MTL - Unrivaled Medicine God-Chapter 3041 Yang Qing's highlight moment!

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Chapter 3041, Yang Qing's highlight moment!

"Do you think that this demon will be afraid of a human race?" The empty eyes looked cold and said.

I saw that the magic of his body was surging, and he had already made a big effort to kill him.

Feng Qingyan looked Shen Shen and said: "Empty altar, you are going to be crazy! When my man arrives, you have to suffer!"

The eyes of the empty squad once again shrank, said: "You mean, Yang Qing is your man? Oh, Feng Qing, you are a fool is not a fool?"

Feng Qingxiao smiled and said: "You can try it!"

The empty altar dismissed: "Yang Qing is amazing, it is just a person! Feng Qing, it seems that you are shameless! Give me a kill!"

In the end, Feng Qingyi still could not keep the empty space.

The devil's sexual assassination is simply not reasonable.

Unless you are stronger than them, you can keep them.


In a twinkling of an eye, the two families fought together.

The empty altar is a real magical body, the guns and guns do not enter, the water and fire do not invade.

Feng Qing’s strength is not weak, but it is not enough to suppress the empty world.

Moreover, there are many masters of the Mozu, and the empty altar has brought a lot of strong people.

The true spirits are quickly at a disadvantage.

"Hey, it’s so lively! How can there be no one in my family?" Zuo Qingxiao chuckled.

"Empty brother, we help you, these treasures of heaven and earth are divided into us, can you?" Wang Ning flue.

The empty altar laughed: "That is good! There is a smoky fairy!"

Feng Qing’s face is black and bites his teeth: “Wang Ningyan, you dare!”

Wang Ningyan smiled and said: "Why don't I dare? You are a true spirit, don't you look down on the Terran? We can't do it, help you deal with the empty brothers?"

In fact, in the thirty-three days, the tribes were hostile to the true spirits.

No him, because they are too strong!

At that time, the true spirits were in full swing, and a imaginary glory, there were five great powerhouses!

If the various ethnic groups do not join hands, they are not opponents of the true spirits.

The Terran is to survive in the cracks.

Later, the rise of the God Palace, humanity has reached unprecedented glory, this is comparable to the people.

How smart Wang Ningyan was, he immediately judged the situation inside the scene and decided to join the empty side.

When Wang Ningyan and others shot, they instantly formed an overwhelming advantage.

Feng Qingying was attacked by several masters, and he was left and right, and soon he could not support it.

At this time, another pair of people came over, but the feathers arrived.

Yuran laughed: "Empty brother, do you need a helping hand?"

The empty altar smiled: "Yu Ran's sister shot, it is the best!"

Feather nodded and said: "Well, the dragons will give it to me!"

After all, Yuran took the feathers and joined the battle group.

All of a sudden, the true spirits suffered from the enemy and suffered heavy losses.

Many true spirits have fallen under the powerful attacks of several ethnic groups.

Feng Qing is going crazy, she did not expect that this situation will happen.

"The **** guy, why not come?" Feng Qing gnawed his teeth and cut his teeth.

She knows that the only thing that can save her now is Ye Yuan.

Otherwise, all the elites of the true spirits will die here.

It seems that she heard her call, and a large number of people came to the fore in the distance, which immediately brought great pressure to the people.

Sometimes the amount can overwhelm everything.

"I finally saw people! Hey, these people must surrender to the feet of my Qingtian Emperor!" Yang Qing immediately excited.

This group of people, the location of the transmission was somewhat biased, so it was late.

Yang Qing took the first place, with his temperament, naturally, he must be forced to force.

Ye Yuan's eyes are sharp, and at a glance, several ethnic groups are seen in the encircling of the true spirits.

However, Yang Qing has already rushed out without waiting for him to speak.

"Hey! The list of the top of the list, the first list of the thousand souls, the Qingtian Holy Respect is here! You slag, actually dare to bully my friend Yang Qing, still do not hurry to stop!" Yang Qing shot a finger, angry.

Ye Yuan covered his face with his hand, and some of them could not stand it anymore.

This guy, too Sao!

Of course, Sao Bao returned to Saobao, Yang Qing was still clear.

At the beginning, the true spirits were the main force, but saved the Taiming jade.

Feng Qingying, was also present at the time.

Yang Qing recognized Feng Qingyu at a glance and naturally knew who to help.

What's more, he also knows that Ye Yuan belongs to half of the true spirits.

His words immediately attracted the attention of everyone.

In fact, all the geniuses are full of curiosity about Yang Qing.

Everyone wants to know, this is the genius that suppressed the heavens, what it looks like.

At first sight, it was quite disappointing.

This guy, really a little master style!

The genius who swept the heavens, shouldn’t it be low-key and modest, and domineering?

This guy, how to look is also a living treasure!

However, Yang Qing is the peerless genius of the Thousand Spirits Hall, and his face is still to be given.

Wang Ningyan first stopped, Lang said: "Well, give Yang brother a face! We are purple heaven, stop!"

After all, the people she brought, all stopped.

Yu Ran is also a smile, jumping out of the battle circle: "Yang brother's face, it must be given. I Yu, exit!"

The strong people of the Yu family also stopped.

When I saw the empty space, I knew that this game couldn’t be played anymore.

The strong people of the true spirits, this is relieved.

However, at this time, they have suffered injuries on their own bodies, and they have lost a lot of elites.

Wang Ningyan came to Yang Qing and said a million blessings. He smiled and said: "This time the fanatic palace is opened, and Yang Xiongwei is famous for shocking the world! Since Yang brother is a human race, it is better to join me in the Purple Heavenly Pavilion. We are purple. The pavilion will inevitably do everything in its power to help Yang brother step into the realm of the other side!"

Wang Ningyan has always been cold, even if they are a few to the left, they are not false.

But today, she smiled at Yang Qing!

This smile, like the spring breeze, makes people drunk.

Even the rough man, such as the empty altar, is also boring.

For a moment, the air was filled with a strong smell of vinegar.

At this moment, Yu Ran was a stunned smile, directly pulling up Yang Qing’s hand, and spoiled: “Yang Qing’s brother, Yu Ran is the most admired genius! It’s not as good as Yu, and you are a Taoist, okay? Feather is a feudal sacred woman. As long as Yang Qing’s brother is a Taoist with me, there will be countless resources. Also, my ancestor is the other strongman, you and I will become a Taoist, the ancestors will Will point you out!"

Yang Qing floated in an instant.

The vinegar is more concentrated!

At this time, above the wilderness, there are three great beauty.

Wang Ningyan, Yu Ran and Feng Qingyu!

These three are the capital of the generation!

Now, two of the three people are actually throwing olive branches to Yang Qing.

There is also Feng Qing, Yang Qing personally admitted that she is a friend!

This kind of treatment is really awkward!

Looking at Fengqing, the empty altar, said: "Feng Qing, your man is coming, why not let him take revenge for you?"

He saw it early, and Yang Qing did not have that meaning for Feng Qingqi.

(End of this chapter)