MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 10

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After class, Jiang Shuyi rushed out of the classroom with a red face.

Looking at her back, which runs faster than a rabbit, Wen Yao also got up and walked to the English office.

The English teacher is sorting out the papers in the office, "Wen Yao, you are just in time, help me register the papers of these students according to their scores."

"Okay." Wen Yao put down the class diary in his hand, nodded and walked over.

The English teacher's office is on the second floor, and the computer is right next to the window where you can see the atrium. The atrium looks very quiet under the illumination of street lights.

Wen Yao flipped through a few pages of the test paper, and entered the student's grade information into the computer a little tiredly.

There was a rustling sound outside the window.

Wen Yao raised his head and found a milk cat looking at him on the tree in the atrium outside the window.

Wen Yao looked at it for a while, and felt that the cat might not be able to get down the tree.

Cats are like this, they like to climb to high places.

When climbing, I just keep rushing forward, but when going down, it is difficult for my claws to grasp the branches. Therefore, it is easy to climb up the tree and difficult to get down from the tree.

In addition, they are sensitive and timid when people approach them, so they dare not come down.

— really asking for trouble.

Wen Yao felt that the cat looked a bit like someone.

Her fingers rested on the keyboard for a while, and just as she was about to get up, she saw a person walking under the tree.

Jiang Shuyi climbed up the tree lightly, and smiled affectionately at the cat.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you down."

After the cat meowed obediently a few times, it crawled into Jiang Shuyi's arms on its own initiative.

Jiang Shuyi hugged the cat and jumped directly from the tree.

Probably because he didn't grasp his balance, Jiang Shuyi landed on his buttocks when he landed.

Jiang Shuyi looked around vigilantly, and heaved a sigh of relief when he found that no one saw him fall.

"Is she a fool?" Wen Yao calmly looked at Jiang Shuyi's back and sighed.

Alpha standing in the atrium stretched out his finger to tease the kitten in his arms.

The kitten slapped her disrespectfully with its paw, and then swept Jiang Shuyi's hair with its tail.

Jiang Shuyi stopped laughing immediately.

"How did you catch me?"

Wen Yao listened to Jiang Shuyi's boring monologue, and quietly looked at Alpha in the distance with his chin resting on his hands.

Jiang Shuyi wanted to stretch out his hand to touch the cat's head again, but before he could put his hand on it, the cat scratched Jiang Shuyi's paws again.

Jiang Shuyi looked at the cat incredulously, "You were very obedient when you helped me, but when you let me down, you have a big temper like that one, you won't even be allowed to touch your head..."

"...You guys hate me so much?" Jiang Shuyi lowered his head, grabbed the kitten's meat ball, and pinched it, "You two are exactly the same, mean and indifferent, not human..."

Wen Yao listened to Jiang Shuyi's words and turned her head, turning a page of the test paper indifferently.


After Jiang Shuyi sent the cat to the school security room, he returned to the classroom. Wen Yao was sitting on the seat and reading a book in English.

Jiang Shuyi looked at her, coughed, "Wen Yao."

Wen Yao glanced at her, but did not answer.

"At noon, I was wrong. I just saw chalk dust on your head and wanted to wipe it off for you. I didn't expect to make you so unhappy..."

"I won't touch you casually in the future." Jiang Shuyi said reluctantly.

When Wen Yao heard this sentence, the pen in his hand stuck on the book, "..."

"I'm sorry." Jiang Shuyi continued.

"It's okay." Wen Yao's answer was very neat.

"Really?" Jiang Shuyi sat up straight all of a sudden.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao a little restlessly, and asked a little unsure what she was thinking, "Did you really forgive me?"

Wen Yao looked at her nervous expression, lowered her gaze calmly, "Yes."

"But," Wen Yao said in a flat tone, turning over a page of the English book in his hand, "you don't have to force yourself to apologize to me who is mean, indifferent, and unkind."

—Is this what I said when I was talking to myself in the courtyard just now?

"Did you hear that?" Jiang Shuyi's face was pale.

"But, I'm not talking nonsense, you're just very indifferent to me..." Jiang Shuyi argued with a guilty conscience.

Wen Yao ignored her.

She glanced at Wen Yao secretly, "I apologize to you, can you stop being angry?"

"I'm sorry that if you say too much, it will appear insincere." Wen Yao's tone was cold.

"..." Jiang Shuyi closed his mouth.

OK, what you say is what you say.

"...Then can I still ask you questions in the future?" Jiang Shuyi was still brooding over the fact that Wen Yao only answered other people's questions.


"Then why don't you tell me about this problem?" Jiang Shuyi pointed to a chemistry problem.

Wen Yao took the book and was about to answer when there was a voice at the door.

"Is the monitor of your class here? There will be a grade meeting later, and the monitor and party secretary of each class will also go there together."

The grade director came over and knocked on the door, "Get ready for a meeting."

"Okay." Wen Yao replied calmly.

She meticulously took out her pen and notebook, and glanced at Jiang Shuyi who was holding a chemistry exercise book.

"...You go." Jiang Shuyi waved his hand.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi, and said calmly as always: "The meeting will take about thirty minutes, if you—"

"Oh, then I'll wait for you to come back." Jiang Shuyi immediately sat on the chair and nodded like a big obedient dog.

Wen Yao stopped. She originally wanted to say that if Jiang Shuyi was in a hurry, he could go to the chemistry teacher.

She lowered her eyes and glanced at Jiang Shuyi's hand.

On the back of Jiang Shuyi's hand, there were several claw marks left by cats.

"Hold out your hand." Wen Yao slowly took out something from his coat pocket.

"..." Jiang Shuyi was a little confused, but obediently stretched out his right hand.

Looking at her canine appearance, Wen Yao tore off the band-aid on her hand and pasted it on her wound.

Wen Yao's fingers were icy cold, and when he lightly pressed the band-aid, Jiang Shuyi felt icy cold.

Still a little comfortable.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, and his throat rolled, "Why do you have a Band-Aid...?"

Wen Yao's originally gentle hand pressed harder on the band-aid, "Don't talk so much."

"Hiss," Jiang Shuyi, who was pressed to the wound, yelled, and looked at her with some confusion, "Oh, I got it."

"Jiang Shuyi," Wen Yao took out a new band-aid and pasted it quietly on her wound, "You are so doglike."

"That's what makes cats hate it." Wen Yao left these words and slowly got up and left the classroom.


It has been an hour since Wen Yao went to the meeting.

After the evening self-study get out of class, Jiang Shuyi swayed his legs and watched the students around him leave one by one.

She rested her chin and looked at Wen Yao's seat boredly.

The books are meticulously aligned and sorted, a clean and unworn plastic ruler, a mechanical pencil, and her drafts are neatly listed in the draft book issued by the school.

The classroom bell rang, nine o'clock.

The third thirty minutes passed, and Jiang Shuyi, who hadn't seen Wen Yao return to class, let out a sigh.

—Is the grade meeting time too long? They are just a group of students, how can there be so many things to discuss?

It got dark early in late October, and now there was already a faint twinkle of stars in the sky.

A faint moon was also visible hanging in the distance.

Jiang Shuyi stayed in the silent classroom and suddenly felt very hungry.

A security guard walks in, flicking his flashlight.

"Student, why haven't you left yet?"

"...Ah, I stayed because of the class meeting."


Jiang Shuyi responded a few more times before the security guard walked out.

Jiang Shuyi lay down on the table, feeling really hungry.

want to eat something...

There should be food for sale at the door now.

— But what if Wen Yao came back and saw that I was not there and left?

"What kind of meeting are they holding? Why are you so annoying, don't you treat the monitor as a human being?"

"Very hungry." Jiang Shuyi was so hungry that his eyes turned black.

—With my pace, it shouldn't matter if I run back.

But when Jiang Shuyi thought of the moment Wen Yao put a Band-Aid on himself, he felt as if his **** was stuck to a chair and couldn't stand up.

"...wait another ten minutes, and if she doesn't come back after ten minutes, I won't wait."


After the grade meeting was over, Deng Ningxuan and Wen Yao walked towards the classroom one after the other.

"It's already so late, shall I take you back?" Deng Ningxuan looked at the moon outside the window and said.

"I don't need it." Wen Yao said calmly, and pushed open the classroom door.

The meeting, which was supposed to be completed in thirty minutes, turned out to be two and a half hours.

Wen Yao also knew that there should be no one in the classroom now.

But when she opened the door and looked at the Alpha who was sleeping next to her seat, she still couldn't express how she felt for a while.


"Why hasn't she left yet?" Deng Ningxuan muttered softly, carrying his bag.

Wen Yao shook Jiang Shuyi's shoulder.

Jiang Shuyi remained motionless.

Seeing Alpha, who was drooling on the table and chewing constantly, Wen Yao sighed, "...What the **** is she dreaming about?"

"Wen Yao," Deng Ningxuan looked at Wen Yao, "Aren't you going?"

After finishing tidying up the desktop, Deng Ningxuan looked at Wen Yao.

"Let's go." Wen Yao pulled out the chair and sat down.

Deng Ningxuan glanced at Jiang Shuyi who was lying beside Wen Yao, and paused, "You don't mean to wait for her, do you?"

Wen Yao's tone was indifferent, and he didn't answer Deng Ningxuan's question, "I'll lock the door."

"Wen Yao, it's not safe for you to go home at night with an Omega, why don't you go back now?" Deng Ningxuan frowned, worried, "Why wait for her alone?"

"It's okay." Wen Yao shook his head and said calmly, "Go back."

"..." Deng Ningxuan walked out.

When closing the door, he quietly turned around and looked at Wen Yao.

Wen Yao was looking at Jiang Shuyi's sleeping face without saying a word, his eyes were very serious.

Deng Ningxuan immediately frowned, and his tone hesitated, "Wen Yao, Jiang Shuyi is really not a good student, you'd better not get too close to her..."

Wen Yao glanced at him, "Why do you say this? Does it have anything to do with you?"

"No, I'm afraid you will be influenced by her." Deng Ningxuan lifted his schoolbag and said seriously.

"No one can influence me, Deng Ningxuan." Wen Yao's tone was flat.

"Please don't mind your own business."

Deng Ningxuan closed his mouth in embarrassment, "..."

After leaving the classroom, he clenched his fists unwillingly.