MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 423 Tu Xingsun, is that you?

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  Chapter 423 Tu Xingsun, is that you?

   Tang Lin didn't panic when he saw the flying sword approaching. After all, there were hundreds of battles before and after. Although most of the cases were crushing, Tang Lin's fighting consciousness was also cultivated.

  First, he moved hundreds of meters with the earth escape technique, and then the Leiling sword flew out, stabbing Taiyi real person from behind.

  Tang Lin originally wanted to take advantage of his unpreparedness to kill him instantly with a sword. After all, all immortals in this world rely on magic weapons. Except for Yang Jian, there are few physically strong ones.

  But Tang Lin forgot one thing, the Thunder Spirit Sword is too big, the flying sword that can be used by Tang Lin himself is like an aircraft carrier, the movement is too loud, there is no possibility of not discovering it.

   Master Taiyi turned his head and saw the thick and long Thunder Spirit Sword flying towards him, and said angrily: "What a thief, how dare you sneak attack!"

  A gold brick flew out, and in an instant it was the size of a house, blocking the Thunder Spirit Sword.

  Tang Lin really wanted to say something, you were the one who launched a sneak attack with the flying sword when we met, but he didn't have time to talk, because the flying sword that was just like the scorching sun turned a corner and stabbed at Tang Lin again.

  Tang Lin could only use the sword art to recall the Thunder Spirit Sword, and then dodged again with the earth escape technique.

   This time, Master Taiyi saw Tang Lin's actions clearly, and couldn't help being surprised. This technique of earth movement seems to be the ability of the senior brother who is afraid of leaving grandchildren. I heard that the senior brother only passed it on to one disciple. Could it be that the person in front of me...

  In the world of Conferred Gods, although everyone knows the Five Elements spells, this is just the foundation and has no practical significance. To be able to achieve a fresh move requires talent and hard work. If you haven't seen the real Taiyi, you don't have any skills. Does it all depend on having more magic weapons to bully people?

  The mastery of spells is not that simple.

  So the art of earth movement is not the only one in the world, but there are definitely no more than three people who can practice to this level under the sage.

  Thinking of this, Master Taiyi received the magic weapon and asked Tang Lin, "Are you the grandson of Tu Xing?"

   Tang Lin: (⊙_⊙)?

  After half a second, Tang Lin said, "Who are you?"

  Tang Lin knew why and asked, but didn't reveal his identity. As soon as the topic changed, Master Taiyi assumed that Tang Lin acquiesced.

   "Nie Zhan, I am Taiyi Daoist, the younger brother of your master who is afraid of leaving grandchildren, don't you know this?" Taiyi Daoist said angrily.

  Tang Lin didn't answer this, and asked instead: "Don't worry about who I am, you were the one who launched a sneak attack with the flying sword first, and then blamed me later?"

  Although Daoist Taiyi is unreasonable, it is unreasonable to outsiders. They are all disciples of Chanjiao, and they are afraid of leaving grandchildren as their seniors, so it is not too shameless.

   "I'm here to deal with the evildoer, and you will naturally regard you as the evildoer's accomplice when you sneak around." Zhenren Taiyi explained.

   "Evil? Isn't this the cave where the Jiejiao Empress Shiji lived?" Tang Lin continued.

"The roots of this rocky rock are shallow, and the way is difficult to be firm. It is a stubborn rock that has become a spirit. Naturally, it is a monster. It is also colluding with that Taoist Lihuo to harm my disciple. I came here this time to burn this pair of monsters to death." Taiyi Master Said with righteous indignation, as if he really came for justice.

   Tang Lin felt amused, if it weren't for the time traveler, he would have believed it. After all, the people in the elucidation and teaching are all immortal, and they can bluff people just by looking at their appearance. If Shiji, a curvy-haired house girl with plain hair and no makeup, is standing next to Daoist Taiyi, most ordinary people still believe in this old Taoist priest.

Daoist Taiyi stopped attacking, Tang Lin did not continue to attack, Yu Hua was coming soon, he needed to continue delaying time, so he said to Daoist Taiyi: "Shi Ji is the one who intercepted the teaching, Daoist, are you not afraid of intercepting people? "

   "Hmph, a catastrophe is about to happen, and most of the members of the Jiejiao are in the doomsday. If you can't protect yourself and dare to trouble yourself, that's the way to die!" Master Taiyi said disdainfully.

  However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a burst of shouting from the sky: "Hey, Taiyi old man, deceive me to stop teaching no one? Eat me!"

  Yu Hua's voice came from all directions, and the power of the Blood Transforming Sword had already covered him, but he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, south, and north.

   This kind of misty phantom is a characteristic shared by many powerful magic weapons, just like the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover. If you are covered by this magic weapon alone, you will not be able to distinguish things when you enter it, and you can't hide, let alone run away.

  The blood-transforming sword is extremely powerful, so naturally it will not be a knife that cuts people straight, otherwise it will not be easy to hide. As soon as this magic weapon is activated, the overwhelming blood will lock the person firmly, and only the moment the knife is drawn can one see where the knife is.

   Master Taiyi was concentrating on dealing with it. Yu Hua's blood-transforming magic sword was also very famous. Even the Twelve Golden Immortals who explained the teachings had to be careful. But Daoist Taiyi is not worried, after all, he surpasses Yu Hua by a lot in terms of realm, as long as the blade appears, he will definitely be able to react, and then use magic weapons to resist.

   In terms of magic weapons, the real Taiyi can kill the opponent with a simple flick.

   As for the consequences, this is Yu Hua's first move. A mere fourth-generation disciple of Jiejiao is nothing to Master Taiyi.

  However, at the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, Master Taiyi suddenly heard someone shouting: "Really, be careful on the right side!"

   This was the voice of his nephew Tu Xingsun. Master Taiyi subconsciously looked to the right, but just as he turned his head, his left shoulder felt a pain, and was stabbed into the shoulder by a **** knife.

  The blood-transforming sword is known as "the death of the soul through the armor, and there is no life if it touches the body."

   Without the support of Xuangong, you will die at the sight of blood.

  Taiyi real person was hit by this knife, and his whole body felt cold, even half of his mana was melted. But at any rate, the Golden Immortal of Explanation and Education, who gathered three flowers and gathered five qi to the Yuan Dynasty, won't die instantly after being hit by this knife, and can barely use some mana.

  Taiyi Daoist made a prompt decision, remote-controlled the sword with these Xu mana powers, cut off his left arm, and fled here in the form of golden light.

  Although Daoist Taiyi ran away, his bitter voice could still be heard from a distance: "Tu Xingsun, you traitor, I will definitely tell your master about this!"

   Tang Lin smiled, you go and catch Tu Xingsun, what does it have to do with me, Taoist Lihuo.

  From the very beginning, Tang Lin never called himself Tu Xingsun, nor did he call him Master Uncle. When the real Taiyi discovered the truth, it would be unreasonable to say that Tang Lin was pretending. But such an obvious flaw, as one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, Daoist Taiyi didn't notice it from the beginning to the end. This is probably the reason why the Lingtai cannot be clear under the calamity.

  Perhaps, it is also related to the provocation by Daoist Taiyi first and breaking the precept of killing. Under the calamity, no matter who you are, as long as you have not become a saint, you will be calamity, and if you are not careful, you will end up dead.

  Tang Lin was secretly vigilant, even true immortals would be affected by the calamity, and their arms would be broken if they didn't notice for a moment. Now that he is also in the calamity, he must be more cautious.

   After repelling Daoist Taiyi, Yu Hua put away the blood-transforming sword, and said proudly: "Junior Brother Lihuo, good trick!"

  Yu Hua could see that it was Tang Lin who had just deceived the real Taiyi, and this allowed him to win with one blow. Otherwise, if there was a fair fight, Yu Hua would not be able to defeat the real Taiyi who had many magic weapons. As long as the Blood Transforming Sword is blocked, Yu Hua has nothing to do.

   It’s just that I don’t know what method this junior used to gain the trust of the real Taiyi. With the cooperation of this attack, the real Taiyi suffered a big loss.

   This is not just as simple as losing an arm, the magic weapon thrown out before has no time to take it back, it just escapes with the sword.

  The gold bricks used to smash people are still there, and the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover covering the Skull Mountain is still there, but I haven't had time to take it away.

  (end of this chapter)