MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 13

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The air was as awkward as dead silence.

Jiang Yao didn't know why Lu Che lied to Jiang Chao, but for the sake of taking care of herself, she couldn't see "death" and not save her.

She said to Jiang Chao nonchalantly, "Where are you going to have dinner tonight? I have something to do here. I'll be over after a while."

Jiang Yao ignored Lu Che's lies, and Jiang Chao couldn't hold on to it, otherwise he would look like a bitch. Moreover, Lu Che's "prestige" was out, and he didn't dare to take his face too much, otherwise it would be miserable for him to secretly retaliate.

"Tonight around six o'clock, in the courtyard of the old educated youth's point, there is no need to worry about safety in the open air." Jiang Chao said.

"Okay, if you have something to do, go back to work, and I'll go over when I'm done." Jiang Yao calmly pushed people away. Looking back, he left the Lu house.

As soon as Jiang Chao left, there were only the two of them left in the yard. The one who lied was not Jiang Yao, but she suddenly didn't know how to get along with Lu Che.

Fortunately, at this time, Zhou Yang came to Lu Che because of the fish belly, and the stagnant air was broken.

Jiang Yao saw that the two brothers and sisters were accompanied by Lu Che, so she didn't join in the fun and went back to her room. Of course, it is also to leave space for the boss to save face.

She closed the door of the room, and she could still hear the brothers and sisters shouting outside. She sat on the big bed and couldn't help wondering why the boss said she wasn't there.

After thinking about it for a while, she couldn't figure it out, and she didn't want to. Seeing the packages and envelopes on the table, she remembered what Jiang Zhen sent her.

She opened the package, and there were some dry goods inside, such as a large bag of fungus, mushrooms, kelp, seaweed, etc. These should be the specialties of Jiang Zhen's military camp. In addition to this, there is a small packet of dried chili peppers.

This package of dried chilies really changed her taste in time.

After reading the package, she opened the envelope again, took out the letter and opened it, and saw the powerful font.

He told her like an ordinary elder, and said that he had made a contribution a while ago and won a bonus, and sent her 100 yuan and some tickets this month, so that she can take care of it by herself Own.

Of course, the letter said a lot of trivia about his life in the barracks. Although Jiang Yao had never met this older brother, and most of the original owner's memories were of his before enlisting in the army, it was not difficult to see his love for her sister.

I have to admit that she is quite envious of the original owner having a happy family, unlike her, who has been growing up in a depressing family environment.

She also wanted to have a younger brother or sister to accompany her, but when she thought of making them suffer in this family with her, it would be better not to.

Wait to pack up your things, and prepare to go to the educated youth. She didn't want to go empty-handed, so she took some dried kelp hair from Jiang Zhen, made a refreshing kelp salad and took it.

When she went to the educated youth point, everyone had already arrived, including Zhao Pengfei and the Du family sisters.

The relationship between Zhao Pengfei and Du Yuejia has been made public. As for Du Yuejiao, she sat obediently next to Du Yuejia and played a submissive sister.

When everyone saw her coming, they greeted her, and she responded enthusiastically. As for Zhao Pengfei, he had a cold war with her unilaterally, and she didn't care. She put down the kelp salad and went to the kitchen to find Zhu Xia and the others.

Of course, she knew that Du Yuejiao secretly glanced at her several times, but she turned a blind eye.

She was late. When she got to the kitchen, Zhu Xia and the others had already finished the meal.

Wen Qian shouted when she saw her, "Chef Jiang, it's hard to eat fish, and I'm waiting for you to come and give me instructions on how to do it. You'd better come after dinner."

"You have wronged me, I came here only after making seaweed salad." Jiang Yao said.

Several women talked in the kitchen for a long time, until the meal was ready, several people worked together and took the food out to the yard.

Although the educated youth has been scattered for a few days, but everyone has tasted the bitterness of being under the fence these days, and they all complained after a meal, except Jiang Yao.

"Jiang Yao, how are you in the Lu family?" Yuan Liang asked.

Jiang Yao smiled and said, "It's good, everyone in the Lu family is very good."

This is the first one to say "landlord" tonight, and before everyone went into the gossip, a discordant voice sounded.

"Okay? Don't foolishly be sold and pay for the number of people." Zhao Pengfei said with a look of contempt.

"I won't bother you if I'm sold." Jiang Yao sneered, "You're still worried that your aunt's food will be stolen by your cousin."

When the words fell, Du Yuejia looked embarrassed.

She didn't dare to tell Zhao Pengfei about Chen Shuanglian's stealing of her food, because that person was his cousin after all, but she made a lot of complaints just now, and she said it quickly.

Just now Zhao Pengfei's face was already bad, and now Jiang Yao deliberately took it out to say, Du Yuejia glanced at him secretly, and found that his face was completely dark.

The hand she put under the table secretly grabbed his hand, but was thrown away by him. She didn't give up, she grabbed it again, and this time she got his hands back.

We don't know what happened under the table, but in order to avoid embarrassment, Zhu Xia changed the subject at the right time.

The meal didn't end until more than eight o'clock. Jiang Chao, Wen Qian and Jiang Yao all lived at the end of the village, and they went all the way, so the task of escorting the **** home safely fell on Jiang Chao.

The peasant household that Wen Qian borrowed was the closest to the educated youth point. When she was delivered, only Jiang Chao and Jiang Yao were left on the road.

Jiang Chao endured all night, and when he saw that he was about to reach the door of Lu's house, he finally couldn't help but speak, "Yaoyao, I don't like talking behind my back, but Lu Che's behavior this afternoon It's really worrying, I advise you to move out of the Lu family as soon as possible."

"It's not as serious as you said." Jiang Yao said with a frown.

"The matter is very serious, okay?" Jiang Chao said: "Can't you see that Lu Che likes you, he is a man of blood and blood, he really wants to do something in his house, You are very dangerous. As the saying goes, Lao Tzu is a hero, and Lao Tzu is a bastard. Don't forget, his father is a hooligan..."

"Jiang Chao." Jiang Yao scolded him coldly, "Lu Che is Lu Che, his father is his father, why should his father make a mistake and put the crime on him, he What did he do wrong? He just wants to live hard, why is it so hard?"

The more she talked, the more excited Jiang Yao became. When she reacted, she did not regret it. She snorted coldly, ignored Jiang Chao, and trot back to Lu's house, no matter how much he shouted, it was useless.

"Yaoyao, wait for me..."

Jiang Chao was about to catch up, when a person suddenly appeared in a small bush beside him, making him almost scream.

"You...why are" When he saw that it was Lu Che, Jiang Chao shivered.

"Pissing." Lu Che glanced sharply at Jiang Chao and strode towards the running figure.

Jiang Chao was frightened, because Lu Che suddenly ran out, and secondly, he should have heard bad things about him.

It took a while for him to recover. Although he was not seen by others, he felt ashamed. Seeing that Lu Che had gone far, he whispered to his back, "Psycho, your house is ahead. , if you don't go back to pee, you have to hide inside and pull it, what a vulgar country bumpkin."

Jiang Yao felt very angry, she didn't know what she was angry about, but anger was also good, that is, the power would explode, and it would not feel heavy to carry water into the room to take a bath.

After taking a bath, she lay down on the bed, but she couldn't sleep after tossing and turning. She felt very irritable, thinking that this was the pre-aunt syndrome, so she simply got up to do monthly/stuff cloth.

She has never done a month/event, but she has strong manual skills, so she can draw a scoop according to the gourd.

Speaking of which, her handiwork was still in the past when her parents divorced. She was in a very low mood, so she locked herself in the room and played with needlework. Playing and playing, but also let her practice a craft.

There are not many fabrics bought today, Jiang Yao only made five pieces of fabrics. Now that it was done, she simply washed them and hung them on the window of the room, probably drying them when she woke up.

After all this was done, she yawned a lot, climbed into bed, and fell asleep soon after.

Because she slept late last night, she woke up late the next day, she went around Lu's house and found no one at home, and then remembered that Lu Qing mentioned it to her yesterday, They are going to the next commune for a wedding today. It is a relative from Mrs. Lu's family who is marrying a daughter-in-law.

There was no one at home, so Jiang Yao went to the paper factory to see if she had handmade raw materials, but she went too late today, and the raw materials had already been distributed.

It's really not a way to fish for three days and two days to work online. She has now lived in the Lu family and has to think about how to develop a side business.

She thought about it and walked back, but the more she walked, the more painful her lower abdomen became.

It was the first time I used the moon/slip cloth. Due to the unfamiliar business, Jiang Yao spent a long time doing it before lying down on the bed.

She had never experienced aunt's pain in her last life, and she didn't know how to deal with it. She just felt that it would be more comfortable to put her palm on her lower abdomen.

In a daze, she seemed to be asleep, but a knock on the door woke her up.

She got up and opened the door, saw Lu Che standing outside the door and asked, "Why are you still here? Aren't you going to have wedding wine?"

"I'm not going." Seeing her pale face, Lu Che couldn't help frowning and asked, "What's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"It's nothing, it's just... I'm a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I'll be fine after lying down for a while." Jiang Yao said.

Lu Che looked at her hand on her lower abdomen, just said "take a rest, call me if something happens" and left.

Jiang Yao went back to lie down again, and she really fell asleep after lying down.

I don't know how long I slept, and there was a knock on the door outside. Now she was too lazy to get up and shouted to the door: "The door is unlocked, come in."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and Lu Che came in with a bowl in one hand and said, "Get up and eat something first."

Jiang Yao got up from the bed and walked to the table. Lu Che had also put down two bowls. She looked at it, and it was a bowl of white porridge and a bowl of brown sugar water.

"You drink the brown sugar water first and then drink the porridge." After Lu Che dropped these words, he went out with a blank face.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Jiang Yao always felt that his pace was a little flustered.

When he left the room, she reached out to pick up the brown sugar water, but after taking a sip, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Isn’t this brown sugar water just what my aunt drank when she was in pain? He... how did he know that she was coming to auntie?

The author has something to say:

Xiaomi: How do you know Yaoyao is here?

Lu Che: Guess.


 Little Angel: 2 bottles in different ways;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!