MTL - Warm Fuzzies-Chapter 18

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Sydney's tears kept falling down.

The more Xue Li thought about it, the more sad she became, her eyes turned red, her ears collapsed, and her tail stopped wagging.

Zilan anxiously circled around her.

It was not in his prediction that the little fox cried so sadly. His original intention was to surprise the little nine-tailed fox.

Zi Lan lightly touched her tail, called her softly "Aooooooooow", and carefully pushed the most beautiful radish in front of her for her to eat.

But after coaxing for a long time, it still didn't work, Sydney's teardrops kept falling like a broken thread, she cried louder, not as lively as usual at all.

Xueli's appearance made Zilan's whole wolf panic. He had never felt so clumsy, and he didn't know what to do when facing a crying girl.

But seeing the sad appearance of the little nine-tailed fox, Zilan finally realized that something was wrong.

The little fox didn't look happy at all.

Thinking about it carefully, the little nine-tailed fox has never said that she likes to eat radishes, nor has she eaten them in front of her face. The fact that the little nine-tailed fox likes to eat radishes seems to be completely guessed by him at the beginning, based on Very few, and he continued to deduce the following content on this basis, making it even more difficult to determine.

His judgment seemed too hasty.

At first, she didn't eat the Sydney radish when he handed it back to her. Instead, she ate it when he gave her the fruit, and she ate it happily.

Could it be that the little fox...doesn't like eating radishes?

Zilan felt a "thump" in her heart, and suddenly became apprehensive.

He suspected that he had done something bad with good intentions.

He cramped up, his paws receded unconsciously, and his erect wolf ears drooped down.

Zilan said dejectedly, "Don't you...don't like it?"


When Xue Li heard Xue Lang's voice suddenly drop, she looked up at him.

Through the misty water vapor, Xueli saw the big snowy wolf with its ears drooped and sitting in front of her dejectedly. Although the big snowy wolf would not cry like her, it could be seen that it looked very disappointed.

The snow wolf's paws still had dirt marks from the mud, and the dusty color of the mud extended from the paws to the calves, and he also felt embarrassed.

Snow Wolf must have been busy in the forest for a long time for these radishes.

And Sydney can tell that these radishes must have been carefully selected and it took a long time to find them.

Seeing his appearance, Sydney immediately softened her heart.

She couldn't bear to live up to Snow Wolf's good intentions, so she lowered her head with difficulty, and "clicked" a bite of a carrot that he thought she would eat.

The taste of raw radish spread quickly in the mouth.

With tears in her eyes, Xue Li choked and hiccupped and said, "Okay, it's delicious... Woooo..."

Although Sydney tried hard to hold back, she actually cried super hard.

Zilan looked at the little nine-tailed fox who was crying so loudly, how could she not understand that she was really unhappy, and hurriedly comforted her.

Sydney cried "Aww!" "Aww!"

In order to get closer to her, Zilan lay down on the ground and coaxed her with "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" but he didn't dare to reach out his paws to touch the crying little fox, so he kept wagging his tail anxiously.

Zilan had no choice but to stand up and quickly dig a hole in the ground, and then buried a carrot back on the spot.

"Woo woo woo..."

Seeing that he had buried the radish back, Xue Li cried a little less.

Seeing that this was useful, Zilan hurriedly buried a few more radishes in front of her, and deliberately chose a place farther away from the wooden house.

After a while, the little fox finally got tired of crying and gave a "hiccup".

"Are you all right?"

Zilan asked with concern.

Even if Xueli stopped crying, she was still very lethargic after seeing so many radishes, not to mention howling just now, her eyes were red and sobbing.

At this time, it was almost dark, and neither of them had the energy to care about the remaining radishes on the ground, so they went back to the house together.

After returning to the wooden house, the little fox immediately scurried back into the room by itself, jumped onto the bed, and rolled into a ball pitifully.

In fact, today is still a long time before the little fox usually sleeps, but she seems to be out of energy, and she didn't even eat dinner.

Zilan hid outside the room and looked at her worriedly.

There was no light in Sydney's room, and the light was dim and dim. I could barely see a small white ball on the bed with its face buried in its tail.

Zilan felt that her actions made the little fox cry, and she was very anxious.

Soon, he saw that the little Nine-Tailed Fox seemed to be falling asleep from exhaustion. After thinking about it, he quietly walked outside the house...

Sydney didn't wake up until Sishi from this sleep.

She didn't eat much last night, didn't do much homework from her aunt, and cried for a long time until her eyes were swollen. Now that she thought about it, she was very ashamed, and she had to huddle under the quilt for a long time before mustering the courage to get out.

It was already bright outside the window.

Xueli ran to the end of the bed and looked outside, only to find that Big Snow Wolf was not in the house, and the yard was also empty. Not only was there no one, even the piles of radishes that had piled up last night were gone.

Xue Li panicked, and was about to look left and right to find someone. At this moment, she suddenly noticed that the door of the room was open, and outside the room, a wolf's head was poking out a little bit cautiously, guiltily looking into the room. voila.

Sydney: "..."

The snow wolf was obviously very big, but it huddled itself into a ball with all its strength, and hid itself behind with the wall of the wooden house. Only a little bit of its head, ears, and a pair of restless wolf eyes were exposed, which could not be seen without careful inspection .

Big Snow Wolf quietly hid outside to watch her, as if he didn't dare to come in.

Seeing that Xueli woke up and looked back, he hesitated for a moment, then retracted, took out a basket, and put it at the door, then retracted again, took out a basket, and put it at the door again.

After placing the two baskets, the Big Snow Wolf shrank back behind the door, only showing a few ears and eyes, watching her reaction helplessly.

One basket was full of fresh and gorgeous flowers, and the other was full of the kind of green fruit that Sydney liked to eat very much.

As soon as he saw it, he came over to apologize.

Zilan regretted crying Sydney last night. In order to make her happy again, she stayed up all night and buried all the radishes she dug out.

Zilan had never faced a girl crying before, and didn't know what to do in such a situation, so she had to imitate the appearance of other wolf fairies she had seen in the wolf realm before, and brought her flowers, and picked this green flower again. small fruit.

He remembered that this kind of fruit was the fruit that Sydney had eaten in front of him. At that time, Sydney didn't eat the radish he pushed back, but ate this small fruit. Zilan guessed that this kind of fruit might be Sydney's real favorite, at least it should be Not annoying.

After finishing these things, Zilan didn't dare to enter the house for a while, fearing that Xue Li would no longer want to live with him, so she silently guarded the door, waiting for her to wake up.

Seeing the two baskets brought by Zilan, Xueli froze for a moment.

She thought about it, jumped off the bed, and ran out with nine tails.

Seeing the little nine-tailed fox running towards him, Zilan raised her heart nervously.

But the little Nine-Tailed Fox was not angry, on the contrary, he felt guilty looking at it.

In fact, Xueli also felt guilty towards Snowy Wolf. After all, he can’t be blamed for this incident. It was she who gave him radishes every day, which made Snowy Wolf feel that this was the food she usually ate a lot, so she went out to help find food of.

Xueli moved her little paw and said, "I'm sorry, it took a lot of work to make you eat so many radishes."

She folded her ears guiltily, but then, she came to her senses and hurriedly circled the big snow wolf worriedly.

Daxuelang came back today after washing his paws clean, and he came back only after his body was completely free of mud.

But yesterday he dug up so many radishes with great effort, had to pick and dig out radishes, walked so many roads, and had to carry them all back. Today, these radishes are gone, replaced by fresh flowers and fruits, I also know that there are many actions.

Especially these small blue fruits grow on very tall trees. With such a big wound on the snow wolf's back, it is logically impossible to pick them.

Big Snow Wolf is still injured, it's really hard for Sydney not to worry.

Xue Li anxiously jumped beside him and said, "Don't move! Come into the room quickly and let me see if the wound on your body is open!"

Zilan watched the little nine-tailed fox jumping up and down anxiously beside him, and led him into the house. Of course, she understood that the little fox was not angry with him anymore, but Zilan was still a little embarrassed to enter the house.

He hesitated for a moment, seeing that Xueli had already jumped into the house, he still stepped forward and walked in slowly.

Xueli urged Zilan to lie down on the cushion as usual, and then jumped up and down to unwrap the wound medicine on his body.

Sydney's heart sank slightly.

Daxuelang's wound was indeed open, and the blood had already soaked several layers of the wound cloth. Fortunately, considering his size, Sydney took a lot of medicine, and the wound was wrapped in a thick cloth, and the medicine had just been changed in the past two days, so it was not a big deal.

Xue Li was both sad that Snow Wolf let his wounds open because of her, but also thankful that the current situation was not difficult. She quickly fetched new wound medicine and cloth, and skillfully bandaged it up.

Zilan was also very embarrassed when the little Nine-Tailed Fox found out that she had opened the wound again. She lay on her stomach obediently, not daring to move, and let Xueli work.

Xueli is already very experienced in taking care of Snowy Wolf, and knows all about his injuries.

She checked all the wounds on Zilan's body, applied medicine and bandaged them, and carefully re-treated even the places that were not particularly serious.

But after a while, Xue Li suddenly paused, and found something not quite right.

Xuelang's breath is weak, and his pulse is a bit chaotic. Although most of the time it is no different from normal people, but Xueli takes care of him and heals his injuries all day long. She is also a medical fairy with good medical skills, so she can naturally detect it.

In fact, this has happened before.

At first she thought that Xue Lang was seriously injured, that's why he was like this, and she didn't pay special attention to it, but now his injury should have recovered, but his pulse is still the same, with confusion from time to time, which is not normal People are so stable.

In addition, he seems to be more afraid of the cold than normal people. Although he is covered with such thick fur, he sleeps tightly in the nest every night. In addition, his body is not very sensitive to several kinds of herbal medicines, as if he has developed drug resistance and is used to these herbal medicines.

These various manifestations all indicate that he was not very healthy before he was seriously injured, and it may be because of his medical history.

He should have been taking medicine since he was a child and has been receiving treatment, but judging from his current condition, it seems that he has not recovered yet.