MTL - Vicious Male Partner is a Girl-Chapter 28

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Xie Yong held back his anger, and said to Shen Juan who got up: "Master, Shen Fengzhang is too arrogant! You can't indulge this villain anymore! Sir, let your subordinates go down and kill her!"

Xiao Xiao, a tall and thin young man standing in the forest, looks like a Qiongshu in Yaolin. He shook his head slowly, and said in silence for a while: "No need." After hesitating for a moment, Shen Juan let out a foul breath, and said to Xie Yong, "Azhang is just young and a bit stubborn. It was Shen Shishi who rescued me from the fire and water back then, and brought me to Xie Yong. To Shen's house. Ah Zhang is the only son of Governor Shen, how can I avenge my kindness."

Hearing Shen Juan's peaceful words without any complaints, Xie Yong blushed and felt quite ashamed. It was he who did something wrong back then that caused the Lord Lang to suffer misfortune. Shen Cishi is not only the benefactor of the Lord Lang, but also his benefactor. He actually had such an unfaithful thought just now!

"This subordinate knows his mistake!" Xie Yong corrected his mistake, and immediately promised: "Don't worry, Lord Lang! This subordinate will definitely do his best to protect Shen Feng in the future, no, it's the Duke of Shen Xiaojun!"

Shen Juan's fingers on the jade pendant around his waist almost crushed another piece of jade pendant.

Shaking off the anger in his heart, Shen Jun ordered Xie Yong to check if there was any problem with the horse.

When Shen Fengzhang was shooting arrows just now, he almost couldn't suppress the cruelty in his heart, thinking that his previous guess was wrong. However, after calming down at this moment, Shen Jun, who regained his sanity, came up with another guess.

Xie Yong went to the white horse and squatted down. At first, he thought that the Lord's order was superfluous, but when he saw the white horse's eyes, he was taken aback and his expression became serious.

The circle around the white horse's eyeballs was red, which looked extremely strange. Moreover, horses are relatively docile animals, even if they are fierce horses, they are just arrogant. The white horse's eyes were full of fury, and when he opened the eyelids with his hands, it snorted uncontrollably, trying to shake him off.

Holding the white horse firmly, Xie Yongzai inspected the whole horse carefully. Finally, he forcefully opened the horse's mouth and leaned his head over to smell it.

A dry and hot fishy smell came out.

Xie Yong threw down the white horse and returned to Shen Jun, "Mr. Lang, there is something wrong with this horse! It must have been drugged, and if it continues to run, it will not be long before it will go into a manic attack."

Shen Juan stroked his knuckles, a little surprised, but a little expected. He glanced at the white horse, and said to Xie Yong: "I understand. You step back."

However, Xie Yong did not follow Shen Jun's order and hid again. He gritted his teeth and said, "Master! Who drugged the horse! He wanted to put you to death." No, this horse originally belonged to Lord Shen Xiaojun. She deliberately exchanged the horse for the owner.

Could it be—

His eyes flickered suddenly, could it be that the person who prescribed the medicine was Xiaojun Gong himself! Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain that she came to change horses with the owner even though she knew that the black horse had been crotoned.

The owner can give his horse a chin, and Shen Fengzhang can also give medicine to his horse!

Although just now he had said that he would treat Shen Fengzhang as a benefactor, but now that he knew that she was so vicious that she wanted to kill the Lord, Xie Yong's thoughts changed again. He glanced at Shen Jun, knowing that Shen Jun had always cared about Shen Fengzhang, and he might not be able to accept the fact that the other party wanted to kill him.

Xie Yong made up his mind not to tell Shen Jun about this matter, but he himself will pay special attention to Shen Fengzhang and never give her a chance to assassinate the Lord!

Shen Jun didn't know at all that Xie Yong's speculation was completely different from the truth. He was unhappy, and ordered Xie Yong to hide again.

After Xie Yong hid, Shen Jun was just about to choose a direction to walk out of the dense forest, when he suddenly heard a rush of horseshoes from far to near. The voice came from the direction Shen Fengzhang left just now.

He couldn't help taking a closer look, frowning slightly, it turned out that Shen Fengzhang really came back! From her extraordinarily cold face and frowning eyebrows, Shen Juan noticed that something was wrong.

Suddenly, his pupils dilated suddenly.

An arrow actually shot from behind Shen Fengzhang!

She shouldn't have gone out today! Shen Fengzhang, who kept twitching his horsewhip, heard the sound of piercing the air behind his ears, and tried his best to lower his body, trying to avoid the arrows flying towards her.

Just now Shen Fengzhang rode away, but he didn't want Wu Ye to lose weight in front of Shen Jun and lose her momentum. Who knows that not long after she drove Wu Ye forward, a cold arrow shot towards her from the front.

If it wasn't for her subconscious scalp numbness, she felt something was wrong and lowered her body. That arrow was going to go right through her head!

She immediately turned the horse's head, not daring to go any further. In just a short distance, arrows were shot at her one after another, Shen Fengzhang's heart was tense, she knew that she was only lucky to avoid the arrows, but once the opponent shot a lot of arrows, she would be shot like a hedgehog sooner or later !

When passing by Shen Jun, Shen Fengzhang's thoughts changed suddenly, and he suddenly bent down and stretched out his hand towards him, "Get on the horse! The other party is coming for you!"

Standing where he was, Shen Juan quickly weighed the pros and cons, and finally reached out to Shen Fengzhang.

Holding Shen Jun's hand hard, Shen Fengzhang gritted his teeth, pulled him onto the horse, and sat behind him.

"You said they came after me?" Shen Jun's voice sounded from behind. He was dubious about Shen Fengzhang's words. He got on the horse just now, firstly because he was temporarily convinced that Shen Fengzhang would not harm him, and secondly because someone might do something to him.

If that person recognized his face, he would never let him go.

"Of course! I heard them calling your name just now!" Shen Fengzhang's voice was firm, in fact, even she wasn't sure who these people were after.

She pulled Shen Juan onto the horse, just wanting to have an extra layer of protection for her life.

According to the development of the original book, Shen Juan should have subdued Xie's guards at this time, and there are always people around him protecting him. She believed that if the situation was urgent later, Shen Jun would definitely call out the guards!

Even if there were no guards around Shen Juan, he was taller than himself, sitting behind him would be a good meat shield, which would keep her much safer. Anyway, he is the hero, and the hero will never die.

The system that sensed Shen Fengzhang's thoughts was about to go crazy, [Host, you must not use the hero as a shield! He will die, he will die! 】

Shen Fengzhang ignored it at all. At this moment, she just wanted to save her own life, and it was better for someone else to die than her.

Shen Jun didn't notice Shen Fengzhang's thoughts at all. He heard the sound of piercing the air behind him getting more and more urgent, in order to avoid the arrows, he could only lower his body and stick tightly to Shen Fengzhang's back.


The galloping Wu Ye let out a long sigh again, and there was a loud grunt in his belly, the frequency of his four hooves slowed down, and finally stopped.

With the sound of "Puff!", the stench spread in all directions in the forest.

Shen Fengzhang's face was almost green. She gritted her back molars tightly, and immediately separated, turned over and dismounted, Shen Juan's movements were faster than hers. The two rushed into the forest as soon as they got off their horses.

The disadvantage of losing the horse is that the group of assassins can catch up quickly, and the advantage is that it is difficult for the opponent to enter on some trails on horseback.

The two were shuttling through the forest, when a shrill horse cry suddenly exploded. Shen Fengzhang was shocked, knowing that those people must have caught up.

She stared at Shen Jun, who was running ahead, and was very annoyed. What's the matter with him? ! Why didn't you call your subordinates out? ! Could it be that he hasn't met that Xie family guard yet? How could she have imagined that Shen Juan would be so ruthless that Xie Yong would not come out at this time in order to prevent the disguise from revealing his secrets.

Now that he got off the horse, Shen Juan had better physical strength than her, so it was impossible for him to be a human shield.

Shen Fengzhang suppressed his irritability, and was just about to think of a way, when he suddenly heard an extremely ear-piercing scream from the system.

【Host! An arrow shot towards the hero! According to statistics, this arrow will hit the back of the hero! The host quickly help save the hero! 】

[None of my shit! 】Shen Fengzhang rarely swears. What is she going to do now to save the male lead! She saved the hero, who will save her!

The sound of the system became more and more sharp and rapid, [The hero will really die! really die! If he dies, the world will be over! 】Seeing that the arrow had been shot from the string, it couldn't help shouting in desperation 【As long as you save the hero, I can not only bring you back to three years ago, but also help you deal with your ex-fiancé. The opponent is a traveler with great luck and a system, you can't deal with him! 】

All the sounds around him faded away, and Shen Fengzhang seemed to be put into a vacuum all of a sudden. In her eyes, the speed of the arrow flying towards Shen Jun's back suddenly slowed down, like a movie in slow motion.

She pinched her palm tightly, kicked her feet hard, and rushed towards Shen Jun!

The arrow pierced into the flesh and made a dull puffing sound, and the severe pain quickly spread from the wound to the surroundings. Shen Fengzhang's face was pale, cold sweat dripped from the corners of his forehead, and he couldn't let go of the hand that pinched his palm. Her voice was weak, but still a bit ruthless, 【System, if you dare to lie to me? ! 】

【Absolutely not! 】

Shen Jun, that bastard!

Shen Fengzhang, who was shot in the back, watched the other party deftly dodge to the side, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

The moment Shen Fengzhang rushed over, Shen Jun sensed that something was wrong, and involuntarily hid to the side. When he saw that it was Shen Fengzhang, out of his usual disguise, he subconsciously stretched out an arm to stop Shen Fengzhang who fell to the ground.

When he saw the feathered arrow pierced on Shen Fengzhang's back and the blood-stained clothes, Shen Juan's pupils suddenly shrank.

"What's going on?!" A surprised female voice suddenly sounded in the forest.

Princess Nanyang, who drove her mount back to look for Shen Fengzhang, looked at the scene in front of her and turned pale with shock. She was not familiar with Shen Juan, but the clothes of the man lying in Shen Juan's arms were very familiar to her.

Princess Nanyang was suddenly furious, and immediately took off the golden whistle from her waist, and the extremely penetrating whistle quickly sounded in the forest. Putting down the golden whistle, she pulled the horse under her body to stand in front of Shen Jun and Shen Fengzhang, and shouted at the assassins on horseback who could be seen vaguely in the woods, "I want to see, who dares to fight in Xuanwu?" Killing people by hand?!"

As soon as the royal guards guarding the forest heard the whistle, they immediately gathered here from around.

The assassination guards chasing behind Shen Jun and Shen Fengzhang looked at each other, and finally focused on the leader of the guards, "Boss, what should we do now?"

The leader of the guards looked at the fearless Princess Nanyang who stood in front of the target, and said unwillingly, "Withdraw!"

There were quite a few small golden **** hanging in the forest. When Shen Fengzhang and Shen Jun were avoiding the pursuit, many people had already found the golden **** and returned to the racecourse. They waited on the horse field, chatting easily with each other.

When he heard the long and sharp whistle in the forest, he reacted quickly, and the smile on his face disappeared immediately. Those who reacted slowly, saw that the guards in Xuanwu Field were suddenly agitated, and they also noticed that something was wrong.

The sound of neat horseshoes came from far to near like thunder.

Everyone looked towards the dense forest at the same time.

A huge guard team galloped out of the dense forest. Princess Nanyang in a red Hu suit galloped ahead of the guards, and a few steps behind her, there was another young man in red riding a black horse.

No, the young man was holding another person in his arms, and what was misunderstood as the red clothes was actually the blood-stained clothes of the other party.