MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 57

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Jiang Shuyi chose to apply for the college where Professor Wen was in because of an unknown coincidence.

The first time Jiang Shuyi met Professor Wen was at the admissions meeting of H University.

At that time, the enrollment of H University will be in February or winter.

At that time, Jiang Shuyi went there with his classmates.

In fact, most admissions meetings give people the same impression.

Each department will probably invite a professor to give a lecture.

Some of these professors are from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, and some are from the Faculty of Astronomy.

No matter which subject they are teaching, their speeches are very attractive and romantic, which makes people feel the charm of this subject. It seems that every sentence can lead students into learning in the palace.

After several professors finished their speeches, Professor Wen also came up.

Professor Wen is wearing a gray turtleneck sweater.

Her hair was neatly tied back, and she walked up to the podium elegantly and calmly in high heels, and adjusted the microphone professionally.

Looking at her movements, Jiang Shuyi felt that very few people adjusted the posture of the microphone to look so good.

She became a little interested in this unknown teacher, sat up straight and looked towards the podium.

"I am Wen Yao from the School of Life and Medicine."

The woman's clear and cold voice sounded softly in the auditorium.

Obviously the voice is not loud, but it has the gravity that attracts people to listen to it.

This Professor Wen didn't hold the manuscript in his hand, and his eyes stopped in the distance somewhat casually, as if thinking of where to say,

"I believe students who want to apply for my department have heard of it."

"Our department is 'difficult to graduate', there must be someone who advises you not to enter our department."

Jiang Shuyi thought she would say 'but' or other words that indicate a turning point, but Professor Wen nodded, and then said in her cold voice:

"Those who advised you are right. Indeed, it's best not to come."

As soon as she said this, the students in the audience began to chatter and make noise, and the professors behind her had a familiar expression.

Professor Wen didn't care about the expressions of the students in the audience, and hugged his shoulders,

"As for the students who still want to come to our department after hearing those words, I ask you to think more about it."

"Life and medicine is a course that is closely related to the safety of human life. In my opinion, none of the courses in our department is interesting."

Her expression didn't change a bit, she looked very tough.

"Professor Chen said just now that he can use astronomy to bring you romance, and Professor Zhang said that he can use history to improve your quality."

"You may think that I have to say something like this, but unfortunately, my department teachers can't give you anything."

"By the way, I personally think the astronomy and history departments are much more interesting."

Professor Chen and Professor Zhang, who were named, smiled slightly from a distance, as if to say, 'Look, it's right to report to our department'.

"Life time is very short, and you will spend the most precious time of your life in college."

"I hope everyone here will think carefully about whether you have more important things to do in your life, and whether it is worthwhile to waste six years in our department."

After Professor Wen finished speaking coldly, he walked off the podium without looking back, leaving a series of cold high-heeled shoes behind.

Jiang Shuyi watched the woman walk down the stairs freely, but did not react for a long time.

After listening to this speech, the students who applied for the School of Life and Medicine are undoubtedly those students who have the pursuit of medicine.

But Jiang Shuyi clearly knew that he was not.

She just really liked the feeling that her heart was plucked the moment she heard the cold-looking professor speak for the first time.

It was an inconsiderate impulse.

With such a mentality, it is unqualified to be a student.

If she regretted it, of course she regretted it too.

It's just that she may have regretted it many times, and said that she regretted it many times, but in fact, she has never regretted being Wen Yao's student.


To say that the one she regrets the most is the one she went to study in the UK.

"Where are the documents?" The professor looked at Jiang Shuyi who had rushed over and asked.

Jiang Shuyi looked for it, only to find that the file was gone.

She took a breath, "...I seem to have landed on a taxi."

"..." Professor Wen took off his glasses quietly, and looked at Jiang Shuyi without saying a word.

Jiang Shuyi felt that everything in front of her eyes had become pitch black, and she was really ashamed.

That day, she stood in the stairwell of the presentation hall and was scolded **** by Professor Wen.

Professor Wen was always cold when guiding her in the past, but he had never seen her so angry.

Professor Wen's cynicism is not something ordinary people can bear, she scolded Jiang Shuyi for half an hour.

Jiang Shuyi understood that he was the most ineffective among Professor Wen's students.

However, when she criticized her that day, even the people outside the stairwell could hear her. Whether it was the students or assistants of professors from other schools, or the doorman in a red suit passing by for cleaning, they all looked at her with pity. With Jiang Shuyi.

This made Jiang Shuyi very guilty and uneasy.

But she felt that the most uncomfortable thing was just at night, when she went to the professor's room, the sentence that Professor Wen left when criticizing her,

"It's also my fault that I entrust everything to you."


That day, none of the people in the academy spoke to Jiang Shuyi.

Maybe it's because they are taking her feelings into consideration, or maybe it's because people like her don't need to care anymore.

She really wanted to leave this place immediately, to return to China, and to give up studying under Wen Yao.

However, she still didn't leave, she gritted her teeth and stayed in this academy until the last day, working hard, studying and studying.

She understood that once she went back, there would be nothing left.


Jiang Shuyi understands that he doesn't have any liking for medicine, and his study is nothing more than a love affair.

This is fatal for learning.

Learning supported by such emotions is really insincere.

As Professor Wen said, life is very short, and she spent the most precious time in her life in college.

And during this most precious period of time, she spent all her time looking at Professor Wen.

All the time, she regarded Wen Yao as her goal.

Real life is not like a game, where there will be an end.

On the contrary, there is no end to anything.

It seems that there is no end to learning, and the communication between people seems to have no end.

There is no end to even chasing a person.

She was very tired of studying and chasing, and she was very grateful to Wen Yao for being willing to teach herself.

Without her, I'm afraid I have nothing to do now.

Whether it was when I was teaching myself before I came here, or now I sacrifice my time to teach myself during the third year of high school.

Wen Yao is helping herself, guiding herself, and teaching herself.

It's safe to follow Wen Yao like this.

If it can be like this forever, Jiang Shuyi thinks it's actually pretty good.

However, Jiang Shuyi couldn't bear to add Xiao Jiayu to such a relationship.

She seldom hates or envies anyone, the only person she has ever hated in her life is Xiao Jiayu.

That Associate Professor Xiao who seems to have known Professor Wen from before, who is personable and has a group of Omega fans, will make Jiang Shuyi feel that he really has accomplished nothing.


In the morning, Wen Yao got up and finished washing.

She knocked on the door of Jiang Shuyi's room, "Jiang Shuyi, get up."

"Ah, I'm already up." The person inside the door whispered.


Wen Yao was stunned for a moment, for a moment he didn't seem to recognize that it was Jiang Shuyi's voice.

Because of this answer, it sounded unexpectedly unfamiliar.

Wen Yao pushed open the room and saw Jiang Shuyi sitting at the table writing a question. She was lighting a desk lamp and holding a pen with her slender fingers.

Wen Yao walked quietly behind her, and reached out to touch the lamp tube of the desk lamp.

The lamp is hot.

To get this hot, it may have been up for an hour. she thinks.

"How long have you been up?" Wen Yao asked, crossing his arms.

"...forgot." Jiang Shuyi quietly established lines on the map.

"Do you have any questions for me?"

Jiang Shuyi paused for a moment, then quietly looked at the topic on the desktop, "No."

These two days, Jiang Shuyi became quieter.

Wen Yao blinked her eyes and thought that her eyelashes cast beautiful shadows.

Jiang Shuyi seldom came to ask him questions.

Or, even if she has a question, she will occasionally choose to ask the teacher instead of asking herself.

This made Wen Yao feel a little awkward.

"You this morning..." Wen Yao wanted to tell Jiang Shuyi about today's schedule.

But before she could say it, Jiang Shuyi smiled lightly and said:

"Ah, I guess you'll ask me to do these sets of questions, and I've already done them."

Jiang Shuyi handed out several sets of questions, all of which seemed to be answered fairly well.

Wen Yao lowered his gaze, because although the person in front of him would start to move when he said it, in fact he would always want to be lazy, or he would hold his arm to bargain.

"You seem to be working harder recently."

Jiang Shuyi calmly looked at the book in front of him, "Actually, I feel that I have gradually gotten used to this kind of feeling of doing questions recently."

"So, it's not that annoying anymore."

"I'm sorry for always affecting you before."

Jiang Shuyi turned the pages slowly, looked at the topic quietly as if it didn't matter and continued to write down.

"Tomorrow, even if you don't call me, I will get up, don't worry."


Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi and said in silence for a while.

"You..." Wen Yao looked at Jiang Shuyi, hesitant to speak, she didn't know why, but felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach.


Jiang Shuyi raised his head, and when he looked at Wen Yao, his eyes were as usual.

"Nothing." Wen Yao shook his head.

Before closing the door, Wen Yao's gaze stayed on Jiang Shuyi's back.

The sound of Jiang Shuyi's signature pen sliding across the paper reached Wen Yao's ears.

Wen Yao found out that Jiang Shuyi couldn't smile when he was doing something seriously.

Jiang Shuyi can create a world of her own and concentrate on it completely, and this world does not belong to anyone else, but only to herself.

This is very different from the usual Jiang Shuyi.

Such Jiang Shuyi is very quiet, as if he doesn't need himself, very strange.