MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-v2 Chapter 1175 On behalf of the emperor captured

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   Chapter 1175 Captured on behalf of the Emperor

  Yankang two years in June.

   The head of the Helan clan, Yu Wentao, was escorted all the way to the capital, and the person responsible for escorting him was the former general of the Right Battalion of the Forbidden Army, He Siong.

He Song made a great contribution to Li Xin's entry into Beijing, because he was also awarded the title of marquis. Later, when Li Xin wanted to send someone to support Jizhou, the general of the right battalion of the forbidden army took the initiative to lead four Zhechong houses to the north to support Ye. Mao, and before the formation of the Zhenbei Army was completed, he temporarily stayed in Jimen Pass as a lieutenant general for Ye Mao.

   Now, the situation in the northern Xinjiang has almost settled down, and the Zhenbei Army has recruited seven to eighty-eight new recruits. Naturally, He Xiong has no reason to stay in Jizhou and wants to return to Beijing to resume his life.

   At this time, the Helan clan had been dead for more than a month. As the head of the Helan clan, Yu Wentao was captured by He Xiong and brought back to the capital to be charged.

  When He Xiong arrived in the capital, Emperor Yankang personally greeted him at the gate of the city, and even Li Xin was there to welcome the old general who was over fifty years old in triumph.

  He Xiong dismounted at the gate of the city, first bowed to the emperor, and then turned to bow his head to Li Xin.

   "Trouble Your Majesty and the Governor to greet you, I am ashamed to kill Wei Chen."

  The thirteen-year-old Emperor Yankang gave He Xiong a few words of praise, and then glanced at Li Xin with a complicated look.

The former sixth prince knew very well in his heart that his uncle was the biggest traitor in the history of the Jin Dynasty, and he was also promoted to the throne by this traitor, but the strange thing was that since the traitor took over the country, it seems... 100 Victory?

   Emperor Yankang was awe-inspiring.

   Today's imperial court is no longer the imperial court of the Ji family. The better he does as an uncle, the more likely he is to lose his position.

  Although Li Xin had promised to save his life, after all, he had been the emperor for two years. At this moment, Emperor Yankang's heart was quite complicated.

After He Siong bowed his head to Li Xin, he said, "Your Majesty, the Great Governor, the Helan clan and others have broken their promises, blatantly violated the covenant with the imperial court, and harassed our Dajin border in the northern border, such as today's network is restored, the head of the Helan clan has already He was captured by Ye Guogong with the Zhenbei Army, and was taken back to the capital by Wei Chen."

   Having said this, He Xiong said solemnly, "My minister, please offer prisoners to Your Majesty!"

Emperor Yankang was in a gloomy mood, he waved his hand when he heard the words, and said, "I'm still young, and I don't know how to deal with foreign affairs. Now the military affairs of the imperial court are all handled by the Grand Master, so I will ask the Grand Master to take me prisoner. "

   After saying that, he turned to look at Li Xin and said, "Taifu, I...I'm a little tired, I want to go back to the palace..."

   Li Xin's face was calm, and he said, "Since Your Majesty is tired, go back to the palace to rest and leave it to this minister to handle."

  The Emperor nodded and waved to the **** Xiao Huai beside him, Xiao Huai nodded, and the emperor drove back to the palace.

  After the emperor left, the civil and military officials who were still somewhat restrained immediately became lively, and they all walked to Li Xin and congratulated Li Xin.

   On the surface, he made a new contribution to the governor of Hershey Li Xin, but in fact he was doing something in Hershey, and everyone present knew it well.

Li Xin waved his hand at these civil and military officials and said with a smile: "You guys, don't waste time here, now there is a drought in the southeast of the imperial court, and the north side has to prepare for the Anbei Protectorate. Everyone, go back to the yamen."

   "I am going to be captured on behalf of Your Majesty."

   When the civil and military officials heard the words, they immediately saluted Li Xin, and then dispersed.

  Only Shang Shu's right servant, Zhao Jia, was still standing beside Li Xin, and smiled at Li Xin: "Great Governor, the Helan Division in the northern Xinjiang has been wiped out. I wonder if there is any news from General Mu's side?"

After the fall of the Helan clan, the Xianbei king’s tent began to move north, and it took more than a month before he arrived at Sule Mountain and was ambushed by Mu Ying. It would take at least two months for news to reach the capital. At this moment, although the prisoners of Helan's department have been sent to the capital, the news from Mu Ying's side is still on the way.

Li Xin shook his head slightly and frowned: "Not yet, but the news a few days ago is that Mu Ying has contacted Anbu and is ambushing the Xianbei king's tent in the north. He is too far from the capital, and it will take a month or two to spread the news. It's just done, I think it should be over by now."

Zhao Jia nodded and said meaningfully to Li Xin: "Great Governor, since the Helan Division has been destroyed, no matter whether the Xianbei King's tent escapes or not, the threat to the court is almost non-existent, you... should also do Get ready."

   Li Xin smiled: "There is nothing to be prepared for, and it will be achieved when the water comes naturally."

In fact, at this time, there is really nothing to prepare for. A month ago, Ji Huan, the king of Qi who rebelled in Guangling, was escorted back to Beijing by Li Shuo, and then Li Xin threw him to the court's three judicial divisions. The three judicial divisions didn't even think about it. , and dealt with Ji Huan according to the standard of dealing with rebels.

   From the beginning to the end, Li Xin and the people of the Southwest family did not participate much in the decision-making of the Three Judicial Division, but the Three Judicial Division still killed Ji Huan without hesitation.

   More importantly, the court has no objection to this result.

   In other words, the road ahead of Li Xin now has no obstacles.

   He turned his head to look at He Xi, and said lightly, "General He, where are the prisoners of the Helan Department?"

  He Xiong bowed his head respectfully: "Go back to the Governor, now outside the city."

  Li Xin put his hands on his back and his face was calm: "Take me there."

   "I want to meet Yuwentao."

  He Xiong bowed his hands respectfully: "I will obey the order at the end."

Escorted by more than 100 personal guards, Li Xin quickly arrived at the prison camp outside the city. There were about 100 or 200 prisoners captured alive from the Helan clan in this prison camp, all of whom were high-ranking members of the Helan clan. Powerful.

   These people were **** tightly and couldn't move.

   Under the leadership of He Xiong, Li Xin came to the largest tent, where he met his former acquaintance.

  A young man in his twenties was tied to a post with a cowhide rope, his mouth was restrained by the rope, and he was speechless.

   After seeing Li Xin walk in, the young man immediately became excited, screaming "woohoo" in his mouth, and his hands began to struggle desperately, but the rope was tied so tightly that he could neither break free nor speak.

   Governor Li put his hands on his back and walked up to this man with a blank face: "Looking at your reaction, you still recognize me."

  Since the young man was proclaimed a marquis, Li Xin's palace gradually deepened, and he rarely showed his anger and anger in front of others, but at this time, even the governor Li Da, who was usually happy and angered, had an angry look on his face.

   "If it wasn't for me back then, you would still be raising horses at the racecourse!"

   "It is true that you and I used each other at the beginning, and each had their own interests, but after the incident, your Helan clan was already the No. 1 clan in the Xianbei. Although Li could not be sorry for the Xianbei people, he asked himself Yuwentao was kind to you."

  Li Xin pulled out the long sword from his waist, cut the rope that restrained Yuwentao's mouth, and asked coldly, "Why did Patriarch Yuwen teach me?"

   (end of this chapter)