MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 68

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Jiang Shuyi, who was kicked out by Wen Yao, turned around and entered Wen Yao's room.

She hasn't slept alone for many days. Since Wen Yao occupies her room, it's okay for her to occupy Wen Yao's room, right?

Jiang Shuyi pushed open the door of Wen Yao's room dissatisfied, and walked to the bed, she pulled the quilt, and it was empty inside.

Sure enough, as strict as Wen Yao, it is impossible to leave his clothes there.

Jiang Shuyi grabbed Wen Yao's pillow and lay down.

Pillows smell like roses...

Jiang Shuyi moved his neck, looked at the door, buried his face in it, and took a few breaths.

—With this, I can barely make ends meet for one night.

Jiang Shuyi hugged the pillow and shook his feet.

After taking a few breaths, she turned over, intending to turn off the light and go to sleep, but after stretching out her hand, she remembered that the room had to go to the desk to turn off the light.

So, Jiang Shuyi stood up slowly again, remembering that the layout of Wen Yao's guest room had been changed, the bed used to be placed next to the desk, but later someone said that placing the bed in this way is not good for Feng Shui, so they changed the location .

Jiang Shuyi reached out to touch the light switch, and somehow his eyes fell on the book that Xiao Jiayu gave Wen Yao.


Wen Yao had obviously finished reading the book, but it was still placed with the reference books and dictionary on the desktop.

Jiang Shuyi didn't know why Wen Yao put the book that Xiao Jiayu gave her so within easy reach.

Jiang Shuyi felt a little uncomfortable, and out of a mentality of venting, she took out the book and put it on the top shelf of the bookshelf, then turned off the light.

After a while, Jiang Shuyi reluctantly sat up again, turned on the light, slowly pulled out the book and put it back.


After turning off the lights, Jiang Shuyi embraced the pillow, looking at the ceiling in the dark night a little lonely.

-So sad.


Jiang Shuyi looked at the pens in the counter and was silent for a long time.

Jiang Shuyi was standing in the counter of this luxurious decoration boutique pen, wearing an army green flight jacket and a pair of slim-fit jeans, walking around casually, looking out of place.

"Do you want to give someone away?"

The woman standing by the counter looked at Jiang Shuyi, a college student, and asked with a charming smile.

She turned around, not understanding how the shopping guide knew that she was going to give it to others, but she still thought about it and said, "I want to give it to the tutor."

It will be Professor Wen's birthday in a few days, and everyone in the laboratory said that they would help Professor Wen celebrate. When they just walked past this store, they remembered that the professor's pen was broken.

The professor didn't use a pen after that, but Jiang Shuyi couldn't help but stop when he saw this counter, and entered the store.

"Give it to the elders? How about this one? This pen has a stable design, the clip is also very convenient, and the nib is very thin, suitable for daily use..." The shopping guide nodded seriously and began to carefully propose suggestions.

Jiang Shuyi took a look at the pen, he was calm and calm, and Professor Pei was a little old-fashioned.

She shook her head.

The shopping guide began to recommend another one. After a few introductions, Jiang Shuyi couldn't get interested. In fact, she didn't use fountain pens often, and she wasn't very interested in this one. But for some reason, whenever she mentioned the professor, she would think of fountain pens. Just came in.

As the shopping guide introduced, Jiang Shuyi turned his head and saw a royal blue pen.

The shopping guide glanced at Jiang Shuyi's eyes, and Jiang Shuyi didn't know why, so the shopping guide smiled and introduced, "This pen is a famous series of our products, and it was created based on the works of writers..."

The clip of this fountain pen is inlaid with small yellow stars.

But with the pattern on the pen and the blue case, it looks very dignified.

The shopping guide at the counter said that this is a very popular pen, and nine out of ten people will be very happy to get it.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the shopping guide is lying, but the patterns and designs on the pen are quite attractive to Jiang Shuyi.

For some reason, Jiang Shuyi felt that it was very suitable for Professor Wen to use this pen, so he bought it with great interest.

The next day, some students in the research room gave Professor Wen flowers, and others gave snacks. Jiang Shuyi also sent his own gifts to Professor Wen.

Professor Wen opened the box, seemed to have noticed the pen inside, and paused for a moment.

Looking at her reaction, Jiang Shuyi shrank his fingers, feeling his nerves tense up.


The professor closed the box quietly as always, and quickly put it in the drawer without any reaction on his face.

Jiang Shuyi felt a little lost for no reason.

"Sister Jiang, what did you give?" Lin Siyun smiled and gave her gift to the professor.

Jiang Shuyi knew that Lin Siyun was not someone to be trifled with, she was a school girl who ran around on the waves of gossip.

"It's just biscuits."

Professor Wen slowly took off his gold-rimmed glasses, squeezed the corners of his eyes and said slowly.

The moment the professor takes off his glasses, there is always an incredible sense of beauty, like a snow-capped mountain, and there is a kind of awe in the silence.

"Snacks? Sister, the snacks you bring are always delicious." Lin Siyun smiled and shook Jiang Shuyi's arm, "Bring me some next time too! I like the one you brought last time." Kerilu."

Jiang Shuyi was stunned for a moment.

She knew better than anyone that the professor was lying.

The other juniors and seniors seemed excited when they heard this, and asked Jiang Shuyi to bring them some.

"Am I just here to bring you snacks?" Jiang Shuyi complained, and Lin Siyun suddenly laughed.

Jiang Shuyi didn't listen, she couldn't figure out why Professor Wen would lie.

Just as Lin Siyun was pulling Jiang Shuyi to talk endlessly, Professor Wen stood up, picked up his coat on the coat rack, and said to everyone sitting in the research room: "Let's have dinner together today." , I invite you."

The professor read a paragraph expressionlessly.

The seniors in the research room were very happy, and hurriedly picked up their coats and walked outside together with the professor. Jiang Shuyi looked at the professor's drawer with some concern.


The next day, Jiang Shuyi was called into the office alone by the professor.

According to the theorem that nothing good happens if you are called into the office alone.

When Jiang Shuyi was on the road, he felt his heart was hanging.

Sure enough, Professor Wen put the box in front of Jiang Shuyi, and the pen lay there coldly like a criminal evidence.

It is obviously a good-looking pen, but it looks pitiful when lying on the ground like this. Jiang Shuyi thought.

"Take this back, Jiang Shuyi." The professor said coldly, pushing the pen over.

Jiang Shuyi didn't understand why, "Professor..."

"I do not need."

The professor is direct and authentic.

Jiang Shuyi felt uncomfortable. She saw the professor's pen break with her own eyes...

As if he understood Jiang Shuyi's expression, Professor Wen hugged his shoulders.

"I didn't give it to you yesterday because the teacher can't just take things from the students. If it's food, it's okay, but if someone knows or sees that I took what you gave me, someone will say that I took bribes and gave it to me." What good are you?"

Professor Wen stated indifferently, sounding like a judge reading a sentence.

"But, I didn't ask you to help me..." Jiang Shuyi replied in a low voice.

—What kind of bribery is this?

"This is just your one-sided statement. I don't know what it actually is." Professor Wen said in a cold tone.

"You don't know what other people think. Your actions have nothing to do with other people's words and thoughts."

"..." Here it is again, Professor Wen's unique preaching.

Jiang Shuyi's throat felt a little uncomfortable.

It turned out to be like this, so the professor was not only unhappy when he gave this pen, but was forced to tell a lie.

Then this gift might be a sin to the professor, no wonder she looked so pale yesterday.

Obviously she just wanted to give the professor a gift.

After all, she usually caused so much trouble for the professor...

After all, she simply felt that this pen was very suitable for a professor.

"...I see, I'm sorry."

Jiang Shuyi took the pen and walked out of the office slowly. When she left the office, she passed the trash can. She originally wanted to throw the pen away, but in the end she took it home.

Because she neither wants to see this pen, nor does she want others to use it.

Jiang Shuyi threw it into a drawer in the study at home, and she never opened that drawer afterward.