MTL - Warm Fuzzies-Chapter 19

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Xue Li looked at the Big Snow Wolf lying on the ground with An Xin, and paused for a moment.

Of course she wanted to cure Snow Wolf's original chronic illness.

But this kind of disease that hurts the inside is more complicated, and she and Snow Wolf can't communicate, so they can't understand what symptoms he had before. It's hard for Sydney to judge what kind of disease he has just based on this breath and pulse.

After thinking about it for a while, Sydney decided to put this question on hold and observe it for a while.

Big Snow Wolf's illness doesn't show up now, but as long as he observes patiently for a while, he will be able to see the clues sooner or later.

Thinking of it this way, Xueli felt more at ease, and continued to concentrate on helping Xuelang apply medicine and bandage.

However, when Xue Li was paying attention to his condition, Xue Lang also turned his head slightly, secretly staring at Xue Li's serious side face when he was helping him heal the injury.

When Sydney is concentrating, the fox ears will be slightly backward than usual.

I'm afraid even Sydney herself would not notice this kind of small action.

Snow Wolf's ears trembled.

Xueli treated him very gently, her movements were gentle and careful, even though he just did something that made her cry, she didn't hate to alienate him because of it.

In the end...why does she care about him so delicately?

Ever since this question surfaced in her mind, Zilan couldn't let it go. When she was not concentrating, she would think about it uncontrollably, wandering in her thoughts from time to time.

Although he made a mistake about the radish, no matter whether the little nine-tailed fox likes to eat radish or not, she helped him when he was most helpless.

She gave him her own food and bothered to heal his wounds.

These days the little nine-tailed fox has been taking good care of him, Zilan has seen it all, and will not change his impression of the little fox because of it. In his opinion, the little Nine-Tailed Fox was too kind to him, far exceeding the highest limit he expected, to the point where he couldn't help but think about it.

Would she...have a slightly different affection for him between a man and a woman?

Even if only a little bit...

At this moment, Xueli sensed Xuelang's peeking thoughts, and looked back suspiciously.

Zi Lan was caught off guard and met Xue Li's eyes, and hurriedly looked away, her ears turned slightly red.


Xue Li looked at Xue Lang who was avoiding her sight in a panic, and tilted her head in confusion.

But she didn't think too much, and still buried herself in changing the snow wolf's medicine.

Xuelang saw that Xueli had stopped looking at him, so he silently peeked back.

He didn't dare to guess that Sydney really had a crush on him, but his heart beat uncontrollably.

He looked at it for a while, then hurriedly lowered his head again, afraid that Xueli would notice the abnormally high temperature on his face when he changed his dressing.

In the next period of time, Zi Lan began to quietly observe the various reactions of the little fox.

Normally, the little fox gets up every morning.

She would shake her fur on the bed, jump up and down to move her body, and then she would come out to wash and comb her tail, and then have breakfast.

Their breakfast is usually prepared the night before, and it is cooked in the evening until the morning, or it is only slightly heated in the morning.

Since the radish incident happened last time, the little fox didn't seem to dare to just feed him radishes, nor did he dare to let him eat breakfast alone. Every meal is served by the little fox in the kitchen alone, and the two of them are exactly the same.

A cup of soy milk, a few pieces of flower cakes, one or two fruits, and a piece of radish cake for each person.

The little fox finally planned to muster up the courage to eat the radish cake by herself, but her face wrinkled since she took out the radish cake, and she still didn't dare to eat after looking at it for a long time.

Seeing this, Zilan took the initiative to go over, took the radish cake on the Sydney plate to her, and ate it silently.

Xue Li was stunned for a moment, but then became extremely cheerful, wagging her tail at him and jumping around lively.

Seeing that the little fox was so happy, Zilan was encouraged, she wagged her tail and ate a few more mouthfuls.

In the morning, Sydney sat on the porch and sang happily, and soon the small animals in the forest surrounded her.

Zilan pretended to be casual and walked over to sit and listen together.

After Sydney finished singing, she also waved her tail at him specially, but she seemed to be happier chatting with other small animals and didn't pay much attention to him.

At night, Zilan noticed that the temperature seemed to be lower than usual tonight, so she deliberately found an unused blanket from the house and sent it to Sydney.

It's been cold in spring for the past two days, Zilan is sensitive to the cold, he is afraid that Sydney will freeze.

As expected, the little Nine-Tailed Fox didn't pay much attention to it. After receiving the blanket from him, she thanked him happily, and spread the blanket on the bed.

However, after observing all kinds of things, Zilan still can't guess whether Sydney has a good impression of him, and her heart is sometimes sweet and sometimes bitter, very vacillating.

But at least he was sure of one thing.

He felt that the little nine-tailed fox probably didn't hate him.

This recognition made Zilan's heart a little more stable, and her walking steps became much lighter.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past two days, Xueli has also noticed the abnormality of the big snow wolf, and feels that he seems to spend a lot more time wandering around her.

However, Xueli only thought that Xuelang started to get close to and trust her, and Xuelang's range of activities was larger than before, and he might be re-adapting to life.

Therefore, Sydney didn't pay much attention to it. She still did what she had to do every day and was happy every day.

On this day, the little white deer made a special trip to look for her.

The little white deer trotted up to her and said cheerfully, "Sydney! We have found a suitable cave for snow wolves!"

"Oh?" Xueli raised her head unexpectedly, "So fast!"

The little white deer smiled and said: "Well! There is nothing going on these days anyway, although there is still some time before the one-month period expires, but we think that time is actually a blink of an eye, so it is better to prepare in advance, and we are all in the forest Running around, I ran to tell you if I saw something possible.”

This fairyland is actually only this big, and if you walk seriously, you can finish it in one day. These residents who grew up in the fairyland are very familiar with every plant and tree in the forest. These two days they said they were going to find a cave for the snow wolf, but in fact They only need to go through the location of each cave roughly, and pick which one is suitable for the snow wolf to live in.

The white deer is very confident in his ability to choose, proudly puffed up his chest and said: "I picked a cave on the west side of the forest with a big pine tree at the entrance. The cave is so big that even a wolf that big can hold its head upright in it." Walking on the chest, the space is open, not far from the water source, but the cave is not very humid, and the location is not close to the place where the small animals live. Usually, the snow wolf will not scare everyone when it comes out and walks. I think it should be very suitable. of!"

Bailu listed the various benefits of that cave, and Sydney also thought it was very good.

During this period of time, she has actually been thinking about where Snow Wolf will live in the future.

The snow wolf's injury has recovered well recently, and it will be completely healed after a while of cultivation. The snow wolf has grown too big, and her cabin is too small. It is no problem to take the snow wolf to live temporarily, but in Xue Li's view, this is definitely not a long-term solution. What's more, she doesn't own the cabin alone, and her aunt is still practicing medicine outside. Just considering that her aunt will come back in a few months, it is difficult for this big wolf to live forever.

Hearing that Bailu found a suitable cave, Xueli was also very happy, but after thinking about it, she was still taken aback when she found out that they had found a suitable cave, a little surprised at the speed of Xiaobailu and the others.

She didn't seem to want Snow Wolf to move out so early. She herself also said that she would help Snow Wolf find it, but she hasn't started yet.

Seeing Xueli's hesitation, Bailu guessed what she was thinking, and said, "I'm just going to have a look now! It's not like I'm going to move right now. If we can confirm it now, we can do it a little bit later. It will be much more convenient to arrange it once Snow Wolf officially goes to live in it.”


Hearing what Bai Lu said, Xue Li finally felt relieved and moved a little.

However, although Xiao Lu said that the cave sounds good, it is hard to imagine it with empty words. Sydney still thinks that he should actually go and see it.

Xue Li thought for a while and said, "Okay! But I don't care what I say, the most important thing is to see if Daxuelang likes it or not. How about I take him there for a while, if he likes it, we will Set the cave down!"


Of course the little white deer had no objection, and nodded happily.

Immediately afterwards, she continued: "I will go with other people to find other caves. If the wolf doesn't like it, there are other alternatives!"


After the little white deer said hello to Xue Li, he trotted away briskly.

After the white deer left, Xueli turned back to look for the big snow wolf.

Zilan is in the house.

Xuelang has recently learned to help with housework. When Xueli entered, he was holding the booklet that Xueli had not put away last night, carefully placing it on the shelf and putting it neatly.

Xueli jumped up to Zilan, and said to him cheerfully, "Wow! Big Wolf, Xiao Lu just came over and said that they found a suitable cave for you to live in!"

Just as Zilan put the book away, she saw the little nine-tailed fox jumping up in front of him, wagging its tail and jumping up and down at him, whining and whining, as if wishing him to go somewhere with her.

Zilan paused for a moment, then stepped up to follow.

Xue Li is very familiar with the forest, she followed the direction Bai Lu said, and sure enough, she found the cave that Bai Lu had chosen before long.

This is indeed a very big hole, the hole is very big and wide, surrounded by lush trees, you can faintly hear the sound of running water, but if you touch the soil at the hole a little, you will find that the inside is dry, and you can lie down and rest for a while. more comfortable.

Xueli briefly checked the entrance of the cave, and was basically satisfied, so she turned her head and said to Snow Wolf, "What do you think about living here in the future? I think it's not bad! Shall we go inside again?"

Said, in order to let Snow Wolf understand what she meant, Xue Li patted her tail at the entrance of the cave.

On the other side, Snow Wolf didn't know where Xue Li was going to take him, but after walking such a long way, the little Nine-Tailed Fox brought him to a huge cave.

Snow Wolf looked at the dark and uninhabited cave for a while, and then understood immediately.

The little Nine-Tailed Fox probably wanted to enter this cave to play, but he was afraid of the dark and dared not go in alone, so he came back to ask him for help.

He looked at the little fox nestling at the entrance of the cave, and immediately softened his heart.

Zilan lowered her voice and said, "Don't be afraid, I'll accompany you in, everything will be fine."

Saying that, Zilan stepped into the cave first.

Sydney thought Zilan understood, and happily followed her in.

Although this cave is big, it is not very deep, and you can see the bottom as soon as you enter. But the cave is quite wide, even if a huge wolf like Snow Wolf enters it, it doesn't look narrow at all, and there is even room for running and jumping.

Although there are many caves in the fairyland, it is rare to see such a spacious one. As soon as Xueli entered, she couldn't help but let out a sigh, thinking that the cave picked by Bailu was really perfect.

Sydney was so satisfied that she couldn't help jumping in the cave with great surprise, and then found that even the ground was very suitable for walking and rolling.

Xueli looked at Snow Wolf happily and said: "This cave is very good! What do you think? Do you like it? Or just choose this one! This cave is not too far from my residence, and you can still come here often Play with me!"

Xueli is in a good mood, but Zilan lives in the fairy palace in Jiuchongtian, and there is no wolf fairy living in a cave in the wolf territory. He has never thought that this cave is the "home" carefully selected by Xueli for him.

He only saw that after he accompanied him into the cave that he didn't dare to enter, Xue Li happily ran around in it, and ran to him from time to time, like a cute little snowball.

Zilan's heart softened into one piece.

During this period of time, he has been thinking about whether Sydney has a good impression of him, but it is elusive.

It is undeniable that in his heart, he may have some expectations for this.

But now, he's finally figured it out a bit.

The little nine-tailed fox rescued him and took care of him tenderly. She was so cute, and she was so close and dependent on him. Regardless of whether the little Nine-Tailed Fox has the kind of affection he expected for him, he wants to do his best to protect and take care of her.

This is both pursuit and gratitude.

Besides... the little nine-tailed fox doesn't necessarily have a good impression of him, does it?

Thinking of this, Zilan looked at the cute little nine-tailed fox who ran up to him and howled at him, and his eyes couldn't help but become more affectionate.

He lowered his head, looked at the little nine-tailed fox who was very close to him, then leaned over, as if expressing his determination... and licked her ear.


Xueli was talking to Zilan about how to place things in this cave, but she didn't notice the change in the other person's eyes. Unexpectedly, the huge shadow of Xuelang approached him suddenly, and then she was licked without warning!

Xue Li opened her eyes wide in horror, and was immediately licked dumbfounded.