MTL - War Hymn of Warcraft [WOW]-Chapter 24 tampered memory

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The dark green psionic tentacles dissipated little by little, but in the direction of Zhan Zhixing, the dark green psionic tentacles dissipated extremely quickly, and after a while, all the psionic tentacles around him disappeared.

But these are not the focus of Garrosh's attention, he is staring closely at a touch of dark gold among the countless green psionic energies. It was a human in golden plate armor, with a black plate close to his scalp, deep eyebrows, and a pair of dark golden eyes—just like what Garrosh had seen countless times in his half-conscious, half-conscious state. like that. His lips were tightly pursed, and the contours of his face were as stiff as a knife. This face Garrosh had resurfaced in his mind countless times. At that time, in the depths of his soul, it was the figure who had redeemed him.

Different from the figure in the Sea of ​​Souls at that time, now he is wearing a stiff plate armor. The golden plate armor is as bright as if cast from gold. In Garrosh's view, it is like a perfect handicraft. He holds a hammer in his left hand. The exquisite workmanship and powerful power fluctuations are not made by mortals; light wings.

That's right, that's Zhan Zhixing. Garrosh kept repeating in his heart, but there was no pain of being deceived, only inexplicable joy. Garrosh's eyes suddenly brightened, perhaps knowing what he wanted.

Taking a deep breath, Zhan Zhixing looked nervously at Garrosh at the side. In an extremely helpless situation, Zhan Zhixing, who had returned to his original form due to the loss of vitality, threw a hammer of justice on Vazhir's head, interrupting her singing, and making her go to death completely. But Zhan Zhixing also knew that what he was facing was Garrosh who knew everything, and there was something indescribable in his mouth.

With the passage of time, the psionic tentacles entwining Garrosh have also dissipated completely. However, Garrosh's reaction made Zhan Zhixing a little puzzled. He twisted his body, muttered "Damn tentacle monster" in a low voice, and walked forward, turning his head and saying to Zhan Zhixing, "What's wrong, Hurry up and move on to see what the existence that let the ancestors know everything looks like."

"Ah? Oh..." Zhan Zhixing hastily walked to Garrosh's side, hesitated for a while, not knowing how to speak, so he simply stopped talking.

The two of them maintained this weird atmosphere and came to the deepest part of the spaceship. Sure enough, as Zhan Zhixing expected, a Naru was quietly floating on the pedestal. The holy light emanating from this naaru was already extremely weak. If Zhan Zhixing hadn't been greatly enhanced by Garrosh's injury before, he wouldn't even be able to feel the holy light emanating from this naaru.

"He...isn't he already dead?" It was the first time Garrosh saw this kind of pure holy light life form. After a brief amazement, Garrosh first discovered this existence that could nourish the spirits of the ancestors. Something went wrong, and he asked with some doubts, "I can't feel the power fluctuations in him at all."

"No, although it's coming soon, but not yet..." Zhan Zhixing took a step forward, a dazzling holy light condensed in his hands, almost occupying Garrosh's entire line of sight, "At least, I still have some ideas now. "

As he said that, Zhan Zhixing carefully felt the passage of the holy light, slowly injected the mass of holy light in his hand into the body of this naru, and used himself as a channel to lead the surging holy light to the endangered naru. Naru. Not long after, Zhan Zhixing only felt a holy voice surrounded him, just like the Naruvolos he saw in Exodar.

"Thank you, Invoker of the Holy Light," Naru's voice came from the fluctuating strings, but the voice was full of exhaustion, "My name is Keurei, and I have been sleeping here for more than ten years, thank you Wake me up."

"At first I wanted to wake you up because I wanted to know what happened here, but it seems that I don't have to ask now." Zhan Zhixing stabilized the output of the holy light while joking in a friendly way, "It seems It must be this group of demons who want to drain your strength while you are sleeping, and then transform into entropy demons."

"You even know the entropy demon. It seems that you have had contact with our tribe before, and the relationship is not bad." Keurei was a little surprised. Will not take the initiative to speak out.

The entropy demon is the reverse body of the naaru, a purely dark creature, and a part of the life course of the naaru family. However, most naaru will still end their lives before transforming into an entropy to ensure that they will not be used by demons.

"But this is not important anymore, thank you for waking me up at the last moment. Although I can no longer maintain my own existence, but because of you, I can no longer transform into an entropy demon."

"Is there no way to keep you alive, Your Excellency Keurei?" An ancestor of the orcs who had been following Zhan Zhixing and Garrosh suddenly stood up, with a sad voice, "For so many years, the orcs have died. I am used to your existence, and I don’t know what is the meaning of existence without your holy mountain.”

"Don't be sad, my friends." Compared with the ancestors of the orcs, Keurei is still very open-minded, "I just continued to exist in another form, and I believe that in the hands of this paladin, my The ashes will be reborn in another way."

"As a thank you, paladin, I will use my last strength to make a prophecy for you."

Zhan Zhixing, who has been maintaining the connection with the Holy Light, suddenly feels that he has fallen into an unknown place, surrounded by darkness, and only Zhan Zhixing exists alone. Immediately cheered up, Zhan Zhixing's spiritual power scattered, and it didn't take long to find that his existence here was just a soul.

"In the sea of ​​my soul, the prophecy for you will be more accurate." Keurei's voice seemed to come from the sky, and Zhan Zhixing discovered that this Naru did not know when, through himself, the Holy Light The link, pulling himself into the other party's sea of ​​souls.

It seems that the strength of the Naru family should not be underestimated. Even the dying Naru has the power to instantly put people in doom. Zhan Zhixing thought to himself, fortunately Keurei didn't have any malice, otherwise, in the sea of ​​souls of the opponent, his own soul would be as weak as an undefended lamb. If the other party has any malice, the soul in the sea of ​​other people's souls will be instantly wiped out.

"Tell me what you want to ask, Paladin." Keurei's figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhan Zhixing. I don't know if it was Zhan Zhixing's illusion, but the light on Keurei seemed to have dimmed a lot, "I I will do my best to prophesy for you, of course, if you have something about your past, I can see it too."

Foretelling this thing, Zhan Zhixing is basically useless-not to mention that as a time traveler, it is still unknown what the future of this world will be fanned by his little butterfly, and Zhan Zhixing himself is not a person who likes to rely on Those who predicted to avoid the disaster would save Keurei by themselves, and they didn't expect anything in return. Where should I use this opportunity? Zhan Zhixing pondered for a while, and suddenly thought of a question that had puzzled him for several days.

"Your Excellency Keuree, please help me find out what is going on with my feelings for Garrosh."

Zhan Zhixing didn't think that he fell in love with Garrosh at first sight, but the more he thought about it later, the more he felt a little unreliable. He just took this opportunity to let Keuley clear his doubts for himself.

"Are you sure you want to ask this question, paladin." Keuley said with some surprise in his voice, "Explore your emotions, I need you to open up your sea of ​​soul, you should know that too."

"That's right, I'm sure." Zhan Zhixing nodded, although opening the sea of ​​soul means that his life and death are completely handed over to the other party, but Zhan Zhixing still believes in the credibility of the Naru clan. What's more, Zhan Zhixing is already in Keurei's sea of ​​souls. If he wants to do something, he can already make Zhan Zhixing beyond redemption.

With the affirmation of Zhan Zhixing, the holy light on Keurei's body suddenly became brighter, and the spiritual body of Zhan Zhixing here burst out countless light spots as if echoing Keurei's holy light. Zhan Zhixing stood in the spot of light erupting from his body, feeling as if he was in the vast sea of ​​stars.

"These are your memories. Every dot of light represents a moment in your memory." Keuley's body constantly exudes circles of aura, and every memory light spot will become more shiny. Zhan Zhixing knew that it was Keuree who was searching for his related memories, but he strictly avoided Zhan Zhixing's *, and was only looking at some experiences related to Garrosh Hellscream.

"Huh? Strange..." There was some confusion in Keurei's voice, and a larger halo suddenly burst out from his body, wrapping up all the memories of Zhan Zhixing and gathering them together, and then he and Keurei sliding between. Zhan Zhixing could see that when his memory moved with the aperture emitted by Keurei, it obviously formed a structure like a light belt.

"I'm arranging your memory linearly now to prove my guess." As Keurei's voice fell, the halo of light surrounding Zhan Zhixing's memory gradually dissipated. A galaxy-like memory spot was left between them. However, Zhan Zhixing can clearly see that there is an obvious discontinuity in this galaxy of memory.

"Look, here," Keuley moved the discontinuous area in front of the two, and then explained, "There is an obvious lack here, obviously, it should be a memory that was deleted by someone But I didn't find such a discontinuity on the timeline of the universe. Your time here is continuous. I don't know how to explain it, but judging from the whole line, you are right about Garrosh. Hell The feeling of roaring should have been generated in this deleted memory."

Zhan Zhixing walked between these memories curiously, reached out and touched the two memories, and found the time period when he lost his memory - time travel. Judging from the memory before and after this breakpoint, something else should have happened when I traveled through, but this memory was deleted. But Keurei clearly said that his timeline during this period was continuous, Zhan Zhixing was puzzled and a little dazed.

"I'm sorry, with my ability, I can't even break through the barrier set up by the person who erased your memory." Keurei said with regret in his voice.

Zhan Zhixing shook his head, since he didn't understand what he studied, there's no need to delve into it: "It doesn't matter, but can you tell me what kind of feeling I have for Garrosh?"

"Love, obviously, you fell in love with that orc." Keuley suddenly felt as if he was acting as a psychiatrist, giving psychological counseling to a paladin who couldn't handle emotional entanglements.

After listening to Keurei's words, Zhan Zhixing's confused eyes became firm again. Pursing his lips, Zhan Zhixing lowered his head and pondered, "Is it love... I guessed right..."

"Although I failed to achieve your goal, I still used up my energy." Keurei's voice was full of exhaustion, and the halo that had been emitting on him gradually became dim. I regret your request, but I promise in the name of the Naaru family that if you need it, you can ask any Naaru for help again."

So the original cash turned into a check because it couldn't be spent? Zhan Zhixing still has some admiration for Keurei's words and deeds. Just when he was about to refuse, Zhan Zhixing suddenly found that the memory spots that had been lined up in a line suddenly exploded and turned into a sea of ​​stars again, and then rushed into his body like shooting stars. A sense of dizziness came, and Zhan Zhixing realized that he had disconnected from Keurei's sea of ​​souls.

Shaking his head, Zhan Zhixing opened his eyes, and suddenly found himself lying in Garrosh's arms, he was shocked, and quickly stood up by himself. Feeling the heat away from him, Garrosh smacked his lips, his eyes full of regret.

Will he feel very angry because he touched a human? Orcs and humans are sworn enemies. It would be the best result if he could not make him hate me. Zhan Zhixing, who quickly jumped away, couldn't help thinking in his heart that in "World of Warcraft", Garrosh was a typical racist, especially when he looked down on humans. He just fell on top of him, and he would Won't you hate me more? "Hate me, hate me, hate me..." kept circulating in Zhan Zhixing's head, as if he had chewed Xuanmai, and couldn't stop at all.

"My orc friends, do not mourn my passing. I have informed A'dal that he will send a more vigorous naaru to Oshu'gun. I believe that you will also join another of my kind Get along well." Keurei looked at the two people who obviously loved each other but thought that the other would hate him, and before he died, he had a bad taste, so that they could feel the taste of unrequited love for a while.

Before Keurei finished speaking, a spatial crack suddenly opened above Keurey's head, and the power of the Holy Light rushed out from the crack, and the figure of a naaru followed the Holy Light's movement. Flowing and falling continuously. A more powerful holy light erupted from Keurei's body instantly, and he said with relief:

"A'dal is here, friends, if there is a chance, we will see you in another world..."

The originally dim holy light on Keurei suddenly became dazzling at the last moment of his life, as if it could compete with the leader of the Naaru tribe in the outer domain, Adal, who descended from the sky, and the superimposition of the two Naaru The holy voice also became more ethereal and deep.

"The Light will always be with you, my friend."

The voice of the naaru who fell from the space crack was a little sad, but full of blessings. Following his words, a bright flame of light burned on Keurei's body, burning blazingly all over his body.

"May the Holy Light bless you, orc friends, and the kind paladin."

With the last blessing to everyone, the flame of holy light on Keurei's body was extinguished when it was at its peak, and a crystal-like thing fell onto the table where he was. Zhan Zhixing couldn't help but feel a little emotional about the fall of the generation of Naaru who led Velen and other Draenei away from corruption.

"The Holy Light will protect you forever, Keuree, you are a true sage. As your last wish, this paladin will inherit your will and ashes. Take it, paladin, while the naaru owe you one prophecy."

Accompanied by Adal's words, the crystal left by Keurei floated slowly and came to Zhan Zhixing. Zhan Zhixing took Keurei's ashes in confusion, and looked at A'dal in confusion.

"This is his last wish and his last prophecy. In the future he sees, this ashes will play the most important role in your hands." Seeing Zhan Zhixing's doubts, A'dal explained, "Right away, I will send a new naaru here to complete the mission of Keure. Thank you for your help, paladin, you let the orcs regain the holy mountain. I will send people to negotiate with the ethereals outside the door, I believe it will not be long , they will leave here."

"Thank you for your help, human being." The ancestors of the orcs, who were originally grudges because of Zhan Zhixing's human status, also woke up and saluted Zhan Zhixing to thank him. Zhan Zhixing hurriedly returned the salutes one by one, bid farewell to the orc ancestors, and walked outside Oshu'gu.

The trip to the Holy Mountain successfully completed the task, and Zhan Zhixing was still very satisfied; but his identity was exposed, which made Zhan Zhixing very troubled. Glancing behind him secretly, he found that Garrosh was still following behind him with a gloomy (?) face, staring at him closely, Zhan Zhixing was even more troubled.

What exactly does Garrosh mean? Isn't he hiding his race? As for looking at himself like this? Wanting to make it clear to Garrosh himself, Zhan Zhixing didn't have the guts yet, so the two walked outside Oshu'gun in a strange atmosphere.

Garrosh, who was completely immersed in his own world, didn't know about Zhan Zhixing's entanglements. Looking at the back of the paladin, Garrosh was filled with joy: I finally confirmed that person is Zhan Zhixing, should I pursue him? he? But that's too unreserved, it would be better to let him pursue himself? Garrosh's brain activities seemed to have taken Xuan Mai from Zhan Zhixing's mouth, and he couldn't stop at all.

Zhan Zhixing, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly, and Garrosh who was behind almost missed him. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, Garrosh saw Zhan Zhixing raise his hand and slam a ray of holy light into an open space in front of the two of them:

"Who is hiding there sneakily? Come out!"

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