MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 66

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When they reached the door of the classroom, the two let go of their intertwined hands and walked into the classroom.

Because I just took a physical education class, the atmosphere in the classroom is very relaxed.

Song Jinxi and Zhou Jingtang stood in front of her seat discussing something.

Jiang Shuyi looked at these people, and sat down curiously, "What are you doing around me?"

"Isn't there an exam next week? We want to hold a study meeting on the weekend. It will be more efficient if we review together. Will you come, Mr. Yi?"

Jiang Shuyi let out a sigh, and glanced at Wen Yao beside him, thinking that there was probably no need for him to go, after all, Wen Yao was holding study sessions for him every day now.

She really didn't know what kind of study intensity could keep up with this.

Song Jinxi glanced at Jiang Shuyi, "If we want to go, we think it's better to stay at your house, and we can have hot pot together at night, how about it?"

Oh, hot pot. Jiang Shuyi's eyes lit up.

Wen Yao followed the sound and looked towards Jiang Shuyi.

Zhou Jingtang also greeted Wen Yao who was about to return to his seat,

"Squad leader, do you want to go to Mr. Yi's house for a study meeting this weekend? How about we sort out the key points together?"

Jiang Shuyi hesitated for a moment, "Why don't you go to the homes of the two of you?"

Song Jinxi shrugged, "Zhou Jingtang said that there are customers at home on weekends, so you can come to my house."

"It's just that Yan Jingshu and I are neighbors. Now she is practicing piano at home all day long, and it's very noisy. If you don't mind, you can come to my house..."

It was only then that Jiang Shuyi realized that he hadn't seen Yan Jingshu much since that performance at the end of the year.

Zhou Jingtang who was standing behind Jiang Shuyi started talking to Wen Yao again,

"Squad leader, are you coming?"

Wen Yaoyun looked at Jiang Shuyi calmly, "Let's go to Jiang Shuyi's house."

"..." Jiang Shuyi froze for a moment, then looked at Wen Yao in disbelief.

Lin Qing, who walked by a few people, heard that Wen Yao would also participate, and also came over, "Can you add me to the study meeting?"

Zhou Jingtang immediately responded, "Yes."



Much faster than what the teacher in the infirmary said, Jiang Shuyi's foot has almost healed, and now Jiang Shuyi doesn't feel much pain when running.

After getting up, Jiang Shuyi washed up, followed Wen Yao out of the house, and brought a few people into his home.

"It's so big..." Lin Qing sighed when entering the door.

"Right, I just said this place is the most suitable." Zhou Jingtang said as he walked in, Jiang Shuyi thought for a moment that his home was a coffee shop.

Wen Yao walked in quietly with the others.

Since Song Jinxi had been to this house many times before, she didn't even sigh, she took off her shoes and entered the room casually.

She handed the bag in her hand to Jiang Shuyi, "My mother asked me to bring it for you, let everyone eat it later."

Song Jinxi's mother and Tang Wenzhen are friends, and they often bring some exotic fruits from Haishi.

Jiang Shuyi felt that the bag was quite heavy, opened it and saw that it was mango.

As far as the season is concerned, mangoes are rare in January, but Jiang Shuyi knows that Song Jinxi's hometown is in Haishi, because there is a tropical monsoon climate there, and mangoes are already on the market in January.

After entering the living room, several people sat around the long table next to Jiang Shuyi's living room. They took their seats, and seriously took out the past papers and exercise books and began to analyze them seriously.

Lin Qing and Zhou Jingtang sat together and looked through the test papers of the recent exam.

"The composition of this exam will be about the development of science and technology." Lin Qing flipped through the questions of the last few exams and pondered.

"According to the habit of our Chinese grade group, it is possible to formulate questions in this way, and then add some self-worth. Try to collect evidence in this aspect and write it."

Zhou Jingtang put the arguments he had sorted out in front of everyone,

"This is the current news of this year. I have collected a lot, and everyone can use it."

Jiang Shuyi originally thought that this study group was just a gimmick, but he didn't expect it to be **** unexpectedly, it sounded like a betting conference.

Even Song Jinxi lowered his head seriously, which seemed rare and serious.

Jiang Shuyi poked his head over, a little curious about what Song Jinxi was doing so seriously.

——"Lin was driving on a city road at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour. After colliding with a motor vehicle, he abandoned the car and fled. He was stopped by the crowd. It was identified that the alcohol concentration in Lin's blood at the time of the incident was 135.8 mg per hundred Ml. Q: What is Lin’s main violation.”

Song Jinxi quickly checked three answers and moved to the next question.


Jiang Shuyi slowly turned his gaze back.

The intensity of this study meeting was very high. From the discussion in the morning to the afternoon, Jiang Shuyi basically couldn't get in the way. Just the three of them had a conversation, and they basically sorted out a list of questions for the final exam.

When they got to the physics problem, Jiang Shuyi was already tired. While listening, she reached out and picked up a piece of mango that Song Jinxi had sent over.

The mango that Song Jinxi brought had a green skin, and it didn't look very sweet. Jiang Shuyi tore open the mango skin, and only the orange fruit was left, which looked a little sweet.

Jiang Shuyi took a bite, and the mango juice flowed from between her fingers.

"...Hey." Jiang Shuyi took a breath when he saw the juice constantly slipping down between his fingers, and he changed the mango to the other hand as if to make up for it, and licked his palm again.

Wen Yao, who was giving a lecture, looked at Jiang Shuyi who was sloppily licking the juice on the back of his hand, and stopped suddenly.

Zhou Jingtang followed Wen Yao's gaze, and didn't care about Jiang Shuyi's way of eating, and asked seriously, "Is this sweet?"

The room was very quiet.

Jiang Shuyi was a little embarrassed for some reason, but she coughed, nodded, and turned her back on customers, "It's quite sweet, do you want to eat it? I'll cut it up for you and take it out."

Everyone greeted each other, so Jiang Shuyi went to the kitchen to help everyone start cutting mangoes.

"Then I'll go to the bathroom." Seeing Jiang Shuyi leave, Zhou Jingtang also pulled away his chair and walked out.


Jiang Shuyi took a bag of mangoes, went to the kitchen, took out a knife, stopped in front of the mangoes and pondered for a long time.

Mango... how to cut it?

She only knows how to peel mangoes, but she doesn't know how to cut mangoes. She remembers that there should be some advanced cutting methods, and she has seen her aunt at home cut them before.

"Give me the knife."

Wen Yao also walked in at some point, washed her hands and took the knife from Jiang Shuyi's hand, slowly peeled the mango, cut the mango into pieces and put them on the plate...

Neat knife skills.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at the people in the living room, then lay on Wen Yao's body like a mollusc, and quietly reached out to grab the mango.

Wen Yao slapped Jiang Shuyi's back with a "slap".


"I've washed my hands." Jiang Shuyi looked at her hand being beaten. After a while, she looked at Wen Yao and opened her mouth coquettishly, "Then Wen Yao, feed me."

Wen Yao frowned, "I remember you ate the whole thing by yourself just now."

"I peeled that one myself, and you peeled this one for me. The taste is different."

Jiang Shuyi spoke seriously.

"..." Wen Yao felt that the same batch of mangoes of the same variety would not be very different.

"Wen Yao, Wen Yao." Jiang Shuyi quarreled in her ear.

Reluctantly, Wen Yao washed away the mango juice from his hands with water, took out the toothpick, put it on top of the mango, and unhurriedly used the toothpick to pick up a piece of mango, and sent the mango to Jiang Shuyi's mouth.

"Is there a difference?"

Jiang Shuyi swallowed the mango deliciously, "This one is sweeter than the one I ate just now."

Wen Yao narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Shuyi, and slowly took the toothpick back.

Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao, "I still want to..."

"Shall I help you too?" Lin Qing said as she opened the sliding door of the kitchen.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw Wen Yao and Jiang Shuyi standing solemnly in front of the sink.

Then she watched Jiang Shuyi stroking and stroking, and then pulled her hand back.

Lin Qing looked at Jiang Shuyi, a little confused, "..."

Jiang Shuyi looked around, not knowing what to say.

Wen Yao said calmly: "Thank you, everything has been cut, there is nothing more to help."

"Oh, that's it...then I'll go out first." Lin Qing glanced at the two of them with some concern, and did not forget to close the door slowly before leaving.



The two walked out of the kitchen carrying mangoes.

Walking into the living room, Song Jinxi seemed to have given up on studying, sitting on the sofa and began to take out a deck of playing cards and began to shuffle them.

Zhou Jingtang stood behind Song Jinxi with great interest and directed her to deal the cards.

Lin Qing was sitting on the table just now, and she was the only one still taking notes seriously.

Wen Yao put the mango on the table where they were sitting just now.

Looking at the plate of mangoes, Lin Qing somehow felt that there were fewer mangoes on the plate than what she saw just now.

Not long after, Jiang Shuyi also joined Song Jinxi, and started playing Doudizhu with Zhou Jingtang.

"This is delicious." Zhou Jingtang boasted after taking a bite of the mango with a toothpick.

"It's everywhere in my house. I don't really want to eat it." Song Jinxi didn't even touch the mango.

"Song Jinxi, are you going to Haishi after your holiday?" Zhou Jingtang played a pair and looked at Song Jinxi.

"Well, I'll go alone first, my mother and the others won't come back until the Chinese New Year..." Song Jinxi picked up a pair and went up.

"It's really boring for me to be alone there. How about you come and play together during the winter vacation? My house has many rooms and it's by the sea."

Song Jinxi glanced at the two of them and threw out a pair of two.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Shuyi lowered his head.

Zhou Jingtang raised his head with some interest, "Okay."

Lin Qing, who was working on the inductive question, also raised her head, "Can I go too?"

"It's more fun if there are more people." Song Jinxi said leisurely.

Wen Yao stood behind Jiang Shuyi without saying a word, and pointed at Jiang Shuyi's hand.

"There is no need to keep this."

Jiang Shuyi immediately typed out as she said.

"..." Song Jinxi froze for a moment, "Do you still have a bomb in your hand?"

Wen Yao drew another pair from Jiang Shuyi's hand.

"This is too small, won't it be eaten?" Jiang Shuyi hesitated.

Wen Yao glanced at Jiang Shuyi indifferently, Jiang Shuyi obediently closed his mouth, and typed out after listening to Wen Yao's words.

Zhou Jingtang shook his head with a bitter face, "No."

"Sorry." Song Jinxi also frowned.

It didn't take long for Jiang Shuyi's hand to be dealt out.

"Win." Jiang Shuyi looked at Song Jinxi and Zhou Jingtang proudly.

Zhou Jingtang begged Wen Yao, "Squad leader, take me with you in the next game."

Wen Yao didn't speak, as if he didn't hear him.

Song Jinxi didn't care about winning or losing and started shuffling the cards, "Jiang Shuyi, Wen Yao, are you coming? It's very warm over there."

In fact, Jiang Shuyi really wants to go, but Wen Yao doesn't necessarily want to go. While Wen Yao is strict with her, he is also strict with himself. It is hard for Jiang Shuyi to imagine what kind of primary school this person would like to go Island seaside vacation.

If Wen Yao didn't want to go, she wouldn't either. Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao as if asking for approval.

"..." Wen Yao frowned, looking down at Jiang Shuyi who was sitting on the sofa.

Wen Yao looked into her sparkling eyes, and finally fell silent for a long time, "Then go."