MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 17 common goal

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  Chapter 17 Common Goals

   "So... what do you want?"

   Bow your head and serve softly only once and many times.

  After eating the first grilled fish, the baby dragon abandons its original uncompromising decision.

  ‘Reserved and arrogant, never yield to the contract or something, let’s talk about it later, let’s eat grilled fish first. '

  ‘Of course, this is definitely not because the grilled fish made by this human is delicious, but because I am hungry, I am injured, and I need to replenish my strength. '

  ‘Only when I am full can I be firm and never give in to the contract, and I can show the noble will of my dragon clan, um, yes, it must be like this! It must be like this! '

  Young dragons do mental construction while eating grilled fish.

   Li Feng on the side stopped talking since the young dragon accepted his grilled fish.

  He just grilled the fish one by one silently, leaving time for the young dragon to allow it time to adapt and adjust its mentality so that it can get along normally.

  Finally, after eating all the Moguang herring, the young dragon couldn't help but speak.

   "So... what do you want?"

  Youlong refers to what Li Fenggang said about "changing the way of getting along".

  The dragon race is an intelligent race, they understand human language.

   "It's not what I want."

  Li Feng poked the dry wood in the campfire to make the fire burn more vigorously.

   "The truth is, as the leading party of the contract, I can do whatever I want."

   Li Feng glanced at the young dragon, meaning something.

  The young dragon immediately recalled the scene when he was controlled by this human being in the underwater cave and almost drowned himself.

  Sorrow and chill climbed up the young dragon's back.

   "I am different from that hunter. I have no interest in manipulating others. Of course, I don't want to. There is a young dragon around me who wants to kill me."

  When Li Feng said these words, Li Feng did not have any deliberate emotions.

  He seems to be talking about an insignificant topic such as "how's the weather and what's for lunch".

   But it was precisely because of this that the young dragon believed his words.

  I don't think this is a trick he used to achieve certain goals.

  As a giant dragon who prides itself on being naturally cunning, if Li Feng shows obvious friendliness, then this young dragon will only be more vigilant.

  But since the giant dragons pride themselves on being cunning, the black young dragon in front of them is by no means easy to deceive.

  When Li Feng said "I have no interest in manipulating others", Xiaolong immediately gave another possibility.

   "The eternal contract can be canceled, of course, if what you said is true and you really don't want to control me."

  Hearing these remarks, Li Feng lowered his eyes and smiled slightly.

  He will never cancel the permanent contract, at least until he is promoted to a high-ranking position.

   Quickly analyzed in his mind, and assumed all the possibilities, Li Feng looked warm and smiled:

   " can I terminate the contract?"

  Young dragon blinked his golden eyes, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart. Could it be that this human being was not just pretending, and he really considered rescinding the contract?

   "As long as you are promoted to the fourth-tier hunter, you can cancel the permanent contract with me."

  Hearing this, Li Feng laughed silently, and the result was as he expected.

  He just considered this possibility before he asked the question "how to terminate the contract".

  Obviously, only a superhuman can hold a contract ceremony, so the contract must also be terminated by a superhuman.

  Since the termination of the contract requires becoming a superhuman, it does not violate Li Feng's current goal.

  The night wind caresses the waves.

   Li Feng put down the stick in his hand to stir the bonfire, and slowly took out a black revolver named Flint.

   This is what he found from the hunter who was killed by him.

   "Secret treasure?"

   Young Dragon asked looking at the revolver.

  Li Feng nodded:

   "That's right, but it's only half a secret treasure."

  He swings the pistol reel away so the dragon can see that there are no bullets in it:

   "If you really want me to cancel the contract, then help me become a superhuman first."

  The dry branches were crackling by the campfire.

  Youlong looked at Li Feng in shock, this human being is not a superhuman?

  Since he is not a transcendent, how did he kill that hunter?

  A mortal killed a first-rank ninth-level transcendent in an instant, how could this be possible?

   And the young dragon remembers very well.

  When this human being first appeared, whether it was speed or strength, he performed astonishingly.

   Moreover, his method of killing is even more precise and ruthless, the kind of fatal one-shot with no room for maneuver, which should never be something that an ordinary mortal can do.

  Although in the following time, the young dragon did not feel Li Feng's extraordinary nature.

   But it is not surprising, because there are many believers of gods who can hide their extraordinary abilities.

  But now, this human being has made it clear that he is not a transcendent.

   This shocked the young dragon very much.

   "I want to know why you killed that hunter."

  The young dragon was careful not to reveal his real doubts, and only asked questions from the side.

   "I have my reasons."

  Li Feng only said this, but the meaning is obvious—I won’t tell you.

   The young dragon didn't ask any more questions.

  Since this human being is willing to become an extraordinary person, the goal and my demands will not violate.

   Then this human being and I seem to be able to reach some kind of cooperation.

   "I can help you get mithril bullets, but when you are promoted to extraordinary, you must become a hunter."

  The young dragon put forward its own conditions.

  Because only Tier 4 hunters can cancel the permanent contract.

  If Li Feng chooses to become a follower of other gods, then the eternal contract will never be lifted.

  You can never be free yourself.

  Hearing the young dragon's conditions, Li Feng pondered for a while.

"it is good."

  Li Feng's revolver named Flint is a second-level secret treasure for hunting human nature.

   In fact, there is no need for young dragons to ask for it. When Li Feng chooses the path of transcendence, he prefers to fuse flint and become a hunter.

  Because the flint is not only Li Feng's only secret treasure, but also a second-level secret treasure, which can provide Li Feng with a higher extraordinary starting point.

   Besides, how he chooses in the future will not affect his promise now.

   Seeing Li Feng readily agree, Xiaolong was very happy.

   But it still doesn't show any emotion, only calmly guides the plan:

   "If you want to get Mithril bullets, you have to go to Big Island. The closest to here is Big Island, which is Storm Island. We have to go there."

  This proposal coincides with Li Feng.

  Moonlight Island has no available resources. If he wants to improve further, he really has to go to the Big Island.

   "I'm from the east, and I'm not familiar with this place. With our current conditions, is there any way for you to go to Storm Island?"

   Li Feng raised a question.


  The young dragon nodded:

  She pointed towards the sea with her front paws:

   "This island is called Moonlight Island. It is a small island on the route leading to Storm Island. Because there is fresh water on the island, all merchant ships passing by will come to this island to replenish fresh water."

   "When will the merchant ship come?"

   Li Feng asked, he is not willing to wait too long now.

   After all, the longer you wait, the more chances other players will have to overtake him in terms of mission progress.

   "It won't take more than two days. Storm Island is a big island, rich in supplies, and merchant ships never stop."

   Li Feng nodded after getting the answer, and began to think about a new plan in his heart.

  The crescent moon is like a crystal gem, inlaid on the veil-like Milky Way.

   After reaching a common goal, the relationship between Li Feng and Xiaolong became friendly.


  Looking at the night sky, the young dragon suddenly said something.


   Li Feng asked, but he didn't understand.

   "I meant my name, Shia."

   Since it is recommended, all kinds of data are very important, so I ask everyone to vote and bookmark for follow-up, thanks to the little transparent author! !



  (end of this chapter)