MTL - Villains Template-Chapter 23 forging

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With Yue Si as the center, everything within a radius of tens of meters is covered by the radar field. The invisible radio waves are collected and organized by special information organs, and the three-dimensional graphics are constructed in Yue Si's brain, which is reflected in every detail.

It's not that Yue Si can't detect a farther range, but it's not necessary, and the brain is very tiring to process such a huge amount of data.

In the feedback graphic, a slender bug is moving rapidly, and in the direction it is heading, there is a human with high energy response. Among the humans in this house, her magical response is the strongest.

The special organelle in the cell stabilizes and constrains the powerful energy generated by the atomic reactor. The heat rays sprayed from Yue Si's mouth begin to compress and form a slender bundle, which penetrates the thick wall and will carry the soul of Matou Diosiyan. The worm was completely annihilated, and the power of the Holy Light burned his soul so much that there was no **** left.

The atomic breath did not disappear after destroying Matou Zuoyan, but shot straight into the sky, forming a dazzling beam of light under the refraction of the air, like a sharp sword piercing the sky.

The destructive beam of light was sensed by the Master and Servant hidden in Fuyuki City.

In a mansion, a young man with blond hair and red eyes threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground. The expensive red wine splashed everywhere along with the shards of the glass, but the young man was not angry, his handsome face showed a hint of anger. Smile: "Hahahaha, it's really interesting, this game can make me serious."

This person is a servant of the archer class, the Hero King Gilgamesh.

In a residential building, the strong red-haired man looked at the beam of light through the window: "It turns out that there are not only rats with hidden heads and tails, but also such heroes, I really want to get acquainted with him."

The thin man beside him stopped his reckless behavior: "Rider!"

Similar scenes appeared all over Fuyuki City. Except for those in the know, the people speculated about what happened. The Church of the Holy Grail, which was responsible for covering the Holy Grail War, quickly dispatched and released a message - it was just a high-power searchlight. just an experiment.

But Yue Si didn't care about these things. After destroying the Matou Dirty Inkstone, he slipped Matou Kariya away from the insect library and came to the ground.

Matou Kariya, who breathed in the fresh air as the holy light healed his body, immediately woke up.

He did not give orders to Yue Si in the attitude of the master, but said in a gesture of supplication: "Please, save Xiao Ying."

After a year of transformation, Sakura has been devastated both physically and mentally. The emotions that belong to human beings can no longer be seen in her eyes and face, as if she has been completely transformed into a puppet.

But Matou Kariya was not able to liberate Sakura from his nominal father. He came from a magic family and knew how powerful that rotten old man was. He had no formal education in magic, no matter what. Not the opponent of Matou Zuo Yan.

And Sakura's adoption was done through legal procedures. In addition to the secular laws, there was also a contract signed between magicians, so he couldn't directly take Sakura out of the Matou family and returned it to her mother, because the magic contract was mysterious. Protected by the power of , those who disobey will be severely punished, not only for him who has the blood of the Matou family, but also for Sakura.

Therefore, he can only reach an agreement with Matou Zoe, and exchange the victory of the Holy Grail War for Sakura's freedom.

But this terrifying Servant saved him. With its powerful power, it effortlessly killed Matou Zaiyan, and it also held the incomparably holy holy light, that pure beam of light could heal Sakura. The riddled body dispels the haze in her heart.

For Matou Kariya, this mysterious Servant is his last hope.

"Don't worry about this first... Where is your garage?" Yue Si carried the all-purpose weapon, and then put his face in front of Matou Kariya who was in the lower seat: "I look like this, I will definitely be scared. That little girl' definitely don't want that to happen!"

Even with the connection between the Master and the Servant, and taking a closer look at Yue Si, Matou Kariya's heart stopped for a moment because of fear.

As the "founding three families" who built the Holy Grail system, the Matou family has mastered a lot of assets over hundreds of years, not only owning the mansion on the top of the mountain, but also the luxury cars in the garage one after another.

But Yue Si couldn't distinguish the types of vehicles among them. His interest was not in this regard. He picked out a car with eyesight and smashed it with a hammer.

At this moment, the omnipotent weapon was not used as a weapon, but played the most basic function of a hammer—forging.

Yue Si wants to forge a pair of battle armor for himself, that is, to cover up his physical appearance, create a sense of mystery, and conceal his existence - in the world of magicians, UU reading www. The mystery of the low level will be defeated by the high level. Although I don't know if this theory will work for me, Yue Si is still willing to try it.

At the same time, this armor also provides self-protection.

This world is too dangerous. The setting is a stray sword with the power of "cutting the world"; Huang Qiangwei, which can create irreversible wounds; the spear of death thorns that will pierce the enemy's heart after being thrown... For these conceptual weapons, if he didn't put something on his body, Yue Si would be a little cowardly.

The omnipotent weapon's manipulation of matter molecules, atomic decomposition, and sufficient capabilities were originally used for combat. In the face of an indestructible enemy, the hammer head with a decomposition force field, no matter how rough the enemy is, it will not be able to withstand a few hammers. .

However, under the control of Yue Si, it has become a high-efficiency forging device. The material of the vehicle is split into various molecules in an instant, and elements such as iron, carbon, silicon, chromium, manganese, etc. are synthesized in different proportions into different performances. A variety of alloys and special materials, these materials are quickly shaped into various parts, and they are quickly combined under the traction of the force field, and a full-coverage feedback power armor is born.

Although the material of this set of armor comes from the products of the earth industry, it has the strength of an interstellar warship under the processing of the universal warhammer, and Yue Si also injected the almighty holy light into it, strengthening it with the power of the mysterious side. .

The Holy Light engraved a pale golden inscription on the outer layer of the armor, giving this power exoskeleton full of technological texture a little holy flavor, symbolizing the future technology and the mysterious Holy Light converge in perfect harmony.

Wearing the power armor, Yue Si's terrifying appearance was hidden, as if he was a saint from the myth, and the warhammer in his hand could sweep away all evil.