MTL - Versatile Mage-Chapter 3137 Different from each other

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"You killed the yarn of Iraq, you are a cold-blooded saint, you are not qualified to be a goddess, you will only bring us to the Parthenon!" Female sage Merle screamed with a cry.

Merle was loyal to the Yoshi's Yarn. At the moment when Ye Xinxia got the blessing of the goddess, the people who ruled the temple also collectively rebelled. They no longer mention a yarn of Iraqi, and even a group of people destroyed the yarn of Yizhi before Ye Xinxia returned. Election of the statue.

It has become so ridiculous that it is so fast, is it that the previous loyalty and the previous vows are all fake, because Ye Xinxia has become a goddess, and even his own dignity and his own beliefs can be abandoned?

Where is Yoshi's yarn worse than Ye Xin Xia, her heart belongs to the Parthenon forever, and she never scorns those who are willing to follow her.

Why are these people so heart-warming!

Merlot is not such a person.

She still speaks for the Yoshi's Yarn, even if the general trend has gone, even if the whole city is embracing Ye Xinxia, ​​in her heart, the Yoshi's Yarn is still an irreplaceable goddess! !

"Meile, our Parthenon is not a place where freedom of speech is absolutely free. You better not say a word, otherwise..." Pammy, the mother of the temple, taught the female sage Merlot incomparably indifference.

"This is the trick of Ye Xinxia. Ye Xinxia knows that the election is impossible to win, so she created this accident. She is self-directed and self-directed. Yizhe is not for the sake of the goddess. She is for the Parthenon. In the future, she is blocking Ye Xinxia, ​​Ye Xinxia is the Pope! It is the Pope!!” Merlot has been a little crazy, she shouted desperately.

This is a huge conspiracy.

Sarang's carefully planned capture plan.

She cleared all obstacles in the Black Holy See and worshiped Ye Xinxia as the Pope.

She also used the cruel means of the Black Holy See to make Ye Xinxia a goddess of Parthenon without any suspense.

The pope is the goddess.

Goddess is the Pope!

Parthenon and Greece will not have a future.

The world of Wentai’s suffering and torture will be used by Sarang to use their daughters to destroy them! !

Why isn't one person awake?

Why no one is willing to listen to what they say.

Why people don't accept this terrible fact! !

"Take off her female yin earrings and close to the goddess." Ye Xinxia did not let Merlot continue to let it go.

"If you want to deal with me, I will dispose of it to me. I will never give in to you!" Merle said with great conviction, but her firmness is in the state of nerves approaching collapse.

Merlot was taken away by several knights, and the female sage earrings were taken away in public. For a time, the female servants who had served the yarn of Iraq and the female sages were scared.

Once they are taken away, they are likely to stay in the Parthenon.

After leaving the Parthenon, they are nothing. The Parthenon does not even allow them to use the magical skills of the temple. Those who are all alone are still good, at least able to keep the rich living, but those and The big forces, the female waiters and female sages who have many connections with the major families and the major city governments are likely to be expelled...

This is no different for them to ruin their lives.

What's more, there are many times of direct conflicts between the two women's camps. Many female sages and waitresses have said something that is very disrespectful to Ye Xinxia.

Probably before today, they would not have imagined that Ye Xinxia had won in the end!

"Get up, praise day, is the time to show your loyalty, and now is the election day." The temple mother saw that these waitresses and female sages were so anxious to cast to Ye Xinxia, ​​no arrogant reprimand.

"Dangmu." Ye Xinxia glanced at the inmates who had escorted the black pharmacist and said, "This person is still handed over to me."

"This..." The temple mother hesitated, but after seeing Ye Xinxia's eyes, she gradually realized that Ye Xinxia's sentence was not soliciting. "Well, be sure to look after it. He is a key to the Black Holy See."

"Well, the temple mother is bothered, please go back to the goddess to rest, I will handle the rest of the matter." Ye Xinxia said to the temple mother.

The temple mother nodded.

The election is over, and the entire Parthenon power is also completely handed over to Ye Xinxia. Although it is to make a formal handover on the tribute day of tomorrow, there is no difference in giving power to Ye Xinxia.

She has been recognized by the entire Parthenon and has been recognized by the people of Athens. The transfer of the tribute day is a form.

Before the goddess was elected, many of the powers of the Parthenon were in the hands of the temple mother, including some important temple magics, which were also kept by the temple mother, such as pledges...

"Citizens of Athens, you don't have to worry about it, enjoy the Finnish Festival, and the goddess will bless you." The mother said these words, slowly raised her hands and raised the direction of Ye Xinxia's election statue.

The election finally came to fruition, and everyone witnessed Ye Xinxia’s command of the Knights’ Hall to carry out revenge hunting on the giants. They knew who was guarding them, who is protecting the city, who is Parthenon. The temple is the supreme goddess of choice! !

For a time, the name of the goddess resounded throughout the city, and the voice was extremely high. No one was willing to mention the yarn of Iraqi, including those who originally supported the yarn of Iraq. They also shouted and shouted, presumably the wrong choice. Let them realize that only after double support and watch can they get the blessing of the temple!

Ye Xinxia did not make the final winning speech. People saw that she left the election altar and saw that she was driving a sacred silver bird, and she flew gorgeously into the mountain of Parthenon.

Behind her is a mighty knightly team, a horrible giant burning all over the body with hundreds of knights and hundreds of dragons in the air, like trophies are generally displayed in the eyes of everyone, and As Ye Xin Xia returned to the mountain, he was carried to the Parthenon.

"That is the imperial-level Jin Yao Titan giant, has it been killed??" People were terrified.

The power of killing imperial creatures in the world is quite rare. Just a while ago, they were still huddled under the dark flames of this terrible giant. They were tortured by the heat wave, and they were miserable. At this time, the mighty Jin Yao Titan giant Like a cow, it was lifted by the people of the Knights...

"It's the brain and the body have been separated, it must be dead, Scorpio, and finally died."

"Without a goddess, we are afraid that it has become the residue of this demon god, thanks to the omnipotent goddess."

"Tomorrow is the first day of the goddess' tribute. In any case, you must squeeze into the mountain and get blessing!"

"I heard that the blessings on the first day of the tribute can extend the life..."

"No, it's a sacred dew that can be repaired for a big lift. Some magicians who are stuck in the high-end bottleneck may have stepped into the super-step because of that blessing."

Life is related to the soul. Many magicians have caused the soul to be damaged more or less in the process of spiritual practice. The wound of the soul is different from the wound of the body and cannot be repaired.

So the first day of blessing to extend life is not a false statement!

In the same way, it is also true that cultivation is promoted. Every magician knows that the strength of the soul is the spiritual realm. Once the spiritual realm is crossed, the thing that is the bottleneck is completely absent.

Many magicians who have already entered the super-order, their other departments will be greatly reduced in difficulty from high-order to super-order, and even self-promotion can be completed without external force. This is the reason of the spiritual realm, and other departments have arrived. Super-order, making their spiritual realm touch a higher field, the bottleneck is like a dummy.

The election was over, a disaster has not completely subsided, and there are still killings outside the city. The Athens government is still dealing with many burnt and destroyed streets, but a large group of people have forgotten it. Tomorrow is the goddess of praise. One day, countless people flocked to the foot of the mountain, and were chosen to enter the Temple of Faith when the sun rose tomorrow, bathing in the blessing of the dew from the olive branch.

There are not so many true devout people, everyone has their own purpose, nothing more for themselves.


Goddess Peak.


At night, the killing sounds outside the city finally stopped, the lights of the city lit up, and the bustling scene was like nothing happened during the day.

The officials in Athens are very efficient. They know that the goddess was born in an attack. The victims need to mourn. The birth of the goddess needs to be celebrated. They use all the resources, cover up the destroyed places, and appease in the shortest time. Relatives of those who died.

Ye Xinxia did not expel the old parts of the Iraqi yarn from the Parthenon. She handed over to the old part of the Yoshizawa yarn a difficult task, which was to appease the affected people with the officials.

The salvation was fairly timely. The damage caused by the giant’s major attack was much lighter than the giant attacks in other cities. Just as Egypt always has the undead disruption, the death of the giants in Greece happens every year. This is the dispute that Greece has not stopped for thousands of years...

The appearance of a blue-star Titan giant, if handled improperly by local officials and magic associations, could result in more casualties than this Athens incident.

Because of the birth of the goddess, all the forces, all the organizations, all the officials seem to be active...

The saint and the goddess are just a difference in position, but Ye Xinxia has felt the difference between the two in a short half-day.

"Hua Lisi, you bring two people to see me, I want to talk to them about the future of Parthenon." Ye Xinxia said to the female knight behind him.

The woman knight Hua Lisi won the Holy Spirit not long ago, and her body was a strong hero, so some of the most powerful people did not dare to approach easily.

"They are..." Wallis asked.

"The mother and the black pharmacist."