MTL - Warhammer Inquisitor-Chapter 570 wake up

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  Chapter 570 Awakening

   "I saw a light, a sword, which pierced the night and brought light."

   "You have finally become a Star Rainer too, old man."

That's what Olaf said at the time. At that time, Lancelot didn't know what he meant, and thought it was just a daily weird riddle for psykers, but at that time he thought, Olaf has never said riddles, could it be , what's the big deal?

Afterwards, Lord Celestine found them and conveyed to them the emperor's will. He summoned Lancelot and the others to come here across most of the galaxy. Under the leadership of Lord Celestine, their voyage was amazing. It went well, and then, he stood here and knew the specific meaning of the domain of the gods.

  When Cypher's flaming sword stabbed down, a golden light suddenly appeared, and then covered everything below, and when the light dissipated and Lancelot gradually recovered his vision, he saw the towering giant behind the light.

In the silence, Lancelot saw him, he was wearing a dark green lion armor, his long golden hair fell down his shoulders, his eyes were shining with the light of power, the light of power, the will of the king , he is a king, the king of Caliban.

  He glanced at Lancelot and the surrounding environment, and after a long silence, he spoke slowly, "I had a very long dream, a very long, very long dream."

The dream was long, blurry and fragmented, and Ryan didn't remember most of it when he woke up, he just remembered a golden light flashing, his father's voice sounded in it, he called himself, and when he walked, the dream ended up.

  Lian glanced away, and saw the sword stuck on the ground, which radiated light, illuminating the lion's head on the hilt.

"Hold it, and your strength will be reawakened." Raven's voice read in Ryan's mind, he was silent for a while, and when he came to the sword stuck on the ground, Ryan hesitated a little, but still grabbed the hilt , In an instant, the light on the sword spread to the surroundings, turning into light particles and dissipating, and Ryan, his face also exuded that sacred brilliance.

Ryan drew his sword and looked into the distance. He stared at the direction from which the roar of battle came, and strode away holding the sword. He passed by Lancelot, who also got up and looked at the lion. Wang's back, and then followed as if summoned.

The little people in green robes in the hall stood around, they knelt down to the passing lion king, while he walked past with his eyes on the front, Ryan walked through the familiar and strange corridor of the monastery, as if he had already been in a dream Been through it countless times.

And when he stood at the end of the corridor, overlooking the battlefield below, he knew that this was not a dream, he didn't say anything, and Lancelot and Cypher stood silently behind him, but everyone below stopped. When they stopped, the Fallen Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, and even the Tau all stopped.

They looked at the gate between the lion statues, looked at the people standing there, as if everything had been paused, Ryan looked down at them, the light in the golden eyes flickered as if time had frozen, until he slowed down Speak slowly.

   Ryan didn't know most of the people present, but he found Luther, his former mentor, benefactor, adoptive father, and traitor at a glance.

  Luthor also stopped, not caring about Azrael, who was still fighting with him just now, and vowed to ask for another name. Luthor looked at Ryan and met his eyes. For a moment, they seemed to have said a lot.

  Azrael was stunned. Like all the warriors, he looked at him, as if his soul had been sucked out. Even Asmodeus froze in place, holding the priest's hammer and looking at him.

After a while, time flowed with his words. The Lion King looked at the Tau tribe, and slowly raised the lion blade in his hand to point at Yingyang. Although he couldn't distinguish most of the people on the scene, he knew who the enemy was .

"With the Emperor, with the Empire, destroy these aliens." He said slowly, the words seemed to be an order from the Mechanicus into the minds of the cathars, and instantly spread in the minds of all the space fighters without any hesitation , a dark angel roared and swung the long sword in his hand, but instead of slashing the fallen angels around him, the blade slid over and hit the Tau tribe next to him.

It was like an order, awakening time immediately, bringing the soul back to the body, and the raging fire was burning on it, the fallen angel also shouted, and pierced the Tau in the battle suit with a sword, his armor was The power sword was pierced all at once, and dark blood spurted out from behind.

In an instant, the entire hall boiled up. All the space fighters, regardless of enemy or friend, rushed towards the Tau tribe. Even the space wolves who were not descendants of the Dark Angels rushed forward without hesitation. They instantly turned into a torrent of steel, Rush into the Tau line, and instantly beat them back step by step.

Ragnar strode forward, he jumped up, leaped from the sea of ​​people with a chain saw ax in his hand, the sharp ax cut down from the air and instantly smashed into the head of a Tau tribe, he fell to the ground instantly, blood sprayed from all around Splashed out, and beside him, Lancelot rushed forward with a sharp blade, stabbing a Tau tribe with a sword, and beside him, Cypher held two guns and aimed at the surroundings and fired violently.

Lion charged into battle, followed by warriors along his path, Azrael leading the charge, winged helm on, sword held aloft at his father's side, slashing and slashing the Tau spears, A sword pierced his head.

Ryan swung the Lion King Sword with his big arms. The Tau tribe along the way had no power to parry. The weapon broke, and the battle suit on his body was shattered the moment it touched the blade. They screamed loudly, but Ryan did not say a word. He was silent. Going forward, leading the heirs behind him to tear the alien front into pieces and completely collapse.

The Tau tribe fell one by one. They tried to fire back and take advantage of their firepower, but they had no chance under the assault led by the Primarch. In front of the battle line, the Tau tribe was constantly knocked down, and their bodies were trampled by the surging steel tide. Got to fall apart.

Yingyang stood on the front line, aimed the light cannon in his hand at the Astartes in front of him and fired, piercing through the power armor of several soldiers with one shot, and behind those bodies, Ryan strode forward, splitting the Titanium with his sword. The last line of defense of the clan.

Several soldiers in combat uniforms in front of him were split into two in an instant. He saw Yingyang, and then strode away. The latter quickly raised the muzzle in his hand and fired at Ryan, but the latter slashed from the middle with his sword. The incoming energy wave was fired, and then a sword cut off the muzzle.

Ryan whirled half a circle, swung the sharp blade, blood spilled from behind the blade in an instant, one arm fell to the ground, Yingyang groaned in a low voice, and fired with the weapon in the other hand, but was caught by a sword from the palm of his hand. pierced everywhere.

  She screamed, Ryan swung his backhand, and the blade slashed at Yingyang's chest. She flew out and hit the wall all of a sudden, with blood gushing from the gap in the armor on her chest.

  Shadow Sun didn't know who the taller space warrior in front of her was, but she seemed to have heard rumors about them, the descendants of the human emperor, the demigods.

  He is different from all the space warriors Shadowsun has fought against, even more dangerous than the Shadow Lord of the Duck Guard, and must retreat, she thought. But when she looked up, Ryan was in front of her, his eyes fixed on Shadowsun's.

   "For good deeds!" Yingyang roared, raised the severed light cannon on the broken arm, raised the sharp blade, and the star fell down, the two weapons collided together, and the light flickered immediately.

After the light disappeared, the commander of the Tau clan slumped on the ground, leaving streaks of blood on the chest of her armor. Ryan pulled out his sword, and another Tau clan fell beside him. He looked back, Only the Space Marines remained standing in the whole of the rock, and they stood together, looking at the Lion King, who was also silent.

In the silence, Azrael came out. He came to Ryan and knelt down on one knee without thinking. The leader of the Dark Angels took off the winged helmet on his head and raised his hands to Ryan. That was Ryan. Helm, the holy relic he left to the Chapter, and now, it's time to return it to its rightful owner.

   "In the name of the Emperor and Caliban, I swear allegiance to you, voluntarily relinquish my status as Chapter Master, and return to you all my powers."

Azrael raised his battle helmet and lowered his head. All the Astartes behind him knelt down. They knelt on one knee and bowed their heads to the Lion King with weapons in their hands. Even the wild wolf, who had always been rebellious, They all knelt down, and Ragnar and Lancelot knelt together in front of them, sticking their weapons in front of them.

Ryan looked around at the kneeling space warriors. He looked at the winged helmet and was silent for a moment, then held its edge and lifted it up. Ryan raised the helmet high, and then slowly put it on his head. He seemed to wonder if this was just another dream, but when the helmet dropped and his eyes peeked out from behind it, he knew it wasn't a dream.

  The lion looked out of the gap behind him. After the fleet of the Tau clan exploded, the planet that was knocked out of the big hole and covered by green clouds, he could feel the power of the planet below, his existence, and he knew he was below.

   There was silence for a while, and then Ryan's words spit out with his breath, "Tell Terra, the emperor's eldest son, the Lord of the First Legion has returned."

   "For the Lion!" Azrael yelled on his knees, and the Astartes behind him shouted in unison, their voices echoing from the dome of the rock.

  Vito on the surface raised his head, he looked to the sky, and looked at him thousands of miles away in the dark cloud-covered sky, he knew that he was outside the clouds, in the great web of fate.

   And he shall be crowned again, Lord of Caliban, King of the First Legion, and when the High Marshal crowns him, the Dynasty of the Lion shall rise.

  (end of this chapter)