MTL - Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits-Chapter 19 Old lady's story (1)

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Wen Jiubai handed the medicine pack to the **** the far left and said, "Look, you're thin and white, and you're not in good spirits. I'm afraid you often have diarrhea? Weak spleen and stomach will naturally cause irregular menstruation. Remember to drink medicine every night. Bayi Chinese W≥W = W.81ZW.COM In addition, you must also remember the regular diet, work and rest, do not eat irritating food. You can drink more rice porridge, it will be very good for you. "

The little girl hurriedly took the medicine, thanked her, and there was some admiration in her eyes.

"9 grams of Cangzhu, 4.5 grams of Chenpi, 9 grams of husks, 6 grams of chicken internal gold, 9 grams of corn sprouts, and 9 grams of malt." Wen Jiubai passed the medicine packet to the second girl. "Your problem is poor spleen and stomach transport. Do n’t stay at home and go out. Exercise more. Eat more green vegetables and less tobacco and alcohol. "

"Thank you, Mr. Wen!"

"15 grams of peach kernel, 1 grams of safflower and angelica each, 7 grams of chuanxiong, 5 grams each of red scallion and licorice." Wen Jiubai passed the last pack of medicine to the last girl. "Most complexion, purple lips, mostly in the body. The congestion is not cleared. Drink more hot water during the menstrual period, and the black chicken soup is also very good if you have the conditions. If you have time, it is best to use wormwood to soak your feet in hot water every night, it should be relieved.

The three girls paid medicinal herbs and thanked Wen Jiubai. I kept watching the girls leave, and my chin was always in a state of closing.

"Are there so many different prescriptions for the same illness?" I couldn't help asking.

However, Wen Jiubai only gave me a slight glance, "What's so strange about this? Different people have different constitutions. From this perspective, everyone's disease is different. The so-called right prescription is based on Each person's body is different, and targeted medicines are selected for treatment. "

It seems that this "Mr." of Mr. Wen is really not in vain. I smashed my tongue, and the impression of this person in my heart was not so bad.

In this way, I helped Mr. Wen grab an afternoon pill. I didn't expect that there were really many people who came to see the doctor and grabbed medicine. I was busy until dusk before I gradually lost guests.

Wen Jiubai seems to be familiar with this rhythm of life, at this time lying on a bench that should have been used as a guest to close his eyes. I was sitting behind the counter, holding my chin, and looking at the locust trees in the yard. The setting sun dripped and the sky was red, and the color was so red, but it gave a cold feeling.

Just as I squinted and was about to fall asleep, I heard a voice coming from the door.

"Well, excuse me, is Mr. Wen there?"

I immediately woke up and looked out the door. Standing outside the door was an old woman with a pale head, looking like she was in her sixties. She looked agitated and looked into the door.

"Yes." I immediately stood up and asked, "Are you here to catch the medicine? Just come in."

The old woman nodded, carefully crossing the threshold and entered the room. Wen Jiubai on the side opened her eyes and looked at the old woman.

"Are you unwell?" I asked enthusiastically. I've been busy for a long time, and I know how to care about the guests.

"No, I'm not here to see a doctor." Unexpectedly, the old woman shook her head, and there was unspeakable sorrow between her eyebrows. "The medicine has been incurable ..."

I glanced at Wen Jiubai, who looked at the old woman.

"Do you have any sorrow?" Wen Jiubai asked.

"Yes, I ... I heard that people can solve their problems here, so I hope to try it with a hint of hope."

I stepped out of the counter and moved a chair for the old woman. The old woman quickly thanked her and sat down.

Wen Jiubai told me before that this store is not accessible to everyone. In addition to wishing, there is a "fate" with this house. But what exactly is this fate, Wen Jiubai refused to tell me, and said with a high toe, "Even if you say it, you can't understand."

But this means that this old woman is like me at the time.

The old lady's complexion is not very good, her complexion is yellow, and if you look closely, you can still see the bags under the eyes, which is why I felt that she had come to see a doctor for medicine. She was a little cramped, stroking each other with her hands on her knees, and she seemed to have spoken for a long time.

"I ... want you to help me find a fairy."

God? I looked at Wen Jiubai in surprise, and now he raised one eyebrow, his eyes filled with interest.

"Oh?" Wen Jiubai looked at the old woman. "What kind of **** is that?"

"This ... I can't remember it anymore." The old woman shook her head and said with regret, "That is a long time ago."

In this way, the old woman began her story.

"This is ridiculous. Many years ago, when I was a little girl, this was not a city. There were no buildings, only a small village built around the water. I was born in a small village by the river. In the village, because I was very naughty when I was a kid, the adults gave me the nickname 'Mao Yatou'. I dare to go where other girls dare not go, and I did n’t care about going up the mountain to catch snakes or hunting fish. At that time, there was a mountain forest just a short distance behind our village. Adults often told us not to run inside to play. The mountains were dangerous. But I just disobedient, often avoiding the eyes and ears of adults. . But one day, I chased a pheasant all the way to a very deep place, and one accidentally dropped my foot on the cliff when I was empty. "

"That cliff is very high. Until now I can't figure out how I was rescued. But when I woke up, I was lying under the cliff without any harm, and there was a nice-looking brother sitting next to me. I wiped my cheeks with the spring in Naxiong. Now I think it should be him who saved me from falling off the cliff, but I didn't even say thank you at that time. He sent me to the foot of the mountain that day, and touched Holding my head and letting me go home early. I was reluctant to leave him, so I asked him, "Can I come to you again?" He said nothing, but nodded with a smile. "

"So, on the second and third day, I ran to the mountain with my parents secretly, and surely I met that brother every time. I played with him in the mountain and he would show me all kinds of interesting tricks. Once I asked him why he lived alone in the mountains. He groaned for a while and told me that he is actually the patron saint of this mountain. He has been staying in this mountain for hundreds of thousands of years. Soul. I was very surprised. I chased him and asked many questions, and he answered me one by one. He said that he could make the trees evergreen, make the stream long, make people live a hundred years, and make him die. Restore their vitality. "