MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 12

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"So, you really don't want to go?" Jiang Shuyi sneaked a glance at Wen Yao beside him.

Wen Yao is writing a question, and today she is doing a classic self-enrollment exercise.

To Jiang Shuyi, this paper looked really boring.

Jiang Shuyi invited with some coyness: "Actually, if you go with me, you don't need to queue up, you can enjoy any facility as you like..."

Song Jinxi wanted to play with me, but I didn't even give her a chance.

Jiang Shuyi added something in his heart.

"I don't have time." Wen Yao quickly finished a question and checked the answer.

Clearly she was right, so she turned the page reassuringly, adding in passing, "I'm going to be homeschooling on the weekends."

Great, worthy of being a top student.

But seeing Wen Yao's attitude of being more interested in studying than himself, Jiang Shuyi couldn't help showing a disappointed expression.

"You really like studying, can studying make you happy?" Jiang Shuyi looked at her aggrievedly.

"En." Wen Yao replied indifferently, not knowing whether it was perfunctory or serious.


Jiang Shuyi felt a little suffocated, and this kind of happiness should be beyond her lifetime.

Wen Yao wrote a few more words, and accidentally glanced at Jiang Shuyi's hand, "It's best to replace the Band-Aid on your hand today."

she said abruptly.

Being told this, Jiang Shuyi felt a little reluctant and said:

"...I think this Band-Aid is quite good, and it can be used for a few more days."

"..." Wen Yao frowned in disapproval.

These two band-aids are mediocre and not waterproof. You can buy a bag for five yuan and a box for ten yuan. On average, you can buy one for less than fifty cents.

Wen Yao really can't feel that there is any place that is of such good quality that it can be used for several days in a row.

"I don't think it's hygienic."

"Really..." Jiang Shuyi was helpless.

"Wouldn't it be better to go to the infirmary to get a new one?" Wen Yao answered lightly, "Obviously they are all the same."

Jiang Shuyi turned his head away and puffed up his face without saying a word.

— Where is it the same?

—It's completely different!

—Would the one you brought and pasted for me be the same as the one I picked up myself?

She glanced at the Band-Aid.

In fact, for an Alpha like her who was eighteen years old with excellent self-healing ability, if she was scratched by a cat, the wound would heal within half a day.

Spitting some saliva on the wound is overprotective of the wound, let alone putting on a Band-Aid.

The Band-Aid on her hand now is at best a...


Jiang Shuyi sat in front of the classroom desk, looked at the Band-Aid in his hand, thought hard, and finally gave up thinking.

Anyway, she felt that the Band-Aid on the back of her hand was very good and perfect.

In short, do not want to lose.


In evening self-study, Jiang Shuyi was asking Wen Yao some exercises.

She didn't notice that the head teacher had slowly approached from behind her.

"Jiang Shuyi." Li Roujia stretched her neck and looked at the book in front of Jiang Shuyi.

Jiang Shuyi moved his shoulders, raised his head stiffly, "...Ms. Li?"

Li Roujia tapped Jiang Shuyi's desk, "Come to my office, the other students will continue their self-study."

The other students in the class immediately buried their curious heads.

"..." Jiang Shuyi walked out with Li Roujia in a murmur, not knowing what he had done.



Jiang Shuyi looked at the ground uncomfortably.

Sure enough, no matter how old she is, she has a sense of fear about talking to the teacher in the office.

Generally speaking, asking her to go to the office is basically nothing good.

Li Roujia looked at Jiang Shuyi, and said calmly, "Which school do you plan to go to in the future? Have you filled out the volunteer form?"

"I'm not sure yet..." Jiang Shuyi felt that he didn't have any clear goals.

Go wherever you can, don't think too much about everything.

This is her code of conduct.

"You play the piano well, have you considered going to the conservatory?" Li Roujia began to suggest.

"…didn't think about it."

Jiang Shuyi can play the piano.

However, she doesn't think she can be compared with those students who seriously want to be admitted to the conservatory of music and train hard every day for this purpose by playing the piano.

"Really? Then you can actually think about it. I think you are very suitable to take this path. The entertainment performance last time was very good." Li Roujia praised.

"Thank you, teacher."

Jiang Shuyi knew that it was not yet time for the three-way talk, and now that the teacher called her here, it was definitely not about volunteering, and it was certainly not to praise her for the last entertainment performance.

Sure enough, not long after, Li Roujia cleared her throat and started to get down to business.

"Recently, I heard a little rumor."

She looked at Jiang Shuyi peacefully, "Say you are affecting Wen Yao's study."

Li Roujia took off her glasses and pressed the corners of her eyes, "Is it true?"

After hearing this, Jiang Shuyi immediately raised his head to look at Li Roujia, with an incredulous expression on his face.

She really wanted to argue that Wen Yao's Omega could not be influenced by someone like her...

But she suddenly remembered that yesterday, because Wen Yao hadn't come home until eleven o'clock, she felt a little guilty again, "Probably not..."

"Really?" Li Roujia sighed, "Then do you remember this morning?"

"When I came to the classroom, I heard you talking to Wen Yao."

"We're going to have midterm exams soon, but you're still asking people to go to the amusement park."

"Is this what you call not affecting?"

But didn't she agree to me?

Jiang Shuyi lowered his head, only daring to talk back forcefully in his heart.

Li Roujia shook her head, and looked at Jiang Shuyi with some resentment, "I also heard people say that you drag him to eat at noon every day."

"Obviously they don't like it, but you still always follow behind them."

Teacher Li listed Jiang Shuyi's crimes one by one.

"The teacher actually doesn't want to care about where every student in the class sits, but it's really not suitable for the two of you to sit together. You will distract Wen Yao's attention."

"After the self-study, you and Zhou Jingtang should switch back."

"Ms. Li, I—"

Jiang Shuyi immediately stood up straight, and looked at Teacher Li with some resistance.

"Jiang Shuyi." Li Roujia sighed.

"Don't think that I have any prejudice against you as a teacher, but you entered our class as a special art student, and you know what it means..."

"Yes, your family is very rich."

"What other classmates have to spend thousands of times to have, your parents have given you since you were born."

"Your parents have given you a lot of ways to go. Even if you have a little problem with your academic performance, you can still go to a gold-plated university abroad, and you can directly inherit your parents' company, and you are indeed talented in art. You can go this way."

"You can play unscrupulously, go to the amusement park, skip classes, but other students don't have this time."

"They are now in a critical period. Do you know how early Wen Yao comes to school every morning?"

"Yes, you have time, but can you afford to waste other people's time?"

Jiang Shuyi couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

She found that Li Roujia spoke in a calm and objective manner, calmly and objectively expounding the facts that everyone knew.

But these facts, just exist, can hold oneself, almost punishing every word.

Li Roujia sighed, "I know, besides that, you will talk to people and ask questions after class."

"You know that studying is a good thing. Teacher, I have no objection... But now, the time of other students is very urgent."

Teacher Li sighed.

"..." Jiang Shuyi felt that his throat was really stuck, and he couldn't say a word.

"Tomorrow, I want to see you change your position and Zhou Jingtang's position back."

Li Roujia instructed Jiang Shuyi again cautiously.

"Also, teacher, I don't want to hear any other students say that you disturb Wen Yao and affect her study."

"Do you understand?"

Jiang Shuyi nodded his head in embarrassment.

The bell for the evening self-study get out of class rang.

"Now is the critical period of the third year of high school. I hope you will not be too self-centered like the first and second year of high school."

"Be up to date, Jiang Shuyi." Li Roujia patted her on the shoulder.

Jiang Shuyi nodded and returned to the classroom without saying a word.