MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 11

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Jiang Shuyi woke up from the cold.

She had slept in only a shirt, which was really cold in late October.

She sneezed, reached out and hugged herself tightly, and touched her side habitually, trying to cover herself with the quilt.

But he didn't touch it for a long time, feeling the stiffness of his neck and the coldness under his head, Jiang Shuyi sat up in a daze.


She is still in the classroom.

Jiang Shuyi smelled the faint fragrance of roses in the air.

She blew her nose.

"It's over, how long have I been asleep...?"

Jiang Shuyi's heart skipped a beat.

"Slept for at least an hour." A cold voice sounded from beside her.

Jiang Shuyi immediately looked to the side, "..."

"...Are you done with the meeting?"

Looking at the meticulous Omega in front of him, Jiang Shuyi pretended to casually wipe the drool on his face, and straightened his collar.

—Wen Yao, she won't see me drooling, will she? I think should not be?

From the corner of her gaze, she cautiously glanced at the reflective window beside her, and she was a little concerned about whether she had wiped off her drool.

But after thinking about Wen Yao's words, Jiang Shuyi glanced at the wall clock above the classroom with some trepidation, and the hour hand was about to reach 'Eleventh'.

"Is it this late already?" She stood up suddenly.

"...When did you finish the meeting?"

Wen Yao held his chin, calmly closed the book and put it back in his schoolbag, "An hour ago."

This answer was beyond Jiang Shuyi's expectation, she asked directly:

"... Then you, why haven't you come home yet?"

Jiang Shuyi looked at her in disbelief.

"Then why didn't you go home after school? Don't you usually run faster than anyone else?" Wen Yao looked at her quietly.

"That's because you asked me to wait for thirty minutes..."

Although I waited more than thirty minutes.

Jiang Shuyi thought that he had been hungry for a long time, so he couldn't help but said aggrievedly, "Who knew that your meeting was held so long, the old lady didn't even wear such a foot wrap."

Hearing her words, Wen Yao stopped his movements, " really look like a dog."

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao curiously. In fact, it was the first time she was said that, and she didn't understand what kind of image she was.

"Where does it look like?" Jiang Shuyi asked.

"Simple-minded, noisy, familiar." Wen Yao listed the similarities one by one.

Why doesn't that sound like a good thing? Jiang Shuyi puffed up his face a little unhappy.

"Take out the question you want to ask." Wen Yao took out his pencil and tapped the table, "I'll teach you."

Jiang Shuyi had a hesitant expression.

"But it's almost eleven o'clock, and the school is about to close."

Wen Yao looked at her calmly, "Don't you want to ask?"

"I don't want to ask, so I'll go back." Wen Yao slowly put the pen into the stationery bag and began to tidy up the desktop.

Jiang Shuyi hastily grabbed Wen Yao's clothes.

"I didn't mean that, you teach me."

"No, please teach me, Teacher Wen." Jiang Shuyi's tone can be said to be very sincere.

If Wen Yao were to leave, with this Omega's temper, Jiang Shuyi felt that she would never give him a lecture again tomorrow.


Wen Yao stopped, put the question in front of her, and analyzed it for her sentence by sentence.

"...Do you understand?" Wen Yao clicked on the blank space in front of her.

"Yes, I understand." Jiang Shuyi nodded straightforwardly, then slowly stood up and prepared to go back.

"Then do it again yourself." Wen Yao's voice stopped her action.

Hearing this sentence, the corners of Jiang Shuyi's mouth twitched, "Aren't we... going home?"

It's almost eleven o'clock, and the school gates are almost closed.

Wen Yao said nothing, "Didn't you say you wanted to learn this question?"

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Wen Yao's expression, sat back on the bench honestly, and said in a low tone, "...Okay, I'll do it right away."

How did she forget that this man was a Spartan teacher?

After watching Jiang Shuyi finish writing the question, Wen Yao calmly picked up the schoolbag that he had already packed.

"Come on, I'm closing the classroom door."

"Oh, um."

Jiang Shuyi hurriedly stuffed things into his schoolbag and followed, "I'll go with you."


When it wasn't raining or snowing, Jiang Shuyi wouldn't take the car to and from school, so the driver didn't come to pick her up today.

Her house and Wen Yao's house are in completely opposite directions, and they will be separated when they walk out of the school gate and walk to the avenue.

However, it was already very late, Jiang Shuyi still wanted to send Wen Yao back before going home.

After the two left the classroom, they walked on the road one after the other. Jiang Shuyi walked up behind Wen Yao, and lifted the handle of Wen Yao's schoolbag with his hand.


Seemingly realizing that her schoolbag was a little lighter, Wen Yao looked back and found that Jiang Shuyi was carrying her schoolbag and continued to walk forward without refusing.

"Wen Yao."


"Could it be that you didn't leave just to answer my question?" Jiang Shuyi was very concerned about this question, and he cared very much.

She felt that Wen Yao was 80% likely to be waiting for her.

This made her mood very complicated, and she couldn't figure out what was in her mood.

In short, some inexplicable emotions came up.

It can be said to be happy, there is no lack of a little bit of pride but also some guilt, but the main reason may be that it is mostly unsatisfactory happiness.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Jiang Shuyi asked with red ears.

"I didn't leave just because I wanted to lock the door of the classroom. I was just passing by to give you a lecture."

Wen Yao looked ahead calmly, without seeming to be lying at all.

"It's not that I didn't call you," Wen Yao said calmly, "It's just that you are drooling and sleeping soundly, and I can't wake you up."

"I've heard that simple people sleep soundly, and it seems to be true."

"..." Jiang Shuyi stopped talking.

— This person really saw himself drooling...

Jiang Shuyi's joy was swept away, and he began to feel sad.

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi's reddening ears amusedly, and stopped talking.

Soon, the two came to the alley where Wen Yao's house was located.

"...When you get home, send me a text message to report your safety," Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao and let go of the handle of her backpack with some reluctance, "Understood?"

Feeling the sudden weight of his backpack, Wen Yao hummed quietly.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but want to reach out and rub her head, but when he thought that he had promised Wen Yao not to touch her, he turned his hand in another direction carefully, and patted Wen Yao. Yao's schoolbag.

"Then go back quickly and don't worry your family."

"..." Wen Yao lowered his eyes and did not speak.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shuyi looked at her.

Wen Yao shook his head, and continued to walk deep into the alley.

"Good night." Looking at Wen Yao's back, Jiang Shuyi greeted him.

Wen Yao walked a few steps forward in silence, and replied lightly without looking back: "Good night."


Jiang Shuyi, who was lying on the bed at home, received a text message.

It's Wen Yao's text message.

Jiang Shuyi opened it excitedly, his face immediately collapsed.

Wen Yao: "Here we are."

After so many years of texting, Jiang Shuyi has never seen such a simple and frustrating combination of words.

But when she thought about it carefully, Wen Yao didn't reply with "um" as she said last time, which should be enough for her to praise.

At least now there is one more word, plus a full stop.

It's two words and a full stop.

Jiang Shuyi thought optimistically.

Jiang Shuyi immediately typed a long text message to Wen Yao. The main purpose of the long text message was to thank Wen Yao for teaching him to write questions tonight. The other main purpose was a little longer, and the main point was to repay Wen Yao for his teaching. Well, I want to take Wen Yao to the amusement park to relax on the weekend, and her two tickets are still there.

She was lying on the bed with her mobile phone in her arms, afraid of missing Wen Yao's reply, so she kept waiting.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no reply from Wen Yao, so, in the twilight, Jiang Shuyi fell asleep on the bed with his mobile phone in his arms.

Jiang Shuyi received Wen Yao's reply the next morning.

Regrettably, the content of Wen Yao's text message can still feel the indifference of this person:


This text message is still two words and a period.

Jiang Shuyi suddenly discovered that sometimes, the word 'um' is better.