MTL - Uzumaki Naruto is a Traitor-Chapter 186

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"After they graduate, you're free. Who told you how much money you used to gamble and how much money you lost... Now you know how hard it is?"

Kanshou Hasuma, who was still skeptical about Naruto's words, saw that her granddaughter was so close to Naruto, the blow this caused her can be imagined.

Madara Uchiha's mouth cornered as he looked at Senju Hasuma, who looked like a lost bower. Shaking. The blue veins on his forehead throbbed. He couldn't help roaring: "Hashiri.!!! Do you know how annoying it is that you lose every moment?!\"

"It's a habit... and... Ozuna is actually Naruto's lover, this really hits me a bit..." Ganshou Yujian looked up. Eyes Uchiha Madara, looked at hug Zai again. Raised Naruto and Tsunade.

As if the long bell rang again, Qianshouzhujian's whole person lost color.

Madara Uchiha clenched her fists tightly, the veins on her forehead throbbing, she just couldn't see this. Point, lose every moment, it is really annoying! Hashima?

Hearing the girl's irritable shout, Tsunade looked at the puppet-like little man sitting cross-legged on the table with a lost face.

"That is?\"

Tsunade walked over curiously.

"Xiaogang, long time no see~! You've grown so big." Seeing Tsunade approaching, Qianshou Hashima walked out of his lost state in an instant. There was a smile on his face.

Tsunade tilted her head slightly, this little man felt a little familiar to her, but it made her hard to believe that familiar feeling.

"You may not believe it if you say this, I'm your grandfather, Senshou Hasuma." Senshou Hasuma scratched his cheek with an embarrassed smile.

Tsunade looked in disbelief at Shisuma, who looked like a doll's body.

"How did you become like this?\"

Qianshou Zhujian did not dare to say that it was Naruto, but just looked at Naruto with his eyes.

Tsunade shunned his eyes and saw that it was Naruto who made her grandfather like this. He walked towards Naruto angrily, pulled Ruo Ruo's collar, and said with a bright smile, "Naruto~! What the **** is going on?"

..wife, listen to my explanation!"

Naruto looked at Tsunade with a cold sweat on his face, really afraid of her. ≒≒ Punch over, and most importantly, that. Fist she is hiding or not.

"Explain it to me.!!!" Naruto knelt down on the washboard (it didn't hurt at all). He took the filthy reincarnation and put his soul into the female version of the doll. I told Tsunade what happened. all over.

Seeing that Naruto's face was full of cowardice, Shisujima nodded with satisfaction, and was very satisfied that his granddaughter was able to keep Naruto's big radish.

"That's it?\" Tsunade squinted at Ruo Naruto, she always felt that Naruto had something to hide from her and didn't say it, turned her head, pointed to the little girl over there and asked, "Who is she? \"

"Uchiha Madara.

"Huh? Madara Uchiha.

Tsunade was stunned when she heard the celebrity's answer. Isn't this little girl too different from Madara Uchiha, who could scare children to stop crying in her mind? said. After talking about Madara Uchiha, he pretended to have leg pain and looked at his wives with teary eyes.

Although he knew that Naruto was pretending, Tsunade was knocked down by Naruto's pitiful appearance, and he pulled her up from the washboard in distress and held her in his arms, the plump two round things squeezed together. Pressing it on Naruto's face made her feel the joy of the breath. . .. Naruto struggled and patted Tsunade's arm, burying her chest or something. For others, it may be happy, but for a poor person like her who is squeezed by two big-breasted foxes every night , is extremely painful and extremely terrifying. Looking at Naruto struggling in Tsunade's big chest, Ichikishima Hime, Uchiha Mikoto, Yakushi Nonoyu, Tsuruyi Fubuki, Fuchino, Kazama, Kawaii, Camilla, and Rank bowed their heads. Glancing at his chest, the battered gray turned pale.

The combat level is too different.

"Do you have big breasts...?

Shikishima Hime revealed. Vice did not care about the expression, the tone is transparent. A sour taste, straightened his flat chest.

"Actually, are you envious? As an immortal, you don't seem to have room to grow... Xiangya glanced at Ichikishima Hime's flat chest, which made him feel sad, and it is estimated that this will be the world in this life. , and she still has room to grow!

Although the incense coupons in the original book seem to be a pair at the end.

"Smelly Y-head, Tuanzui!"

Ichikishima Hime's expression froze on her face, and then she rushed towards Kareen, pulling Ruaka's roasted cheeks with both hands.

"Ow! It hurts! You are not hurt by what I said!"

Xiang Bing immediately responded, pulling Ichijima Ji's cheek and pulling hard. The practice of killing the enemy and injuring fifty, obviously suffers from her own 2.

After all, Jijimajima is a fairy, and Xianglian is just an ordinary person.

What's going on with them? Just got out of Tsunade

er> Naruto escaped from his chest, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the scuffle. The regiment's Ichijima Hime and Fragrant Python.

Fortunately, Ichijima Hime did not bully the incense burner with the immortal technique Zhikara.

"Xiang Lian, Shi Xu Dao Ji, please don't fight..." Looking at the rolling. The group's Xiangcheng and Ichijishima Hime, the pharmacist No Naiyu stepped forward and wanted to separate them.

"This is a war between our poor tits!

Xianghe Shikishima Hime-kun, who was in anger, angered the person who shouldn't be angry the most, and usually hung on his face. A person with a harmless smile on his face is more terrifying when he gets angry.

"What are you talking about? Can you say it again. Can you repeat it?" Yakushi Ye Naiyu. With a gentle smile on his face, his slightly dark complexion is terrifying.

Kaoru and Ichikishima Hime separated immediately. . Sitting on the sofa with a well-behaved face.

"Nonoyu, mute, shall we cook?" Uchiha Mikoto looked. In a short time, I called the pharmacist Ye Naiyu and Mute and walked to the kitchen.

At the dining table, saliva drooled from the corners of Chishou Hakuma's mouth, who couldn't eat if everyone else was eating. But she couldn't eat anything. She sat on Madara Uchiha's shoulder and whispered in her ear: "Giant scorpion meat." Is it delicious?...Is the food that looks like a fried pig delicious? Tell me what it tastes like.

"Hashiyama! You give me peace. Point!"

Madara Uchiha, who was enjoying Wakami Sue's dinner, was completely ruined by her joyful mood, grabbed Senju Hasuma, who was sitting on her shoulders chattering, and threw it at Tsunade.

Half of Qianshou Zhujian's body was submerged in the gap between Tsunade's two plump bodies, struggling and pulling his head out. He scratched his head in embarrassment.

..Master, what's the matter?" Tsunade looked at Shishou Shimao in confusion and asked her to be right. It's a bit difficult for a puppet to call her grandpa, even if it's really her grandpa.

"Hahaha~! It's okay, nothing at all."

Between the dry hands, he scratched his head. With a hearty smile on her face, the reason she was thrown over by Madara Uchiha, she wouldn't tell even if she was beaten to death, it's really embarrassing.

It's really strange... Tsunade didn't want to say anything when she saw that, and didn't ask any further questions.

It's getting more and more interesting, and I've watched it all night. Eyes and Chiha Madara, she never thought that Naruto would make these two look like this, and had to sigh, it really deserves to be Naruto.

After the meal, I learned that Tsunade was staying at Naruto's house at night, and Mute, who didn't want to be a light bulb, left with Doudou.

In the bathroom. Naruto's comfortable bath tub, watching Ruo night beside him.

\"It's night, how's the container doing?"

"It will take some time.... the container is too fragile and easily damaged.

In the night, her mouth was submerged in the water, spitting bubbles, probably because of the influence of her body, which made her have a lot of fun with this meaningless thing.

"Indeed, if it is too easy to damage, it will be troublesome. In short, you have worked hard for the night. Naruto patted Miye on the head and got up from the bath. Upturned buttocks. Hidden by falling blond hair.

Thinking that Naruto couldn't even wash his hair, Ji Ye's face had a few black lines looking at Ruo Naruto's back.

"No need. Someone will rub my back soon."

Naruto squinted his eyes and put on a smug smile. As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and Tsunade walked in, followed by the pharmacists Nonoyu and Uchiha Mikoto, as well as Kasumi and Chino.


Tsunade stretched her waist, and the two round things on her chest that swayed as she straightened her waist caught everyone's attention.

"Are you envious?\"

Tsunade noticed everyone's eyes and was proud. laugh.

"No, that's enough for me... Naruto looked down. He looked at his chest and shook his head. If her chest was as big as Tsunade, she would have a headache.

For her, her current **** are neither too small nor too small, just right, neither too flat nor too small. Tsunade's chest looked good, but it was too much of a hindrance to movement. Just looking at it, Naruto felt a phantom pain in his shoulders.

"Chino, come and rub my lower back and wash my hair, please. Naruto beckoned to him and chose Tsunade. Yakushi Nonoyu, Uchiha Mikoto, any of the three may be able to Caused dissatisfaction with the two of them, Gan Nai who chose the appearance of a child would not have that kind of trouble. At most, a little red-haired pervert would be extreme.

"Oh! I'm here~!" As soon as she sat in the bath, when she heard Naruto calling herself, Chino immediately got up, and the water splashed on Xiang Rou's face. Ah ah ah! Why didn't you call me!

Fragrance. His face looked jealously at the back of Jiu Nai. !

Chapter 343 Can you keep up with Lao Tzu's speed! (1/2)

In the middle of the night, Naruto and Tsunade were lying on the bed, and Hime Ichijima turned into a little white snake coiled around Naruto's neck.

Neither the pharmacist Nonoyu nor Uchiha Mikoto came to Naruto's room tonight, as if they had deliberately left time alone for the two of them.


Tsunade's voice carried it. Si eagerly reached into the pajamas on Naruto's body, grabbed the round thing that wasn't too big or not, and squeezed it gently. Getting younger would only make her desire even bigger. What's more, she was single for so long before she got off the single. I knew it would be like this. Naruto rolled over and pressed on Tsunade's body, kissed Tsunade's lips, and kneaded the soft and plump thing that her two hands couldn't hold.

Tongue licked Tsunade's lips, down her neck

"Umm~ah~! Naruto, don't you...?!"

"Let me hear more of these voices. Naruto's deep azure blue eyes looked at Tsunade's. Silky blurred brown eyes whispered in her ear, licking her cheeks. The earlobe, biting gently, contained it in the mouth.


"If I'm not bad, Tsunade wife, will you still like me?" Naruto is bad. Laughing, she lightly bit the mark of love on Tsunade's forehead, bit her nose again, and finally kissed her lips again, and the two hugged tightly. up, kiss

Afterwards, Tsunade gasped fiercely, snuggling into Naruto's arms, covered in sweat and covered with snow-white skin. Apply peach red. It is like a washed peach, which makes people want to bite.

"Let's go take a shower? 039;

Naruto whispered softly in Tsunade's ear and kissed Tsunade's lips.


Tsunade, who was too tired to speak, responded softly. Sound. Do not want to move.

After taking a bath, Naruto, who came back with Tsunade in his arms, was entangled by Ichikishima Hime again.

"Stinky snake.. I will definitely make you a snake Mo.. Seeing Ichikishima Hime entangled Naruto, Tsunade angrily wanted to punch her. Punch, unfortunately. She can't use it now. Silk strength.

In the middle of the night, the tired Naruto came to the inner world and before he could speak, Jiu Luke kissed his lips, feeling that his mouth was full. ζζ piece of chocolate, subconsciously bit. Mouth, the sweet wine flowed from the chocolate to her mouth.

With a tired Naruto on Yuan's face, two blushes suddenly appeared on his fair little face, and his eyes were blurred as he looked at Jiu Luke and Jiutica. Wipe silly smile. As expected of a boozy chocolate made of high-quality liquor! Kuroko and Kutika looked at Naruto who was so drunk that he seemed to have forgotten his last name, and walked up excitedly. This. At night, the two Nine-Tails had a good time playing with + points, and the drunk Naruto army joined them no matter what posture they were in. The next day, Naruto sat up clutching his aching head and sat up. She didn't have much memory of what happened last night. After being kissed by Jiuluke, the memory seemed to disappear, but she felt so tired for no reason. The head still hurts a little, like a hangover. Sample. "Naruto, what's the matter with you?" Tsunade opened his eyes, saw Naruto covering his head. He frowned slightly, sat up, hugged Naruto and asked with concern.

"Head, it hurts a bit. Naruto lay in Tsunade's arms, pursed his lips slightly, and looked at Tsunade with a trace of grievance on his face.

Seeing Naruto like this, Tsunade felt like his heart was being beaten. The arrow passed through, letting her lean on her body and gently caress her temple. Tsunade felt that Naruto's symptoms were like drinking, but she didn't smell the alcohol from Naruto, and last night. Naruto was by her side all night, how could he run out to drink. Wu Ren was lying on Tsunade's soft and plump chest, enjoying Tsunade's massage, and slowly closed his eyes, no. fell asleep in a while. Kutika and Kuluko hesitated when they saw Naruto falling asleep in Tsunade's arms. Seconds later, they ate all the boozy chocolate. It was cool to use this method, but after the fact, Naruto's painful appearance was something they didn't want to see.

Since then, the booze plan is in use. After that, the two nine tails gave up.

Tsunade looked at Naruto's innocent sleeping face, and felt very unbelievable. She has become like a dream until now, her body has become younger, she is with Naruto, everything. Everything is like a dream.

What made her feel like she was dreaming the most was that she would meet. A child doing such a thing, and also... Tsunade gently rubbed the cheek of Xue Ruo Naruto, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hashima.!!! Get out of my bedroom and wait, stop, and turn around. Kicked Senju Hasuma who was about to use Kushi to absorb Chiba Ban's attack. "Bang!"

Thousands of Hands Posted by Madara Uchiha. The kick flew, smashed the window, and landed on the grass in Naruto's yard, turning over to avoid Madara Uchiha's foot.

Madara! I just slept in your bedroom. Don't you react so intensely at night?" He dries his hands and looks at Madara Uchiha with a puzzled face.

"It's a big problem! Huo Shihao's fireball technique!" Uchiha Ban roared, his hands quickly formed seals, and spat out. A fireball three meters in diameter. The fiery fireball instantly scorched the surrounding grass to the point of burning withered ginger.

"Mu Shi Mu people's art!"

Qianshouzhujian folded his hands together and rose from the ground. A wooden man only two meters high,

This may be the smallest wooden figurine technique Ganshou Hasuma has ever used in his life.

However, she was only thirty-five centimeters tall, sitting on a wooden figurine with a miniature wooden dragon on her body. It was like driving a Gundam. Sample. "Boom! Boom boom boom

The constant sound from outside woke up Naruto who was sleeping in Tsunade's arms.

"very noisy...

Naruto's gloomy face burst out with power. If there is a real light green straight carat, he jumped up and down.

"Naruto sleeps......

Tsunade picked up his pajamas and was about to put it on Naruto when he saw Naruto naked. Remember the flying kick. Kicked the broken window and jumped down, the hand that held up the clothes fell, and looked at the glass on the floor with black lines on his face. "Pillar

Madara Uchiha huddled with the dry hand post, who was controlling a two-meter-tall wooden man, in the courtyard. It's a mess. There are pits everywhere, and some places are still burning like flames. It looks like it has been bombed by dense missiles. Sample. Naruto, who fell to the ground, saw that his yard was destroyed like this, and said nothing to Chishou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara. people come. Fist. Even the wooden man and the wooden dragon were not spared.

"I'm so sorry! Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara, as well as the big bags on the heads of the wooden man and the wooden dragon, were smoky. He knelt on the ground apologetically.

"Do you know that waking up early to fight will disturb other people's sleep?" Naruto clenched his fists tightly, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. people come on. fist. The cool wind blew, and he looked down, only to realize that Naruto, who was wearing nothing, blushed and rushed. people. The doll roared: "What are you looking at! I have the habit of sleeping naked!"

"Bang! Bang!\"

"Ow! It's none of my business that you sleep naked!" Uchiha Madara, who had a bag on top of her bag, didn't dare to slam the bag on her head. The sour pain was something she never wanted to feel. I obviously didn't see anything!

Qianshouzhujian touched the bag on Ruo's head. Unhappy face. "Humph! Naruto made a seal with one hand, and the figure disappeared in front of the two of them.

The cool wind blew, and Naruto threw himself into Tsunade's arms, and said aggrievedly: "Wife Tsunade, I have been seen by them,

"Who told you to go out without your pajamas?\"

The blue veins on Tsunade's forehead throbbed slightly, trying to force Naruto to come. Fist's impulse, put the pajamas next to Naruto's body.

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