MTL - Unlimited Anime Works-v28 Chapter 2559 Lucy: The Sorcerer

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After being alone, the storm was not active before, but the real expression was revealed. While treating Lucy and blaming himself, he was sorry Lucy.

The Freedom Wings Guild was created. His purpose was only for the main line mission, but now he remembers the wing of freedom but does not consider Lucy as one of them!

For him, the wing of freedom is the starting point in this world. He values ​​this guild. No, it should be said that he values ​​it.

Xiao Xing Xiao Xiao Xiao Qi and Yu Ji

He paid more attention to his companions than the guild, so at the time Makarov’s request he agreed to it and promised that Makar would agree to take over the fairy’s tail. After all, the guild would be a form for him, not the most important one. The important thing is Companion family around!

However, for Lucy, the Wings of Freedom may be something that she will never forget in her life. It can be said that the blood of the Wings of Freedom has flowed in her bones!

Compared to the wind and rain, in this world, the favorite wing of the guild should be Lucy, but this day she is fighting with the person carrying the same guild coat of arms, instead of carrying the coat of arms of this guild. Fight with others.

"What's wrong? Do you want to use the secret triple safety pants?"

Lucy has never seen such a lack of confidence in the storm.

"I want to say sorry, it is impossible!"

Said the wind and rain.

"Well, it doesn't seem to worry about you!"

Lucy had thought of counterattack, but when she looked at him seriously, she suddenly became upset. If she apologizes, she might be even more unhappy. If she does not apologize, she is still optimistic, eh? Huh? Is she sick? !

"I don't understand if I don't say it well, why don't you tell me? I am very hot now!"

The wind and rain hugged Lucy.

"Oh, it’s not my fault."

Lucy wants to look at the wind and rain, but then she feels something is wrong. It seems to be a little wet on her shoulders. Ah, how can she feel sore eyes, sand goes in, sure

"What is my fault? Now, if you say sorry, can you be satisfied? If you do something wrong and say that I am wrong or sorry, you can offset it, then it is too simple!"

The wind and rain is probably to say to yourself.

"I am still very strong, but I passed the test of the Protoss Magi! The energy is full!"

Lucy said that the more she wanted to cry, she knew that she shouldn't be like this, but there is no way. Certainly, if you can't do this in the face of it, who can confide? They are the people who have vowed to pass, yeah, can such a relationship not cry out and confide?

"Wings of Liberty, in this world, it’s great to have you!"

The storm is talking about the guild he created. He always thinks that the wing of freedom is just a code name.

However, for Lucy it is a home, the first generation members, who has this qualification besides Lucy?

"Is there a chance to fight side by side in the future?"

Lucy asked.

"Yes, but I don't want you to go to the battlefield. Of course, it's my previous thoughts. Now, I want to invite you, become my wings, become my wing of freedom, never have anyone to this world. If you have said it, there is no Elsa!

I won't leave you this time, but what we have to face is not just as simple as fighting, but the next is more intense.

Kill, the kind of death that you died, are you coming to my world?

I won't underestimate you, even if your strength is not enough compared to Ai Lusha, but I will let you go forward with me, you are willing, the future may die, not me, you, I am ready. Even if you want to bring you? ”

The wind and rain did not know if he should do this, because no matter how you look, Lucy is not the kind of character that can play against the dominant player, even if she is the protagonist.

"I don't have a father, only I have you and I have nothing to lose. I don't want to give up the wing of freedom. I don't want to give up turning you into the wing of freedom. You lied to me, so I have to be responsible, even if it is Death, for you, for the wing of freedom is worth it!"

Lucy doesn't know what is waiting for her, but she won't be afraid.

"Okay, then kill me!"

The wind and rain made a decision!

"Kill you?"

Lucy didn't understand why, even if the storm didn't let her play in the wing of freedom, she wouldn't do it.

"Kill me, come on, I will give you the new Protoss magic. Maybe you have this qualification, Lucy, take courage. Otherwise, you can only be my affiliate, not fight with me. People!

You have to choose, you want to be an ordinary woman, get my guardian care, live with me, maybe we will have a cute baby, and then continue my power or inherit your magical magic

still is

You want to be a goddess of mine, join me on the battlefield, die with my life, and you can lift me up after I fall down!

Of course, this can also have an ordinary life, but you are not an ordinary girl, but my Valkyrie!

Some power may be weak for me, but it is very powerful for you! It is possible to make you change and defeat Ai Lusha!

You must have such power. Only faith can't. You are so weak and face the powerful enemy together. If you sacrifice, what should I do? Yes, I am not only one of you, I am Elsa! You are not much, you are a lot less!

Yes, I am honest that I have a lot of beautiful girls I like. This is my confidence. Of course, normal is not the case, but this is not the point.

There is nothing wrong with a powerful man conquering a woman who likes it. So far, I have seen a lot of beautiful girls. They all have a unique side. Why do I let them out, even if they win it!

Of course, I have not used coercion, and at most, I use some means of love. The pursuit of a beautiful girl is the right of any man. I am strong, so I can keep it. Of course, there is something in it. A lot of!

Lucy, you are special, but you are not only one, but you are special, why?

Because you have the same beautiful face as them, they have the same excellent character and belief as they do, but you have no power!

Of course, you can grow up, but how long does it take to grow?

One year? ten years? still is?

I can't wait!

You must have enough power.

Kill me and get this power! Become a beautiful girl that I have to remember!

Why didn't I think of you for the first time? Of course, I have a reason, but you also have, weak, you are weak, of course, your beliefs are very strong, or your growth potential is great, maybe you are the strongest spiritual guide, but what is the difference between the first emperor , Yalvert, Hola de Guna, etc., those you see, is that you can fight?

That is what I really want to face! !

Meiqin, they have been chasing me, growing up, they are qualified to participate!

If you want to be the one that reminds me of it, take the courage! Lucy, you don't want to be a beautiful girl who pursues a normal quiet, like a princess? Then leave some wonderful footprints, join me, have a simple future like a cute child?

What are you looking forward to? Take your courage and kill me to win this power!

I tell you, my weather has come to the present, the first time I let myself like people to kill myself, this experience is very bad, if you die for someone you like, it is natural and complete, but it’s really good to love each other.

Although I also liked such a girl's blackening duo, Gui Yanye and Dragon Palace, but did not want to turn someone who is not like this into such a person.

Rest assured, I can be resurrected, I still want to experience more fun with people, make a decision, you want to be unique or ordinary, so many people I like, you should try to kill me, Let me remember you completely! Always think of you! ”

The wind and rain feels crazy, well, not so. If he is not crazy, he is sorry for Lucy's sadness!

"Kill you? Why? Just kidding? Get strength? I can do it without power, don't force me."

Lucy is sitting on the ground, the world is crazy.

"This sword is coming to kill me. I will give you a chance. Don't regret it, even if it was seven years ago, my test for you."

The wind and rain opened his arms and waited!

His purpose is to separate the vampire's true ancestors from the body, that is, to transfer the contract of Shana and others to Lucy. Of course, the flames of the genus Twelve is also transferred to the vampire. Bloodline, but only transfer these contracts, kill him once to complete the transfer of these contracts.

After having such a beast and a scorpion, Lucy is not an ordinary star spirit guide, but a sorcerer, perhaps this will be a good decision, after all his opponent Just care about him, and Lucy must be underestimated. If Lucy summons this power at a critical time, then it is undoubtedly unexpected! ! !

As the universe collapses, the power that he will face next is not something that can be solved. It will be a field that is more peak than the battle.

"you are so bad!"

Lucy shivered and held the sword.

"I am bad, Lucy, I am not ordinary, you are not ordinary comfort to be satisfied, can I comfort you in the ordinary way? Then give you ordinary life, do you think this is what you want? Let's meet a more exciting world, because I am serious about you, so I can give you life!

To seize the power of the sorcerer, this power is very powerful, so you have to transcend not only ordinary things, but feelings, you can never kill me, because I am important to you, but you You can get absolute power by crossing this! ”

The weather is looking forward to Lucy’s decision. What kind of beautiful girl will she become? To be continued.