MTL - Vanguard of the Eternal Night-Chapter 66

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"Repay!" Someone screamed in the audience.

But then, he found that no one shouted at him, and everyone seemed to suddenly calm down, and only a while spread in silence.

Lawson stood unsteadily and seemed to be dizzy because of physical exhaustion. He barely supported the body and fixed the mind: "I am guilty, I swear allegiance to the Father, but I lost my chastity. According to the commandments, I am no longer qualified to stay. Among the gods of the Father."

He slowly picked up the right hand in his hand. This movement was slow and trembling. When the power ring was finally stripped off, Lawson snorted again, holding the chair and barely standing, and continued: "In the Pope Before the arrival of the instrument, I asked for the last exercise of the cardinal rights -"

"I am asking for the ruling of the Holy Grail."

"What is the "Holy ruling"?" Evan turned his head and whispered to Hiyote.

The Master whispered back: "The privilege of the Cardinal is used to save lives. They will soon ask for the statue of the saint who is responsible for the ruling. At that time, as long as one pass is passed, the sage can be proved that Lawson is not dying."

Just as the two of them spoke, the judges had already exchanged opinions, and the remaining bishops had a lot of arguments.

Someone ran down from the high platform and handed it to Lawson’s letter of request. Lawson printed the right to quit his right, and signed his name.

After the judge regained the letter, he carefully checked it and finally said in a loud voice: "Moa's court agreed with the request of the Cardinal Lawson, the "Holy ruling" will be based on this request, please call the leader of the Knights - - the arbitrator of justice and the intervention of the 'Dawn' saint."

"Where is this ridiculous rule?" Evan whispered, "A statue, how to explain that Lawson is not guilty?"

Xiuyi faintly said: "The statue is just an excuse. The essence of the sacred ruling is nothing more than the secular kingship, the compromise of the supreme theocracy; all the high-ranking people of the Holy See are judged by secular law, or will be executed. The right to ask for a ruling, this is their privilege to save their lives."

The Paladin only felt a ridiculous thing, and even more thought that Lawson actually chose the "Dawn Saint" to make this excuse; but he looked up and the audience was solemn. It seems that everyone can't feel what it is. Proper.

The lives of senior clergy are invaluable, and the laws of mortals cannot pronounce their death penalty, only the sacred power of the kingdom of God - this view has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

A special stone door in the court was opened, and several soldiers walked out from it, pushing a marble statue of about two people high - the so-called "Dawn of the Holy One" was placed in the center of the court.

Evan and Shuit looked up at the same time. The statue held a sword in one hand and held a gold-plated balance in one hand.

The judge is still reading out the law about the "Holy Proclamation". When the danger seemed to end, he got out of the table and now read the sacred law, and he restored the image of the majestic judge. - It's like reading a piece of paper gives him enough energy.

The two soldiers walked up the special ladder and placed a feather from the pheasant at each end of the balance held by the statue.

The delicate balance shook a little and quickly restored balance.

At this time, the judge said: "The soul of sin will be lighter than the weight of life itself, and the soul of sin will be lighter than feathers."

He took a piece of parchment paper immersed in holy water, wrote the full name of Lawson in red ink, and then rolled up the parchment, indicating that the soldier was placed at the end of the balance.

The soldier took off the feathers on one side and put the parchment on it; in the eyes of the crowd, the balance immediately swayed, apparently leaning to the end of the parchment.

Everyone was holding their breath, and the judge sentenced: "Under the gaze of today's ruling officer 'Dawn Saints', this holy trial is coming to an end, and the crime of Mr. Stefan Lawson is not up to death, and his trial will be Transferred to the higher courts - the first court of the Holy See in Cognac.

The next step is to wait for the moment the record officer ends the lengthy record of the documents.

Everything is in order, and no one has suggested that it is unreasonable to make such a general judgment.

Evan took the first two steps and looked directly at the law enforcers and bishops sitting at the top of the upper platform. His eyes were so majestic that they all stopped inexplicably.

"What is this ghost thing?" Evan asked straight and pointed at the statue and the balance. "Tell me what this is?"

"!" The judge was stunned. "This is one of the eight leaders of the Knights Road, which was sealed up thousands of years ago."

"I know the name of the statue." Evan interrupted coldly. "I just want to know, what power does a statue have to determine the outcome of a sinner? You sit in this court and believe what it is." Prayer, or moral, legal, and justice!"

Gradually, some people began to whisper.

A bishop got up and said, "Hello, isn't the judgment from the saints more effective than the law of our mortal?"

There is a chorus underneath.

Evan was incredulous and shook his head. "Just kidding, are you making and perfecting these laws? Isn't it just to overthrow this judgment based on personal subjective will? A parchment is heavier than a feather." With such obvious facts, can one prove that one's sin is serious? This is a joke about taking life and the law!"

The bishop looked at his own colleagues and seemed to find enough support to rebut: "But... this is a ruling from the Holy One."

No one feels that this is not good, and no one feels ridiculous. This ignorant redemption ritual that uses the people has been smeared with a sacred coat by the ruthless powers of the people, and it has become a dogma of the believers.

Evan stood among them, like the one who applauded and applauded, the only one who felt unfair and angry.

He is therefore particularly lonely.

Evan took a deep breath and went up two steps, looking up at the statue of the "Dawn of the Holy One."

Lawson, who just took off the aura of the Cardinal, took a step forward and said, "What are you going to do? You better understand that this is the ruling of the Holy Ghost, not that we can change if we want to change -"

"Shut up." Evan said.

The paladin took off the phoenix sword behind him, and the next moment when everyone was shocked by his actions, he did not hesitate, and a sword swung out -

Just listening to the cracking of the marble, the statue was broken by the blade, and the power of the light in the sword permeated it to break the crack.

Then Evan pushed it, and the stone statue burst open.

Stones and fragments fell, and the gold-plated exquisite balance rolled down. Evan handed out the long sword in his hand and cut it into two with a fierce sword light.

The Paladin faintly said: "It is not as special as you think."

The screams were lingering, and the seats where the clergymen were sitting were in a horrible situation. The bishops were stunned and could no longer sit securely.

"What are you doing! You are oh! Hey!" someone shouted screamingly, "Guards! Guards, take this pagan, disguised as a paladin, on the spot!"

There was chaos in the field, and several guards ran up in their hands, surrounded Evan and Reyt, and looked at the fragments of the stones that had rolled over their feet.

After repairing Yitello, he glanced at them and turned back carelessly. He said: "What is it now, Evan? Their laws are basically a smattering of makeup. Women, are you going to do it yourself, and have ruined this court by the way?" ""

"I can't understand this statue for a long time." Ai Wen's mouth showed a smile, but it didn't happen.

The paladin crossed the phoenix sword in his hand and faced the guard.

He glanced at him, no one dared to look at him, the guards even softened their legs and sweated nervously.

"You are not my opponent." Evan faintly said, "Go back now."

The guards looked at each other.

Evan screamed: "Retreat!"

The scene was only quiet, and dozens of trained and well-trained guards could hardly resist Evan’s implicit reprimand and majesty, and really began to retreat.

Evan hangs his cold phoenix sword and walks to Lawson's front. Coldly, "You want the ruling of the "Dawn of the Holy One"? I will give it to you now: Stefan Lawson, you! Damn. ”

Lawson breathed quickly and squatted back: "No... you don't have this power... mortals don't have this power to decide my death..."

He was surrounded by the murder, and the whole man was sweating and finally fell to the ground.

And Evan pointed his sword at his throat and said: "Now is the time to confess your crimes and repentance."

"I am not guilty... No, I am guilty, but I am not guilty of death! I only killed a few insignificant civilian women, I am a cardinal, I am the Cardinal of Syblon!" Lawson looks Red, hysterically shouted.

"Now your time is running out."

Evan faintly finished and raised the Phoenix sword.

In the next moment, the narrow wounds of the blade smashed out the blood of the sinner.

A piece of marble fell to the foot of Evan, and Evan gently wiped the two blood spots on his cheek with his back and looked down.

This piece comes from the face of the statue, and in the right eye is a large emerald gemstone inlaid by the craftsman.

The carving is very good, and it is indeed the image of Evan Paladin 10,000 years ago.