MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-v2 Chapter 424 Biyou Palace

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  Chapter 424 Bi Tour Palace

  Reverend Taiyi left in too much haste, really fleeing for his life, so it was too late for the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover to be retracted.

   This treasure is still burning the Skull Mountain, but it lost the master's mana blessing, but it was taken away by Empress Shiji after a while.

As soon as the flames were put away, Empress Shiji came out from the bone cave, and gave Tang Lin the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover and said: "Junior Brother, the greatest credit for this is you, you put away the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover." Said to Yu Hua: "Thank you, brother, for your help. Please accept this gold brick."

Yu Hua didn't have any greed for the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, he didn't even want the gold bricks handed over by Empress Shiji, he just cupped his hands and said, "Junior Sister, you are welcome, we are all from the same sect, how can we let that old Taoist Taiyi show off his might. Now that this matter is over, why don't you go to Biyou Palace together to listen to the lecture?"

  Tang Lin and Empress Shiji both agreed to come down, and there would be a lot of trouble along the way with Yu Hua, a big boss.

   Having obtained the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, Tang Lin tried to refine this magic weapon into his own. If Daoist Taiyi was around, this would definitely be impossible. It would take much more mana than Daoist Taiyi to forcibly take away the magic weapon, or use special treasures like falling treasure money to **** it by force.

   But in the absence of the owner, it is difficult for the magic weapon to exert its power, and it is easy to be taken away.

  The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover is much stronger than the Fire Spirit Orb, and it is a formed magic weapon. It is impossible to refine it into a flying sword, but Tang Lin is not going to use this magic weapon for himself.

  The first reason is that the Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Mask Taiyi Master probably has some kind of backhand. Using this magic weapon to deal with the people in the Chanjiao will most likely be ineffective, and even hurt yourself.

  Regardless of the probability, Tang Lin felt that he should not take risks at critical times. Since the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover can't be used for explaining education, its effect is much smaller.

  The second reason, Tang Lin came to Biyou Palace to listen to lectures this time, he was an outsider. Those who are about to kill three corpses like Empress Shiji are not ranked in Biyou Palace. Tang Lin is afraid that he will not even be able to enter the palace gate, so he can only listen to the sound transmission outside. At this time, how can you get the appreciation of the Master Tongtian if you don't show yourself?

  The Nine Dragons God Fire Cover is the treasure of Yuanshi Tianzun. When Daoist Taiyi wants to use it, he has to kowtow to Tianzun and say "disciple is going to kill". If such an important magic weapon is dedicated to Master Tongtian, no matter what, it must be done well, at least let Master Tongtian know Tang Lin's name in his heart, this treatment is far worse.

  Ten thousand steps back and said, even if Master Tongtian couldn't see, the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover could still give gifts to the four true disciples of Master Tongtian. Regardless of whether it is suitable or not, it can make the people who explain the teachings feel embarrassed, and I believe these few people are also very happy.

   Being able to be valued by these big bosses, Tang Lin's life will be much easier in the future.

   After making up his mind, he gave the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover as a gift, and Tang Lin followed Yu Hua and Empress Shiji on the road. It's just that this time, it's no longer flying with the half-baked imperial sword, but flying in the clouds with Empress Shiji.

  Although sitting on the cloud in the form of a sand puppet, this feeling is really good. This also made Tang Lin secretly determined that he must learn the flying spell, otherwise his life would be too bad.

  The three of them were extremely fast, but they also flew for three days and three nights. Tang Lin estimated the distance. If it were the earth, it would be enough to go around thirty or forty times. Is it because the Conferred Gods World is bigger than the earth, or is it that the space where Biyou Palace is located is a bit special, which makes the sense of distance go wrong.

  Tang Lin only saw the mountains under his feet turn into the sea, and he could not see the edge of the vast expanse. Above the sea is Biyou Palace, like a fairy island suspended in the air, surrounded by clouds and mist, it is hard to see the true appearance.

   When you get close, you can see the glow of the sun, reflecting the huge palace in a shocking magnificence.

   Tang Lin doesn't know how to describe the appearance of Biyou Palace. It seems to be a palace that changes color and shape all the time. As long as you move your eyes a little, the appearance will change when you look at it again. But no matter what it looks like, Tang Lin still feels that it is a grand scene of the fairy family, solemn and yearning.

   This is where the sages are. In comparison, the so-called Heaven Realm that Tang Lin created in A Chinese Ghost Story is really far behind.

  The three of them landed in front of the Baiyu Square in front of Biyou Palace. It was still some time before the sage officially started to give a lecture, but Biyou Palace was already very lively, and hundreds of monks of various shapes were already waiting in the square.

  Jiejiao claims to teach without discrimination, so there are many disciples, but most of them are not allowed to pass it on. In the Battle of Conferred Gods, these disciples are not even qualified to participate in it. In this catastrophe of heaven and earth, not just any actor is qualified to experience the catastrophe.

  Miss Shiji is a thousand-year-old house girl, and she doesn't know many people in Jiejiao. When walking on this square, no one greets her. Tang Lin didn't even know any of them. The characters in the world of Conferred Gods were different from those in film and television dramas, so they couldn't cope with the text descriptions at all.

   On the contrary, Yu Hua, a disciple of the fourth generation, has a wide network of contacts and an unusual status. Many strange monsters came to say hello.

  Yu Hua is not so approachable now, his face is slightly cold, he just greets these people, and then leads Tang Lin and Empress Shiji towards the main entrance of Biyou Palace.

   "Brother Yu Hua, isn't it time to start the lecture?" Tang Lin asked.

"How can the three of us be like them? The things outside the door are all useless things. You haven't made any progress after listening to the lecture for three times, and you can't even enter the gate of Biyou Palace. Junior Brother Lihuo, you are listening to the lecture for the first time, so you have to be careful. I Although Jiejiao teaches without discrimination, he also looks down on lazy people."

  It turns out that all the students outside the palace gate are poor students, so it's no wonder that top students like Yu Hua look down on him.

  Yu Hua got Tang Lin's help and cut off the arm of Daoist Taiyi. He thought Tang Lin was very pleasing to the eye, so he naturally had something to say to him.

   "Thank you, brother, for your advice, but I don't know what else needs to be paid attention to when the sage starts his lecture?" Tang Lin hurriedly asked.

   "There are no rules when you enter the inner hall. Oh, junior brother, you'd better change your real body back, otherwise you will be blamed if you meet Master Dingguang Immortal." Yu Hua suggested.

  Long-eared Dingguang Immortal? Isn't he the one who was most trusted by the leader of the Tongtian sect, but in the end betrayed the sect at a critical moment?

  Under the leader of Tongtian Sect, there are four personal heirs and seven immortals accompanying him. This long-eared Dingguang Immortal can be said to be the personal guard of the leader of Tongtian Sect. In the end, he stole the treasure of the formation eye of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation at the last moment and threw it directly under the sect of Chanjiao. At this time, the leader of Tongtian Church was besieged by several saints, and the cards in the final comeback were all cheated by this guy, so he could only swallow his hatred and admit defeat.

  It can be said that if it were not for the betrayal of Chang Er Ding Guangxian, it is not certain who will win the battle of the Conferred Gods.

   Just thinking about it, the three of them had already entered the inner hall. There is nothing gorgeous about the inner hall, but it is more solemn and solemn, and the aura inside seems to be turning into a solid body, Tang Lin feels comfortable all over his body after taking a breath.

   In such a blessed place, one can improve one's cultivation just by lying down.

  There are a lot fewer people here, and they don’t appear to be in a mess. They are either meditating, reading books, and some are refining magic weapons.

  Tang Lin took a look and thought that they were all big bosses. He estimated that any one of them could hang himself up and beat him. Especially for those who forge magic treasures, it takes Tang Lin 20 minutes to refine a talisman, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of talisman radiances are submerged in the magic treasure. This speed is beyond Tang Lin's reach.

  Yu Hua signaled someone in the hall with his eyes, Tang Lin looked over, he was a white-haired old man with ears hanging down his shoulders. No need to introduce, this one must be Chang-Eared Dingguang Immortal.

  Tang Lin understood that this was Yu Hua's reminder to reveal his true body, otherwise he would be caught by the long-eared Dingguang Immortal.

It's just a matter of real body. Tang Lin looked at the inner hall, and felt that it was not a hundred meters high. He showed his real body here... After thinking about it, even Empress Shiji's underground palace has the effect of mustard seeds. I was afraid that Biyou Palace would not be successful if it was squeezed.

  The sand puppets switched instantly, and Tang Lin descended in real form two hundred meters away. Originally, Tang Lin thought that he would be suppressed to be the same size as other people, just like in the underground palace. Who would have thought that as soon as Tang Lin appeared, the inner hall of Biyou Palace would also become larger. The original 30-40 meter high roof would instantly become 300-400 meters high, and the area would be thousands of times larger.

   It’s easy to pretend, but Tang Lin’s two-hundred-meter-high body is standing in the inner hall, while the other Jiejiao bosses are sitting there like ants...

  Tang Lin looked at the eyes that shifted to his side, and said awkwardly: "Young Lihuo, I have met all the elders."

  Most people looked at Tang Lin with curious eyes.

  Ordinary people like Li Jing would think that Tang Lin used the supernatural powers of the heaven and earth, but everyone present here has extraordinary eyesight, and they can tell at a glance that Tang Lin's body is full of energy and blood, and it is his real body.

  Although it is said that there are wet-born and egg-like members with fur and horns in the Jiejiao, covering most of the species, but it is rare to see such a huge one like Tang Lin.

  The rarity here does not mean that the body is huge and rare, like the Guiling Madonna in the Four Great Biography, the original shape is the ten thousand-year-old spirit turtle, which is much bigger than Tang Lin on an island. But the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit practiced Taoism, and after she transformed into a human form, she was about the size of an ordinary person.

   This junior named Li Huo in front of him is also tens of feet tall? What is the original form?

   Tang Lin felt that one of these eyes was absolutely malicious, and it was the long-eared Dingguang Immortal. When this guy looked at him, it was very similar to the eyes of the director of the Moral Education Department when he inspected the self-study class, the kind of eyes that even going to the toilet was considered a heinous crime.

  Tang Lin really wanted to ask Yu Hua for help, but you made me show my real body, and it turned out like this, what should I do? But Yu Hua had already found a corner to meditate, as if he didn't know Tang Lin at all.

Yu Hua was also speechless in his heart, he didn't expect that there would be such a problem, outside the hall he was the "big brother", while inside the hall he was the youngest generation, Chang-eared Ding Guangxian was the saint's attendant Seven Immortals, if he wanted to Yu Hua could only bow his head and bear the curse.

Tang Linzheng was worried that the long-eared Dingguang Immortal would find a reason to drive him out, but he heard Madam Shiji say: "Masters, the fourth generation disciple Shiji has something to report to you. Daoist Master Taiyi suddenly came to the door, I burned my cave for several months with the Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Cover, and now with the help of Senior Brother Yu Hua and this Junior Brother Lihuo, we were able to repel Immortal Taiyi. This matter is related to the two religions, Shi Ji dare not hide it, please The masters and ancestors decide."

  Hearing Empress Shiji's words, everyone present showed angry expressions.

   Tang Lin heaved a sigh of relief, and praised Empress Shiji in her heart. She is indeed a woman who has inherited karma by herself, and she is really strong at critical times.

   While everyone was whispering about this matter, a loud voice sounded from the inner hall: "Yu Hua, Shi Ji, and Li Huo, you three come to Zizhi Cliff to meet me."

  (end of this chapter)

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