MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 339

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The Chaos Sea Lord was not just playing in these five days.

He knew that the one who learned the secret technique would be more valuable to the Red Emperor.

In order to obtain sufficient negotiating qualifications, he has to study seriously.

With his talent, he has just learned this secret technique initially.

Although the location of the spiritual spring cannot be accurately measured, it can also mark a range on the map, which can be said to greatly narrow the scope of the search.

The Chaos Sea Lord smiled slightly, and said confidently: "It barely lives up to the trust! But if you want me to tell you the location of this spiritual spring, are you ready for a big hemorrhage?"

He's not stupid. If he can really make both of them absorb the effect of the Earth's Spiritual Spring, the Red Emperor doesn't have to hide from his two brothers, right?

There's a hole in here!

"Bleeding, what do you want?"

The Red Emperor worked hard to control his expression, and didn't want to tarnish his aptitude's handsome appearance with his hideousness.

But the chaotic sea lord is difficult to deal with, his grandfather recognized it.

"Not as good"

The Chaos Sea Lord smiled ambiguous, and when he was about to take the opportunity to propose some big projects, his words were disrupted by the guests who fell from the sky.

It is the Platinum Deacon of the Hundred Cities Alliance, who has secretly observed several related families in Guangming City, and found that the content of their complaints is inseparable from ten.

He saw the Chaos Sea Lord and the corpse beside him that was about to be dragged away, and said coldly: "You two, you should make the most sincere apology for the families of these dead daughters for your actions!"

After talking about his inner circle, three or four families with related interests appeared.

Yang Xi, who was connected in series, was also kept by Venerable Storm's side.

"The members of the Bernadotte family would actually let a native to sully the blue and white of these family members, which is really shocking!"

The Red Emperor sneered and said, "Who am I? It turns out that I was the defeated general. Why, it was the last bone dragon that didn't make you feel comfortable, or the baptism of the power of the undead, you didn't suffer enough!"

"Hehe, how did I lose that time, you know what, if you hadn't called the two big brothers over, would I have run away?"

"If it hadn't been for the messy command of that guy Norton, maybe I would have gone a step further!"

The Storm Lord's words were full of anger.

The purple-haired Jialuo behind him said sadly and indignantly: "Lord Red Emperor, the direct daughters of our families died so easily on a disgusting native, please explain why he was allowed to be so arrogant. !"

"Yeah, I just treat this place as my own territory!"

"Lord Red Emperor, we are not targeting you, but this guy! Please do justice for us!"

The anger of everyone seemed to be visible to the naked eye.

In the face of everyone's criticism, the Red Emperor was a little surprised at first, and then burst into anger!

It is their honor that these families can serve themselves, but it's just that a few women died, and they dared to rebel!

This is simply more difficult for him to accept than being mocked by Venerable Storm.

His tone was as cold as ice, "Who gave you the courage to appear in front of me in this capacity?" i

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"Hey, I should have told you, don't make me angry."

The slightly broken bangs covered the eyes of the Red Emperor, and the dark green undead element was born from himself like a firefly.

Without the coercion that seemed to destroy the sky and the earth when the ordinary fourth-order aura was aroused, the energy fluctuation caused by the Red Emperor was not strong, but it was disturbing.

These family leaders in Guangming City all showed very fearful expressions, because they had all heard the reputation of the Red Emperor.

Once you make him angry, the consequences are unimaginable.

But thinking of their family's tarnished reputation, they still gritted their teeth and didn't leave.

Be sure to discuss with the Red Emperor today!

Anyway, he has already offended him, it is better to follow the Hundred Cities Federation all the way to the black!

The Red Emperor would not have gotten angry so easily.

It was the Sea Lord of Chaos who annoyed him these days.

The Red Emperor could feel that with the recovery of this guy's strength, his attitude towards himself was gradually being neglected.

When did the Red Emperor taste this kind of teasing?

If it wasn't for the fact that this guy had clues to find the spiritual spring of the Earth, he would have killed him long ago.

And these little clans with little eyes, obviously he has been tortured and killed for these direct daughters, and he feels very uncomfortable.

How dare they make trouble?

I just don't know how to live or die!

This is the logic of the Red Emperor. He has never put the leaders of these small families in his eyes, they are just toys.

Since these toys are so disobedient now, it is better to kill them.

He is not his two brothers, and he still worries about the life and death of these ants.

In the eyes of the Red Emperor, the entire Celestial Plane, as far as the lives of the three Bernadotte brothers, are important.

Others, even if they die, he doesn't care.

Venerable Storm dared to come over to do something, and naturally he would not show his cowardice. He sneered: "Why, Your Majesty the Red Emperor of the dignified Bernadotte Empire, is this embarrassed and angry?"

"I'm also surprised, but I was expelled by my family to the native plane and punished with three bereaved dogs. What face is there to continue to carry Bernadotte's name and make trouble here?"

"You have also established an empire of Roche, have you left the surname of Bernadotte, and you will be unable to move an inch?"

The Storm Lord wanted to provoke the Red Emperor.

Only if he took the lead, his action could be considered justifiable.

Otherwise, Norton, who did not deal with him, might use this to weaken his power within the Hundred Cities Federation.

Although he doesn't care much, Justice Bernice just cares.

Under the luxurious robe of the Red Emperor, there was a burst of cold air. If he could, he really wanted to turn the dog's head off Venerable Storm and kick it as a ball.

But he also knows that this guy's strength is not bad, and it is very difficult to kill him.

At this time, the chaotic sea lord shouted, "Red Emperor, you can let this brain gate scold? If it is inconvenient for you to take action, I will teach him a lesson for you, and it will be regarded as paying you back. Entertain my favor for a few days!"

He rolled up his sleeves and looked at the crowd with a playful face.

The Storm Lord stared coldly at the Chaos Sea Lord.

Before coming here, he naturally took the time to investigate the information about this indigenous fourth-order.

Thanks to the Sea of ​​Chaos being a sea area that the Ossedian dyeko penetrated more seriously, this information can still be easily collected.

"It's just a waste who takes his own people as hostages and asks the enemy to spare a dog's life, and dares to bark in front of me?"

The two clones of Yang Xi watched from a front-to-back perspective, watching Venerable Storm and two fourth-order powerhouses fighting each other, and they broke the defense. I had to sigh, this guy is really not a simple character.

Sure enough, after the Chaos Sea Lord was accurately pointed out, his mentality almost collapsed.

In fact, the reason why he was so arrogant on the Orsay side was because his reputation in human society was completely wiped out by Shenhou.

Coming here to start from scratch, it is natural to give these colonists a slap in the face.

He thought that only the Red Emperor, who asked for him, knew about his own affairs. Unexpectedly, after a long time, Bee didn't pretend to be a few, and was shaken out.

He looked at Venerable Storm resentfully, "You are very good, since you open your mouth and shut your mouth and call me a dog, then I will show mercy and beat you into a dead dog, and then hang it at the head of Guangming City, and post a picture. Seventy-seven forty-nine days, let you become an immortal!"

After he finished speaking, he no longer pretended to be pretentious, and only played with Venerable Storm, but chose to fight directly.

I saw a sneer on the corner of his mouth, his right hand clenched slightly.

It was just such a process of gaining momentum, and the bricks under his feet shook involuntarily.

This vibration is getting faster and faster, and after a few breaths, it feels like an earthquake has occurred in this area.

The Red Emperor frowned, but did not stop the Chaos Sea Lord's behavior.

He really wanted to do it and teach the broken-mouthed Venerable Storm a lesson.

But there is a great risk in this, which will make their Bernadotte Empire very passive afterwards.

Since the chaotic sea lord is going to take action, he is also happy to see it happen.

Anyway, these two guys are not pleasing to his eyes, the dog bites the dog's hair, and he is happy who suffers.

"But it's important to note that this guy can't be hurt too badly, or he'll get ink marks for a few days."

Thinking of this, the Red Emperor's head was full of black lines, and he was also disgusted by the Chaos Sea Lord.

He crossed his hands on his chest, slowly ascended, and came to the arbitrator's vest played by Yang Xi's deity.

"Don't shoot for now, wait for my signal."

The Red Emperor didn't even look back at Yang Xi, as if Yang Xi had become his subordinate.

Probably because Yang Xi was addicted to doing things in the dark these days, so he did a good job on the surface, which made the arrogant Red Emperor have the illusion that the arbiter had completely turned to their side of the Bernadotte Empire.

Yang Xi grinned and said, "Okay."

Just kidding, this situation was brought about by him, how could he not do anything?

Yang Xi was considering whether to assign himself the role of Mission Impossible. When the Red Emperor asked him to take action, he would do the opposite, completely messing up the situation.

It's good to fish in muddy water!

In the Chaos Sea, he didn't kill the Chaos Sea Lord, and now he won't let him go.

"very good."

The Red Emperor nodded in satisfaction.

He also sighed in his heart, why are there so few people in this world who know the current affairs like the arbiter?

In the field, Venerable Storm's expression also became serious.

No matter how he ridiculed the Chaos Sea Lord in the scolding battle just now, but if he really wants to fight, the opponent's Tier 4 strength is uncompromising.

And that shocking profound meaning is not easy to mess with.

Definitely not to be taken lightly!

As he waved, a gentle hot wind was created out of thin air, blowing the trembling family leaders behind them into the distance.

Although they are all third-order strengths, they were scratched in the fourth-order battle, and they had to lose their skin if they didn't die.

This is the tool he used to ridicule the Red Emperor, and it can't be damaged without exerting a lot of value.

After doing all this, the temperature around him began to rise, "Then let me see how many brushes you have, the fourth-order native!"

Venerable Storm is also very strange in his heart, why the Red Emperor, who has always been pretentious, would bring an indigenous fourth-order with him.

Although he has some special hobbies, looking at his attitude towards the Chaos Sea Lord now, it is almost an undisguised disgust, and naturally there is no connection in that regard.

That's why, the Red Emperor would rather endure this unpleasantness than pinch his nose to recognize it!

There must be articles in there!

From the information, I learned that the chaotic sea lord has no morals, maybe he is convinced, and he can ask something.

"Your natives' moves are too crude, and now I will show you the gap between our Ossed civilization and your native civilization!"

Saying that, Venerable Storm threw out a metal villain.

"This is an alchemy tool that I spent a lot of money on in the plane of Ossed. Open your eyes and take a good look. In front of the background of civilization, your talent is so humble that you want to laugh!"

The Storm Lord made no secret of his strong sense of superiority when facing the Chaos Sea Lord.

At this moment, even Yang Xi, who wants to kill the Chaos Sea Lord, hopes that this guy can give a little more strength, so that the arrogant Ossed will be taught a hard lesson.

The leaders of the small families who were watching the battle took a deep breath, "Hey... Could this be the legendary 'Hot Steamed Golem', this is one of Venerable Storm's big killers, I didn't expect to take it as soon as I started the fight. out!"

"Could it be that this native fourth-order is still very strong in the eyes of Venerable Storm? Otherwise, he doesn't need to make a big move at the beginning!"

"Sir Storm is out of anger for us. I heard that the enemy who died under this move has a very miserable end!"

"Okay, let this native who tarnished the honor of our family die in the most tragic way, so as to wash away our shame!"

"It's a pity that the Red Emperor didn't end. Speaking of which, he is the culprit!"

Seeing that his companion accidentally spoke his heart, the person on the side hurriedly covered his mouth, "You don't want to live anymore? Let's ask Lord Hongdi together, maybe he will be concerned about the influence of the outside world, and he will harass us online. On the other hand, you jumped out alone now, because you think you didn't die fast enough!"