MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 422 The first person of the four generations of Jiejiao

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  Chapter 422 The First Person of the Four Generations of Intercepting Education

   No one would believe it. Tang Lin studied with Empress Shiji for a few days, and Tang Lin focused on some basic common sense. As for the spell of soaring clouds and supporting wind, I really haven't paid attention to it. After all, Tang Lin didn't have much talent in magic arts, and he didn't expect to go on the road by himself after meeting Empress Shiji.

  Tang Lin can’t fly until now, but it’s not impossible for him to fly. The easiest way is to go to other worlds to build a plane, or create a flying Transformer, switch to the form of a sand puppet and go straight to the sky.

   It's just that Tang Lin felt that he couldn't ask others for help in everything. He came to the world of Conferred Gods, but he still took a plane. Isn't that the same as coming for nothing?

  The Thunder Spirit Sword was unleashed, and the lightning-shrouded flying sword hovered at Tang Lin's feet. Tang Lin stood on tiptoe with one foot on it, feeling quite stable, so he stood up with his whole body. As soon as the mana was urged, he flew into the sky like stepping on a skateboard.

   This is the simplest way to fly with a sword. It all depends on Tang Lin to balance his body. If he is not careful, he will fall from the sky.

  Actually, the real flying spell should be riding the clouds or riding the wind. Even if you want to fly with the sword, it should be the combination of the body and the sword, turning into a light to fly. But Tang Lin didn't know any of the above spells, so he could only use this kind of skateboard to fly. Not to mention the slow speed, it was also quite unstable.

   Twisting left and right for a round, Tang Lin has adapted to this unreliable flying method, and his speed is slowly increasing.

  Following the direction pointed by the jade talisman, Tang Lin worked hard to climb the altitude, flying with sparks and lightning all the way. He didn't know how high he flew, Tang Lin felt that when he was about to rush out of the atmosphere, a phantom passed behind him, as fast as a phantom.

  Tang Lin originally thought that he ran into a certain fairy family by chance, and was worried that he would meet someone who explained the teachings, but he saw this phantom turning a corner and walking side by side with Tang Lin.

  At this moment, Tang Lin saw clearly what this phantom was. A blond man with a golden face and red hair wearing a tiger-skin robe and chain armor was riding on the back of a monster whose name he didn't know.

  The golden-faced and red-haired monk looked at Tang Lin curiously, and asked, "What kind of master is your Excellency? Why is Junior Sister Shiji's jade talisman on you?"

  Junior Sister Shiji? Is it the person who intercepted the teaching?

  Unfortunately, the characters in this world have nothing in common with any of the movies and TV dramas Tang Lin has watched. The previous Shiji Empress can say that she is Xue Baochai. Tang Lin couldn't figure out who the golden-faced man in front of him was.

   "Poverty and Lihuo, I am good friends with Mistress Shiji, and Mistress recommended me to Biyou Palace to listen to the sage preaching, and the jade talisman is the proof." Tang Lin quickly explained.

   "So you are Taoist Lihuo, hahaha, you have made that Taiyi lose face." The golden-faced man laughed and said.

  I'm going, has word spread? The hatred value is too full. No wonder Daoist Taiyi came directly to the door, it seems that he has become the laughing stock of the two religions.

   "Have you asked the name of your fellow Taoist yet?" Tang Lin asked.

   "I am Yu Hua, a disciple of Jiejiao for four generations, and my master respects Yu Yuan. Someone sent me a seven-headed general." The man introduced himself heartily.

It turned out to be Yu Hua, Tang Lin was a little surprised, this is the first of the four generations of Jiejiao disciples, he slashed Nezha, Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi with a blood-melting magic knife, and the last few were deceived by Yang Jian's change of appearance The secret medicine came, which blocked the damage of the blood-transforming magic knife, and then killed Yu Hua by besieging him.

   This is a boss, and we must make connections.

   "So it's Senior Brother Yu Hua. I'm about to go to Biyou Palace and meet a saint for the first time. I don't know if there is anything I need to pay attention to. Please give me some pointers." Tang Lin said politely.

"It's easy to talk about, we cut off and teach without discrimination, as long as we respect the saints, there is no taboo. But, the speed of your flying sword, Junior Brother, I'm afraid you won't be able to reach Biyou Palace in half a month." Yu Hua was very excited. To put it bluntly.

   Tang Lin: …

   Is it so slow? Is Biyougong on another planet?

   "Please brother take me for a ride." Tang Lin said hastily.

  What if Biyou Palace preaching is as late as the college entrance examination and is not allowed to enter?

   "This... I don't know how to control the sword. Junior brother, haven't you seen that I am also riding a golden-eyed beast? It's not because I am stingy, my golden-eyed beast can't get over you, junior brother."

  Yu Hua and his mount were not as big as Tang Lin's fingers, so they couldn't move them.

Tang Lin was about to switch to the form of a sand puppet, so that he could have a free ride, but after thinking about it, he said to Yu Hua: "In this case, I dare not bother senior brother. I will find a way on my own, but I will go to Biyou Gong, in addition to listening to lectures, I have to report one thing to the saint.

"The Master Taiyi took his anger out on Senior Sister Shiji because I accepted Li Nezha as an apprentice. At this time, he is besieging Senior Sister's cave with the magic weapon bestowed by the sage. Brother, please mount your horse faster, and please go to Biyou Palace to report the news." , ask the sage to save Senior Sister Shiji's life."

As soon as Tang Lin said that Daoist Taiyi came to trouble Shiji, Yu Yuan glared and scolded: "It's too much of a bully, how dare Taiyi bully me to intercept the sect? What kind of saint are you going to report? A mere Taiyi , Am I, Yu Hua, afraid of him?"

  Although Yu Hua is a disciple of the fourth generation, two generations lower than Daoist Taiyi, he is not at all cowardly when fighting.

   "Junior Brother Lihuo, I'll go first!"

   After Yu Hua finished speaking, he patted the fiery-eyed golden-eyed beast, turned around and flew towards the Bone Cave on Skull Mountain. Tang Lin looked at his disappearing figure, and didn't know what to say?

  Whether Yu Hua can beat Daoist Taiyi or not, Tang Lin doesn't know. In the original book, he beat Daoist Taiyi's disciple Nezha. But the blood-transforming sword is really awesome, even Yang Jian's almost indestructible body can't stop it.

   If Daoist Taiyi gives him a cold shot, he might really win.

   Tang Lin thought about it and decided not to go to Biyou Palace anymore. Empress Shiji shared weal and woe with him, and Yu Hua was the number one among four generations of disciples. If he wanted to build a good relationship, how could he be a deserter at this time.

  Going to Biyou Palace, Tang Lin couldn't catch up, but it was easier to go back. Tang Lin directly pressed the flying sword and fell to the ground, and then returned to the Skull Mountain with an earth escape technique, unexpectedly catching up with Yu Hua.

  At this time, Tang Lin has switched to the form of a sand puppet, his real body is hiding in the lotus dharma, only the avatar formed by quicksand is outside.

  The Skull Mountain is still a fiery red. A semi-circular mask covers the whole mountain. Nine fire dragons are faintly visible inside the mask, tumbling and spitting fire, trying to burn everything into ashes.

   It's just that the skull is also guarded by a layer of khaki-yellow halo, which sticks to the flame and protects every plant and tree on the Skull Mountain.

  Tang Lin was about to hide aside and wait for Yu Hua to appear, and then attacked Taiyi Master from back and forth, but his sand puppet was actually discovered by Taiyi Master.

   "Where is Xiaoxiao? How dare you peep from the side?"

  Realist Taiyi took out a sword and threw it towards Tang Lin's position! The golden light flashed wildly, like the blazing sun falling from the nine heavens, and it turned out to be a killer as soon as it hit the face.

  (end of this chapter)