MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 76

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Lin Qing walked out, and she closed the kitchen door intimately.

"Uh." Jiang Shuyi watched Lin Qing slowly turn around and walk out of the kitchen, his throat accidentally leaked out.

The voice of Lin Qing and Zhou Jingtang talking could be heard outside the door, Jiang Shuyi looked at Wen Yao in a state of bewilderment,

"I thought nobody was there."


Wen Yao quietly turned off the fire on the stove, and poured the cooked vegetables into bowls. When she served the soup, her movements were smooth without any pause.

Wen Yao calmly took out the bowls and chopsticks and put them in Jiang Shuyi's hands, "Take these out and put them away."


Jiang Shuyi could only obediently take out the bowls and chopsticks and put them away, Zhou Jingtang also came over to help halfway through.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at Zhou Jingtang, Zhou Jingtang's reaction was the same as usual.

It seems that Lin Qing didn't tell Zhou Jingtang...


After dinner, several people went to the beach for a walk together.

Because it was already night, and the sun was about to disappear, and the night sky seemed to be dyed purple because of the sun.

Zhou Jingtang hummed "Red Sun" watching the sun that was about to disappear.

Jiang Shuyi and Song Jinxi sang along with him as soon as they heard the tune.

Wen Yao walked behind them, watching them messing around as if he didn't really want to participate.

Lin Qing smiled and walked to Wen Yao's side.

"It sounds pretty good."

"Really..." Wen Yao didn't judge.

The first few singers didn't sing anything right except for the tune, and the lyrics were mixed together. When they sang, it was obviously the same song, but it made people feel that they were singing their own songs.

The only advantage is that it is full of emotions, all emotions, no skills.

Wen Yao had her hands behind her back, her long hair was gently blown by the sea breeze, and she couldn't tell her mood as always.

For some reason, Lin Qing felt that Wen Yao had a calmer and more detached atmosphere than during the last class trip.

"Aren't you going to play with them?"

Wen Yao glanced at her, and then naturally looked at Song Jinxi and Song Jinxi in front of them.

Wen Yao's voice was very cold.

"Ah?" Looking at Wen Yao's face, Lin Qing didn't seem to realize what she was saying. She only realized after watching Wen Yao take a few steps forward.

Lin Qing hastily walked up two steps at a time, "..."

She is actually more curious about the relationship between Jiang Shuyi and Wen Yao now.

In fact, she always felt that Wen Yao and Jiang Shuyi were more like a couple than Yan Jingshu and Jiang Shuyi, and she liked this combination very much.

However, she also stays in the range of self-imagination, and she belongs to the enclosure.

She never expected that one day she would be able to see Jiang Shuyi kissing Wen Yao with her own eyes.

Wen Yao didn't seem to be reluctant either.

She was sure they had kissed like that many times.

Thinking that no one in the class knew about this matter, only she knew about it, Lin Qing felt that her mood was very different, and the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly just thinking about it.

"Squad leader, don't worry, I won't tell others." Lin Qing whispered like a little guard.

Wen Yao was silent, she felt that Lin Qing looked at them with a smile in her eyes when Jiang Shuyi brought her food for dinner.

"Hmm." She didn't really want to delve into it, and she didn't know whether it was out of politeness or out of coping with Lin Qing.

"However, I feel that you two are together, and I think you are so close."

Lin Qing laughed.

Wen Yao turned around as if asking Lin Qing why.

"Actually, I've always thought that you are so mature, like an adult, you don't look like a high school student."

Lin Qing continued.

Wen Yao shrank his fingers slightly, "Really."

"When we usually play, you don't seem to participate much, don't you? It looks like you have no choice but to come here,"

Lin Qing speaks eloquently.

"But I feel that when you and Mr. Yi are together, you seem to be very happy, so I think you two are very suitable."

"I will support you."

The sun was fading away, and the sky hung low like a wounded bruise on the skin.

Wen Yao felt an unspeakable uneasiness lurking in his heart.

This kind of uneasiness is as much as Lin Qing's happiness that she has recognized.


The weather in Haishi has always been very good. There hasn't even been a rainy day in the past few days, and the temperature has never dropped below 25 degrees.

Zhou Jingtang said that the only shortcoming of Song Jinxi's house is that there is no air conditioner.

I don't know what the decoration idea is, Song Jinxi only installed wooden ceiling fans in his home, but no air conditioner.

The style of the ceiling fan is pretty, but when sleeping at night, if the ceiling fan is turned on to the highest setting, it is still a bit noisy.

Of course, Jiang Shuyi still slept comfortably, she said that she would not be affected by these small voices.

In the past few days, Jiang Shuyi basically just nestled in his room in the morning doing his homework while being watched by Wen Yao, and went to the beach with Song Jinxi, Zhou Jingtang and the others in the afternoon.

Because it was too hot, Wen Yao usually read or wrote something alone in the villa at this time, as if it would melt away when exposed to the sun.

Although Song Jinxi and Zhou Jingtang also asked Wen Yao to play in the sea, but after Wen Yao refused several times, they stopped calling.

"Everyone has different ways of entertaining. Wen Yao prefers to read books." Zhou Jingtang expressed his understanding.

After hearing this explanation, Jiang Shuyi shrank his neck, feeling a strong sense of guilt.


In the afternoon, Jiang Shuyi returned to the villa, Song Jinxi and the others were still playing volleyball on the beach, and Jiang Shuyi went up to the second floor.

"...Wen Yao."

Wen Yao fell asleep on the desk with his chin resting on one hand.

Oh, rare scene.

Jiang Shuyi crouched in front of the table and looked at Wen Yao's sleeping face.

The temperature in Haishi is not low today, perhaps because it is too hot, a little sweat broke out on Wen Yao's forehead.

Jiang Shuyi glanced at the shirt Wen Yao was wearing.

It's only natural that it would be hot to take a nap while wearing a shirt in this weather, and her sleeping position is not very relaxed.

Jiang Shuyi consciously and thoughtfully unbuttoned Wen Yao's collar with his hands, trying to make Wen Yao feel cooler.


It is rare for Wen Yao to take a nap.

She didn't sleep very well these past few nights, so she fell asleep on the desk unknowingly.

She is a person who rarely falls into deep sleep, and usually sleeps very lightly, and a little movement or sound will wake her up.

In a half-dream and half-awake state, she felt that someone had entered the room, and felt her neck itch.

After a while, she raised her head and found that Jiang Shuyi was untying her collar...

The ceiling fan was turning slightly.

"..." Wen Yao felt that his body was sticky with sweat and was very uncomfortable.

"Jiang Shuyi." She called Jiang Shuyi's name, gestured to Jiang Shuyi's hand with her eyes, as if she was asking Jiang Shuyi, "What are you doing?"

"..." Jiang Shuyi looked into Wen Yao's eyes, then looked at his hands, feeling that he had understood what Wen Yao wanted to say, and was at a loss for a moment.

Jiang Shuyi hurriedly explained, "It's not that I didn't..."

Wen Yao narrowed his eyes.

As Jiang Shuyi talked, he felt that he was becoming more and more blackened.

Wen Yao softly let out a helpless sigh, stretched out his arms to wrap around Jiang Shuyi's neck,

"Is the door closed?"

The tip of her soft nose gently pressed against Jiang Shuyi's neck, her voice was faint.


Jiang Shuyi shut down all of a sudden, and in the next second, the words of explanation became obedient, "Well, it's off."


The wooden ceiling fan on the ceiling was turning slowly, Wen Yao's mind was a little dizzy, he obviously felt very hot just now, and his whole body was sticky, but now he was in a completely different mood.

She turned her head and let out a weak breath, looking at the French windows behind Jiang Shuyi, outside the French windows was the golden sunset.

The setting sun rises and falls on Jiang Shuyi's shoulder blades.

Jiang Shuyi's fair back was dyed the same color as a flame, with a scorching temperature just like a human being.

Wen Yao couldn't help stretching out his arms to hug Jiang Shuyi's neck, and closed his eyes.

The feeling of being too comfortable made her temporarily put her thinking aside.

Wen Yao felt like a boat floating on the sea.

Waves hit the sea from time to time, and her body swayed gently with the waves...


The two were lingering until it was almost time for dinner.

Jiang Shuyi took a shower, returned to the room and was about to dry his hair when he heard the phone on the table ring.

She reached out to look at the LCD screen of the phone and pressed the call button.

"Jiang Shuyi." It was Tang Wenzhen's call.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Jiang Shuyi cleared his throat and picked up the phone.

"Are you having fun over there?"

Jiang Shuyi clamped the phone around her neck, and slowly took out her clothes from her bag. After a while, she took down her phone and pressed the hands-free button.

"'s very fun here. If you and Dad are free, you can also come here to play."

"If you have time." Tang Wenzhen replied.

"By the way, Mom, I checked the weather forecast. Huanshi seems to be cooling down. You and Dad should pay more attention to your health."

Jiang Shuyi lowered his head and put on a new vest.

"…well, we'll be watching."

"Jiang Shuyi, it's good for you to have fun, but don't forget that Chinese New Year is coming soon."

Tang Wenzhen's tone was serious.

"Did you forget to buy the plane ticket?"

It was different from Zhou Jingtang and Lin Qing who planned to stay here and spend the new year with Song Jinxi.

The Jiang family is very strict about the Chinese New Year, because there are only a few gatherings in a year, so the whole family must get together during the Chinese New Year.

Her family usually goes back to the old house, which is Jiang Shuyi's grandfather's house, for Chinese New Year, and only the family members get together to celebrate.

"I forgot..." Jiang Shuyi completely forgot about it.

Tang Wenzhen sighed, "Don't come back by stepping on the line, buy a ticket quickly, and it will be too late if something happens."

"…I see."

Jiang Shuyi nodded in response and hung up the phone.

She put the phone back on her desk, turned around and saw Wen Yao standing behind her.

Wen Yao looked at her, was silent for a few seconds, and finally lowered his eyes and said quietly, "Go down for dinner."

Her voice was low and emotionless.

Seeing that Wen Yao was about to go out with his back on his back, Jiang Shuyi stretched out his hand to grab Wen Yao's clothes,

"My mother told me to go home early for the New Year..."

"I obviously want to play with you here for a few more days."

Wen Yao felt that his palm was empty, and hugged his arm a little helplessly.

"Wen Yao," Jiang Shuyi squeezed Wen Yao's palm,

"Do you think it's more appropriate for us to go back a few days in advance? It seems that if we don't buy a plane ticket, it will be too late..."