MTL - War Hymn of Warcraft [WOW]-Chapter 25 Demon Hunter

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Accompanied by Zhan Zhixing's angry shout, the shot of the holy light exploded, and a translucent figure appeared in the originally empty place.

It's a stalker! Garrosh's heart trembled, and at the same time, he complained that he was too vigilant, and quickly charged at the translucent figure, knocking the stalker unconscious on the spot.

"Wait, don't do it, I have no malicious intentions." Garrosh just wanted to kill him with another slash, but unexpectedly, the stalker quickly broke free from the dizziness and jumped out of the battle group. Hearing this, Garrosh didn't chase after him, and walked back to Zhan Zhixing's side to look at this person carefully.

This stalker has violet skin, is nearly two meters five in height, and is tightly wrapped in dark black leather armor, showing strong muscles. His hands are raised to the sky, showing that he is not malicious. From the direction of Garrosh and Zhan Zhixing, he could see the two huge moon blades behind him. However, what surprised Garrosh was that his eyes were covered with a black cloth, as if he were blind.

"Devil hunter? Are you Illidan's subordinate?" Zhan Zhixing's previous sentence was full of affirmation. After all, the double moon blades that are rarely used by ordinary people, and the blindfolded eyes of the person in front of him, must be a demon hunter. , but Zhan Zhixing didn't remember that there were other night elves under Illidan.

Demon hunters are dark warriors who were rejected by the night elves society. This profession arose during the Well of Eternity period. The first demon hunter in history was Illidan Stormrage. At that time, his dark power made a contract to use his own terrifying power and chaotic power to fight to the end. Although Illidan can be regarded as the most powerful warrior among the night elves, his selfless sacrifice was not understood by his compatriots. In the end, he abandoned his race in disappointment and joined the side of the devil.

Part of being a demon hunter is a little adventure. A novice wishing to become a demon hunter must find a practicing demon hunter to guide him or her through a series of intricate magical rituals. Part of the ritual involves hunting down a particular demon and offering it as an offering. This binds part of its soul within the novice demon hunter. Then, in order to contain the demon's soul, the would-be demon hunter must burn out his own eyes with a scorching magical blade.

Thankfully, however, due to the powers given to them during the process of becoming a Demon Hunter, mutilating their eyes does not make them truly blind, and they can still perceive the world around them. Compared with ordinary vision, although there will be a small limitation, it will also bring additional benefits. When becoming a Demon Hunter, their appearance is affected. Specifically, when someone first becomes a Demon Hunter, their skin turns pale and loses its color. Later, however, the Demon Hunter's skin will acquire a bluish tinge, and over time the skin will begin to toughen, giving them their natural armor. Eventually, the Demon Hunter's skin will take on a dark purple color.

The deep violet skin of the person in front of him is also very rare among the night elves, so it can be seen that he became a demon hunter. However, in Zhan Zhixing's impression, Illidan had only a few high elves who had just been sent by Kael'thas to perform demon hunter training, but the person in front of him was obviously a night elf. Thinking of this, Zhan Zhixing suddenly realized that he had missed a very famous demon hunter, and he had a rough guess about the identity of this person in his heart.

After hearing Zhan Zhixing's words, Garrosh re-entered the fighting state, bowed his body slightly and growled in a low voice: "Illidan? That pathetic betrayer? It's really sad that the former demon hunter is now with demons."

"I am indeed a demon hunter, but I am not one of Illidan's subordinates." The night elf smiled wryly and shrugged, "I am Altruis, my profession is a demon hunter, and I am still performing the task of being a demon hunter. mission. Illidan was once my mentor, but now he has been lost in the darkness."

Sure enough, the person in front of him was indeed, as Zhan Zhixing guessed, the victim Altruis. Zhan Zhixing took a step forward, patted Garrosh on the shoulder, and signaled him to relax. However, after filming, looking at the more nervous Garrosh, he belatedly remembered that he is now in the form of a human, which probably made him disgusted (fog) again. So Zhan Zhixing secretly decided to stay away from Garrosh in the future, at least not to make him hate himself even more, and hurriedly left Garrosh and stood in front of Altruis.

Garrosh, who was patted on the shoulder by his "sweetheart", was a little nervous at first because of Zhan Zhixing's touch, but when he saw Zhan Zhixing walking away, he realized that he was signaling himself to put down his guard. He is a human being, and this Altruis is a night elf, and they are all aliens. Did he know each other before? Would Zhan Zhixing prefer someone who is taller like him? Garrosh was a little nervous, straightened his back subconsciously, and looked at Altruis warily.

"Tell me why you came, demon hunter." Zhan Zhixing looked at the Moonblade behind Altruis, and suddenly thought of the Azzinoth Warglaive in his backpack. It's a pity that the weapon spirit produced by this famous "egg knife" is also very painful, and refuses to admit that he is its owner. According to what it said, it had snatched it from Illidan, so it was impossible for it to admit itself.

"I was just passing by, really." Seeing Zhan Zhixing and Garrosh's guarded eyes, Altruis felt innocent, "There are a group of powerful demons entrenched here, and I can feel their aura. But in Just now, these auras suddenly disappeared, I just came to take a look."

"If you're talking about the group of fear guards here and the tentacle monster who calls itself Vazhir, they've already been wiped out by us." Before we're sure that Zhan Zhixing doesn't like this Altruis, we can't let them The distance was too close, and Garrosh, who kept repeating "he is taller than me" in his mind, took a step forward and blocked between Altruis and Zhan Zhixing.

Looking at Garrosh's back, Zhan Zhixing was a little puzzled. Suddenly remembering the location of Altruis in the game and related tasks, Zhan Zhixing subconsciously ignored Garrosh's strangeness, and looked at Altruis with bright eyes: "You are a demon hunter, so it should Are you familiar with the two casting camps on the side?"

Seen by Zhan Zhixing's eyes, Altruis quickly replied: "That's right, I often ride Netherlanddamus, a void drake, my partner, to patrol the top of the caster camp. After all, there is The base camp of the demons, in fact, I have always wanted to destroy this military fortress of the Burning Legion."

Zhan Zhixing snapped his fingers, and Altruis appeared at the right time. He was still hesitating about how to destroy the fel cannon in the Casting Demon Camp, and he appeared. Altruis only has the strength of a half-hero rank, which is still weak compared to the demons of the Burning Legion. Zhan Zhixing is a real hero rank paladin even without equipment, not to mention other equipment and tiles. Two legendary items, Lannel and Jikang Chi-Jing Zhiren, are supported. Taking this opportunity, Zhan Zhixing can stay away from Garrosh, who is angry (?) because of the unintentional deception, so as not to see the person he loves hate him more and more, which will only add to the sadness.

"Great, my main purpose of coming to Nagrand this time is to destroy the fel cannons in the two casting camps here, so as to ensure that the expeditionary force from Azeroth can pass through the Dark Portal smoothly. I think With the help of my hero paladin, this goal shouldn't be particularly difficult, right?"

"The portal of darkness is about to open again? The rest of our race should be included in the expeditionary army, right? Presumably if the high priest of Tyrande appears in front of my master, he should be able to awaken his soul swallowed by darkness."

After hearing Zhan Zhixing's words, Altruis's voice was obviously excited, while Garrosh's eyes were instantly filled with thought. The re-opening of the Dark Portal will inevitably reshuffle the major forces in Outland. As the chief of Mag'har, Garrosh has a lot of things to do after learning the news. But thinking of Zhan Zhixing going into danger alone, Garrosh decided to go with him to destroy the two casting camps first.

The two "aliens" who came to a consensus quickly walked and talked, leaving Garrosh behind. The neglected Garrosh gritted his teeth and glared at Altruis, realizing more deeply that if he didn't go to the casting camp with Zhan Zhixing, his daughter-in-law, who hadn't got it yet, would run away with this "tall, rich and handsome" up.

Sensing the more and more sinister (?) gaze behind him, Zhan Zhixing felt more and more that it was the right choice for him to leave as soon as possible.

The group of three arrived outside Oshu'gu very quickly, and Adal kept his promise very well, and all the ethereals that were originally outside Oshu'gu had been withdrawn within this short period of time. Altruis took out a whistle from his backpack, put it in his mouth and blew it, and after a while, a translucent purple void drake landed beside him.

"This is Netherlanddamus, my closest comrade-in-arms." Patting Netherlanddamus' head, Altruis said enthusiastically to Zhan Zhixing, "It's better to hit the sun than to choose another day, we How about going to take over those two casting camps today?"

Now Zhan Zhixing just wants to get away from the increasingly ghastly Garrosh as soon as possible, and it is difficult to guarantee how he will be treated just by thinking about it. Orcs are so hostile to humans, and Garrosh is a racist, he must be very angry. In Zhan Zhixing's head, it seemed like a slideshow was playing countless photos of Nazi crimes that he had seen before. Those Jews who were soaked in oil, crucified, cut in half, and skinned seemed to come to life one by one. With Zhan Zhixing wailing, "The next one is you...".

Shivering inexplicably, he shook his head and hurriedly threw away those messy things, Zhan Zhixing said quickly: "Okay, okay, it's better to hit the sun than choose a day, just today."

Altruis was very excited to be able to take care of those two casting camps. He quickly rode on the back of Netherandamus and said cheerfully: "Although Netherandamus is still young, he should be able to bear the burden of our two camps. Personal weight. Come up together, let's fly over to the caster camp, walking in the air will be much faster than on the ground, and it will save a lot of trouble."

Just as Zhan Zhixing was about to climb onto the back of Netherandamus, he was grabbed by Garrosh. Zhan Zhixing saw the latter looking at him with a sullen (?) face, with a hint of threat (?) in his voice.

"Are you leaving like this?"

Sure enough, he still wants to settle the score with himself? Zhan Zhixing shuddered, turned his head back and smiled stiffly, acting like a machine that had forgotten to be oiled: "Uh... what, the task entrusted to me by our king is urgent, so I will Let’s go to the Demon Casting Camp first, if the green hills don’t change the green waters, let’s see you later.”

Just about to break free from Garrosh's hand and run towards Netherlanddamus, Garrosh inexplicably took a step forward and blocked Zhan Zhixing. He held Zhan Zhixing tightly with his hands, and his voice was mixed with roughness: "Are you leaving just like that? I won't allow it! I'll go with you to that demon-casting camp."

It's over, it seems that Garrosh has an extremely serious hatred for him for deceiving him, didn't you see that he would rather hug himself than let him go. Zhan Zhixing completely misinterpreted the fact that "Garrosh hugged him", and his body became even more rigid.

"Well, you see, you, a great chief of Mag'har, have been missing for so many days. People in the tribe should be worried. Why are you running around with me?"

Zhan Zhixing's expression was completely condensed on his face, like a statue. The subtext in the words is: You see, you are a chief who manages a lot of things every day, so don’t care about me, a small human being, and break up with me quickly. We will forget each other from now on. Even if I like you, it doesn’t matter if you hate me, but don’t leave us alone. It would be nice to have a crush on an abuser and make a sadomasochism drama...

After hearing Zhan Zhixing's words, Garrosh thought that the other party was concerned about the situation in his tribe, so he split up with him. After thinking for a while with some hesitation, Garrosh was still worried that Zhan Zhixing would single-handedly challenge the entire Casting Demon Camp. As for the semi-heroic Altruis, he was gorgeously ignored by Garrosh.

It's better to let Zhan Zhixing go back to Galadar with him first, and pay a visit to Gaia'an's grandmother by the way, Garrosh's eyes light up. As long as he resigned from the mission of chief Mag'har, he could pursue this human being to his heart's content. And for the lovers of Mag'har, the blessing of Grandma Gaiya'an is indispensable. Although Zhan Zhixing is a human being, Mag'har doesn't hate humans very much, but he is a little uncomfortable with it. His own choice Grandma Gaia'an shouldn't object.

What's more, Zhan Zhixing now has the favor of the Spirit of Life, which should be able to help Gaiya'an's grandmother's illness. Garrosh adjusted his tone, trying to make his words softer:

"Then you and I will go back to Galadar. We will pay our respects to Grandma Gaia'an, and then we will go to the caster's camp together."

Hearing Garrosh's gnashing of teeth (?) voice, Zhan Zhixing felt that he was getting colder. He wanted to bring himself back to the tribal trial, and he also wanted to visit Grandma Gaia'an, obviously because he wanted to make it public in the clan. Trial, but also invite the most respected elders in the tribe to sit in charge. Zhan Zhixing, who was broken and broken, couldn't help but muttered: "I'm going back with you, so I'm waiting to be beaten."

"Beating? Why are you being beaten?" Garrosh was stunned for a moment, feeling that he could no longer keep up with Zhan Zhixing's brainwaves.

"Forget it, Altruis, let's go to Galadar with us first, and then we can go to the Casting Demon camp together if we are alive."

Altruis said that he didn't care, anyway, the demons in Outland had existed for more than a day, and he didn't care about this period of time.

It's a blessing or a curse, it's a disaster that can't be avoided, Zhan Zhixing gritted his teeth, and this day will come, if judging himself can make Garrosh less angry, then it doesn't matter if he suffers a little bit. Withdrew a few steps, Zhan Zhixing bowed his waist slightly, his facial features and limbs twisted quickly, and once again turned into the appearance of a sandstone dragon.

Garrosh's mind is now full of a happy life in the future, and he didn't pay much attention to Zhan Zhixing's abnormality, and jumped on Zhan Zhixing's back as before. Zhan Zhixing shook his wings and took the lead to fly in the direction of Galadar.