MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 14 【Supplementary remarks, etc.

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After the intense dizziness, there was a brief darkness.

When Xu Tuoran opened her eyes again, she was standing in the lobby of the hotel again.

There are cheers and slightly nervous greetings from other people, and a large piece of light from the window is in front of you. The front door of the homestay was wide open, and the sports committee was running in and out of the door excitedly. The bright sunshine behind the door is full of red flowers and green grass, and the bright colors seem like a world away.

"You've woken up. You were the only one who didn't move at all. It was scary." Gu Xiaoya's nagging voice came from the side, "We should be fine now, right? It feels like everything is normal. It's really, really scary... The squad leader and the others said they had to leave quickly... Hey, what happened to your hands? There's a lot of red... There are some on your feet too. Does it hurt? I'll help you out? Xu Tuoran? Xu Tuoran?"

Gu Xiaoya circled around Xu Tuoran worriedly, unaware that at this time Xu Tuoran was blown by the autumn wind in his heart.

It's like this - just after she confirmed that the environment was safe, she was immediately distracted and checked her own death value at this time.

She found that her death value had stopped at 100 points.

If you look at the overall situation, then she has undoubtedly made a profit from zero to one hundred this trip; the problem is, Xu Tuoran remembers very clearly that the first time she used a skill to add points, the points she had were one One hundred and forty o'clock, she raised forty o'clock to add points, and kept one hundred on purpose.

And after that, every time she inspected people in the elevator, she could gain five points upwards, and then launched a self-destruct attack on Zhong Sijia, adding more than one hundred points at a time... What about the points added later? Why are there only a hundred left now?

Xu Tuoran quickly figured it out.

She used "wash point" at the time.

"Washing points" is a subsidiary function of adding skill points. Every time it is used, a random amount of death points will be deducted from the existing death points as a price...

At that time, I was busy running away and didn't pay attention to it. Now that I think about it carefully, the rest of the points may not have been "randomly" lost in the speed of life and death.

This is too ruthless... Xu Tuoran rarely felt a little depressed. She knew that her gambling luck had always been mediocre, so she listed "washing points" as an alternative at that time. Who would have thought that this mechanism would be so impolite, and it would be useless for half the time.

Xu vainly felt a little depressed. To be honest, accumulating death points is purely a part-time job for her, and she also has a dispensable attitude towards any reward function. But the things he got flew away again, even if it was her, she would be somewhat unhappy.

The only good thing is that she unintentionally added another bonus function. This function was unlocked at 200 o'clock. At that time, she was busy running for her life, so she didn't listen carefully.

This function is called "Danger Prediction", which is a passive skill. As the name suggests, it is to enhance her perception of danger. For Xu Tuoran, talking is better than nothing.

She sighed secretly in her heart, noticed Gu Xiaoya's worried gaze, and smiled politely: "It's okay, don't worry about me. It just left a mark, it doesn't hurt."

In fact, her wrist still hurt a little—her wrist was swollen around, and although she didn't hurt any bones, she still felt a dull pain. The ankle really doesn't hurt, it's just that the marks are a bit scary.

The voices of several other people came from outside, as if they were discussing whether to call the police. Gu Chenfeng ran in to urge, Gu Xiaoya responded, and immediately wanted to pull Xu Tuoran out, but Xu Turan said that he still wanted to stay inside for a while.

"I'll look around again." She nodded seriously, "You know. Just in case."

Gu Xiaoya: ...No, I don't understand.

Gu Xiaoya didn't know what was going on, and finally went out first as she said. Suddenly only Xu Tuoran was left in the homestay. Gu Chenfeng poked his head curiously at the door, as if wanting to say something to Xu Tueran, glanced at the people who were discussing outside, and swallowed the words silently.

Xu Turan didn't care, and walked towards the table on his own—the board game was still spread on the table, and the others were still in shock, so they didn't dare to approach it at the moment, so naturally they didn't tidy it up.

The pile of cards on the table is scattered, and there are still only nine chess pieces. The placement is the same as in the haunted house. Xu Turan flipped through the cards curiously, glanced around the table, and suddenly landed on a corner of the table.

I saw there, a small flashlight was placed at an angle.


Flashlight, light.

Xu Tuoran narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly remembered what Zhong Sijia said in the haunted house, and the weird light that almost filled the entire space.

Coincidentally, when they played board games before, they had to rely on flashlights every time they read event cards. But after entering the haunted house, the thing disappeared.

There seemed to be something slowly crawling up in my heart. Before Xu Tuoran could react, she had already picked up the flashlight.

With a click, the switch was flipped. The flashlight shines.

That light casts on the table. Spread out a bright ball. Gu Chenfeng's confused voice sounded outside. Xu Tuoran responded perfunctorily, staring at the light for a while, but couldn't see why.

Just at this time, Gu Xiaoya's call came from outside again. Xu Turan responded, and was about to turn off the flashlight when his heart suddenly moved.

Then I saw her turn the flashlight over, and moved towards the flashlight tentatively with one eye.

The bright light came directly, hurting Xu Tuoran's eyes a little. She closed her eyes instinctively, after adapting for a while, she tried to open her eyes a little, and looked straight towards the center of the flashlight.

Then she saw it.

Inside the flashlight, in the center of that light, someone was dancing.

…No, that's not strictly a "person".

It was just a shadow. A mass of human-shaped shadows. The outline is slender and the limbs are deformed, just like a mad ape, dancing in the center of the light.

Almost at the same time, a strange voice sounded in her ear.

The voice was very small, like raving, dancing in her ear like a bee, trying desperately to drill into her brain.

— you see me.

-you. See. me.

-you. you see. arrive. See, see. me. See. you. I. See. see you...

-I. See. you. up.

The raving stopped abruptly. It was as if something suddenly exploded in my mind. Xu Turan's body swayed, and he felt that his eyes turned black and then white, and he fell down uncontrollably.

The world spun for a while, and the field of vision was quickly covered by darkness. The moment before her consciousness completely faded away, she only heard a few loud prompts in her mind, which sounded one after another.

[Congratulations, you have obtained 450 death points. 】

[Congratulations, you currently hold more than 300 death points, unlocking the reward function-random quality X1. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained a random quality—[Crazy Rabbit]. 】

[Congratulations, you currently hold more than 550 death points. Unlock the bonus function—quality matching stunt X1]

[Congratulations, you have obtained a quality stunt—[Crazy Rabbit·Confused]. 】

【Quality Rabbit】

[Tendencies: Chaos, Beasts]

[Current Level: Chaos: Firefly / Beast: Firefly]

[Effect: The holder can obtain the basic bonus of speed and lower body strength; the holder can obtain the basic bonus of hearing. The holder can unlock or upgrade the corresponding stunts as the level rises. 】

【Stunt: Crazy Rabbit · Confused】

[Current Level: Chaos: Firefly]

[Effect: Passive stunt. When there are two or more non-human beings around the holder who are malicious to the holder, the holder can automatically affect them, affecting the target's sanity and way of thinking. The more targets covered, the deeper the impact. 】

[Remarks: This skill is currently only valid for lamps and non-human beings below the lamp level. 】

...When Xu Tuoran regained consciousness, what she faced was such a large densely packed text.

My head is still a little dizzy. The newly awakened mind doesn't have the energy to do reading comprehension. After looking at all the things that floated in her mind, she swept them aside, and slowly opened her eyes.

The space we are in is shaking. She is lying in the car.

The car was a van, it was tidy, and the compartment was filled with a faint smell of perfume. Xu Tueran let out a "hiss", and was about to sit up subconsciously, when he suddenly heard someone behind him say "eh".

"You're awake!" Gu Xiaoya poked her head from the back seat in surprise, and stretched out three fingers at her, "Do you recognize it? How much is it?"


Xu Tuoran answered absent-mindedly, sat up, looked around, and found that only Gu Xiaoya, Xiaomi, and himself were sitting in the car—Gu Chenfeng sat in the passenger seat, and he occupied a row alone, while Gu Xiaoya and Xiaomi sat in the car. At the end.

"What did I miss? What about the squad leader?" Xu Tuoran touched his head while asking, his fingertips touched a circle of gauze, he couldn't help but pause, "Am I injured?"

"The others are in another car." Gu Xiaoya said, "As for the gauze...a kind person wrapped it for you when we were about to get in the car."

It's a coincidence. In fact, it is very difficult to get a taxi in this place, but when they were about to leave, someone took a taxi up the mountain—it happened to be this van.

At that time, Xu Tuoran had already fainted. Compared with this kind of ordinary car without a license plate, these students actually believed in the ambulance more. One of the original passengers of this car, a young man in his twenties, found out their plight after getting off the car, urged them to take the car down the mountain, and helped move the unconscious Xu Tuoran into the car .

"He said that he had studied medicine and was able to deal with wounds in an emergency. That's how the gauze on your body came from." Gu Xiaoya said, "The back of your head was swollen...does it still hurt now?"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Don't say it, it really doesn't hurt anymore.

In addition to her head, gauze was also wrapped around her wrists and ankles. The gauze was wrapped thickly and tied in a lovely knot.

Xu Tuoran touched the cute knot on his wrist, thought about it and asked, "Are there many people here? What are you doing up the mountain at this time?"

If it's just one person, there's no need to take a van.

"Well, there are five or six people here. The clothes are quite uniform. As for what they came for... I don't know. He said that he had an appointment with a friend. There was another car parked there at the time, and there was a man in a suit The girl in the red dress...should be their friend." Gu Xiaoya was not sure.

Gu Chenfeng, who was in the front seat, turned his head: "I asked, and they said that it was a company team building, and they went to the mountains to shoot birds. The car couldn't continue driving into the mountains, so it stopped around the hotel."

Because he was worried that innocent people would stray into the haunted homestay, he asked a few more questions before leaving.

Xu Tueran gave a thoughtful oh, looked at his wrist, thought of something, and pondered: "Doctor? He really said that?"

"Yeah. It's a brain department." Gu Xiaoya nodded, "It looks similar."

Xu Tuoran:?

"It...has that kind of temperament, very gentle, polite, and mature, giving people a rigorous and clean feeling." Gu Xiaoya is serious, "It's like the doctor on TV. He also carries a first-aid kit with him. Well. Oh, by the way, he also gave you a business card, saying that if you feel uncomfortable in the future, you can call him. I stuffed it in your pocket."

Xu Turan: ...

"Couldn't it be better if you just say he's handsome? He's still 'like someone on TV'." Gu Chenfeng snorted disapprovingly, and Gu Xiaoya glared at him. Xu Tuoran, who was sandwiched between the two seats, lowered his eyes and looked at the gauze in his hand again.

Quietly moving to the corner, she lowered her hand, and while no one was paying attention, she quickly tore off the bandage on her hand.

The skin under the bandage was smooth and smooth, without any redness and swelling.

Xu vainly raised his eyebrows slightly.


Regardless of whether that guy is a doctor or not, the therapeutic effect is too good.

Xu Tueran pursed his lips, put his hand into his pocket, and found a strange piece of paper.

The typesetting of the business card was very simple. There was no printed unit or occupation, only a series of simple numbers and a name.

Yang Buqi... Can't afford it?

Xu Tuoran was very successfully chilled by the homonym he thought of. After a little thought, he stuffed the business card back into his pocket.

The author has something to say:

Yang Buqi: Waiting for the phone call today [seriously]


*12/22 modified content: revised the description of the heroine's skills

In order to help Xiaocuti understand, here are the levels that can be made public at present:

Abomination: Firefly Candle Lantern Yu Huichen

Capable person: Firefly Candle Torch Huichen

01/8 Modifications: Adjusted Xu Tuoran's ability table, and fixed the previous unclear level expression problem.