MTL - Waiting For You Online-Chapter 15 Wife is coming

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015. Wife is coming.

It may be that the girls themselves are too filthy. It is obvious that the tone of the school is very serious, and there is no specific intention to target them, but they are all red-faced and imaginative. "The evil spirits are arrogant", while the nose and blood fall back and bury their heads to eat, no one dares to arbitrarily.

A meal is quite enjoyable, but it is only one thousand two at the time of checkout. Everyone feels that it is really inappropriate for Qin to be alone. After all, the first time they are called out, they don’t want to leave a "pothole" bad. Impression, so each person smashed a hundred, the rest are counted as Qin dynasty, Qin Hao has no objection, are still students, do not care too much about face.

Because it rains, everyone has no heart to hang around the scenic spot, discuss where to go, girls propose to go shopping in the city center, come and go to the subway, not afraid of rain, Zhao Xibai as Guo Youling's boyfriend, naturally accompanied by the whole process.

"What about you?" He looked at the three boys who were left, and his eyes fell on He Jin. There was still some expectation that He Jin would accompany her.

"I have to go back to school first," He Jin looked at the navigation of the ring. "There is a bus nearby, I will take the bus back."

佟萱: "..."

Jiang Baiyu frowned: "I can take the bus for at least an hour to get to the school? Or take a taxi?"

He Jin shook his head: "No, there is a chance to play together."

Zhao Xibai looked at the back of He Jinxian’s step, and joked: “Is it just that the school has eaten the poor, and who is there to take the bus this year?”

In the past ten years, due to the continuous development of underground rail transit and the development of the special car carpooling industry, buses with slow driving and less flexibility have been gradually phased out. It is almost the exclusive behavior of the older generation to take the bus. Listening to He Jin said to take the bus back, not only Zhao Xibai alone feels weird.

Guo Youling: "I feel that He Xuechang is a little lonely. He came out to play today and didn't listen to him saying a few words..."

"I have something to do, take a step first." Qin Hao seems to receive any information, but also hurriedly greeted everyone to leave, but the direction of He Jin is different.

"Hey, wait, are you taking a taxi? Take me a ride..." Jiang Baiyu waved his hand and ran away.

A few people face each other, and finally the sly Xu Weier said: "It is not so lonely... In fact, I feel that He Xuechang and Qin Hao are almost personal people, and they are quite independent..."

I bite my lower lip and wonder why I said a few words.

These schoolmates don’t know, in fact, He Jin was not like this before. When he was just in the student union, he always looked like a smile on his face. He was gentle and courteous to anyone, matured, and capable. It doesn't make people feel uncomfortable. If not, there won't be so many seniors and sisters admiring him. I always want to push him to be the chairman. I just don't know when it started. He Jin suddenly changed. He didn't want to manage things. If you don’t participate in group activities, you will no longer pick up friends’ calls and become somewhat introverted and somewhat isolated...

"Sister, what's wrong, go!" Guo Youling's shouts interrupted his thoughts.

"Come here..." I finally didn't say anything, and I broke up, and I had a good chicken!

He Jin stood alone on the platform, he just wanted to stay alone.

After waiting for ten minutes, I finally waited for a “city sightseeing bus”. Nowadays, except for important sections in the urban area, only this kind of bus is still running. Huada is a century-old famous school, and Kunming Lake is the city’s Famous attractions, so this section of the road must have a sightseeing bus.

It may not be the tourist season, there are only a few people in the car, He Jin found a position by the window, holding the chin to see the scenery along the way back...

It is very different from the stunned weather. His mood is like seeing the sun. I don’t know if it’s just sprinting after the boat has been disembarked. He’s got a layer of sweat, and the dullness in his heart seems to follow those thin The sweat evaporates and stays with the companion's laughter and laughter, and stays in Kunming Lake.

- Jin Ge, don't be too serious, real life is already tired enough, and does not allow people to indulge in the virtual world?

- You, don't be bored all day, don't have any energy at all... Let's go out and let go!

——What do you want to do? Do it now. The longer you hesitate, the smaller you will be, and you will never do it again.

The ears are constantly echoing the people around me to persuade their own words...

He Jin asked himself: If you have to go back after graduation, what will happen to the rest of the year and a half?

If I redefine my chance once again, what kind of person do I want to be?

If this life belongs to me alone, what kind of life have I thought of?

Don't want to focus only on achievements, grade points...

Don't want to care about titles, resumes...

I want to learn to drink, I want to sing and dance, I want to play games, I want to go skiing, I want to play tennis, I want to travel, I want to talk about a real love... All of them are wrong in that woman’s mouth, it’s not serious, it’s The so-called "deviant".

But he just wants to be curious, others can, why can't he? Why does he have to do a child in a book, why should he live like a donkey...

With the deepening of the emotions, the words that He Jin desperately suppressed and did not think back in the mind again jumped out -

"In eight years, I will wait for you to go online, Ajin."

Every word in that sentence burned with raging fire, swallowing the thinking of He Jin, sweeping the soul of He Jin... ruining and ruining, igniting the rebellion of He Jin’s eight years later.

Get off at the East Gate, the rain has not stopped, He Jin all the way back to the dormitory, the body is wet, but at this moment he feels like a King Kong blessing, invincible.

A burst of autumn rain, the temperature dropped sharply seven or eight degrees in the morning, Hou Leyan opened the heating in the dormitory, only sitting in front of the computer in Qiuyi Qiuku, see He Jin came back, shouted: "Hey, where are you going? , 咋 成 into this?"

"And the friends of the student union went to Kunming Lake." He Jin ran sweaty, took a dry towel and sat down to wipe his head, and did not change clothes.

Promise that he and Guo Youling have to give a speech on Wednesday. He Jin took a break and found out the review materials for the exam last year. He used the fastest speed to make a speech ppt - something he can do today, he rarely Drag to tomorrow.

After dinner, He Jin went to print the notes, and when everything was done, it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening.

Sitting in front of the computer, He Jin hesitated for a long time with the quick icon of "God Magic", and turned to the browser to find the home page of the bonfire flying web. Click to enter, and the full screen barrage in an instant is so scared. One jump -

"Ah, ah, ruthless, I love you..."

"Ah, my husband is fucking|I..."

He Jin: "..." What is this? ( ̄ ̄ ̄)

He Jin put on the earphones and heard the sound of the bonfire, only to confirm that he had not entered the wrong place, but he only heard a bonfire saying a word, followed by another voice he did not know.

He Jin closed the barrage and finally saw the figure on the screen, or the familiar game character, just like the person who suddenly appeared in front of the "Xiaoxian Ajin", the four characters of "the bonfire" Only this time I saw that He Jin’s heart seemed to have an inexplicable emotion... The palms were hot and the chest was numb.

In the screen is the scene of the battle, the bonfire is playing against another player 1v1, He Jin only sees the cool skills of fireworks, and the two people flicker and flee, the shadows fly in the air, he also I don't know much about it, but he can see the blood of two people. It is obvious that the bonfire is slightly better.

He Jin looked at it for a while, silently turned off the web page, returned to the desktop, and double-clicked to open the "God Magic."

- The bonfire is now live, shouldn't you notice that you are online?

"Well, let's cut into a ruthless perspective and look at his skill mix..." Peng Yuxi explained while connecting Qin Qin's interface.

The barrage of the live broadcast room was followed by a while. Now Qin Qin did not speak, and the female fans screamed a lot less. The audience mostly analyzed how the bonfire would win and how to look at each other.

"The screen of the Great God is still so clean, does he hide the skill key..."

"The gods use keyboard shortcuts?"

"Every time you look at ruthlessly playing pvp is a treat..."

"I don't know what to do after holography."


"We have seen the ruthlessness in the ‘Tianlei’ with the big move of ‘Red Flame Purgatory’ – the bloodline of “Copenhagen Das” has dropped dramatically!” Peng Yuqi excitedly shouted.

Just then, a golden reminder suddenly flashed over the ruthless screen of the bonfire -

〖System〗: Your wife "Xiaoxian Ajin" is online.

The live room was silent for a moment, and after a second, the bonfire stopped the action ruthlessly, and the audience looked awkward.

After a few seconds of silence, the barrage bombed, and the audience began to frantically brush the bubbles.

"Horizontal - trough! (#°Д°)"

"The trough in the trough, the trough, the trough, the trough, the trough, the trough, the trough, the trough, the trough, the trough, the trough! What I saw!"

〖Notice〗: The netizen "ten years of light" cast a "flying bubble" to the bonfire.

"Who can tell me what is going on, ruthlessly not playing?"

"The ruthless wife is coming..."

"...the real wife is thick..."

〖Notice〗: The netizen "winding month" gave the bonfire a ruthless vote of "flying bubble".

"I am ............"

"There is a ruthless **** wife? Xiaoxian Ajin? What a ghost?"

"Ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..."

〖Notice〗: Netizen "Morning fog ferry" to the bonfire ruthlessly cast a "flying bubble".

"There is a trough... my husband, you actually have a wife..."

"High energy, high energy, high energy, high energy, high energy, high energy, high energy, high energy, high energy and high energy!!!!!"


As the "Fighting Fire", the second district **** "Copenhagen Das" of this pk opponent is still complacent about the ruthless distraction. It took only ten seconds to find out that something was wrong and stopped.

Copenhagen Das: "Card?"

Bonfire ruthless: "gg"

Copenhagen Das: "..."

Qin Xiao lightly coughed and said to the microphone: "Ice cream, my wife is coming, don't fight first, this time you win."

〖God Magic Official pk Arena No. 1: Players have been leaving the room.

Copenhagen Das: "!"

Peng Yuzhen, who was slow in the brain circuit, finally broke a thick one at this moment: "I ~~~~~ fuck!"