.

Yu Qingjia looked at him helplessly, Murong Yan had arranged everything after his uncle's death, it was really arrogant and terrifying. Murong Yan was about to say something, but suddenly there was a knock on the door: "Your Highness."

Murong Yan's eyes suddenly became cold, and Yu Qingjia knew that he had a lot of things to deal with now, so he took the initiative to say: "They must have something important to ask you, you go first."

Murong Yan's expression was still very bad, Yu Qingjia patted his arm amusedly: "Okay, let's be reasonable, don't embarrass them."

Murong Yan had no choice but to reluctantly get up and go outside to deal with those bad old men. Yu Qingjia's courtyard was full of armored generals, with a murderous look, and when they saw Murong Yan going out, these people automatically followed Murong Yan and walked out in neat steps. When he reached the gate, Murong Yan suddenly turned around and looked at a courtyard next door: "Who lives here?"

"The eldest lady of the Yu family, Li Shi, the biological mother of the side concubine Yu of King Guangping."

Murong Yan nodded, glanced calmly and calmly, and said casually, "Let her move out, this courtyard will be merged into the palace."

When the political situation is tense, everyone in Yecheng is in danger, and every family closes their doors. If Li Shi moves out at such a time, where will she live? However, Murong Yan doesn't care about such things, when his subordinates heard this, they just clasped their fists in response: "Yes."

That night, Li Shi was thrown out together with her luggage. Murong Yan looked down on Li's little furniture money, and even the house deed was bought at a price three times higher than the market price. However, the house cannot be lived in for a day. As for where Li will live, no one cares.