MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1135 War of attrition

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Because the problem of advertising occlusion is being fixed! It is expected to be completed the day after tomorrow!

That night, a major event was born, and the seventh strongest Celestial Power in the world was born. That is, the thick seven-star lamp has entered the Dark Temple.

Qixing Lantern is a guy who is good at forbearance. Holding the Ascension proves that he has to wait until the round of 16 to use it, and he doesn't know who he wants to give.

However, in this way, the matchup of the top 16 games became interesting. The soul returning to the battle robes encountered the Tiger Alliance, the barbaric throne and Qingtian in the Tigers alliance, and the seven star lights of the soul returning to the battle robe also rose to the sky. , A little balance in strength, with the strength of Xiaofeng's moon, even if you encounter Optima, you may still get a point. In this case, the soul returning to the robe has the possibility of winning. Pray that the two sides tomorrow will not be too bad.


The next day, in the morning, the round of 16 hegemony began!

In the first game of the first round, War Soul Vs Black Ocean, that is a team from Germany, each team member can't grow thick, even the Northeast man like Dragon Soul is still a bit coquettish. However, the momentum of the war spirit is not lost at all, the German server has been settled in a small town far away, and a guild of war spirit is enough to settle the main city of Germany.

As soon as they clash, the pros and cons will be judged.

The battle spirit prevailed in full, the dragon soul scored a clean 2: o first, and then Xingtian defeated a rival knight of 2: 1. Lin Shuang as the finale in the third game was defeated by an archer 1: 2 is tortured, although Lin Shuang's equipment is not bad and is a commercial genius, but it seems awkward in the game.

In the fourth game, Ghost Sun battled out, and four or five dark dragons landed to solve the battle. The opponent's Berserker was killed without any temper. Ghost Sun's magical damage is too strong, and it has a great corrosive effect. The player can't stop it at all.

In this way, the battle spirit wins 3: 1 and advances to the top 8. The s1 offline semifinals also entered a Chinese place.

In the second game of the morning, the elegy from Italy played against the gentle night of Britain, and finally the elegy team defeated the opponent 3: 2 and advanced to the top 8. The next opponent is the battle spirit.

The third game, the blue sky Vs wind magic altar.

The master of the Japanese server legend ... appeared, and the blue sky was the dark horse of the first season s1, which has a good performance.

However, people did not expect that the blue sky had no power to fight back, 1: 3 lost to the opponent, the ace of the wind magic altar Tianyi did not even play, it was too arrogant!


I stood up with my luggage and said, "Let's go, kill our opponents, and we will face the wind magic altar in the next round. I really want to give them a lesson. Anything else can come up to be a god. "

Ling Xue groaned with a smile: "That is, Tianyi's goods are second-rate in China, and they were deified by Japanese servers."

On the battlefield, Ling Xue, Iced Tea, Ling Yue and I fought. Three heavens, abused Tianyi group of people, properly! Of course, we are not going to face Tianyi in this game, but also the alliance of the gods from Russia, the friendly people, Snowy Night.

Xue Ye's face is not very good. It should be because of the encounter with Xue Yue. Everyone knows that it is a fierce thing. After all, the team that owns the players in the Sky domain is closely watched by the leader of each team, and Xue Yue has The three major heavens have reached the point where people are silent.

As the team leader, Xue Ye stepped forward, reached out and shook hands with me, and laughed: "Friendship first, competition second, I hope that in the next foreign domain hegemony, China and Russia will continue to maintain friendly relations."

I looked affirmatively: "Sure."

Soon, the players from both sides entered the game room, and the confrontation also came out. I was afraid of being caught by the flaws. I deliberately changed the order of the battle. As a result, Xueye, the heir to the Ocean Temple, still encountered Ling Yue--

1V1: The Sword of Empires 1V275

1V1: Breeze on the moon 1V275Vs Snowy night 1V276

1V1: Breeze 1V277Vs Sand Bird 1V275

1V1: Iced tea 1V275Vs Wilderness mountain village 1V275

2V2: Light mad scholar Qingfeng Blizzard 1V277Vs Empire Sword 1V275 Snowy Night 1V276


In the first game, I took on the sword of the Empire. This man is a land swordsman, hiding his profession. In the first season of s1, he shined brightly. He was once considered as the seed player of mVp. I must have been eager to try again.

"Come on, let's compete!"

The sword of the Empire rushed to Biwutai and beckoned at me, apparently in the chest.

I glanced at it, and I was slightly surprised that the equipment of the Empire Sword was not a s suit, but a set of gold-colored armor, which should not be of low grade, and the sword in his hand was a thick earthy yellow. If nothing unexpected, it should be A soil weapon is better to complement his professional attacks.

This person can't be ignored!

I secretly warned myself not to underestimate any opponent. If I can score a point in the first game, the next few mm swings must be% strength. If I lose, their strength is also certain under psychological pressure. Will be affected and greatly discounted.

Facing the provocation of the Empire's sword, I naturally won't be afraid of war. I jumped into the sky and flew into the stage, whistling **** cyclones, a "swish", the Northern Sword came out of the sheath, the light soared, and the ancient artifact Who can stop the edge?

Imperial Sword looked coldly at Bei Ming Jian, waiting quietly for seconds.

At the end of the second, he took the lead in the offensive, screamed with a zigzag line, and the sword was raised!

Earth Slash!


Skill two combos, striking a dazzling spark on my guardian shield of the sky, and I adopted a defensive counter-attack strategy. When the opponent's two consecutive attacks ended, Beimingjian had already exclaimed with a roar, with The light of breaking the shield cut to the opponent's neck, full of momentum!

The sword of the Empire opened his eyes wide and could not avoid it, watching Bei Mingjian open a crack on his neck!


So powerful attacking, fun!

The two consecutive strikes of the Empire's Sword did not kill me more than 10,000 points of blood, and I just killed up to half of his blood strips with a single sword. This was clearly beyond his expectation, so that the action was slightly choked.

Just for a moment, I quickly seized this opportunity, Beiming sword roared!


The sword's blade shattered and tore open the armor of the Empire's sword, and the blade came out through the back!


Obviously, the two attacks were only 1 second, and another sharp spike!


The light flew over, and the sword of the Empire's face was full of horror, incredible and unwilling, but there was no way, his strength was too far away from me.

In the second game, the sword of the Empire did not dare to carelessly, defending step by step, holding a giant shield, and gritted his teeth and looked at me.

Naturally, I was rude. I lifted Beiming Sword to step forward and kicked off the opponent's shield, and then kicked the sword again. The Empire Sword hurriedly counterattacked, the sword fluttered, and said, "Random Stone Cut!"

Immediately afterwards, the image of a cyan tiger emerged from the blade, and it was another hit of "Tiger Tiger Roar"!

I disregarded it. The cyclone in the whole field rose sharply, and a sword was slammed against the opponent's tiger. Howling, the sword of the empire was killed again. There was still no fighting back. He opened his eyes and looked at me. It's hard to imagine why a level person can be so powerful.

1: o, Xueyue scores first!

In the second game, Lingyue Vs Snowy Night, a showdown between Sanyu and Tianyu, our beauty boss is about to encounter a strong opponent.

Ling Xue held Ling Yue's hand and smiled: "Sister, Tianyu is not terrible, that is, the attack and defense increase by about%. I believe you will be able to defeat your opponent, right?"

Ling Yue smiled: "Try your best!"

Talking, the beauty boss flashed to the stage, and the second game started quickly.

Snowy night was wearing an intensive armor, holding a sharp sword, sighing and entering into the transformation of the heavens, full of turquoise green cyclones, and a pair of green wings opened behind, the transformation effect of the guardian of the sea temple It's still gorgeous.

Ling Yue was very calm, summoned the orange cyclone shield, and looked at the opponent lightly.

With the sound of seconds, Snowy Night began to move, moving extremely fast, and the whole person almost turned into a turquoise afterimage, which is not inferior to iced tea.

Ling Yue's eyes were like water, the staff suddenly burst into strong light, and a large group of ice blades whistled out!

Ice storm!

Snowy night caught off guard, dress up!


Powerful, such a powerful magic attack, is indeed the first mage in China!

Snowy night was also a stun, and the Qi and blood instantly dropped by a third. Such a powerful mage should never have seen her before.

Ling Yue's tactics are very coherent. At the mouth of everyone's surprise, she has flew backwards and moved her staff at the same time. The ice arrows whistled out!


Snowy night was full of uneasiness, and rushed forward, but was cold again and encountered Ling Yue's blow of ice and snow vortex again.

"Damn ... guard of the jungle!"

The green vines flew, and the damage reduction effect almost made Xueye into an invincible state.

Ling Yue still kept calm, without any chaotic movements of his feet. He walked Taichi with seven stars and long steps, perfectly pulling away from his opponent's position, although a snow vortex can only knock off the opponent's Qi and Qi. However, Snowy Night has been in a reduced state, so it has been kite.

Finally, after playing for five full minutes, Xueye's blood was less than%, and at this time-

"Ding ~!"

The system prompts: The battle lasts for 5 minutes and reaches the limit. The total value of the player's snowy night health and magic value is 54% of the full value. The player's breeze moon life and magic value is ~ ~ Breeze wins!


Damn, it actually dragged someone into a celestial realm? Ling Yue is too powerful, at least it is already a first-class mage in operation!

Snowy night was so angry, but helpless, Ling Yue ’s equipment is very good. The average reduction effect of ice arrow skills of ordinary s4 mage players is only about 25%, and Ling Yue ’s Ling Ling suit greatly improves the magic of the ice system. The reduction effect actually reached 77% reduction effect, which is also the reason for Xueye's setbacks, and Ling Yue has always controlled the distance very well, not even giving the opportunity to charge, so Xueye tragedy.

In the second game, exactly the same, Ling Yue's perfect operation won thunderous applause from online watch players in the field. Countless mage players have already regarded Ling Yue as a professional goddess.

2: o, Xueyue is next city, Ling Yue ’s battle has greatly encouraged ordinary Sanctuary players, which proves that Tiancun players are not invincible. They are man-made, there is no god-like profession, only god-like Player.

The third game, Lingxue Vs Sandbird, was another showdown between Skyworld players and non-Skyworld players! [] Fastest update