MTL - Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits-Chapter 20 Old lady's story (below)

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"We had a great day talking, but it didn't take long before the sun went down, and I had to hurry home." Eight Chinese? W? W? W? .8? 1? Z㈧W? .㈧C? O㈧M did not expect On that day, when I came down the mountain, I bumped into my mother. She saw me coming down from the mountain, thundered at me, locked me at home for several days, and ordered me to never go back to the mountain Played. Gradually, I forgot about that brother's affairs, and never went to Houshan to find him. So far, until today, I ca n’t remember if it was real, or mine. A dream. "

"So ... why do you want to find that person again?" I couldn't help but interject.

"It's because of my daughter." The old woman sighed. "I have a daughter. I'm thirty-three today, and I'm a teacher. Because I'm too busy at work, I have never been married, and I haven't even talked with the subject "In May of this year, I suddenly fell on the podium. Going to the hospital to check, it is advanced cancer."

"How come ..." I mumbled.

The old lady nodded gently, "Now she's had her chemotherapy treatment done and she lost her head. Her dad left early and the medical expenses would not have to be said. If she also left me ... I really don't know What to do. I ran a lot of hospitals and thought of many ways, but nothing helped. Just when I was in desperation, I suddenly remembered this thing. "

"That's why you want to find the fairy you met when you were a kid, and want him to restore your daughter's health?" I asked.

The old woman nodded.

"Do you have any characteristics about the person you are looking for?" Wen Jiubai, who had been silent, suddenly asked, "Name, appearance, age?"

"This ..." The old woman got upset. "He never told me his name, and his appearance was already very vague. I just remember that he looked good. As for age, it looked like it was about 2o years old, but Now I do n’t know if he has changed. By the way, it seems that he was wearing white clothes at that time. The white ones were still gray ... ”

I glanced at Wen Jiubai, who frowned. Indeed, there is only such a little information ... how could it be found, it is simply a haystack.

"That's right, there's this. I brought this." The old woman suddenly rummaged in her handbag, holding out a small piece of rain stone from it. The pebble was bright in color and the pattern was very beautiful, shining in the sun.

"This was given to me by the **** that year, and I have stayed until now. This is probably the only thing that can prove his existence."

"Even if you say so, this is just an ordinary rain stone." Wen Jiubai glanced at the stone and said, "It doesn't prove anything."

At this moment, the old woman suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to the two of us, "Please, please! Although I also know that my request is rude, you are my only hope . No matter what the remuneration is, I will find a way no matter how expensive it is! Anyway ... I have to find that **** anyway. I really want to save my daughter. "

The old woman's expression was very sad and her eyes were wet. But Wen Jiubai didn't move, just nodded.

"I understand your request and I will do my best to find it for you."

The old woman immediately smiled on her face. She took a piece of paper out of the small bag, wrote her phone number on it, and stuffed the piece of paper into the small bag containing the rain flowers and handed it over.

"This is my contact information, and this token, I will put it here first, sir."

Wen Jiubai nodded, "If anything happens, I will definitely contact you."

After leaving this mysterious story, the old woman left the old house in the setting sun.

Wen Jiubai stretched himself and said to me, "It's getting late, you can go back."

"Go back?" I didn't respond for a moment.

"Yeah, there is no place for you to sleep. Besides, your bedroom will check the number, right?" Wen Jiubai said for granted.

"Isn't this the problem? What about the old lady's affairs?"

Wen Jiubai shrugged. "A person I met a few decades ago didn't know the name or appearance, only a rain flower stone everywhere. This kind of trust, it is impossible to find it. You can only follow it. "

I don't know why, I was angry. "Did you give up before investigating?"

"if not?"

"You have heard what the old man said! This is a big event related to her daughter's life. What if the man she met many years ago is really a mountain god? If mountain **** can really save her daughter's life ? She trusts you so much! "

"She didn't trust me." Wen Jiubai coldly interrupted me. "She was forced to run out of help, and I was just a helpless choice made by her despair. Every day in this world, people are dying. In the hospital, corpses that died because of advanced cancer were pushed out. Why don't you let me save these people? People are old and sick, but things are doomed to be reversed, and humans are too arrogant.

"You!" My temper has been completely agitated by these words, "Yeah! Human beings are such arrogant creatures, because human beings have feelings and love for family and friends. You really are not human! "

I spoke so hard, but Wen Jiubai didn't seem to hear it, and didn't mean to be angry.

"Even if you say so." Wen Jiubai sat up from the bench and looked at me with folded arms. "How about you find such a non-existent person instead?"

"I ..." I was forced into the army and speechless. But he still paid his respects, "Even if I don't know it now, I will try to find it instead of giving up like you did in the beginning."

"You are such a stubborn temper." Wen Jiubai sighed and raised his chin. "Okay, that stone and note, you can hold it. No one will be better than I thought first The way. "

"Really?" I picked the small cloth bag wrapped by the old woman doubtfully from the table.

Wen Jiubai nodded, and stretched out five fingers to me, "In case you are really done this time, I will pay you 50%."

My eyes lit up with a "swipe", "Really?"

"a man of his words."

In this way, I returned to school with this little cloth bag. It was already eight o'clock in the evening when I went back, and then I remembered that I didn't even eat dinner, and hurried to the cafeteria to fill my stomach.