MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 40

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A few days after the brothers and sisters returned home, the naming was put on the agenda.

Lu Che said that he was illiterate, and gave Jiang Yao the heavy responsibility of naming. The old lady also said that she read a lot and asked her to start.

To say that she was herself in her previous life, she did read a lot, but in this life, she also has an advantage in education, and the amount of knowledge may not be comparable to that of the old lady and Lu Che .

The old lady used to be the eldest lady of a wealthy family, went to school, and was a famous talented girl before marrying into the Lu family. After marrying into the Lu family, she insisted on studying, and it was not until the Lu family fell into disrepair that she put away her books.

Lu Che was taught by her. Even if he didn't go to school for a few days, he was really not illiterate. Otherwise, how could he read Lao Lao's mechanical books.

"Milk, children's names are given by elders, let's not break this rule. In this way, you don't have to worry about the name, you don't have to worry, think slowly, and then decide when you think of a good one. It's not too late." Jiang Yao said: "As for the nickname, leave it to me and Lu Che, and you can call it first, and you don't need to shout like an old brother or sister."

"Okay." Speaking of this, the old lady no longer refused, and then said, "Then I think about it, I must give the brother and sister a good name with a good meaning."

"Please grandma then."

There is no paternity leave these days. Lu Che took a few days off before and must report back to the factory today.

When he went out, Jiang Yao was breastfeeding, he said, "You can choose the nickname of your daughter. You can choose a better nickname for your son, and give it to me."

Jiang Yao felt that what he said was a little dangerous for no reason, and asked: "What nickname are you going to give your son?"

"I haven't figured it out yet." Lu Che said, "Let's get a more down-to-earth guy, as long as the boy can make a living."

"I don't want to be down-to-earth, I want to be nice." Jiang Yao immediately rejected him, "The name has to follow people for a lifetime, although the nickname is called by the family, but if it is not good, If you are heard by others, you will definitely be laughed at. Our son is your own son, so don't cheat on him. "

"I see, I'm a biological father, I'll be fine." After Lu Che finished speaking, he went out to work.

Jiang Yao fed the brothers and sisters, and then had breakfast.

Speaking of her confinement meal, it is very luxurious.

When she was three months pregnant, Lu Che caught ten and a half chicks back to prepare for her confinement.

After being carefully fed for more than half a year, these chickens became the protagonist of Jiang Yao's confinement meal.

Others may eat a few eggs during the whole month, but she eats chicken every day. In addition, the pig's foot soup, crucian carp soup and other milk soups made by the old lady take turns. She already has plenty of milk, so it is not a problem to feed the two now.

Like today's breakfast, steamed chicken rice with red dates and crucian carp soup, prepared by the old lady early in the morning.

In order to be a good "cow" and fully satisfy the rations of her two children, Jiang Yao took the risk of becoming a fat woman, and still finished this hearty breakfast.

Although she has plenty of milk, breast milk is not as good as formula milk in later generations. Children usually have to eat every two hours, plus she has to feed two, so that she is not breastfeeding at the end of the day Just coaxing the baby to sleep.

Tired is a little tired, but whenever she sees the angelic smiling faces of the two little guys sleeping, she feels that everything is worth it. Sure enough, she is now a mother's love broke out.

She's actually pretty good, the old lady is responsible for cooking and some light housework, and the rest is waiting for Lu Che to come back from get off work. Compared to those women who went to the ground three days after giving birth, she was simply too happy.

In the evening, the first time Lu Che came back was to see the children, and then he started to work. He would do whatever was fetching water, chopping wood, and whatever was heavy, trying to lighten the burden on the old lady as much as possible.

Being busy until after eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Che went to take a bath, and then went back to the room to tease the child.

The brothers and sisters were in good spirits at the moment, Lu Che shook the crib gently, and didn't cry, but his eyes were rolling around.

"Thanks to my sister for keeping this double crib, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold it all day." Jiang Yao said.

"Well, this bed was specially made by my brother-in-law at that time, and it is big enough and strong enough." Lu Che said, and asked, "Have you thought about the girl's nickname?"

"Xiaolu, Xiaolu..." Lu Che read it a few times, and then said with satisfaction, "Okay, my sister is called Xiaolu."

"I won't use the same nickname everywhere." Lu Che said confidently: "Brother, let's call it Soy Sauce."

"What... what? Soy sauce? Soy sauce for cooking?" Jiang Yao asked in disbelief.

"That's right." Lu Che said: "The word sauce is homophonic to your word for ginger, so you know it's your son as soon as you hear it. "

The kind of father who pits his son."

"I don't." Lu Che was aggrieved, "It really doesn't matter if the name is vulgar, the most important thing is to make a living."

"When will my son not be able to support him? He is only small because of the current situation. Now he can eat better than a deer, and he will catch up soon." Compromise, "you can either get him a new one, or don't sleep in my bed from now on. You're heart-to-heart, your name is so nice, how can your son become soy sauce?"

Can't sleep in bed, this is an extremely serious problem, Lu Che instantly confessed, hugged Jiang Yao and said, "Daughter-in-law, let's change one, change the head office? Also, I The nickname is not Cheche, Cheche was what I later asked my milk to be called."

"Then what's your nickname?" Jiang Yao was led astray by him.

Lu Che glanced at her, and said a little embarrassedly, "Dog Dan."

"Pfft..." No matter how Jiang Yao wanted to dispose of someone, she couldn't help it anymore, and laughed.

The two brothers and sisters lying on the bed, when they heard their mother's laughter, grinned as if they were sensitive, because they were still young and could not laugh yet.

"Since the dog eggs are down-to-earth and easy to support, why don't you let the milk bark, and change it to Cheche?" Jiang Yao asked after she finished laughing.

"Do you still know that dog eggs don't sound good? But you can still call your son soy sauce?" Jiang Yao snorted coldly.

Finally, after the friendly agreement of both parents, my brother's nickname was finally determined, which is called Changchang, which means a smooth and smooth life.

Changchang and Xiaolu are also growing up safely and healthily under the expectations of their parents.

The weather is getting hotter day by day, and the brothers and sisters are getting older each day. Wearing a small vest and shorts every day, the exposed arms and thighs are section by section, and anyone who sees it will like it.

In the blink of an eye, Changchang and Xiaolu will celebrate their 100th day.

In addition to being taller for more than three months, their bodies have become much tougher. Now their heads are held firmly, they no longer like being held diagonally by adults. They have to hold them upright. Because this way you can see the scenery everywhere.

The older brother who was originally too small also caught up later, and now he is bigger than the younger sister.

Lu Che looked at it, and asked Chang Chang unhappily, "Did you steal your sister's ration?"

Changchang didn't understand what Dad said, just thought he was making fun of himself, and giggled.

"You still laugh, how dare you laugh?"

Jiang Yao was on the side, looking at Lu Che's serious face, he couldn't help kicking him, "Please pay attention to me, don't freak out Changchang."

"How can I scare him?" Lu Che said a little unconvinced: "Daughter-in-law, I found that since I had a son, you don't seem to love me as much as before."

"Oh...I also think that after you have a daughter, you are a lot colder to me!" Jiang Yao said not to be outdone.

"Really?" Lu Che looked innocent and said: "I'm sorry, it's my fault for you to have such an illusion. The person I love the most is you, it will always be you, I am now Just to prove it to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, others were already pressing him up. Jiang Yao realized later that he had been tricked by him, and stretched out his hand to push him, "The child hasn't slept yet, please pay attention to me. "

"Then prove it when the child is asleep. Let's hurry up and put the child to sleep."


When the child was coaxed to sleep, there was another hearty exercise, Jiang Yao was already tired on the bed.

She wanted to sleep like this at first, but she suddenly remembered what the old lady told her during the day, so she asked Lu Che: "Grandma said she wanted to hold a hundred-day banquet for the two children, and asked what we are mean."

"Do you want to do it?" Lu Che threw the question back.

Jiang Yao: "I don't want to, our family has had a very smooth life in the past six months. First, you went to work as a worker in the mechanical and electrical power plant, and then I gave birth to a twin. Everything is enviable. If I'm in the limelight again, I'm afraid some people will have a twisted mind."

"I'm not afraid of anything else, I'm afraid that our family will be targeted, especially if you are taking the goods, if you are followed for a few days by someone who cares, it will definitely reveal flaws."

"You're right." Lu Che said, "Then do as you say, I'll just tell you tomorrow morning."

"Of course, you have to be the 'bad guy'."

"I'm a little disadvantaged like this, should you compensate me?" Lu Che said, his hands were restless, and he sighed: "Daughter-in-law, after you gave birth to a child, your figure has changed. Better than ever."

"Take your hand away from me. If the trouble continues, the child should get up to drink milk. Are you going to let me rest? I really don't feel bad for me at all."

The last sentence criticized Mr. Lu from a moral high point. He suddenly took a break and fanned her fan, "Daughter-in-law, be cool, as long as you are comfortable. Go to sleep now."

"Well, it's comfortable." Jiang Yao murmured, her eyelids couldn't hold it anymore, and then heard him say, "Daughter-in-law, there is something else I forgot to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yao replied in a daze.

Lu Che: "What do you think of Zhang Dongren?"

"Zhang Dong?" Jiang Yao opened her eyes, "Your workmate Zhang Dong?"


"Why do you ask that all of a sudden?"

"He said he wanted to be our child's godfather, so I asked for your opinion."

"Okay." Jiang Yao said indifferently: "As long as it's not a biological father."

"...I don't agree if he wants to be a kiss." Lu Che said angrily, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, it's just that Zhang Dong wants to be the godfather of Changchang Xiaolu. In fact, godfather and godmother are similar to uncles and aunts, but the relationship is better, I really don't care, Zhu Isn't Xia their godmother..." Jiang Yao said, she suddenly understood something, she suddenly became energetic, and asked, "You mean, Zhang Dong wants to chase Zhu Xia?"


The author has something to say:

Today I took Zhou Zhou to see my new-born cousin, the number of words is a little short, please forgive me...