MTL - Wagging Your Tail In the Arms of President Iceberg-Chapter 11

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As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious.

Ming Ying felt that she would be afraid of Fu Anyu, except for the difference in strength, she was not familiar with this person's nature and preferences.

What's more, Fu Anyu's face is cold all day long, she doesn't want to say a word, and she is a little uncertain, which makes her elusive.

After listening to her request, Du Yunxin fell silent.

In the rules for getting along with her that President Fu sent her last night, the first rule is "Don't disclose any information about your boss to Mingying".

She thought about it and asked Mingying: "Why are you interested in President Fu?"


This question is not difficult, but Ming Ying was confused.

She asked about Fu Anyu not because she was really interested, but just to know herself and her enemy.

Ming Ying "I" couldn't think of an answer for a long time, so she also asked Du Yunxin: "Aren't you interested in her?"

"I'm not interested." Du Yunxin shook her head decisively, "I'm just a laborer, I'll help President Fu handle trivial matters according to the contract, and get paid to support myself."

Although there are many words that she does not understand, Mingying understands what she means, so she asks: "What do you think of her master? Is it difficult to get along? Have you treated you harshly? ?"

"Fu is always a good person." Du Yunxin didn't want to continue this topic and directly issued a "good person card".

However, Mingying happily took over the words: "Since she is so good, tell me more about her!"

Du Yunxin: “…”

For the sake of salary, of course she couldn't say it, so she had to follow the unexpected solution mentioned in the rules of getting along and put the blame on Fu Anyu: "President Fu doesn't want me to reveal any information about her to you."

Ming Ying: "…"

Why is Fu Anyu not allowed!

Ming Ying fainted instantly, so she had to ask some other things in disappointment, this time Du Yunxin answered all her questions.

Du Yunxin is indifferent, but she doesn't have the aura of Fu Anyu who is thousands of miles away, and she is easy-going. Seeing her, Mingying is willing to talk more, and she simply puts the strange objects she has seen in the past few days. Asked again.

Du Yunxin also patiently explained to her one by one:

"The mobile phone is not a chicken of a certain breed. In the words of your demon world, it is a messenger, but it has more functions than a messenger."

"The bag that Mr. Fu carries around every day is a laptop. The keyboard is a part of the computer. It is normal to have a crisp sound when tapping."

"The bottles and jars in the bathroom are toiletries, some for hair, some for body, and some for laundry. It's normal that you can't read the text on it, those are Imported goods, so you have to wait for Mr. Fu to use them before you use them, so as not to use them wrongly and make yourself very embarrassed."

After explaining, Du Yunxin found that the little fox's eyes were dull and he forgot to eat breakfast, so she couldn't help asking: "Do you not understand?"

Ming Ying gave an embarrassed "um" and asked in a low voice, "Laptops, computers, and 'imported goods'...what are they?"

Du Yunxin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, looked down at her watch, put the cushion back in its original position, got up and said, "I'll tell you next time, I have to go to work."

Ming Ying's mouth should be very good, but she followed her to the door and tried to jump out when she opened the door.

Who knew that when Du Yunxin came to the door, she suddenly squatted down and quickly pinched her tail and moved it.

Ming Ying felt as soft as an electric shock all over her body. As soon as she let out her exclamation, she was lifted by the back of her neck and lifted to the bed by Du Yunxin. Then it was dark before her eyes, and Fu Anyu's quilt was covered. On her body, the light fragrance of pine wood drilled straight into her nose.

This is also one of the unexpected solutions Fu Anyu wrote in the rules of getting along. After wrapping the fox, Du Yunxin opened the door and went out, and locked the door.

Ming Ying wanted to lift the quilt but did not dare to use force, for fear that her sharp claws would accidentally cut the quilt, when Fu Anyu came back and found that the quilt was broken, she would lock her back in the iron cage with a cold face .

When she carefully opened the quilt to see the light again, Du Yunxin had been gone for a long time.

Ming Ying squatted back to the nest in frustration, and after eating the still warm bacon roll, she wanted to gather spirits, but when she thought of Fu Anyu's many restraints and concealments, she couldn't calm down. Come.

She jumped out of the nest irritably, took the remote control over, and turned on the TV, hoping to inquire about Fu Anyu's situation.

The hard work pays off, and she really turned to the show where Fu Anyu appeared.

Fu Anyu was sitting opposite a woman in blue, talking with a cold face.

Her voice was cold, her tone was stern, and her eyes were always looking directly into each other's eyes. The woman in the blue dress was very nervous when she heard it. Whether she asked questions or answered, she was extremely polite and careful.

Ming Ying was still angry at first, but when she saw that the woman in blue looked particularly weak in front of Fu Anyu, she forced a tense expression when she spoke, which was not natural, but her mood improved inexplicably.

It turns out that she is not only afraid of bad women.

Ming Ying still couldn't understand the content of the conversation between the two, but she enjoyed it.

With the help of Fu Anyu's painting, Mingying once again entered a state of ecstasy. The spiritual energy that was refined by her over and over again rushed to her dantian, and after it was solidified into spiritual energy, it condensed behind her.

Fu Anyu sat in front of the desk and quickly typed on the keyboard with both hands. Hearing the slight sound of the little fox exhaling, she stopped and looked over, and she was surprised when she saw the two tails stretched behind the little fox.

"What time is it now?" Ming Ying just finished asking, only to hear a long growl in her stomach.

"One twenty in the morning." Fu Anyu left his seat, picked up Mingying's water bowl, poured in fruit and oat flavored yogurt cubes, and opened a box of plain yogurt and poured it in.

Fu Anyu mixed the yogurt, put it in front of her, didn't introduce it, just said, "Try it."

Ming Ying tried to lick it, and the sweet and sour taste suddenly danced on the tip of her tongue.

"Cheese!" She exclaimed excitedly, licking her mouthfuls.

Cheese is difficult to make, Mingying remembers that the wolf clan in the north of the demon world is best at making cheese, the sweet, sour and thick taste, she can’t forget it once she eats it, but unfortunately her parents don’t like it very much Kind of dessert, it is rarely let the caravan to buy.

Ming Ying also ate a few pieces of fruit that she had never seen before, but these fruit pieces were fresh and sweet, and they had a unique flavor when eaten with cheese.

"The human race calls it 'yogurt'." She heard Fu Anyu introduce slowly, "What you eat is a mixture of curdled yogurt and dried fruit cereal."

Ming Ying didn't respond, she just ate it, and after a while, the full bowl of yogurt was bottomed out, and she even licked the bottom and walls of the bowl clean.

After soothing her empty stomach, Mingying curled the water bowl with her tail and licked her lips, still not satisfied.

Fu Anyu squatted in front of her, stared at her two foxtails for a few seconds, and reached out to touch the new one.

Ming Ying was most afraid of her tail being moved, so she hurriedly backed away, the two tails were immediately twisted together, and she was dragged behind her so that she would not touch her.

"Let me see how stable the spiritual power is." Fu Anyu still went to catch it.

"Don't, don't touch my tail...!" Ming Ying folded her ears in fright. Although she said so, her body lay on the spot and didn't dare to move. She stared at Fu Anyu's hand. Extend your tail.

Ming Ying didn't dare to move just now, but now she can't. Every time Fu Anyu moved her hand on her newborn tail, she felt that her heart was being pulled. The numbness was nothing, but she just felt uncomfortable.

When Fu Anyu moved to the third move, the fox cried unbearably.

"Let go!" Ming Ying yelled at her, "If you don't let go, I'll bite your hand!"

Fu Anyu stopped and stroked the hair on her back as comfort.

"I have an extra tail, is there any discomfort?" Fu Anyu asked.

She regretted it when she finished, but she still stared at Fu Anyu fiercely.

Fu Anyu chuckled, suddenly reached out to pick up the fox and walked to the bathroom.

"It's late at night, take a bath and rest."

When dipping her paws in warm water, she suddenly remembered that Du Yunxin used to move her tail to deal with her during the day, and the method seemed to be not much different from the way the bad woman moved her just now.

"Fu Anyu!" She suddenly became annoyed, and called Fu Anyu with her first and last name, "You are not right on the beam!"

The hand that wiped her body gave a slight pause, and Fu Anyu's voice came from above her head: "What did you say?"

"I said that you are not right on top of the beam!" Mingying raised her voice, "You taught Du Yunxin to bully me!"

"She bullied you?" Fu Anyu was a little surprised.

"She moved my tail!" There was only surprise in her voice, no guilt or other emotions, Mingying was even more angry, "You move my tail too! You don't know the demon clan's Can't you just move your tail around!?"

It doesn't matter if a bad woman touches her tail intentionally or unintentionally, but moving and pinching it really makes her uncomfortable!

Fu Anyu was silent for a second, "Sorry, there is no next time."

I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to admit her mistake so quickly, and the rest of Mingying's words were stuck in her throat, and she was even a little confused.

She is still trapped in the dream she had during the gathering? How can a bad woman speak so well?

While she was in a daze, Fu Anyu quickly wiped the water off her hair. When it was her turn to have two tails, she stopped for a while and asked Mingying, "Can the towel move the tail?"

Ming Ying came back to her senses and answered seriously: "Towels are fine."

Fu Anyu wiped her tail and asked, "How many tails do you have in total?"

"I won't tell you." Ming Ying didn't dare to reveal the identity of the nine-tailed family, she glanced at her vigilantly, and tried her best to change the subject, "Don't try to hit my tail!"