MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1085 Heifengzhai

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At half past three in the afternoon, the autumn sun was dazzling and I woke up.

There was a girl's silver bell-like laughter in the studio hall, and it seemed that they did not play games in the afternoon.

Sitting on the sofa beside Ling Xue, I didn't even have time to drool. The phone rang and it was unexpected. This came from a very cute phone!

"Beautiful girl!"

I smiled politely: "It's been a long time, what's your concern?"

Wang Meng chuckled: "Student, you are so prestigious. Tianyu has opened up within a few days. People say that you are the most inheritor of killing temperament!"

"Rewarded, those vanity names are like clouds in the sky ..."

"Well, I ask you to do me a favor."

"Well, say!"

Wang Meng smiled: "I plan to develop in Suzhou, first set up a small studio, so I want to choose a studio housing, three rooms, one hall, four rooms, two halls and the like, but not too expensive, I don't have much money on hand, and the villa is definitely not affordable. "

She thought about it and continued, "Your Ling Xue is the second lady of Blue Star. Blue Star also has a lot of real estate in Suzhou, so I ask, where is more suitable? I'm not familiar with it, you help me choose How about a suitable address for a game studio? "

I said, "You want to create a studio? I thought you wanted to buy a suite and get married and have children ..."

Wang Meng laughed: "This is not anxious, we are still young, but only two people are too lonely, so I want to recruit a few more masters to grow our little guild again."

I groaned and said, "I'll help you."


I turned around, holding Ling Xue's shoulders, and laughed, "Xiao Xue, introduce a well-positioned, good environment house to Wang Meng and Xu Cheng, how about it?"

Ling Xue peeled a piece of orange into my mouth and laughed: "This is simple. Blue Star has a newly completed building in the south of the city. Listening to the perfume house, it is about 14,000 square meters. It ’s only 135 square meters to buy a three-room apartment Let ’s calculate, it costs less than 2 million in total. If I introduce it, a 30% discount is not a problem ~ ”

"Okay, then you can contact Blue Star, and I will arrange a room with Wang Meng to see the room."


On the phone, Wang Meng said: "Student and Ling Xue are trustworthy. I don't need to visit the house. Let's deal directly and sign the contract! Are you free at night?"

Ling Xue laughed: "So urgent? Then I'll make a call, Wang Meng, you come to our studio at 6pm to sign a contract, and you can check in tomorrow."

"it is good!"

So I left the address, and Ling Xue dialed a phone number to Suzhou Bluestar's real estate agency, and within two hours, I drove over two real estate contracts.


Sitting at the window with a plate of iced tea, the juice, plant leaves, fruits, etc. were put on a table. In an instant, the iced tea seemed to become a beautiful pharmacist, and his fingers flew, which was prepared in less than two minutes A cup of red tea came, and then laughed, "Who wants to try?"

Daoxiangxiang sat quickly beside me, as if afraid of being dragged to be a little mouse.

Pick up a pillow and cover your face in summer to pretend to sleep.

Iced tea hummed angrily and said, "Scholar, come and taste!"

I asked, "Will it kill me?"

"The medicinal properties are not so violent ..." Iced tea bit the "test tube" in his hand, revealing a slight smile: "Drink a bit, it's okay."

I was careful, took a sip, and shit, it was so astringent!

"What the **** ?!"

"Maybe more lemons ..."

"Fuck, iced tea you!"

"Hee, scholar! What's the point of being busy looking for a house for someone else?"

The ice tea turned sharply and laughed, "Where are you and Ling Xue's new house? Shouldn't it be time to buy it ..."

Ling Xue and I were a little awkward.

"At this time, is it still early?" I asked, "Moreover, Ling Xue and I are not in a hurry. What are you in a hurry?"

Bingcha Xiumei raised her eyebrows: "Why not hurry? After selling you out, I don't have any thoughts, so I can return to Hangzhou An'an steady work ..."



Iced tea nodded earnestly, smiling with a smile: "You don't play games in the afternoon? Then let's do some activities and wait for Wang Meng and Xu Cheng to come and eat together."

Ling Xue became interested and asked, "What activities?"

Ice tea raised his mouth and smiled badly: "Bar, go fishing?"

I felt a headache: "Don't make a mess, okay?"

"Can stay in the game all day, it's really too stuffy, why not sing K?"

It seems that the iced tea is really boring. I asked for the opinions of the other MMs, and it was magically agreed.

No way, I drove and took a few MMs from the studio to Shiquan Street and found one, an English-themed bar.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, there were not many people. Only a few foreigners were singing. I found a table and sat down, but found two bar MM students dressed up.

So he asked, "Are you a student at a nearby university?"

"Well, it's from the University of Science and Technology." One of the pretty MMs said with a smile. She looked at Da Hua Xiang and Ling Xue beside me and asked with a smile: "Handsome guy, do you have a lot of girlfriends?"

I couldn't help but say, "This one on the right, my sister."


MM's eyes fell on Ling Xue, exclaiming: "Your girlfriend is so beautiful, it seems, a little familiar ..."

My heart trembled, and I was finished. Ling Xue was also a celebrity. Ling Ling's poster did not lack her image, which made it bigger and recognizable.

Sure enough, the bar MM quickly recognized it, and asked with a smile, "Is it a breeze, a snow breeze, or a breeze taking the moon?"

I was speechless, and said, "Congratulations, you guessed it, and invite us to a bar ..."

MM laughed: "You should invite us to drink it!"

Then, a MM next to her bumped her and whispered: "Ni Ni, if it's breeze and snow, then her boyfriend, isn't it ... is your idol?"

MM was startled, looked up at me, eyes full of surprise, suddenly grabbed my hand, excited: "You ... are you really a frivolous scholar?"

I'm dumbfounded, this girl's strength is not small!

At this time, the iced tea came over, patted my shoulder, and smiled at the MM: "Yes, the ID of this unknown object in the game is indeed called frivolous scholar, why do you want to treat the beauties?"

MM was even more surprised. He looked at the iced tea and muttered a few words, and was surprised: "You ... Are you iced tea? It must be, you are the beauty leader of vanilla and ice, aren't you? I remember, it must be That time, on the Qingfeng Prairie, the people of Jinge Iron Horse were going to clear the field. It was your vanilla and ice who helped us defeat the Jinge Iron Horse ... "

The next MM was surprised and asked: "What happened later, Nini?"

Nini looked helpless: "Later ... Later, some of our little novices were cleared from the breeze grassland by vanilla and ice ..."

Ice tea looked right: "Cut, it must not be me ... Sorry, my name is Xu Lin, just passing by, you continue to talk ..."

Then, iced tea walked to the middle of the bar with a glass of wine, chatted with a black-skinned foreigner, and spoke English fluently. Indeed, everyone ’s self-cultivation is much higher than that of a man born like me, who is as good as Ling Xue I speak English fluently, and I can also speak English, but it is only limited to spoken love movies such as OH YEAH and ON.

"Ice tea is on the hook again ..." I said.

Ling Xue shook her head, placed a greasy leg on my lap, leaned on the back seat, holding a glass of beer, and laughed: "It's not a three-pronged match, but an iced tea is teaching the American how to Meet Chinese girls. "

"How to teach?"

"She said ... uh, what she said was nonsense, and she took out a pinch of US dollars and hit someone willingly ..."


Obviously, the black man was so fond of iced tea at first sight that there was no drooling, but iced tea is just a beautiful little fox who "teased" people for a while and sat back next to me, making a fist. Then he held a few people to play the Three Kingdoms killing, but the blood was killed, and he returned to the camp at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

At six o'clock, it was very cute and arrived at Xueyue Studio on time with a piece of dust. It only took a few minutes to sign the contract, and then I would make the east and invite them both to eat in the moon in the urban area.

At the dining table, a grain of dust was still very restrained and cautious, sitting quietly and very nicely pushing, and very cute and very nicely pushing, as always, smiling and laughing with us.

Ling Xue asked: "Next, what are your plans?"

Very cute and very easy to push: "I'm about to reach the 100th level of the sanctuary, and my reputation is full, that is, the equipment is rotten, but it doesn't matter. After returning tonight, I am ready to establish a new guild."

I asked, "Are you still brothers?"

"No ..." Very cute shook her head and smiled, "I want to be my true self, and now the dust will accompany me, re-establish a brand new guild, and a gold coin and RMB taste the ultimate purpose The studio does n’t need too many people, just three or five, but they must all be masters. "

"What is the name of the new guild?" Bingcha asked.

Very cute, she groaned and said, "Heifengzhai, domineering?"

I smiled with iced tea and Ling Xue ~ ~ At the same time, I made a case and said: "Domineering! I did this cup for Heifengzhai!"

Very cute and shoving, pulling up a dust and getting up, everyone clinking together and drank it. Although the friendly relationship between Xueyue and Heifengzhai was not mentioned, there is no doubt that the two guilds in the future The relationship between them must be iron.

"After Heifengzhai was established, what are your plans?" I asked again.

A grain of dust said, "Everyone listens to the boss."

Very cute and very funny: "Simple, I will put all the black wind iron riders into the guild, and then continue to expand, strive to build a full cavalry guild, and strive to reach the level 5 guild in the shortest time, and will Find a way to win a territory, preferably at the county level. "

As she said, she smiled slightly: "At that time, I still hope Xueyue can help!"

I nodded and smiled: "As long as Heifengzhai has the strength to defend a county town, Xueyue's help will definitely not be a problem."

"Well, thank you!"
