MTL - Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation-Chapter 327 Containment (seeking subscription)

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  Chapter 327 Containment (for subscription)

  After Guilliman built the subspace firewall, contacting subspace is no longer a high-risk thing.

  The decline in danger has also allowed the empire to have a large number of technical experts who specialize in subspace.

  The number of subspace research institutes established in the empire is huge.

  Related projects cover all aspects.

  From the type, composition, and activity characteristics of the inanimate to the virtual mirror, the legacy of ancient civilization, the reading of subspace information, etc., there are many.

  Empire thus established a knowledge system of subspace.

  The research of countless scholars and technical experts has made this knowledge system comprehensive.

  In the past, people's cognition of subspace was more about psionic power, weird creatures and those eternal gods.

  Associated with the subspace, it represents a potential corruption crisis.

  In the past when there were no good means of defense, the human empire resisted the subspace by relying on various superstitious and ignorant means.

  It's like the ancients resisted science.

  According to the crisis facing the empire at that time, that kind of thing can't be said to be right or wrong.

   just expresses the chaotic and non-divided characteristics of the subspace.

   There is no good or evil.

   The Warp is far from simple.

   Its secrets are endless.

  Anyone who dares to claim that it has fully understood the secrets of the warp is either a shameful liar or a poor lunatic.

  Countless universes are born, prosper, and perish.

   Countless beings left their reflections or traces in the warp.

   Countless secrets are broken every second, and countless secrets are formed every second.

  Who can see it all? ?

  After careful research, the technicians of the empire discovered that there are not only the inanimate and gods in the subspace.

   There are still many mysterious and unimaginable things.

  As the source of the endless universe, the warp also accepts the embers left after the death of those universes.

  It's like falling leaves returning to their roots.

  Those destroyed universes and civilizations are eventually absorbed by the subspace, becoming the nutrient for the next universe and civilization.

   Of course not all embers will be digested by the Warp.

   Some indigestible embers will fall silent in the warp, forming various objects that are strange to the creatures of the material universe.

  These items often have powerful rules, which can distort and ignore the physical rules of the real universe.

  It can exert powerful power, but it also has terrible side effects.

  For those civilizations who are ignorant and have not established a complete cosmology and subspace science, those items with strange powers are often regarded as fetishes.

  The empire has naturally studied this.

  However, the real universe has its own rules of operation, and these rules isolate the subspace from the real world.

  Those weird items will occasionally fall into the real universe, but the quantity is rare, and generally it will not cause any major crisis.

  But with the advancement of the empire's alien universe tunnel project, those strange items that should have been deposited in the depths of the subspace continued to appear in the tunnel.

  Trying to use human beings to escape from the depths of the subspace and enter the real universe.

  The tunnel goes deeper into the subspace, and the appearance of strange objects becomes extremely frequent.

  The empire is divided into harmless level, minor disaster level, light disaster level, severe disaster level, severe disaster level, and blockade level according to the degree of harm of those weird objects.

  There is no cap on the blockade level, no disclosure, no disclosure, no discussion, and when necessary, even the memory of the participants will be cleared.

  The empire’s attitude towards those weird objects has always been to maintain non-subjective containment, and to deal with all kinds of weird things according to the principle of destroying those with subjective consciousness and maliciousness towards human beings.

  If it cannot be destroyed or contained, it will find a way to throw it into the depths of the subspace.

  The reason why they did not choose to completely destroy those weird items is also due to the high-level considerations of the empire.

  With the advancement of the different universe project, more and more non-staff personnel are employed in the different universe development department.

  Non-staff personnel and regular employees have even formed a 50:1, 100:1 ratio.

   Most of the non-staff personnel are composed of local aborigines recruited by the space exploration team.

   Mainly responsible for intelligence collection, public opinion guidance and other work.

  The recruited non-staff personnel are generally mainly humans, and their combat effectiveness is relatively weak.

   Need the empire to provide certain support, so that they can protect themselves in a complicated situation.

  The question is what kind of technology to provide to ensure the maximum benefit!

  The connection between different universes is weak, and the lifespan of the local indigenous humans is not very long.

   It is difficult for the powerful law enforcement agencies of the empire to cross the subspace to form an effective deterrent to those guys.

  If the genetic modification of the empire, technological creations and other things are provided to those non-staff personnel, if they rebel, it will lead to the leakage of the empire's technology.

   It is also easy to cause resistance from local forces, and even cause interference from cosmic forces.

   At that time, a powerful civilization is likely to guess the technological level of the empire through the technological creations of the empire, and may even carry out anti-invasion and anti-colonial measures against the empire.

   It is indeed a matter of caution to send technology that can be used by all people to those universes that are beyond the reach of the empire's influence.

  The development and management department of the different universe chose a compromise method that can even use waste.

  That is to provide non-staff personnel with harmless and weird objects.

   On the one hand, it can reduce the risk of the empire being discovered, and on the other hand, it can also create a little value for the weird items that frequently appear in the tunnels, reducing the loss of the empire.

  Chagatai has always been in the different universe tunnel, responsible for the preparations and the establishment of a mobile protection system.

  Inspecting, processing, and containing those usable weird objects are naturally also projects that he needs to be responsible for.

  The most common crisis in the alien universe tunnel is the chaos caused by demon invasion and strange objects.

  The staff in the rest station are still sticking to their posts.

  Through communicating with them, Chagatai and his party quickly obtained detailed information about the crisis.

  Relevant personnel organize it into a document, send it to every member participating in the task, and then back up the original document in the storage.

  After the task is over, these documents must be submitted to other departments for evaluation.

  【Risk assessment report.

  Heavy disaster level weird item, the appearance is a black cube structure [25cm*25cm*25cm] made of unknown ceramic material. According to the handling report of the emergency team at the rest station, lasers, force field compression, high-energy antimatter bombs and other means have been used to destroy them, but the expected results have not been achieved.

  The Rubik's Cube will mark every individual who sees it, no matter directly, or through video, photos and other means, it will be regarded as meeting the concept of seeing. After the marking is completed, the Rubik's Cube will appear in front of the marked person regardless of the space distance (if there are more than one number of people, multiple Rubik's Cubes will appear at the same time), the magic will ask the opponent to complete the Rubik's Cube game and adjust it to within a limited time Same face and same color.

  The finisher will survive and wait for the next more complex Rubik's Cube game. If the game fails, they will be controlled to become Rubik's Cube puppets. The puppets get different levels according to the number of clearance times. The higher the level, the more memories are retained. After being killed, the puppets will be resurrected at the Rubik's Cube.

   Rubik's cube puppets can deceive and disguise, but they don't use lethal means. They just try to let more people see the Rubik's cube, forming meme infection.

  Currently, the highest customs clearance record is nine times, and the number of infected people is 1530. The rest station has been closed, and the intelligent machinery has not been affected and is still operating normally. 】

   Seeing this, Chagatai frowned slightly.

  Fortunately, the rest station is a local area network, which means that it is not connected to other rest stations, nor is it connected to the empire.

  Communication will only send preset information.

   It is this rigor that prevents the contagion of the Rubik's Cube meme.

   Otherwise, in the information-based world, it only takes a few minutes for a photo to spread across the world.

  The consequences are simply unimaginable.

   "This is the target rule analysis report." A technician sent another data to Chagatai.

  【The target has been coded, and the relevant coding information can be queried after going out, and the Rubik's Cube has been analyzed. The rules for this item are as follows.

  1: Any individual who visually observes the Rubik's Cube will activate the Rubik's Cube meme and be marked by the Rubik's Cube.

  2: In the case of a single person being marked, the marked person needs to accept the Rubik's Cube game twelve times in a row, and can gain control of the Rubik's Cube after completion.

  3: If more than one person is marked, and there are still more than one marked person after twelve magic games, the Rubik’s Cube game will start the thirteenth game until only one person survives and becomes its owner.

  4: The person who fails the game will become a puppet of the Rubik's Cube, accepting the control and enslavement of the owner of the Rubik's Cube, and this slavery cannot be lifted. After the cube owner dies and the magic resets, those golems disappear and wait for the next collection.

  5: After the owner is determined, no matter how many times the Rubik's Cube game is successfully passed, the owner will not become the owner. If you fail once, you will become a Rubik's Cube puppet. Only after killing the owner and playing the Rubik's Cube game can you become the owner of the Rubik's Cube.

  6: Before the owner is determined, the Rubik's Cube puppets will constantly look for new targets to play Rubik's Cube until the owner appears.

  7: The more times you pass the Rubik's Cube game, the more memory and IQ you will retain after becoming a Rubik's Cube Puppet. When necessary, in order to expand the influence of the Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Cube Puppet will pretend to be a normal person.

  8: The Rubik's Cube is not limited by spatial distance. As long as a creature sees it, it will appear in front of the opponent out of thin air.

102: This item has strong side effects. Every time it is used, it will absorb a certain amount of soul nutrients. It may cause the user to experience dizziness, abnormal noises in the ears, hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and fatigue. The situation is getting worse.

  Evaluation and judgment: The item of this severe disaster has a certain containment value, but it needs to be kept and monitored at all times. This item will lose its characteristics in areas that limit the subspace, such as the exorcism dead zone and the anti-subspace force field. Individuals with psionic talent have certain immunity to its rules. The stronger the psionic ability, the stronger the immunity. 】

  The empire has a data analysis library for the subspace, with super computing power, it can analyze most of the weird items.

   "Everyone adjusts to the radiation induction mode, and can only communicate by voice later. Don't look at posters, portraits, or graffiti about the Rubik's Cube. Our task is to eliminate all meme-infected people and recover the Rubik's Cube."

   After giving the order, Chagatai put on the helmet. It stands to reason that such items would not have any effect on him, but caution is the best thing to do.

   Walking to the gate of the rest station, Chagatai once again connected to the communication inside the rest station.

   "Let all employees hold their heads in their hands and lie on the ground. Anyone who disturbs the operation will be executed directly."

   After saying this, Jaghatai put his hand covered with armored gloves on the sensor panel.

  Using the authorization code to open the protective cover that blocked the entire rest stop.

  The figure of the mechanical piston and the hiss of the force field being turned off sounded.

  The rest station slowly opens a small door that allows special teams to enter.

  Chagatai took the lead and walked in.

  The team members followed closely behind and walked into the rest station.

  PS: I went out for a while and came back late. I also plan to pay back more than 6,000. After finishing the article on the contents, I will make the empire's exchange pool more abundant. The plan can't keep up with the changes. Considering that the world view of scp is mainly concentrated in one world, and there is no main story line, it may not be a separate line, but it will be written mixed with other lines.

  (end of this chapter)