MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 289 It turned out to be a third-tier player

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  Chapter 289 turns out to be a third-level player

   "This is Mr. Claus?"

  Turning his thin body, Great Elder Lu Ben asked Chen Xing, but his eyes were fixed on Li Feng.

  Under the bright magic light, Li Feng noticed that Lu Ben had white beard and hair, many wrinkles on his face, and he seemed to be quite old.

   But his eyes were bright and sharp like eagles.

   And it must be thanks to Chen Xing that the Great Elder of the Black and White Academy also knew of his existence.

   "Yes, Great Elder."

  Chen Xing nodded in return, replying respectfully.


   Lu Ben nodded, with a smile on his face, his sharp eyes gradually softened, and he still stared at Li Feng:

   "Welcome, young man."

   Li Feng, who was being watched all the time, also looked back at Ruben. At this moment, he nodded his head when he heard the words:


   "Uh that..."

   Seeing Ruben chatting about their family affairs in the Black and White Courtyard, Sheriff Sean was a little anxious, he stepped forward with a smile, and asked the elder Ruben:

   "Look at this picture..."

  As Sean asked, everyone in the cell looked at Ruben. Whether it was because of the Governor of Glory Island or Silver Moon, they were very anxious.

  But Ruben just closed his sharp eagle eyes, he only looked at Alton the Weaver, nodded slightly and said:

   "As Lord Alton said, there is no extraordinary power in this painting."

  As soon as this remark came out, there was a sudden silence in the cell, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

  Alton is a fourth-rank lawweaver, and Ruben is a fourth-rank and ninth-rank hidden person. One of them belongs to the Violet Eye, and the other belongs to the Black and White Academy. In the endless sea, they are all people whose names can be counted.

  But at this moment, they all said that there is no extraordinary power in this painting.

   But the question is, if there is no extraordinary power, how are these ten extraordinary guards imprisoned in the painting?

  The people present at the moment, except Li Feng and Qi Heng who are players, feel that it doesn't make sense.

  Because of Yinyue, Qi Heng was much more anxious than Li Feng.

  He knew in his heart that the spell on this painting probably came from the ability of other worlds, so he should not worry about the existence of extraordinary power at all.

  Just find a way to release the guards.

  Thinking about this clearly, Qi Heng, who felt that he must influence the research direction, immediately expressed his thoughts.

  He suggested trying various spells to unbind.

   "What Perry said is not unreasonable."

  After hearing Qi Heng's words, Ruben's eagle-like eyes rolled and he immediately agreed.

   Only he then added:

   "However, we hidden people really don't dabble much in the spell of lifting the confinement.

   But I heard that spell weavers and dream keepers are very good at it. It seems that I still have to listen to Lord Alton today. "

   After going back and forth, Ruben successfully threw this difficult problem to Alton.

   But in this cell, who is not an old Jianghu, anyone can tell that Ruben did this, but he has nothing to do.

  Alton, who knew it well, wanted to beat Qi Heng up.

   Really his good apprentice, he was born to cheat the teacher.

  The spell to release the imprisonment is easy to say, but you can’t even tell what the doorway is on the painting, so how can you talk about releasing the imprisonment?

   Moreover, all kinds of spells have been used, but people just can't be rescued, so it's not the face of Violet Eye that will be lost.

   Alton was on fire, and took a deep look at Qi Heng.

  Now, anyone can see that the painting is a hot yam, but he, the apprentice, rushed to take over in order to save the wood elf.

   On the other side, she also looked at Qi Heng and Chen Xing. She also understood the twists and turns just now.

  Grand Elder Ruben has no choice, and Archmage Alton doesn't want to take over.

   But the only thing that touched her was that the apprentice named Perry, whether it was just now or now, was actually trying to find a way for her sister.

   It's just the situation now...

  In the very bright cell, everyone was silent for a while.

  Alton was conflicted in his heart, and he didn't want to worry about it, but in the end he decided to give it a try because he was the brother of the sheriff.

   However, the spellweaver has several spells or rituals to unbind, and he must consider which one to try first.

   As far as Chen Xing is concerned, whether it is the robbing of the Guanghui Treasury or the assassination of the Governor, it has nothing to do with her.

   Now she just wants to find her sister Yinyue.

   Besides releasing the guards in the painting to get clues, there is another way for her, which is to get help from the Black and White Court.

  At this moment, the anxious Morning Star is going to beg Grand Elder Ruben, or write another letter to the dean.

  As for Qi Heng, Alton has already disliked him because he took care of his mentor just now, and sent him to run errands to find supernatural materials.

  But as long as he can find Silver Moon and release the guards to get clues about the new star player, he thinks it's worth it.

  In the relatively spacious cell, people with various purposes began to whisper and prepare.

   Li Feng, who has been silently watching all this, now has only one question.

  He used an excuse to go out to get some air, and then in a deserted place, he used a tracker to find Yinyue.

   As expected, Silver Moon is no longer in the Endless Sea.

   After getting the answer, Li Feng returned to the underground prison, and when he was going down the stairs, he happened to meet Qi Heng who was ordered to run errands.

  The two nodded their heads and greeted each other, and Qi Heng continued on his way quickly.

  Because he was too anxious, the wind he brought up disturbed the flames on the wall and danced for a while.

  Li Feng glanced at his anxious back, then went back to the cell and looked at the mysterious painting again.

   This painting is not big, only the size of A4 paper, and it is carefully framed.

  The content on the screen is exactly as James Lloyd described it, night, thick fog, guarded by ten supernatural beings with terrified expressions.

  Ruben and Alton are right, there is no supernatural power in this painting.

  In Li Feng's view, it may have a little unknown magical component.

   But in the final analysis, this painting can restrain the power of ten guards, which come from third-level players.

   Manipulating nature, changing the laws, it's true.

  ‘So, among the new star players who assassinated Governor Lloyd that night, there was a third-level player. '

   Li Feng confirmed this.

  As for Chen Xing's sister Yinyue, Li Feng wanted to laugh a little.

  He remembered clearly that before learning of his sister's disappearance, Chen Xing had said to him:

  ‘Silver Moon’s hobby is young men, and she always has the ability to make young men fall in love with her. '

   Regarding this point, just looking at the anxious Qi Heng, you will know that what Chen Xing said is true.

  Qi Heng probably really fell in love with Yinyue, of course there is nothing surprising about this.

   But what is amazing is that Li Feng found traces of his thinking being affected on Qi Heng.

  This kind of thinking influence is very similar to how Li Feng once influenced Qi Heng, making Qi Heng forget his appearance.

  ‘So, Yinyue is also a third-level player. '

  Things seem to be getting interesting.

   But Li Feng is still not sure whether Yinyue is a new star player, assassinated Governor Lloyd, and imprisoned ten guards.

   But he knows what he can do right now.

  Finding Chen Xing who was also depressed and anxious, Li Feng said to her:

   "When I was traveling outside, I heard some anecdotes and secret arts.

  One of them is similar to this painting, maybe I have a way to rescue the people in the painting. "

  (end of this chapter)