MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 338

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The difficult enemy is basically equal to the new mystery chain here in Yang Xi.

"You have to quickly find an opportunity to destroy this Venerable Storm!"

The temperature of the steaming wind is getting higher and higher, and even Yang Xi in the form of a blue-eyed flame dragon can't hold it any longer.

If this is magma, it is fine, Yang Xi, who is a fire element, will be like a duck in water.

However, the power of Venerable Storm was born out of the profound meaning of water element, and the temperature of steaming profound meaning, Yang Xi could not rely on attributes to achieve damage reduction.

Just when Yang Xi was going to put on a pretense and make another breakthrough on the spot, the steaming wind suddenly disappeared without a trace.

A handsome middle-aged man in a plain robe appeared on Yang Xi's shoulder.

He is less than two meters tall, and his whole body is gentle and gentle. He has black hair that resembles satin. Compared with Yang Xi, who is eight or nine meters long, he looks like a pet.

But in the eyes of Hood who just arrived below, the huge Yang Xi is the pet of the Storm Venerable.

Naturally, Hood noticed Yang Xi's injury, and immediately became anxious.

If this impostor dies, the foundation of their Keith family will also be destroyed.

He hurriedly knelt down in front of Venerable Storm, "Sir, calm down, the city lord also wanted to quickly inform you of important information, so he didn't choose to go up the stairs!"

Venerable Storm said lightly: "What information is so important, the dignified City Lord of Guangming City, send it in person!"

"My temple is small, and I really can't accommodate your uncle and nephew's two stupid dragons. Let's go back and forth wherever you go!"

Although Norton asked him to take care of the major cities along the coast, the Lord of Storms would not obediently do so.

He disobeyed Norton's orders. If it wasn't for Bernice's face, he wouldn't necessarily stay in the Hundred Cities Federation.

With his strength, he can become a guest if he goes to any power.

Hood was overjoyed. If Venerable Storm didn't want to deal with this matter, it would be a good thing for their Keith family.

At least you don't have to be afraid of the Red Emperor's must-kill list.

Who knew that at this time, Yang Xi opened his mouth and said, "Lord Deacon, are you sure you don't want to listen to this information?"

"The person involved here is the Red Emperor!"

Venerable Storm's aura changed immediately.

If Yang Xi ignored his rules before and just made him a little annoyed, then the appearance of the word Red Emperor really made him murderous.

The powerful Tier 4 said coldly, "Oh, it has something to do with that guy from the Red Emperor? Then I'd be interested to hear it."

547 Five ** Palace

Looking at the fake nephew who was injured all over but talked to Venerable Storm, Hood realized that this guy was here for trouble. 8ane

But he doesn't have the courage to reveal the truth. The interests of the entire Keith family have been tied to the position of the city lord of Guangming City.

With his current strength, what he can do is to try his best to keep the Keith family from being overturned by a small wave when the tide is surging forward.

"Then second uncle" Yang Xi smiled and turned back to human form, facing Hu De said, "Please tell the request of the Zifa Jialuo family to the Lord Storm."

Hood nodded and started his story logically and clearly.

He knew that this was the "goodwill" of the fake, and under the circumstance that the direction could not be changed, he could use his ability to reduce the passivity of the Keith family as much as possible.

After about half a stick of incense, Hood wiped the sweat off his forehead and nodded to Venerable Storm, indicating that he had finished speaking.

Venerable Storm was very serious when he learned about things about the Red Emperor.

In the middle of the process, he did not interrupt Hood once, nor did he use his fourth-order momentum to influence Hood.

However, he also knew that there must be a bit of Hood's subjective element in it. After going to Guangming City, he had to "understand" the situation with the leaders of other related families.

Although this incident can't be said to threaten the life of the Red Emperor, it can still be done by disgusting him.

As he has always had a grudge against the Red Emperor, being able to make the Red Emperor unhappy for a while is something worth doing.

"I know, since this is the case, then the deity will come forward in person and get justice for these families!"

"This Red Emperor is too ignorant. Even if it is not the territory of the Bernadotte Empire, he can't easily bring in an indigenous fourth-order, right? In case he suddenly launches an attack and massacres the people, the dead will be all Ossed!"

"This has seriously threatened the survival of Guangming City. You have done very well. I will definitely report your credit."

When he said the last sentence, Venerable Storm looked at Yang Xi with a playful look in his eyes.

He naturally knew that this meant putting the "whistleblower" of the Keith family in broad daylight, and even letting the Red Emperor directly target the culprit that ruined his reputation.

Presumably after this incident was exposed, this little guy who dared to be so unruly in his seclusion place will be punished properly.

But he didn't see the expression he expected from Yang Xi's face. Not only did this kid from the Keith family not collapse, but he had a grinning expression on his face.

Is this kid so unresponsive?

No, not dull!

Venerable Storm quickly denied his idea.

How can a guy who can become the owner of Guangming City be a mediocre person?

Although Venerable Storm has been living in seclusion in this valley, he still maintains a certain degree of attention to Guangming City, one of the largest cities in the coastal area.

He may be deceived about some secret things, but he still knows about the new city lord's iron-blooded suppression of some families.

And according to the intelligence, the person who initiated this political purge was the sloppy boy in front of him.


A terrifying light erupted in the eyes of Venerable Storm!

This kid is very ambitious!

I am afraid that unlike his timid second uncle, what he wants is to take the initiative to enter the game, take huge risks, and gain enough benefits for the Keith family!

Tsk tsk tsk, the afterlife is terrifying!

Venerable Storm, who thought he had figured out the key point, involuntarily developed a love for Yang Xi.

If this kid can be cultivated well, he cannot become an excellent chess piece.

Suddenly, he thought that Yang Xi could become the lord of Guangming City, thanks to Norton.

"Could it be that this kid has been targeted by Norton for a long time?"

Venerable Storm licked his lips, and the desire in his eyes grew stronger.

Stealing Norton's stuff is one of his favorite things to do.

Thinking of this guy's frantic expression when he finally found out that the carefully placed chess pieces had been cut off, Venerable Storm felt very refreshed and exploded.

Therefore, the look he looked at Yang Xi suddenly became much friendlier.

"Very good, worthy of being the city lord of Guangming City, if you want to become a person with the right to speak on the New Frye Continent, you can't be cowardly in case of trouble, boy, you are very much to my taste now!"

"Then, let's meet in Guangming City!"

He casually patted Yang Xi on the shoulder, then rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

In his opinion, there is no need to give an olive branch to the new city lord now.

would seem too deliberate.

With his status, a light pat on the shoulder might be enough for him to be excited for several days, right?

With a confident smile on the corner of Venerable Storm's mouth, he kept moving forward.

On the top of the mountain, Yang Xi looked at the direction in which Venerable Storm left with some puzzlement.

He had some doubts in his heart. Could it be that this platinum deacon is also a wise man, and it was a little strange how he did things.

This Hundred Cities Alliance is really enough.

"Second uncle, since our Keith family can't get rid of the Red Emperor incident, then you can use your talents well, so that we can grab enough benefits through this incident!"

"Hey, if there is another fall of the fourth-order powerhouse, then there will be some play."

In fact, Yang Xi also faintly noticed Hood's abnormal behavior, so sometimes he would deliberately show some "weakness" in front of this cheap second uncle to see his reaction.

It is a pity that the shrewd Hood on weekdays will become extremely slow whenever he encounters such a situation, and he has never "discovered" Yang Xi's "mistake".

Only then did the fig leaf between the two, which was thinner than paper, be kept.

Hood kept sweating on his face, and he didn't know whether he was frightened by Yang Xi or the Keith family was finally involved in this "Red Emperor Incident".

The dilemma and the difficult steps are not enough to describe the situation in which he is at the moment.

If his brother was still alive, Hood would have complained loudly. In this day and age, no one really lives!

If possible, he even wanted to end his own life to get out of this tortured form.

It is a pity that his daughter is not yet an adult, and the Keith family is also in a precarious situation.

No matter how hard and tired he was, he couldn't get out of it.

"Dulan, let's take a closer look and see if we can get more families to be cannon fodder."

By observing the fake, Hood knew that the more things got bigger, the more satisfied the guy would be.

Now that the general situation has come to an end, the Keith family has to end. It is better to involve more families. Although this will reduce certain benefits, it will be able to share the risks.

No matter how domineering his Red Emperor is, he would never dare to destroy all the families with the bright car!

On Hood's increasingly thin face, there is a kind of decisiveness of a strong man breaking his wrist.

Yang Xi's body was gradually recovering. He looked at the falling waterfall, and finally showed a gratified smile to the wonders of nature.

Bright City.

The fifth day of the chaotic sea lord's esoteric practice.

The luxurious bed was covered with women's intimate clothing, and beside the chaotic sea lord, there were four Ossed women who were fat, thin and thin, each with their own merits.

I don't know why, although the women I've sent in the past two days have not cut corners in terms of appearance, they are still the best. Old players like Chaos Sea Lord can't help but want to give a thumbs up to the newcomers. The excellent pimp Mr. Hongdi likes.

But in the course of his personal play, the Chaos Sea Lord discovered that they were slightly different from those of the family's first daughters.

They don't have the kind of arrogance that is fearless, and they don't have that stubbornness in the face of coercion and force.

It's all that obedience full of training marks.

This makes Chaos Sea Lord somewhat dull in his favorite session.

"After I practice, I will use this as a bargaining chip, and let this kid Hongdi do things for Laozi obediently."

"If I find a good opportunity, I can even occupy the magpie's nest and make good use of the power that the Bernadotte Empire has accumulated over the years to do whatever I want on this New Frye Continent."

I have to say that the life of the chaotic sea lord is now a relaxed and comfortable one.

Especially the contempt of the Ossed woman when she knew his official identity, but ignited the urge to slap his face.

"Come to someone to clean up the scene, it's just as dirty as it looks."

Hearing the voice of the chaotic sea lord, the guard outside, with a blank face, silently entered the door to do errands.

The Chaos Sea Lord has long noticed that this guy's identity is not simple, and he may be a spy from other forces in Ossed.

But he didn't take it seriously, and arranged the spies' work to the fullest.

The spy dragged the floor in resentment, pretending to look at the corpses inadvertently, trying to find some of the Chaos Sea Lord's weaknesses from above.

Seeing so many beautiful ladies and sisters being sullied and dying because of it every day, even a strictly trained spy who can ignore most of the senior agents who are in despairing scenes is a little bit unbearable.

He felt like he was being attacked inside.

Not only does he cherish human life, but he also regrets that these lovely and beautiful women have become chess pieces that can be discarded at will in the hands of the boss.

"I really hope that the big man in the Federation can take action and kill this scorpion!"

"How can we, the noble women of the Osders, be defiled by such ignorant and dirty natives!"

Despite the different positions, the younger brother started to curse the Chaos Sea Lord in his heart from the interests of the entire Ossed colony.

Hurry up and come to a fourth-order powerhouse and suppress this guy's arrogant arrogance!

This is the cry in his heart every day.

But the spies have been squatting here and disguised for so long, but there has never been such a big guy.

Here comes the scum of the Osseds in the eyes of the spies, the Lord Hongdi who sent the beautiful girls into the tiger's mouth.

The Red Emperor Shi Shiran landed in front of the Chaos Sea Lord, and his tone was flat, but if he took a closer look, he might be able to find the tyranny he suppressed in his skin.

"Chaos, the five days you want are all over, I wonder if you have learned this secret technique!"