MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-Chapter 15 My name is Ji

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   Chapter 15 My Surname is Ji

In this world, there are naturally barbecued meats, but they are all roasted with fire, not with charcoal like Li Xin, nor will they make meat into small pieces and skewer them like Li Xin. Brush the surface of the meat with oil and sprinkle with pepper.

This young man in white, following the scent of the skewers, sat directly beside the grill, took out a skewer of grilled meat from the grill, and after smelling it, he raised his head and smiled at Li Xin: "Good Li Xin, he made it. For such a big event, I still have the mood to make these meals at home."

   After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Li Xin to answer, he opened his mouth to take a bite of the meat skewer, and immediately gave a thumbs up.

   "So refreshing!"

  Li Xin looked at this young man in white, who didn't consider himself an outsider at all, and there was a black line in his heart. Looking at this young man's clothes, he should be a son of a wealthy family. How could he be so rude...

  Li Xin shook his head, sat opposite the young man, and said softly, "Young Master, without saying a word, broke into your house and ate... what's the point of eating the meat skewers?"

After the young man in white ate a bunch of it, he took out the jinpa from his sleeve and wiped his mouth, then smiled at Li Xin and said, "Li Xin, you have violated the law of the king, and now the incident has happened, this son is here to save him. you."

  Li Xin bowed his head and said, "Young master misunderstood, his name is Li Daoxing, he is from the North, not the Li Xin wanted by Jingzhao Mansion..."

   The young man in white looked at Li Xin with a half-smile.

   After a while, he said softly, "I own the building."

  Li Xin fell silent.

If there is a place in the capital that knows him the most, it is the proud building. The proud building knows his name and knows that he is related to the Pingnanhou mansion. The proud building even knows where he lives. This young man is the owner behind the Deyi Building, so he himself has almost no secrets in front of him.

At this point in the conversation, Li Xin calmed down instead. He knew very well that this man was so young, he was able to open a store of this size in Jinling City. There must be a force behind him that he couldn't resist. If you are malicious to yourself, you have no way to resist.

  Li Xin moved a stool and sat opposite the young man, quietly watching him eat his grilled meat skewers.

   On the other side, the charcoal girl finished eating the bunch of mutton skewers, and was about to leave the room when Li Xin turned back and whispered to her, "Girl, go back to the room, my brother tells you to come out and then come out."

  The charcoal girl nodded obediently and returned to her grandfather.

   At this time, in this small courtyard, there were only Li Xin and this young man in white.

  Li Xin cupped his hands and said softly, "Your son's name is Gao?"

The white-clothed son waved his hand, and ate another bunch in one breath. After eating, he had time to raise his head, and smiled at Li Xin, "It's not convenient to say my name, you can just call me Seventh Young Master. "

  People in this era, when they walk outside, often use their family rank to show people, but even so, they will add a surname. Few are like this Seventh Young Master who is unwilling to reveal his surname.

  Li Xin nodded and said softly: "Seventh Young Master just said that something happened next, I don't know what it means."

Seventh Young Master said with a smile: "The poem you made has already reached the heavens to hear, Your Majesty is very angry, and is letting the people of Tianmujian arrest you everywhere. If you hide here, at most one day you will be caught by the people of Tianmu prison and thrown into the big prison."

  Li Xin took a deep breath and said, "That poem just wrote some injustices. Every sentence is true. I really don't understand what kind of national law I have violated."

Seventh Young Master sneered slightly: "What do you say is true? People from Jingzhao Mansion have already gone to Beishan to clean up the small wooden house. You can't find that house in the past, and then Jingzhao Mansion will only need Yakou. If you deny this matter, you are at least charged with slandering the Holy Monarch, and if the sentence is lighter, you will be sentenced to ten or eight years in prison.

   Li Xin took a deep breath and took out a document from his arms.

   "This is the Jingzhao Mansion document issued by the police of Jingzhao Mansion when the house was burnt down. I deliberately carried it on my body, just to leave a piece of evidence and prevent anyone from distorting black and white."

The seventh son looked at the document, and when he saw the official seal of the Jingzhao Mansion under the document, the seventh son's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and smiled and said, "I can't see it, you guy is so thoughtful, For this thing, Jingzhao Mansion will suffer a big loss!"

As he said that, he was about to reach for the document, Li Xin silently put the document back into his sleeve, and said softly, "Seventh son, I'm just a commoner, and I will live in the capital in the future, and I don't want to be embarrassed by the government. , If you really offend the Jingzhao Mansion, you and your two family members will probably lose their way out."

This is the most basic truth that the people do not fight against the government. This document may make Jingzhaofu suffer, and even make Jingzhaoyin demoted, but even if Jingzhaoyin is demoted, Li Xin will suffer. A sinful existence.

Seventh Young Master squinted his eyes and smiled: "Li Xin, you are not a commoner. I sent someone to check on you. More than half a month ago, you and an old man went to Pingnanhou Mansion to recognize your relatives, claiming to be Pingnanhou. A son who lives abroad."

Li Xin was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth and said: "Seventh son is wrong, he is not the son of Pingnanhou, but he just came to the capital and wanted to go to a big family to pretend his son to try his luck, but I didn't expect people to see it through. chased out."

   When another "Li Xin" was frozen to death, Li Xin made up his mind that in this life, no matter what, he would no longer have anything to do with Pingnan Houfu.

   Maybe the last "Li Xin" was willing to bow his head, but this one Li Xin would never go to the Pingnan Houfu again.

Seventh Young Master chuckled: "Li Xin, you are very smart, but don't treat others as fools. If you are not from the blood of the Marquis of Pingnan, how could the people of the Marquis of Pingnan do everything possible, even using the connections of the Jingzhao House? , I want to drive you out of the capital."

   Li Xin bowed his head and said, "I think it was the one time he came to the door and made a false confession, and offended the Pingnan Hou Mansion."

Seventh Young Master took a bunch of raw mutton skewers from the side, followed Li Xin's style, and grilled it on the charcoal. It is also a matter of course, but the Marquis of Pingnan is not in the capital now, and the jealous lady Jade is in charge of the Marquis of Pingnan, so when Marquis Pingnan returns, he will not deny your son."

   Li Xin was expressionless.

   "I said it, I have nothing to do with Pingnan Houfu."

   Seventh Young Master stood up on the wooden bench, stretched out his hand and clapped his hand, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you are young and energetic, when you get a few years older, you will realize how important it is to have a good background."

   Li Xin also stood up and said softly, "What is the seventh son going to do?"

   "I want to help you."

Seventh Young Master stretched out his hand and said softly, "Give me this document from Jingzhao Mansion, and I'll keep you safe this time, and people from Pingnanhou Mansion won't bother you again. As for the future, we will keep you safe. Negotiate more slowly."

  Li Xin was silent for a moment, then whispered, "How can I trust you?"

   Seventh Young Master raised his head slightly, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "My surname is Ji."

   (end of this chapter)