MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 18 new harvest

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  Chapter 18 New harvest

  The night wind blows the salty taste of the sea and gradually cools down.

  The stars are like gems in spring water, pouring down on the black sky, and forming huge and brilliant patterns one after another.

   "S...ya? So you're a mother?"

  The voice of the young dragon cannot tell the gender, and Li Feng had never paid attention to the gender of the young dragon before.

   After reading the young dragon's name over and over again, Li Feng noticed this problem.


  When Shia heard this word, the corners of her eyes twitched unconsciously.

   "I think you humans have a lot of gendered vocabularies, and…"

  Shea paused, then continued:

   "Among the dragon race, we rarely use the word 'mother'. We are a high-level intelligent race, born extraordinary, not low-level animals lacking wisdom."

   "That's it, I made a slip of the tongue, sorry."

   Li Feng responded with a sentence, but suddenly remembered something in his heart.

  Since this young dragon is an intelligent race and a natural supernatural being, what will I get if I use her as a medium to fish?

  Li Feng recalled that back then, he used the magic light herring as a medium to fish, and got the fishbone dagger and the scroll of the spying eye.

  Later, he fished the hunter's corpse again, and obtained the knowledge of the hunter, as well as the strengthening of spirit and agility.

   There are two of them, one is a low-level animal that lacks intelligence, and the other is the corpse of a dead superhuman.

  Since fishing them, they have obtained very valuable things.

  So this time, how about directly fishing for living intelligent races?

  Li Feng designed an implementation plan in his mind.

  He can fish without a pole, so just touch the baby dragon Thea with his hand to fish.

   It is a pity that Thea is a young lady.

   Touching a lady rashly is definitely not something a decent person would do.

   Forget it, the cooperation just established is not worth being ruined by such a trivial matter.

   Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.

  The new moon rose to the mid-heaven, and the night gradually deepened.

   Li Feng and Thea went to rest separately, and had nothing to say all night.


  The next morning, Li Feng came to the beach as soon as he woke up.

  Although everything can be fished for him, Li Feng found that fishing with water as the medium benefits the most.

  Finding a reef, Li Feng swung his pole.

  【Health recovery +6%】

  【Health recovery +2%】

  【Sanity recovery +1%】

  【Health recovery +5%】

  【Sanity recovery +1%】


  Because of drinking the relic Moon Shadow Potion, Li Feng is now reminding himself to regain his sanity.

   The curse of the Moon Shadow Potion will come sooner or later.

   And what he can do now is to quickly increase his strength and maintain 100% sanity at all times.

  After nearly an hour of fishing, Li Feng was finally sure that his sanity had fully recovered.

   During this hour, he has increased his sanity by a total of 3%.

   To put it another way, that is, during this night, Li Feng lost 3% of his sanity.

  The eyes are bright and the sky is clear.

  After finishing fishing, Li Feng returned to the beach.

  Just as he walked to the bushes, he happened to see the baby dragon Thea sitting upright on the ground, holding a piece of black dragon scale in its two front paws.

   "What's wrong?" Li Feng asked.

   "I changed my scales." Thea looked a little disappointed.

   "Scale change? Any idea?"

   Li Feng became interested, put away the fishing rod and sat down.

  Thea gave him a strange look:

   "It's nothing, the dragon will change the most special dragon scale every 100 years. This is the first time I change scales, which proves that I am not a child anymore."

  Thea held the dragon scale with her paws, and her golden vertical pupils gradually dimmed.

  She has finally changed her scales, but her mother is gone.

   Li Feng on the side didn't know what Thea was thinking, so he raised his eyebrows.

  Good guy, 100 years old is not a child. How long is the lifespan of this giant dragon?

   While complaining in his heart, Li Feng suddenly thought of something, and he said to Thea:

   "The replaced dragon scale, can you show me?"

  Hearing this, Thea was shocked.

  She immediately embraced the black dragon scale in her arms:

   "What are you going to do?! This dragon scale is a very rare extraordinary material, don't try to take it away!"

   "Uh... I didn't say yes, I just wanted to see it."

  Thea's exaggerated vigilance made Li Feng a little embarrassed.

  He really didn't think about snatching the dragon scale, he just wanted to touch the dragon scale.

   Or, he wanted to fish for dragon scales.

  Yesterday, Li Feng had the idea of ​​using the young dragon Thea as a medium for fishing.

   It's just that the space for specific implementation is too small, and Li Feng finally had to give up temporarily.

  And with his current understanding of transcendence, fishing for intelligent living things is not a good plan.

   But it's different now, Thea has replaced a special dragon scale.

   And this dragon scale is a rare material with extraordinary properties.

  Then, it would be fine for him to fish for dragon scales directly.

   Moreover, the dragon scales fished by him will not change in any way.

  So in fact, Shia won't suffer any loss.

   "I have only read the introduction of giant dragon scales in books before, and this is the first time I have seen real dragon scales, so I am really curious."

  Li Feng spoke without a single truth.

  But Thea seemed a little resigned to her fate and didn't care.

   After all, if the human in front of her really wants it, she has no room to resist.

  Thea handed the dragon scale to Li Feng, and Li Feng took it.

  This piece of dragon scale is black, half the size of a palm, as light as a feather, but it feels very strong.

   Li Feng got the dragon scale, so he no longer hesitated.

   Rodless Fishing activates.

  【You got the alchemy potion: a bottle of extremely precious luck】

  【You got an epic weapon: Dragon Blood Dagger】

  As the prompt ended, the alchemy potion and dragon blood dagger were put into the backpack.

   After Li Feng got the fishing booty, he returned the dragon scale to Thea as promised.

   Then he casually chatted with Thea as if nothing had happened.

  Finally, Li Feng went to the freshwater pool in the central area of ​​Moonlight Island under the pretext of looking for water.

   Arriving at a deserted place on the inner island, Li Feng opened his backpack and took out the alchemy potion.

   A cool feeling rushed straight to the top of the head, and the prying eyes opened.

  【Alchemy potion: a bottle of extremely precious luck

  Alchemists create extremely precious luck through rare materials containing extraordinary properties;

  Drink the potion, you will get super good luck for an hour, and the balance of fate will tilt for you;


  Will you have good luck if you drink it?

   It seems interesting.

  Li Feng put [a bottle of extremely precious luck] back into his backpack while thinking, and then he took out the dragon blood dagger.

  The fishbone short knife he had been using before was scrapped when he killed the hunter.

   Now is the time when there is a shortage of weapons, but he did not expect such a coincidence that he caught another one.

  Li Feng first held the dragon blood dagger in his hand, and looked carefully at the sun.

  This dagger is made of refined iron, which looks tough and sharp.

  Its style is simple and unsophisticated, the whole is black, without any pattern decoration, only a red blood line is half hidden and half visible at the blood groove in the middle.

  Gripping the handle of the dagger tightly, Li Feng waved it a few times.

  The size and weight of the dagger are very suitable, and it is very convenient to use.

   Then use prying eyes to check:

  【Dragon Blood Dagger

   It is made by the forging master of the giant dragon family, using stainless steel with extraordinary characteristics, and dragon blood;

  Every time you swing your dagger, it is full of the blessing of the blacksmith;


   Learning about the dagger information, Li Feng was delighted, it is a rare and good weapon.

  However, just when he wanted to try the knife with the surrounding trees, he suddenly felt something in his heart.

   It was Shia who was passing the news to him through the permanent contract.

   "Get ready, the merchant ship is coming."

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  (end of this chapter)